Individual right to keep and bear arms was settled in 1791
Greg Abbott believes the right to keep and bear arms was settled in 1791 when the 2nd Amendment was adopted to the U.S. Constitution. On behalf of 31 states, Attorney General Abbott championed a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision (District of
Columbia v. Heller) that struck down a handgun ban and protected an individual's right to bear arms.
Greg Abbott continues to protect 2nd Amendment rights by preparing to challenge potential federal laws that limit gun rights.
He was also one of the first Attorneys General in America to challenge the Obama Administration's efforts to use the United Nations to regulate guns in the United States.
As an avid hunter and member of the Texas State Rifle Association and National Rifle Association, Greg Abbott will continue to fight any federal government overreach that aims to disrupt the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Texans.
House Bill 910 authorizes a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun. This open carry legislation allows individuals with a CHL license to carry their guns openly, without concealment, in a holster in any location
that CHL holders were previously able to carry concealed weapons. There are close to 900,000 CHL holders in Texas, and the state has agreements whereby permit holders from over 40 states may also carry handguns in Texas.
Any private businesses seeking to prohibit open carry within their establishments must abide by strict signage requirements that some within the business community consider onerous.
Legislative outcome:
Passed Senate 20-11-0 on May/29/15; passed House 102-43-1 on May/29/15; signed by Governor Greg Abbott Jun/13/15.
Second Amendment rights are also under attack. Politicians from the federal level to the local level have shouted: "Heck yes, the government is coming to get your guns." We won't let that happen in Texas. Last session, I signed ten laws to
protect gun rights in Texas. This session we need to erect a complete barrier against any government office anywhere from treading on gun rights in Texas. Texas must be a Second Amendment Sanctuary State.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Texas legislature
, Feb 2, 2021
Signed "campus carry" and "open carry" into law
As Governor, Greg Abbott expanded 2nd Amendment rights, signing into law "campus carry" and "open carry." As an avid hunter and member of the Texas State Rifle Association and National Rifle Association,
Greg Abbott will continue to fight any federal government overreach that aims to disrupt the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Texans.
Support concealed carry without training or permit
Summary by Texas Tribune: The new Texas gun law allows anyone 21 years or older to carry a handgun in public without need for a permit or training as long as they aren't otherwise prohibited from owning a firearm by law, such as people
with felony or domestic violence convictions. Before Sept. 1, Texans were mostly required to be licensed to carry handguns. To attain a license, applicants were required to submit fingerprints, complete four to six hours of training, and pass a written
exam and shooting proficiency test.
The founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, repeatedly pointed out that despite arguments from [legislative sponsors] that more guns make a safer Texas, gun violence has increased year over year,
[saying] "Why does Texas still have high gun violence, yet they have a higher rate of gun ownership?"
Legislative Outcome: Passed House 82-62-2 on May/23/21; passed Senate on May/24/21; signed by Governor Greg Abbott Jun/16/21
Gun control became a major issue following the deadly shooting at a Uvalde elementary school in May. Before the debate, a group of about 35 family members of the victims of the Uvalde shooting held a news conference with O'Rourke, announcing their
support for him. They criticized Abbott for not taking action after the shooting and for refusing their call for the governor to call a special session to change gun laws to raise the legal age for purchasing an assault-style rifle from 18 to 21.
Abbott has said he believes such a change to the law would be unconstitutional. At the debate, Abbott reiterated that he opposed the change in law "purely from a legal position" and said other states that had passed such laws--like Florida--would have
to deal with legal battles. Abbott also said he was opposed to red flag laws because they would deny "lawful Texas gun owners their constitutional right to due process." The Uvalde families have called for the passage of red flag laws.
Mandatory minimum sentence for illegally possessing guns
Another public safety issue is gun crime. Some want more gun laws, but too many local officials won't even enforce the gun laws that are already on the books. Most gun crimes are committed by criminals who possess guns illegally.
We need to leave prosecutors and judges with no choice but to punish those criminals and remove them and their guns from our streets. I want a mandatory minimum sentence for criminals who illegally possess guns of 10 years behind bars.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Texas legislature
, Feb 16, 2023