Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
George W. Bush: No funds to international groups that offer abortion.
Rick Lazio: No funding for abortion; but dont criminalize it.
Donald Trump: Favors abortion rights but respects opposition.
Orrin Hatch: No litmus tests: no one issue should define appointments.
Gary Bauer: Cut funding for Planned Parenthood.
Dan Quayle: Overturn Roe v. Wade; litmus test for appointments.
George W. Bush: Would support - but not pursue - a pro-life Amendment.
John McCain: Nominate justices based on experience, and values.
Lamar Alexander: Supreme Court should interpret Constitution literally.
Steve Forbes: Supports litmus test for Supreme Court appointments.
Budget & Economy
John Neely Kennedy: Be concerned about economy, but not scared.
Mary Landrieu: Opposed $700 billion bailout; not enough taxpayer safeguards.
Jeff Sessions: Bailout well-intentioned, but too much federal intervention.
Vivian Davis Figures: GOP turned nation from surplus to deficit, and jobs get lost.
Civil Rights
Hillary Clinton: Pushing for privacy bill of rights.
Rudy Giuliani: Anti-Catholic art is disgusting; appoints decency council.
George W. Bush: Affirmative access means a fair shot for everyone.
Orrin Hatch: Gays support Democrats, but no intolerance.
Orrin Hatch: Homosexuality is contrary to the Bible, but no intolerance.
George W. Bush: English-plus, not English-only.
John McCain: Indian gambling OK; lottery is not.
Gary Bauer: The law recognizes and encourages heterosexuality.
Gary Bauer: Restrict the addictive blight of legalized gambling.
George W. Bush: Reach out to minorities, but without quotas.
John Neely Kennedy: Disallow bank getting so big that its failure wrecks economy.
Al Gore: Use DNA techniques to make death penalty more fair.
George W. Bush: 134 Texas executions are fair and just.
Doris Haddock: Penalize marijuana use with fines rather than prison time.
Judd Gregg: Marijuana should not be legalized for medical use.
Brad Carson: Support the lottery proposal to fund education.
Al Gore: Claimed $10,000 tuition tax cut worth $800 over current plan.
Al Gore: Overempasized restrictions of Bushs education plan.
Al Gore: Supports Goals 2000 & standards-based movement.
Bill Bradley: Measure performance; close lowest-performing schools.
George W. Bush: Freedom & flexibility in return for high standards & results.
John McCain: Against nationally imposed standards & funding strings.
John McCain: Enlist retirees for tutoring.
John McCain: $5B program for 3-year test of school vouchers.
Gary Bauer: Vouchers for home-schooling as well as private schools.
George W. Bush: More state and local control over education.
John McCain: Internet access, with filters, at every school & library.
John McCain: Merit pay & competency testing for teachers.
John McCain: Tax-funded vouchers for private schools or charter schools.
Energy & Oil
Mary Landrieu: Proud of expanding oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
Jeff Sessions: Surge in gas prices sucks out American wealth.
Vivian Davis Figures: High gas prices make it harder to make ends meet.
Al Gore: Renewable energy instead of nuclear power.
George W. Bush: Clarify rules to allow for more nuclear power generation.
George W. Bush: Make Amtrak more efficient and competitive.
Al Gore: $150B Energy Security and Environment Trust Fund.
George W. Bush: Remove federal impediments to states clean energy.
John Neely Kennedy: Wetlands will wash away before 2017 coastal protection.
Al Gore: Major commitment to build high-speed Amtrak rail systems.
Families & Children
Al Gore: Fiscal discipline helps single people as well as families.
George W. Bush: Tax cut plan helps single people as well as families.
Al Gore: Abstinence Ed in the context of comprehensive Sex Ed.
Dan Quayle: TV causes problems facing American families.
Foreign Policy
Al Gore: Vietnam: Trade will improve human rights & help with MIAs.
George W. Bush: Vietnam: Trade better for human rights than sanctions.
Steve Forbes: Russia: We spent billions to support a corrupt elite.
Steve Forbes: Russia: No aid to kleptocrats until they pay workers.
Steve Forbes: Do not permit use of force in Taiwan or Tibet.
Dan Quayle: We must face China as our biggest challenge.
Free Trade
Al Gore: More Latin American trade, with labor & enviro protections.
George W. Bush: Add Chile, Brazil, Argentina, & others to NAFTA.
Donald Trump: World views US trade officials as saps.
Pat Buchanan: Tariffs on wheat imports to equalize costs & protect farms.
Government Reform
John Neely Kennedy: No pay-for-play; campaign contributions notwithstanding.
Mary Landrieu: I have delivered for Louisiana; send me back for more.
Orrin Hatch: Soft money gets out the vote; against banning it.
Orrin Hatch: Soft money is free speech; daily disclosure is better.
Steve Forbes: Independent outsider is the way to reform campaigns.
Elizabeth Dole: Judicial appoinments: No legislating from the bench.
George W. Bush: Judges should interpret Constitution, not legislate.
Lamar Alexander: Supreme Court should interpret Constitution literally.
Gun Control
Rick Lazio: For Brady Bill & trigger locks; no fans at NRA.
John McCain: Ban cheap guns; require safety locks; for gun show checks.
