
Joe Biden on Tax Reform
Democratic President; former V.P.; former Senator |
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- Taxing just 1,000 billionaires would raise $500 billion. (Jun 2024)
- Reward work, not wealth: crack down on wealthy tax cheats. (Feb 2023)
- Undo 2017 tax cut, eliminate "stepped-up basis loophole". (Nov 2019)
- Not mathematically possible to cut $5T in loopholes. (Oct 2012)
- Tax revenue increases must be part of budget deal. (Apr 2012)
- Middle class is U.S. economic engine and needs tax cuts. (Oct 2008)
Fair Share
- No person earning under $400K has paid new taxes. (Mar 2024)
- Tax earnings over $400K, capital gains & estate tax. (Feb 2021)
- End tax cuts for wealthy and corporations; not all tax cuts. (Oct 2020)
- Eliminate Trump tax cuts; invest in people who need help. (Sep 2020)
- Return top rate to 39.6% from 37%; cap itemized deductions. (Sep 2020)
- FactCheck: tax hike on top 1%, not on all American families. (Aug 2020)
- Raise taxes for anybody making over $400K, not mom & pop. (Aug 2020)
- Tax code shouldn't reward wealth more than work. (Aug 2020)
- Past time for wealthy & corporations to pay their fair share. (Aug 2020)
- Repeal high-income excess business losses tax cut. (Apr 2020)
- More tax breaks for Latino and black businesses. (Feb 2020)
- Millionaires pay more; middle class pays less. (Oct 2012)
- Surtax on earnings over $1 million seems fair to us. (Nov 2011)
- Economic inequity worsened by tax cuts for the wealthy. (Apr 2010)
- Save $150 billion in tax cuts for people who don't need them. (Dec 2007)
- Take away $85B in annual tax cuts for 1% of top earners. (Jul 2007)
- FactCheck: Top 1% only got $67B in 2007 tax cuts, not $85B. (Jul 2007)
- Eliminate the tax cut just for those people in the top 1%. (Mar 2007)
Voting Record
- FactCheck: McCain did not vote with Obama on tax increase. (Oct 2008)
Doug Burgum on Tax Reform
2024 Presidential contender; Republican ND Governor |
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- To be competitive we've got to get to zero income tax. (Jan 2024)
- Special legislative session for $46M tax cut. (Oct 2023)
- Delivered $174 million in permanent property tax relief. (May 2023)
- Should adopt the lowest flat-rate income tax in the nation. (Jan 2023)
- Exempted military retirement benefits from state income tax. (Jan 2020)
- Private investment in infrastructure reduces property taxes. (Jan 2020)
- Shrink government and stop property tax hikes. (Feb 2016)
Chris Christie on Tax Reform
N.J. Governor; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Put the death tax on life support. (Jan 2017)
- Abolish the estate tax to incentivize people to stay in NJ. (Jan 2016)
- Get rid of deductions except charitable & mortgage deduction. (Nov 2015)
- Get rid of all deductions; get government off our backs. (Nov 2015)
- I vetoed more tax increases than any governor in history. (Sep 2015)
- Simplify tax code to three brackets, with highest at 28%. (Jun 2015)
- I will veto any income tax increases that come before me. (Jan 2015)
- Cap property tax and interest arbitration awards. (Jan 2014)
- 2012: Across-the-board tax cut; 2013: exclude over $400K. (Mar 2013)
- FactCheck: NJ taxes raised 115 times? Only if fees count too. (Aug 2012)
- No relief to subset of taxpayers; all need relief. (Jul 2012)
- 2009: Single tax rate would raise taxes for low earners. (Jun 2012)
- Reduce all income tax brackets by 10% and restore EITC. (Jan 2012)
- OpEd: Vetoed "Millionaire's Tax" on wealthiest New Jerseyans. (Feb 2011)
- We can and we must lower taxes. (Nov 2009)
- NJ has highest state tax burden & it's getting worse. (Jul 2009)
- Keep property tax rebate program. (May 2009)
Ron DeSantis on Tax Reform
Republican presidential contender; FL governor |
