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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
by Cory Booker (2016)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election
What Happened ,
by Hillary Clinton (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Hard Choices,
by Hillary Clinton (2014)
Becoming ,
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews


(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from

AdWatch: campaign advertisements 2013-2014


Starting well before each election, candidates produce and air politicial advertisements. Since Citizens United took effect, PACs have produced many campaign ads too.

In modern campaigns, ads might be on TV, but also might be via email, web video, Tweets, or other social media.

Political pundit publications, such as The Hill and Rollcall, analyze campaign advertisements as well as campaign events (although at OnTheIssues we ignore their relentless coverage of polls; since we consider them irrelevant to normal voters and relevant only to pundits!) reviews those ads and analyses for relevant issue content, including opponents' responses when available. Sometimes we transcribe the ads from video or audio; sometimes we include commentary; all the time, we urge paying attention to the opponent of each advertiser too, to get the full story! excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Larry Hogan: 1980s: ban abortions; 1992: don't overturn pro-choice laws.
    Larry Hogan: Personally opposed but no effect since it's legally settled.
    Charlie Crist: 2006: I'm pro-life; 2014: That was for Republicans.
    Cory Gardner: OpEd: extreme push for nationwide Personhood law.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: I believe in God; and only God has all the answers.
    Steve Daines: No exceptions for rape nor incest, but no criminalization.
    Andrew Cuomo: Codify state with federal law to allow 9th-month abortions.
    Rob Astorino: No 9th-month abortions, even if federal law allows it.
    John Cornyn: Endorsed by Texas Right to Life.
    Steve Stockman: AdWatch: If babies had guns, they wouldn't be aborted.
    Michael Enzi: 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee.
Budget & Economy
    Matt Bevin: AdWatch: Supporting a debt-limit increase is too liberal.
    Mike Ross: AdWatch: Voted for $7 trillion in new debt and bailouts.
    Asa Hutchinson: AdWatch: Worked for lobbying firm after leaving Congress.
    Mike Ross: AdWatch: Trillions of things in common with Pelosi & Obama.
    Rick Wade: AdWatch: 5 years in Washington on failed $787B stimulus.
    Tom Foley: AdWatch: Malloy's policies drive jobs out of state.
    Rick Weiland: Federal shutdown is more than wrong; it is shameful.
Civil Rights
    Terri Lynn Land: Equal pay for equal work for men and women.
    Larry Hogan: Respect state law on same-sex marriage (even if not my view).
    Larry Hogan: I evolved and will not repeal same-sex marriage law.
    Larry Hogan: Opposes a transgender rights bill.
    Alison Grimes: AdWatch: VAWA and equal pay for women.
    Rob Astorino: Opposes gay marriage, but it's a non-issue.
    Rob Astorino: Opposes gay marriage, but it's the law of the land.
    Tom Corbett: OpEd: Corbett knew federal LGBT laws; OK to change mind.
    Terri Lynn Land: AdWatch: No discrimination, but "no comment" on gay- bashing.
    David Perdue: Only about 10 Senators have any real business experience.
    David Perdue: End tax breaks & deals that outsource our jobs.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: Worked as management consultant, not in insurance.
    Al Franken: Oppo AdWatch: Franken limits free speech issue advocacy.
    Thom Tillis: AdWatch: began working at 15; postponed college until later.
    Lindsey Graham: AdWatch: Hero of the taxpayer & guardian of small business.
    Scott Brown: AdWatch: Loosened financial reform regulations.
    Ken Buck: Closed loophole that had let abusive fathers contact kids.
    Steve Stockman: Admits being jailed in 1970s, but suing group for saying so.
