Legislative summary:Vote to exempt certain energy imports from the prohibition on increasing CO2.
Authorizes 1,500 megawatts of energy to be imported from out of state facilities if they meet the following requirements:
The facilities are fueled by feedstock coal; and
The facilities began construction after April 1, 2007.
Source: Minnesota House voting records (Votesmart synopses)
, May 11, 2011
Supports regional cap-and-trade emissions program
Jim Abeler voted Yea on Conference Report for HF 3195.
Legislative title:Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cap and Trade Program Report
Legislative summary:Vote to establish a cap and trade program under the Midwestern Greenhouse
Gas Accord by January 15, 2009.
Commissions studies related to the impact a cap and trade program will have on the economic, environmental, and public health, potential revenue, and governance options for determining expenditures of revenue.
Specifies that up to $500,000 shall be used to fund the studies.
The report shall also cover implementation mechanisms; the potential for the program to allow the state to meet existing greenhouse gas reduction goals; legislation in
Congress to implement a federal cap and trade program; economic, environmental, and public health impact study; and the potential cap and trade revenue study.
Cap-and-trade to achieve MN greenhouse gas reduction goals
Legislative Summary: This act may be cited as the "Green Solutions Act of 2008".
The legislature finds that a cap and trade program will achieve Minnesota's greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals in a cost-effective manner.
The right to emit greenhouse gases should be auctioned to emitting facilities rather than allocated at no cost, with proceeds from the auction invested in projects that advance the transition to a low greenhouse gas-emitting economy.
A greenhouse gas
cap and trade program is best pursued in cooperation with other Midwestern states.
A "climate trust fund" is established [to manage revenue from auctions]
OnTheIssues explanation: Cap-and-trade was first popularized in the
1990s under President George H.W. Bush as a means to efficiently reduce CO2 emissions.
Legislative Outcome: Passed House 91-38 on April 23; Rep. Jim Abeler voted YES; passed Senate 43-21; signed by Gov. Pawlenty on May 19.