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- Flat tax: better for growth & ends weaponization of IRS. (Jan 2024)
- Eliminate the IRS; have a single rate and just a flat tax. (Jan 2024)
- Reduced inflation pain with over $1 billion in tax relief. (Mar 2023)
- I am proposing a $1 billion gas tax holiday. (Jan 2022)
- Must remain a low-tax state with no income tax. (Mar 2019)
- Tax cuts help US companies compete with foreign businesses. (Nov 2018)
- Keep Florida a low-tax state; super-majority to raise taxes. (Oct 2018)
Nikki Haley on Tax Reform
Republican presidential contender; UN Ambassador 2017-2018 |
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- Let's make the small business tax cuts permanent. (Jan 2024)
- First thing I'll do is eliminate federal gas and diesel tax. (Nov 2023)
- Reduce tax burden every single year: eliminate 6% bracket. (Jan 2013)
- Flatten individual income tax from six brackets to three. (Jan 2012)
- 29 taxes out of 32 create little revenue but add bureaucracy. (Nov 2010)
Kamala Harris on Tax Reform
Democratic nominee;Vice President; former California Senator |
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- I will deliver tax cuts to working people and middle class. (Oct 2024)
- Give startup businesses a $50,000 tax deduction. (Sep 2024)
- 28% tax on long term capitals gains for $1M per year or more. (Sep 2024)
- LIFT the Middle Class: supercharge earned-income tax credit. (Jul 2024)
- We won't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000. (Oct 2020)
- Americans deserve transparency on president's taxes. (Oct 2020)
- Higher tax on wealthy to fund Medicare-for-All & teacher pay. (Nov 2019)
- Tax credits for middle class & working families. (May 2019)
- Tax relief for middle class; repeal 2017 tax cuts. (May 2019)
- Tax break for people unable to pay unexpected expense. (May 2019)
- Monthly tax credit would provide base income. (Apr 2019)
- LIFT Act: $500 monthly tax credit for eligible middle class. (Jan 2019)
- Payments to needy, not tax breaks for the rich. (Oct 2018)
- Expand EITC, Child Tax Credit, and R&D Tax Credit. (Aug 2016)
Howie Hawkins on Tax Reform
Green Party Presidential Challenger |
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- Better to tax the rich than borrow and pay interest to them. (May 2019)
- Graduated wealth tax & graduated estate tax. (May 2019)
- Local property taxes upstate are the highest in the nation. (Aug 2018)
- Simple, steeply progressive wealth & income taxes. (Nov 2006)
- Shift to progressively-graduated income and wealth taxes. (Jun 2006)
Mike Huckabee on Tax Reform
Republican Presidential candidate |
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- Higher tax brackets punish people for more work. (Jan 2016)
- 22% of cost of goods is embedded taxes; take that tax out. (Nov 2015)
- Get rid of all taxes on people who produce. (Sep 2015)
- Tax system can't be fixed, not even with Duct Tape & WD-40. (Nov 2008)
- Tax system punishes people for working & productivity. (Feb 2008)
- Signed tax pledge to not raise marginal tax rates. (Feb 2008)
- Supported Bush tax cuts then; I support them now. (Feb 2008)
- Raising fees is the same as raising taxes. (Jan 2008)
- AdWatch: Your worth is from God, not your checking account. (Jan 2008)
- Raised some taxes based on court orders and voter approval. (Dec 2007)
- Gut this incredibly complex and arcane tax code. (Aug 2007)
- Attacked as tax-and-spend by several anti-tax groups. (Aug 2007)
- Tax system penalizes productivity; needs complete overhaul. (Aug 2007)
- Wouldn't propose new taxes, but won't pledge against taxes. (Jan 2007)
- Illustrated hypocrisy with "Tax Me More Fund". (Jan 2007)
- We ought to un-tax innovation, un-tax income. (Jan 2006)
- Remove the poorest taxpayers from the tax rolls. (Jan 2001)
