Democratic Presidential Challenger (withdrew, Aug. 2019); CO Governor
Protect Social Security; oppose attempts to reduce benefits
Q: Your Social Security policy?
Hickenlooper: I will fight to protect Social Security, oppose any attempt to reduce benefits and work to ensure that every senior can retire with dignity. Social Security is essential to our nation's safety net.
The rising costs of food, housing and transportation means that those dollars need to go even further. Social Security is an intergenerational promise between Americans that we will care for each other as we age. We cannot balance the budget on the
backs of seniors.
Gardner: I'm going to continue to protect Social Security. It's one of the most important social safety nets that we have. Medicare and Social Security are two of the key things that we have for generations of Americans who have paid
into them. We have to make sure that they are safeguarded so they can continue to pay out to those people who have invested all of their lives. We need to make sure that people stop borrowing against the Social Security trust fund.
It's time to renew our promise to older and younger generations alike that a dignified and stable retirement is the cornerstone of aging in America.
We can do this by protecting Social Security and Medicare, as well as by proactively bolstering these programs so that they remain solvent for years to come.
Update constitutional barriers in state's retirement program
We can make state government more effective and realize cost savings by bringing the state's antiquated personnel system into the 21st century. The state Constitution is riddled with personnel rules and administrative procedures that are obsolete and
should be reformed. We are working with state employees on a package of reforms. We are not immediately seeking legislative changes to the state's retirement program; we are mindful of the obligation to ensure that PERA is both stable and sustainable.
Source: Colorado 2012 State of the State Address
, Jan 12, 2012