End war on drugs: for legalization, treatment of abuse
Greens call for an end to the "war on drugs", legalization of drugs and for treating drug abuse as a health issue. The "war on drugs" has been an ill-conceived program that has wasted billions
of dollars misdirecting law enforcement resources away from apprehending and prosecuting violent criminals, while crowding our prisons with non-violent drug offenders and disproportionately criminalizing youth of color.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Jul 12, 2020
Drug abuse treatment should be available on demand
Our campaign is about ending the war on drugs and mass incarceration. We call for the legalization of marijuana and the decriminalization of other drugs on the model of the Portuguese harm reduction policies. Drug abuse is a health problem, not a
criminal problem. Criminalizing opioids contributes to the carnage of fatal overdoses. Addicts need help, not incarceration. Drug abuse treatment should be available on demand.
Source: Declaration of Candidacy for the Green Party Nomination
, May 28, 2019
Big Pharma pushes addictive opioids for profit
Big pharma has failed to serve the public interest as a profit-oriented industry. It has gouged consumers with monopolistic pricing. Its business model is centered on pushing addictive opioids and patent-protected
medicines for chronic conditions. It has abandoned research and development of less lucrative short-term treatments, notably for antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
Source: 2020 Presidential Campaign website HowieHawkins.us
, May 19, 2019
End the War on Drugs
End the War on Drugs. Drug abuse is a health problem, not a criminal problem. Drug prohibition increases crime by creating a violent underground drug economy. Legalize, regulate, and tax drugs.