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Senate Leadership
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Leadership Title
(click for official website)
Dick Cheney (V.P.) President of the Senate
Robert Byrd (D, WV) President Pro Tempore
Harry Reid (D, NV) Majority Leader
Dick Durbin (D, IL) Majority Whip
Mitch McConnell (R, KY) Minority Leader
Jon Kyl (R, AZ) Minority Whip

To contact your Senator, look them up on the official Senate website.

Member of 110th SenatePartyElectoral Status

Richard ShelbyRepublican Sr Senator
Jeff SessionsRepublican Jr Senator

Alaska Senate debate Oct. 20, 2004
Ted StevensRepublican Sr Senator
Lisa MurkowskiRepublican Jr Senator


Arizona 2006 Senate debate Kyl vs. Pederson
Arizona 2004 Senate debate Oct. 16, 2004
John McCainRepublican Sr Senator
Jon KylRepublican Jr Senator


Arkansas Senate debate Oct. 28, 2004
Blanche Lambert LincolnDemocratic Sr Senator
Mark PryorDemocratic Jr Senator

Dianne FeinsteinDemocratic Sr Senator
Barbara BoxerDemocratic Jr Senator

Colorado Senate debate Oct. 10, 2004
Wayne AllardRepublican Sr Senator
Ken SalazarDemocratic Jr Senator


2006 Senate debate Lamont, Lieberman, Schlesinger
2006 Democratic Primary Senate debate Lieberman vs. Lamont
Connecticut 2004 Senate debate Oct. 11, 2004
Chris DoddDemocratic Sr Senator
Joseph LiebermanDemocratic Jr Senator


Delaware Senate debate (Carper vs. Ting, Oct. 20, 2006)
Joe BidenDemocratic Sr Senator
Tom CarperDemocratic Jr Senator


Florida Senate debate Oct. 18, 2004
Florida Senate debate (Harris vs. Nelson, Oct. 23, 2006)
Bill NelsonDemocratic Sr Senator
Mel MartinezRepublican Jr Senator
Formerly Secretary of H.U.D.


Georgia Senate debate Oct. 12 & 20, 2004
Saxby ChamblissRepublican Sr Senator
Johnny IsaksonRepublican Jr Senator


Akaka-Case Senate debates Aug. 2006
Daniel InouyeDemocratic Sr Senator
Daniel AkakaDemocratic Jr Senator

Larry CraigRepublican Sr Senator
Michael CrapoRepublican Jr Senator


Illinois Senate debate, Obama vs. Keyes, Oct. 13, 2004
Richard DurbinDemocratic Sr Senator
Barack ObamaDemocratic Jr Senator

Richard LugarRepublican Sr Senator
Evan BayhDemocratic Jr Senator

Chuck GrassleyRepublican Sr Senator
Tom HarkinDemocratic Jr Senator

Sam BrownbackRepublican Sr Senator
Pat RobertsRepublican Jr Senator


Kentucky Senate debate Oct. 11, 2004
Mitch McConnellRepublican Sr Senator
Jim BunningRepublican Jr Senator


Louisiana Senate debate Oct. 19, 2004
Mary LandrieuDemocratic Sr Senator
David VitterRepublican Jr Senator

Olympia SnoweRepublican Sr Senator
Susan CollinsRepublican Jr Senator


2006 Maryland Senate debate (Cardin, Steele, Zeese, Oct. 25, 2006)
Maryland Senate debates Oct. 19, 2004
Barbara MikulskiDemocratic Sr Senator
Ben CardinDemocratic Jr Senator

Ted KennedyDemocratic Sr Senator
John KerryDemocratic Jr Senator


Michigan 2006 Senate debate (Bouchard vs. Stabenow)
Carl LevinDemocratic Sr Senator
Debbie StabenowDemocratic Jr Senator


Minnesota 2006 Senate debate (Kennedy vs. Klobuchar)
Minnesota primary debates (Klobuchar vs. Bell vs. Kennedy vs. Cavlan)
Norm ColemanRepublican Sr Senator
Amy KlobucharDemocratic Jr Senator

Thad CochranRepublican Sr Senator
Trent LottRepublican Jr Senator
Resigned Dec. 2007
Roger WickerRepublican Jr Senator
Appointed Dec. 2007