    Steve Stockman: AdWatch: Arrested for drug possession in 1977.
    Parker Griffith: AdWatch: New statewide vote on school-funding lottery.
    Matt Bevin: FactCheck: No, not MIT grad; education is "School of Life".
    Matthew Whitaker: Common Core is one-size-fits-all, top-down solution.
    Mike Ross: AdWatch: Unwavering commitment to our children and schools.
Energy & Oil
    Bill Cassidy: Don't pick winners & losers in energy market.
    Mark Begich: Drill in the Arctic Ocean; drill in National Forests.
    Mitch McConnell: AdWatch: Fights EPA regulation on coal production.
    Shelley Moore Capito: AdWatch: Fights back against Obama's war on coal.
    Brian Schatz: OpEd: Schatz promotes wind turbines requiring huge subsidies.
    Rob Astorino: Government incentives for solar & geothermal.
    Brian Schatz: Received perfect score from League of Conservation Voters.
Families & Children
    Chris McDaniel: Hip-hop culture values prison more than college.
Foreign Policy
    Karen Handel: FactCheck: Only $2.2M on USAID pottery in Morocco, not $27M.
Free Trade
    Michelle Nunn: Moving jobs to China & Mexico helps profits but not people.
Government Reform
    Bruce Braley: AdWatch: Opponent never made a peep about wasteful spending.
    Michelle Nunn: AdWatch: Michelle helps organizations make changes.
    Joni Ernst: AdWatch: I grew up castrating hogs; I know how to cut pork.
    Ben Sasse: AdWatch: Campaign film "The Outsider", after years in DC.
    Rick Wade: Washington is broken.
    Mark Pryor: Government shutdown is reckless & irresponsible.
    Rick Weiland: Voluntarily limit campaign contributions to maximum of $100.
Gun Control
    Larry Hogan: Instant background checks tied to the federal system.
    Rob Astorino: Opposes SAFE Act gun control measure.
    Chris McDaniel: Blames rising gun violence on "hip-hop" culture.
    Steve Stockman: AR-15 giveaway: the perfect Mother's Day gift.
Health Care
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: No, Cotton won't end Medicare guarantee.
    Shane Osborn: AdWatch: Never waver to repeal ObamaCare & protect freedom.
    Lindsey Graham: Opposed ObamaCare from day one.
    Milton Wolf: Apologizes for posting gruesome medical X-rays on Facebook.
    Mark Pryor: AdWatch: False that Medicare vouchers increase seniors' cost.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: Cotton supports Medicare "premium support" vouchers.
    Dan Sullivan: AdWatch: Washington is broken; including ObamaCare.
    Mark Begich: AdWatch: Promised we could keep our plans under ObamaCare.
    Jeff Merkley: 2009: "Keep your insurance"; 2014: fix ObamaCare so you can.
    Kay Hagan: AdWatch: Hagan promised wrongly that all can keep insurance.
    Mary Landrieu: AdWatch: Promised wrongly that all can keep insurance.
    Thom Tillis: AdWatch: ObamaCare is a disaster.
    Jeanne Shaheen: AdWatch: Falsely promised all people could keep insurance.
    Mark Begich: AdWatch: Begich supports ObamaCare for Alaskans.
    Charlie Crist: AdWatch: unwavering support of ObamaCare.
    Rick Scott: AdWatch: "Let's Get to Work" opposing ObamaCare.
    Natalie Tennant: FactCheck: GOP says 147,000 lose insurance; really 8,800.
    Jason Conger: Delay health plan cancellations due to ObamaCare.
    Doug Truax: AdWatch: ObamaCare does more harm to middle class than good.
    Bruce Braley: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
    Gary Peters: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
    Bill Cassidy: AdWatch: propose ObamaCare-lite plan in state legislature.
    Kay Hagan: AdWatch: Voted against consumers keeping pre-ObamaCare plans.
    Mary Landrieu: Let consumers keep health plans, but only if told options.
    Tom Cotton: Federal shut down to force ObamaCare delay by one year.
    Tom Cotton: FactCheck: No special subsidies for congressional staff.
Homeland Security
    Allen Weh: AdWatch: ISIL terrorist is face of evil that threatens us.
    Lindsey Graham: Doing nothing about Benghazi leads to a more dangerous world.
    Mitch McConnell: AdWatch: Brought in new VA hospital; & higher pay for troops.