- Remove sales tax on food; it's regressive. (Sep 1997)
- No tax increase under any circumstances. (Nov 1992)
Arkansas Taxation
- In AR, eliminated marriage penalty & bracket creep. (Nov 2008)
- Net change as governor: same income tax; 1� more sales tax. (Jan 2008)
- Raised AR net tax burden by $500M to comply with court order. (Jan 2008)
- FactCheck: 90 cuts + 23 tax increases: net $505M increase. (Jan 2008)
- AdWatch: Signed first-ever broad-based tax cut in Arkansas. (Jan 2008)
- FactCheck: Passed broad-based tax cut, but not "first ever". (Jan 2008)
- First governor in Arkansas history to ever lower taxes. (Jan 2007)
- Raised Arkansas taxes 5 times, but lowered taxes 94 times. (Jan 2007)
- Eliminated AR marriage penalty & capital gains on home sales. (Jan 2007)
- FairTax is better than punishing productivity. (Nov 2015)
- FairTax gets rid of IRS and sifts power back to the states. (Aug 2015)
- FairTax broadens tax base to include non-wage-earners. (Aug 2015)
- Bottom 1/3 of economy benefits most from the FairTax. (May 2015)
- Replace IRS & income tax with national sales tax. (May 2015)
- FactCheck: To be revenue-neutral, FairTax raises some taxes. (Jan 2008)
- FactCheck: FairTax does not bring underground into economy. (Jan 2008)
- FairTax will tax the average American much less. (Jan 2008)
- FairTax and its prebate untax the poor and the elderly. (Jan 2008)
- Support FairTax with a tax credit for the poor. (Dec 2007)
- FactCheck: FairTax would not eliminate IRS; just change role. (Nov 2007)
- FairTax is 23%; Bush's study missed prebate & other aspects. (Nov 2007)
- FairTax untaxes productivity & things which we export. (Oct 2007)
- FairTax eliminates all taxes on productivity & saving. (Sep 2007)
- FairTax puts Going-Out-of-Business sign on IRS. (May 2007)
- FactCheck: FairTax requires 34% sales tax +$600B entitlement. (May 2007)
- Flatter, fairer, finite, family friendly overhaul: Fair Tax. (May 2007)
- Supports national flat tax to keep up with globalization. (Jan 2007)
Asa Hutchinson on Tax Reform
Republican presidential contender; AR Governor |
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- Lower taxes; reform our national tax code. (May 2023)
- Lower tax rate for new residents to 4.9% for five years. (Jan 2021)
- 2-4-5.9 plan: flatten & simplify rates, to spur growth. (Jan 2019)
- Tax cuts attract keep veterans in state. (Feb 2018)
- Tax cuts keep Arkansas competitive : cut from 6.9% to 6%. (Feb 2018)
- Don't raise any taxes, while reducing individual tax rate. (Jul 2014)
- Tax reduction will spur job growth. (Dec 2013)
Kristi Noem on Tax Reform
Republican |
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- What to do with surplus? My answer is simple: cut taxes. (Jan 2023)
- Repeal state's 4.5% tax on food sales. (Oct 2022)
- The taxes we have are stable and predictable, no increases. (Jan 2021)
- No state income tax; committed to keeping it that way. (Jan 2020)
Mike Pence on Tax Reform
Former Republican Vice President (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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- Trump tax cuts give $2,000 to average family. (Oct 2020)
- Capital gains tax cut increases revenue & creates jobs. (Sep 2020)
- Something terribly wrong with taxing dead people. (Sep 2020)
- Lower taxes across the board, and we'll get growth. (Oct 2016)
- Simplify the tax code. (Jan 2015)
- Across-the-board tax relief better than stimulus bill. (Jan 2010)
Marco Rubio on Tax Reform
FL Senator; Republican Presidential candidate |
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- My tax reform gives more to lower earners, percentage-wise. (Oct 2015)
- Our outdated tax code encourages outsourcing jobs. (Jan 2015)
- 2007: Replace all property taxes by adding 2.5% to sales tax. (Feb 2014)
