Political class fails to put interests of taxpayers first
Doug Truax lashed out at state Sen. Jim Oberweis' "yes" vote on Tuesday's landmark pension reform bill. "Illinois is the worst run state in America due to a political class--largely Democrats--that consistently fails to put the interests of everyday
taxpayers first," Truax said in a statement. "My opponent, Jim Oberweis, knows this but voted anyway in favor of a tepid pension reform bill that is likely to result in further tax increases and a continued stagnant economy. Every other financial 'fix'
passed in Springfield the past decade has harmed taxpayers. Mr. Oberweis needs to explain why he so easily voted with the status quo that never solves problems but rather transfers them to the next generation."
Oberweis voted in favor of the measure
that promises to ultimately save the state $160 billion. In his remarks from the Illinois Senate floor, Oberweis said the bill wasn't true reform--but it was the best that Illinois was going to get right now.
Return to Confidence: stop expanding federal government
My campaign slogan is Return to Confidence. We've got every reason to be confident: The world's lone superpower. Unbelievably vast natural resources. A system of moral capitalism operating within a constitutional republic that is the envy and goal of the
world. 314 million Americans who either are successful, want to be successful, or can be successful.
That's a lot to be confident about. However, during the last six years, we have been shoved from one manufactured crisis to the next that all have the
same root cause: an overly intrusive, arrogant, forever expanding federal government.
What our country desperately needs is to get back to limited government, get our financial house in order, get the government out of the private sector's way,
and "We the People" will return America and then the world back to confidence. Those of us of voting age still remember what that looks like. It can be done...if we have the right people working for us in Washington.
Without accountability & transparency, power corrupts
Truth: With truth, we have a standard that corresponds to the correct reality of how the world works. Without truth, our leaders digress into a pattern of propaganda designed to control and manipulate our behavior.
Transparency:With transparency, outcomes can be measured and evaluated for their effectiveness or lack thereof.
Without transparency, those with the most money find ways to hide poor results so they can get more money from the system.
With accountability, we become confident in our processes and leaders because we know that results will be measured. Without accountability, power corrupts.