Orrin Hatch: Trigger locks, gun show restrictions, import restrictions.
Dan Quayle: Enforce existing gun laws before making new ones.
Health Care
Al Gore: Claim that drugmakers spend more on ads than R&D isnt true.
Al Gore: Opposes Medical Savings Accounts; they segment out the sick.
George W. Bush: Medical Savings Accounts part of affordable access & choice.
John Hagelin: 80% reimbursement for Medicare prescriptions.
John Hagelin: 100% reimbursement for preventive health care.
Ralph Nader: Medicare prescriptions covered under universal health care.
Ralph Nader: Price restraints on drugs; limit profiteering.
George W. Bush: Use Texas model for Bill of Rights: access; choice; appeals.
Joseph Lieberman: Patient Bill of Rights: access; choice; privacy; appeals.
Al Gore: Expand Childrens Health Insurance Program for working poor.
Al Gore: 25% tax credit for health insurance; HMO appeals.
Al Gore: Medicare option at age 55; more Rx coverage.
George W. Bush: HMOs should cover emergency room; & gynecology directly.
Orrin Hatch: Reform Medicare by medical experts; more tax incentives.
Steve Forbes: More Rx support, to avoid cross-border drug buying.
Homeland Security
Al Gore: Dont Ask, Dont Tell is unfair & hasnt worked.
George W. Bush: Gays in military OK; Dont Ask, Dont Tell OK.
John Hagelin: Dont Ask, Dont Tell is a recipe for discrimination.
Ralph Nader: Dont Ask, Dont Tell is discriminatory against gays.
Steve Forbes: Under-funded military not ready to handle conflicts.
John McCain: Raise military pay to avoid military draft.
John McCain: Military personnel on food stamps is a national disgrace.
John McCain: Feds should pay for veterans health care benefits.
Bill Frist: Crafted bipartisan compromise immigration bill.
Jesse Helms: Work with new Mexican government to reduce immigration.
Al Gore: English is our language, but English-Only divides us.
George W. Bush: Respect other languages, but teach all children English.
Pat Buchanan: Make English our official language.
Steve Forbes: Toughen rules on illegal immigration.
George W. Bush: Guest workers, maybe; citizenship waiting period, yes.
Al Gore: Kill Freedom to Farm Act: keep price supports.
George W. Bush: Keep Freedom to Farm Act: cut price supports.
Al Gore: To union: we disagree on China; but agree elsewhere.
Donald Trump: Foreign companies are taking jobs from US.
Elizabeth Dole: Tax breaks & financial aid for farmers.
John McCain: Ethanol subsidy is outdated; use funds for education.
Principles & Values
Chris Christie: Spent beyond government travel allowance as US Attorney.
John Neely Kennedy: Ran for US Senate in 2004 as Democrat; & endorsed John Kerry.
Joseph Lieberman: Endorses Republican John McCain for President.
Tom Vilsack: Launches presidential bid; files FEC paperwork.
Dick Mountjoy: Mistakenly claimed navy service on USS Missouri.
Katherine Harris: Separation of church and state is a lie.
Katherine Harris: Non-Christian legislators legislate sin, like gay marriage.
Christy Mihos: Game on, but maybe as Republican or maybe independent.
Al Gore: Abstinence Ed in the context of comprehensive Sex Ed.
Ralph Nader: Plans to be on 50 ballots & make a 4-party race.
Ralph Nader: Opposes concentration of power & monied interests.
Elizabeth Dole: Crusade for a rebirth of our values.
Social Security
Tom Coburn: Black men are being penalized by the Social Security system.
Steve Forbes: Use surplus to fund personal retirement accounts.
Dan Quayle: 30% privately invested wont affect Social Security system.
Tax Reform
John Neely Kennedy: Cut taxes & stop deficit-spending, to fight economic crisis.
Jeff Sessions: Bush tax cuts have helped the economy.
George W. Bush: Claim that every taxpayer gets relief isnt true.
Orrin Hatch: Simplify the IRS monster.
Al Gore: Electronic Bill of Rights protects personal information.
Al Gore: Internet self-regulation OK: privacy policy on all web sites.
George W. Bush: Privacy is a fundamental right; ensure it on the Internet.
George W. Bush: Privacy is a fundamental right; ensure it on the Internet.
George W. Bush: Ban identity theft & safeguard genetic information.
Al Gore: Online federal services: a second American Revolution.
Al Gore: Unhealthy concentrations of power snuff out competition.
George W. Bush: Bush would be more friendly toward Microsoft.
George W. Bush: Make the Internet a duty-free zone.
John McCain: Internet access, with filters, at every school & library.
War & Peace
Jeff Sessions: Pleased with the success of the surge.
Jeff Sessions: Withdrawal timetable tells enemy when to prepare an attack.
Vivian Davis Figures: Bush sent troops to war on erroneous claims.
Vivian Davis Figures: Mideast less stable than before we invaded Iraq.
Doris Haddock: Iraq war was a mistake that never should have happened.
Wesley Clark: Retracts yes vote on Iraq: no imminent threat.
Hillary Clinton: Support Israel in finding a safe and secure peace.
Rick Lazio: Follow Israels lead on independent Palestine.
Pat Buchanan: Kosovo conflict is illegal and unconstitutional.