    Tom Cotton: AdWatch: No sense of entitlement from serving in military.
    Chris McDaniel: Waterboarding was effective on suspected 9/11 terrorists.
    John Walsh: OpEd: Walsh was fair about National Guard Association dues.
    Tom Foley: Appoint veteran-friendly Commissioner of Veterans Affairs.
    Scott Brown: It's wrong that illegals can just walk across the border.
    Joe Carr: AdWatch: Border crisis was created by giving amnesty to 11M.
    Michelle Nunn: Increase the minimum wage, help lower the unemployment rate.
    Tom Udall: AdWatch: Protect jobs at military bases & national labs.
Principles & Values
    Gordon Howie: A great America needs God.
    Joe Carr: Endorsed by Tea Party Patriots on anti-amnesty grounds.
    Lamar Alexander: Declined to debate in Republican primary.
    Mark Pryor: AdWatch: I believe in God; and only God has all the answers.
    Monica Wehby: AdWatch: Parents trust her as a pediatric neurosurgeon.
    Terri Lynn Land: AdWatch: Grew up in a trailer park, then managed motels.
    Dan Sullivan: Met Native Alaskan wife while working for Sen. Ted Stevens.
    Joni Ernst: AdWatch: "Let's make 'em squeal" in Washington.
    Bill Cassidy: AdWatch: Receives ad money from billionaire Koch brothers.
    T.W. Shannon: AdWatch: I'm guided by my faith; let's renew our values.
    Milton Wolf: AdWatch: Roberts doesn't live in Kansas anymore.
    Brian Schatz: Endorsed by progressive group "Democracy for America".
    Dan Sullivan: AdWatch: I love my state; I hate politicians.
    John Walsh: AdWatch: "Where's Walsh-o" website: "Walsh is hard to find".
    Alison Grimes: AdWatch: Grimes' opponent offered deal to drop out.
    Mark Pryor: Campaign theme: Pryor is responsible, Cotton is reckless.
    John Walsh: AdWatch: "Big Sky buyoff" to appoint Walsh to Senate early.
    Mark Pryor: AdWatch: I believe in God and I believe in His word.
    Paul Broun: Separation of church and state is a mistaken idea.
    Jack Kingston: Endorsed by McIntosh County Commissioner over Handel.
    Karen Handel: Endorsed by McIntosh County Commissioner before Kingston.
    Liz Cheney: Carpetbagger from D.C.? No, experienced at cutting agencies.
    Liz Cheney: It's time for a new generation of people willing to lead.
    Doug Truax: The Great Experiment known as America shines brightly.
    Tom Foley: AdWatch: NYC residents should move to CT under new governor.
Social Security
    Bruce Braley: Privatizing Social Security turns it over to Wall Street.
    Steve Daines: AdWatch: Accuses opponent of considering privatization.
    John Walsh: Consider privatization for new employees entering workforce.
    Tom Cotton: Oppo AdWatch: supports Privatizing social security.
    Allyson Schwartz: AdWatch: Trade benefit cuts for balancing budget.
Tax Reform
    Joni Ernst: Signed Grover Norquist tax pledge: never raise taxes.
    Tom Udall: FactCheck: Los Alamos budget stable but Recession cost jobs.
    Rob Astorino: Demanded mass transit capability on new Tappan Zee Bridge.
War & Peace
    Kay Hagan: Supports Obama's anti-ISIS strategy.
    Thom Tillis: Too little is known about Syrian rebels to arm them.
    Lindsey Graham: Obama "screams loudly & carries no stick," in Russia & Syria.
    Dan Sullivan: At State Department, I pursued global terrorist regimes.
    Gary Peters: Undecided on military intervention in Syria.
    Terri Lynn Land: No military intervention in Syria.
Welfare & Poverty
    Neel Kashkari: With $40 & no job, economy hasn't improved since 2011.
    Rob Astorino: AdWatch: Opposes affordable housing & hence minorities.
    T.W. Shannon: AdWatch: Success comes from hard work, not handouts.
    Shenna Bellows: No one in Washington stands up for people who are hurting.
    Brian Schatz: 100% score on the National Food Policy Scorecard.

The above quotations are from AdWatch: campaign advertisements 2013-2014.

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and
Reprinting by permission only.

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