- Replace property taxes with a consumption tax. (Jun 2012)
- OpEd: Proposed consumption tax called "largest tax increase". (Jun 2012)
- Eliminate Florida property tax; or cap it at 1.35%. (Jun 2012)
- We need new taxpayers, not new taxes. (Apr 2012)
- No one should pay higher taxes in recession, not even top 2%. (Oct 2010)
- Extend Bush tax cuts, even for high earners. (Oct 2010)
- Address market uncertainty by making Bush cuts permanent. (Aug 2010)
- 2000: $4 surcharge to cruise tickets to fund Marlins stadium. (Jul 2010)
- Proposed to replace property taxes with state sales tax. (Mar 2010)
- Pledged to never raise taxes as state rep. (Mar 2010)
- Capital gains tax is double taxation. (Feb 2010)
- Simplify our tax code; reduce the tax burden. (Feb 2010)
- Supermajority vote for any tax increases. (Nov 2006)
Bernie Sanders on Tax Reform
Independent Senator (VT) amd former Presidential candidate |
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- Medicare-for-All raises taxes on middle class, but net gain. (Jun 2019)
- Supports progressive taxation; closing loopholes for wealthy. (Apr 2019)
- Replace carried-interest loophole with progressive taxation. (Aug 2017)
- Raise funds in a progressive way, for ObamaCare & everything. (Feb 2017)
- 1980s: progressive property tax, plus Meals & Rooms tax. (Nov 2016)
- Tax code is rigged to favor top 2% of billionaires. (Nov 2016)
- Tax increases may affect more than top 1%. (Oct 2015)
- We need a progressive tax system based on ability to pay. (Mar 2015)
- Filibustered against Obama-Republican tax deal. (Dec 2010)
- Cap the home mortgage interest deduction at $300,000. (Jun 1997)
- Property taxes are highly regressive & hurt poor & seniors. (Jun 1997)
- 1% room-and-meal tax instead of property tax. (Jun 1997)
Progressive Taxation
- Wealth tax of 8% on fortunes over $10 billion. (Nov 2019)
- Top rate of 77% for estates over $1 billion. (Apr 2019)
- 1974: 100% tax over $1 million. (Mar 2019)
- Close loopholes that let wealthy avoid taxes. (Feb 2019)
- Raise income tax & fix estate tax: hardly Marxist ideas. (Feb 2019)
- 0.1% tax on Wall Street speculation. (Nov 2016)
- End loophole that allows zero taxes via Cayman Islands. (Feb 2016)
- Wealthiest will pay more but not as much as under Eisenhower. (Nov 2015)
- Increase tax on wealthy; close loopholes for corporations. (Sep 2015)
- Raise top marginal income tax rate from 39% to over 50%. (Sep 2015)
- Increase estate tax rates on inheritances over $3.5M. (Jun 2015)
- Double the capital gains tax for the wealthiest 2%. (Apr 2015)
- Real tax reform based on ability to pay. (Jan 2015)
- Capital gains & dividend tax cuts are giveaways to the rich. (Jun 2006)
Voting Record
- Lower cutoff for estate tax from $5.4M to $3.5M. (Sep 2015)
Tim Scott on Tax Reform
Republican presidential challenger; SC Senator |
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- Voted against 50-cent increase in cigarette tax. (Aug 2024)
- Laffer Curve still works; lower taxes means higher revenue. (Nov 2023)
- Critical to have a tax code should encourage growth. (Aug 2020)
Jill Stein on Tax Reform
Green Challenger |
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- Rich should pay 55%-60% taxes, not 15% or 35%. (Sep 2016)
- Lower taxes for majority by cutting $2.3T military spending. (Apr 2016)
- Increase inheritance taxes; use it as "Aristocracy Tax". (Jul 2015)
- Incomes rise for wealthiest 1% but their taxes have fallen. (Dec 2011)
- Fees and sales taxes hit lower and middle income hardest. (Sep 2010)
- Close tax loopholes & stop corporate welfare. (Oct 2002)
- Replace "trickle down" with 50% tax cuts on lower incomes. (Oct 2002)
Francis Suarez on Tax Reform
Miami mayor; GOP presidential challenger (withdrew Oct.2023) |
