We are campaigning for decent homes for all. We want to build quality public housing until everyone has access to affordable housing.
In the meantime, we want universal rent control to stop the evictions, displacement, and homelessness increasing all across the country.
Source: Declaration of Candidacy for the Green Party Nomination
, May 28, 2019
Reintegrate urban amenities, like walkable mixed-use cities
The ecosocialist Green New Deal will rebuild and restructure our cities around egalitarian and ecological principles. Skyrocketing rents are driving working people out of their homes and communities. Sprawl development is a social and ecological
disaster. Segregation by race and class has been increasing for decades, isolating the poor away from resources and opportunities and isolating the rich away in their gated communities.
We will campaign for an urban policy that will reintegrate
urban amenities with the natural environment. It would promote walkable mixed-use neighborhoods, convenient and affordable mass transit, clean energy, urban agriculture, green manufacturing, and a massive public housing program that is
high quality, mixed income, carbon negative, and scattered site across the city/suburbs divide. It will be a jobs program, a desegregation program, and a clean energy program as well as an affordable housing program.
Reparations and Green New Deal to close racial income gap
The income gap between the rich and everyone else has been growing markedly.
The Green New Deal can close racial income and wealth gaps by empowering racially-oppressed communities through community control of
Green New Deal programs so these communities are no longer subject to discrimination and exploitation by outside employers, landlords, real estate agents, and other gatekeepers. In addition, HR 40 for a Commission to Study and Develop Reparation
Proposals for African-Americans should be enacted to find the best way to create individual and collective wealth to compensate for hundreds of years of unpaid and underpaid labor.
Expand public works to guarantee an adequate income
Indicate which principles you support regarding welfare and poverty.
Increase funding for child care programs.
Support housing assistance for welfare recipients.
Hawkins adds, �Guarantee the right to a job at living wage or an income
above poverty. Public works to guarantee everyone willing and able to work a job doing useful work at a living wage. Basic Income Grants, to guarantee an adequate income sufficient to maintain a modest standard of living above the poverty line.�
Source: 2006 Congressional National Political Awareness Test
, Oct 29, 2006
Repeal Taft- Hartley
Repeal Taft- Hartley. I am for fair labor laws and majority card- check union recognition.