Missouri Senate debate (Talent vs. McCaskill)
Kit BondRepublican Sr Senator
Claire McCaskillDemocratic Jr Senator


Montana 2-way Senate debate (Burns vs. Tester)
Montana 3-way Senate debate (Burns vs. Tester vs. Jones)
Max BaucusDemocratic Sr Senator
Jon TesterDemocratic Jr Senator

Chuck HagelRepublican Sr Senator
Ben NelsonDemocratic Jr Senator


Nevada Senate debate (Ensign vs. Carter, Oct. 15, 2006)
Harry ReidDemocratic Sr Senator
John EnsignRepublican Jr Senator

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Senate debate Oct. 21, 2004
Judd GreggRepublican Sr Senator
John SununuRepublican Jr Senator

New Jersey

New Jersey 2006 Senate debate (Kean vs. Menendez)
Jon CorzineDemocratic Sr Senator
Frank LautenbergDemocratic Jr Senator

New Mexico
Pete DomeniciRepublican Sr Senator
Jeff BingamanDemocratic Jr Senator

New York

New York 2006 Senate debate (Spencer vs. Clinton, Oct. 22, 2006)
New York 2004 Senate debate Oct. 17, 2004 (Schumer vs. Mills vs. O'Grady)
2000 New York Senate debate Oct. 27, 2000 (Lazio vs. Clinton)
Charles SchumerDemocratic Sr Senator
Hillary ClintonDemocratic Jr Senator

North Carolina

N.C. Senate debate Sept. 28, 2004
Elizabeth DoleRepublican Sr Senator
Richard BurrRepublican Jr Senator

North Dakota
Kent ConradDemocratic Sr Senator
Byron DorganDemocratic Jr Senator


Ohio 2006 Senate debate (DeWine vs. Brown)
George VoinovichRepublican Sr Senator
Sherrod BrownDemocratic Jr Senator


Oklahoma Senate debate Oct. 3, 2004
James InhofeRepublican Sr Senator
Tom CoburnRepublican Jr Senator

Ron WydenDemocratic Sr Senator
Gordon Harold SmithRepublican Jr Senator


Santorum-Casey Senate debates Sept. 2006
Pennsylvania 2004 Senate debates Oct., 2004
Arlen SpecterRepublican Sr Senator
Bob CaseyDemocratic Jr Senator

Rhode Island

Republican 2006 Primary debate (Chafee vs. Laffey)
Jack ReedDemocratic Sr Senator
Sheldon WhitehouseDemocratic Jr Senator

South Carolina

S.C. Senate debate Oct. 17, 2004
Lindsey GrahamRepublican Sr Senator, (SC)-->
Jim DeMintRepublican Jr Senator, (SC)-->

South Dakota

S.D. Senate debate, Daschle vs. Thune, Sept. 19, 2004
Tim JohnsonDemocratic Sr Senator
John ThuneRepublican Jr Senator


Tennessee Senate debate (Corker vs. Ford)
Lamar AlexanderRepublican Sr Senator
Bob CorkerRepublican Jr Senator


Texas Senate debate (Jameson, Hutchison, Radnofsky, Oct. 19, 2006)
Kay Bailey HutchisonRepublican Sr Senator
John CornynRepublican Jr Senator


Utah 2004 Senate debate Oct. 14, 2004
Orrin HatchRepublican Sr Senator
Robert BennettRepublican Jr Senator

Patrick LeahyDemocratic Sr Senator
Bernie SandersIndependent Jr Senator


Sept. 2006 Senate debate (Allen v. Webb)
John WarnerRepublican Sr Senator
Jim WebbRepublican Jr Senator


Washington 2006 Senate debate (Cantwell, McGavick, Guthrie, Oct. 17, 2006)
Washington Senate debate Oct. 20, 2004
Patty MurrayDemocratic Sr Senator
Maria CantwellDemocratic Jr Senator

West Virginia
Robert ByrdDemocratic Sr Senator
John RockefellerDemocratic Jr Senator


Wisconsin Senate debates Oct. 1 to 20, 2004
Herbert KohlDemocratic Sr Senator
Russell FeingoldDemocratic Jr Senator

Craig ThomasRepublican Sr Senator
Deceased, June 2007
Michael EnziRepublican Jr Senator
John BarrassoRepublican Jr Senator
Appointed, June 2007


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