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- Reduced taxes to lowest level ever and we grew by 12%. (Jul 2023)
- Lower taxes to the lowest level in recorded history. (Jul 2022)
Donald Trump on Tax Reform
Republican former President |
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- OpEd: across-the-board tariffs are a sales tax in disguise. (Aug 2024)
- Eliminate Taxes on Tips for Restaurant & Hospitality Workers. (Jul 2024)
- Republicans shouldn't raise taxes for infrastructure deal. (Jul 2021)
- Cutting taxes & boosting economy most important to people. (Oct 2020)
- Fact Check: Claims falsely that Biden would raise all taxes. (Sep 2020)
- People want tax cuts; don't understand tax reform. (Feb 2018)
- Doubled standard deduction for all; average $2000 tax cut. (Jan 2018)
- 1991: Reagan tax cut a catastrophe; 2017: Reagan led economy. (Aug 2017)
- OpEd: 1986 tax reform was revenue-neutral; 2017 reform isn't. (Aug 2017)
- Cutting corporate taxes will be a great job creator. (Apr 2017)
- FactCheck: Cutting carried interest gains $18B in revenue. (Oct 2016)
- Get rid of carried interest and cut taxes big league. (Oct 2016)
- I'm gonna cut taxes and regulations big league. (Sep 2016)
- Tax cuts for the wealthy, who will create tremendous jobs. (Sep 2016)
- Cut taxes by $10T but don't increase deficit. (Oct 2015)
- 1998: I'd like to see major tax cuts, 800 billion or more. (Oct 2015)
- Estate tax is unfair double taxation. (Oct 2015)
- Do away with carried interest; it's unfair. (Oct 2015)
- OpEd AdWatch: Trump more liberal on taxes than Democrats. (Sep 2015)
- Raise graduated taxes on hedge fund managers. (Sep 2015)
- 4 brackets; 1-5-10-15%; kill death tax & corporate tax. (Dec 2011)
- Cutting tax rates incentivizes a strong national work ethic. (Dec 2011)
- Simplify tax code; end marriage penalty & other hidden taxes. (Jul 2000)
- 1986 tax laws destroyed incentives retroactively. (Oct 1997)
- High tax rate encourages investment risk. (Oct 1997)
Personal Finances
- I am under-leveraged, despite $421 million in debt. (Oct 2020)
- I pay millions of dollars in income taxes, not $750. (Sep 2020)
- FactCheck: claimed "killed" by tax bill, but gained millions. (Jun 2019)
- OpEd: Can't release tax returns while under audit? Nixon did. (Oct 2016)
- Personally avoids sales tax, but knows many people like it. (Dec 1999)
Wealth Tax
- FactCheck: False claim that Biden raises everybody's taxes. (Sep 2020)
- Comparison of Warren wealth tax to Trump wealth tax. (Jan 2019)
- Repeal estate tax; it's double taxation. (Oct 2015)
- FactCheck: Proposed 14% tax on wealthy in 2000, but not now. (Sep 2015)
- No net increase in taxes, but increases on wealthy. (Sep 2015)
- OpEd: One-time wealth tax could cause stock market collapse. (Sep 2015)
- One-time 14% tax on wealthy to pay down national debt. (Jun 2015)
- Previously supported wealth tax; now supports Bush tax cuts. (Apr 2011)
- Repeal the inheritance tax to offset one-time wealth tax. (Jul 2000)
- Opposes flat tax; benefits wealthy too much. (Jul 2000)
- One-time 14.25% tax on wealth, to erase national debt. (Nov 1999)
- Tax assets over $10 million, paid over 10 years. (Nov 1999)
JD Vance on Tax Reform
Republican Vice Presidential nominee |
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- �Eliminate SALT deduction: it's massively redistributive. (Aug 2024)
- Oppose redistribution of income; support raising families. (Nov 2022)
- Tax "social justice" nonprofits, pay down their endowments. (May 2021)
Tim Walz on Tax Reform
DFL Governor & V.P. nominee |
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- Child Tax Credit provides billions of dollars to parents. (Apr 2023)
- Trump tax cuts go mostly to top 1%. (Oct 2018)
- The wealthy are not the engine of our economy. (Nov 2006)
- Don't repeal the estate tax; do repeal Bush tax cuts. (Nov 2006)