Healthcare should be patient-centered, not profit-centered
We need a healthcare system which puts data on the center stage of the effort. We need to incentivize practices, procedures and medications that work. This is how we make healthcare a patient centered activity instead of a profit or
revenue centered activity. The notion that Americans want to choose their healthcare plans for themselves is wrong. They just want the best healthcare and they hope they won't go bankrupt in the process.
Expand Medicaid to cover those in state's healthcare gap
Gov. Butch Otter announced that he is backing Proposition 2, the ballot initiative that would expand Medicaid to the thousands of people who currently fall into the state's healthcare gap--making too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but too little
to qualify for insurance subsidies.
"We cannot continue to let hardworking Idahoans go without healthcare," said Governor Otter. "Proposition 2 will provide healthcare to 62,000 Idahoans and it'll bring $400 million of our tax dollars back to Idaho.
In addition, Proposition 2 will keep our rural hospitals and county clinics open." Prop 2 will appear on ballots across the state Nov. 6.
Medicaid expansion was a topic during this week's gubernatorial debate. Democratic challenger Paulette Jordan
said she is a supporter of Prop 2. Her opponent, Lt. Gov. Brad Little has declined to say whether he will vote for the initiative but said if elected governor, he would respect the will of the voters if they pass Medicaid expansion.
One solution to health care for all is Medicaid expansion
Q: How would the state pay for a health care program that covered everybody?
Jordan: A lot of businesses aren't always able to afford health insurance. I'd like to see local businesses to have the support to offer health care, whether that's through
Medicaid expansion in the state. It would be a huge cost savings. Most businesses want expanded Medicaid. It's just the Republican Party who has said expanding Medicaid would cost more, and people are drinking the Kool Aid.
Source: Idaho Business Review on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial race
, Apr 27, 2018
Repeal Idaho's 'faith healing' exemption
Q: Where do you stand on repealing Idaho's "faith healing" exemption?
The issue: Idaho has come under national scrutiny as one of just two states with an exemption that protects parents from criminal or civil liability if, due to their religious
beliefs, they do not seek medical care for their child and the child dies. The other state is Virginia. According to groups working to change the law, 183 children in Idaho have died under this exemption since it was enacted in the 1970s.
Jordan: "If autonomous adults choose to forgo lifesaving medical treatment for religious reasons, they should be allowed to make that very personal decision. They should not, however, be able to make such a decision for their children.
I support the repeal of Idaho's 'faith healing' exemption because, above all else, our laws should protect the lives of the youngest and most vulnerable people in our state."