OpEd: used self-immolating texting despite open records laws
In December 2017, Greitens and senior members of his staff were accused by Democrats and government transparency advocates of subverting Missouri's open records laws after the Kansas City Star reported that they used Confide, a messaging app that
erases texts after they have been read, on their personal phones. Two attorneys filed suit, claiming that use of such "self-immolating" apps by elected officials and government employees violates Missouri's public records laws.
On January 3, 2018,
House Bill 1817 was filed in the state legislature, to ban use of apps like Confide in conducting public business, and the House Speaker told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that in its 2018 session the legislature might consider modernizing the state's
current open records laws. Attorney General Josh Hawley initiated an investigation regarding possible violations of the state's Sunshine laws, after allegations that a state employee had managed a social media account on behalf the governor.
Right now, getting permits takes too long. People stand in too many lines for too many hours for too many basic services. Part of the reason for this is that our government is running on too many broken and outdated systems that make it too hard to
serve the people. Some of our government's systems are still programmed using COBOL, a computer language developed in 1959.
We need a modern government that allows people to do more on-line instead of making them wait in line.
We also need to remember that many essential government services, whether it's law enforcement, transportation, or education, are delivered by people.
And our best state employees are being hurt by a big bloated bureaucracy. In Indiana, they have
46 state employees per 10,000 people in their state. In Illinois, they have 47 state employees for every 10,000 people. In Ohio, they have 55. And in Missouri? We have 92 employees for every 10,000 people in our state.