Apply Bible principle of "two witnesses" for death penalty
Q: Do you support or oppose the policy: "The death penalty"?
A: I support the concept in general, but our current court system is so broken that any judgments rendered are in question.
The biblical principle of "two witnesses" should be the standard for such an extreme punishment. However, we have substituted DNA, expert witnesses, and questionable forensic science in place of this.
Source: Email interview on 2008 Senate race with
Jun 22, 2008
No mandatory sentencing laws--we have too many incarcerated
Q: Do you support or oppose the policy: "Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws"?
A: DO NOT SUPPORT--anything "mandatory" usually comes with unintended consequences.
With the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world, simply locking offenders up, many who are in for non violent drug "crimes" and throwing away the key, is not a solution.
Source: Email interview on 2008 Senate race with
Jun 22, 2008
Immoral prison industry creates an American Gulag
The American Gulag: The United States has less than 5% of the world's population, yet we currently house 25% of the world's prisoners. The American prison industry has become such a shocking and morally reprehensible mess, it deserves far more attention
than anyone is willing to give it. We currently have 2.3 million prisoners rotting away in our nations jails and prisons--many for non-violent "crimes"--incarcerating ourselves at a rate of 751 per 100,000 in population, the highest rate in the world.
This increases to 1 out of 100 if we only count the adults--and it gets even worse for minorities, with as many as 12% of black males aged 20-34 currently sitting behind bars. The world's average incarceration rate is only
125 prisoners for every 100,000 people. This means America cages our citizens at a rate nearly SIX times greater than rest of the world! Probably not a statistic we should be too proud of.
Source: Campaign website,, "Key_Issues"
Jun 21, 2008