Putting Georgia and Georgians first: Herschel loves Georgia and wants to give back to the state that has given him so much. Georgia's strong agriculture, tourism, film production, and manufacturing industries, along with the booming Savannah Port, have
helped make Georgia the number one state for business. Herschel will fight every day in the Senate for policies that keep Georgia leading the way with job creation, lower taxes, and less government red tape.
With God's help will bring conservative value to Washington
As a Christian, a father, and a husband, Herschel knows that strong families are the bedrock of our country. Herschel's upbringing in rural Georgia instilled a personal faith in God, which he carries with him to this day.
He prays every day for this country, and with God's help will bring those values with him to Washington. Herschel is a compassionate conservative who is pro-life and pro-family.
Qualified to run for Senate because I love America
Walker gave his first public speech since announcing his campaign at Donald Trump's rally in Perry, in central Georgia. The address lasted less than 10 minutes, with Walker leaning heavily on platitudes and nods to his biography. "People always ask me
what qualifies me to run for this office," Walker said. "And you know what qualified me to run, is because I love America, and I'm going to fight for America."
At Saturday's rally in Perry, as Trump began to wrap up his lengthy remarks, he asked Walker to come back onstage one more time. With a few additional words, the former president's longtime friend made clear he is aligned with
Trump. "I want to be a great leader like him when I get to that Senate seat," Walker said.
Born in Wrightsville; going to die a Jesus Christ death
[On residency]: "Someone was telling me that I'm not from Georgia," Walker said. Questions recently swirled recently due to the fact that the football legend has lived in the same house near Dallas, Texas, for the last 10 years and has declared it
his "homestead" for tax purposes. "It's funny because I said guys, I was Wrightsville born and I was Georgia bred and I'm going to die a Jesus Christ death," Walker said.
Love for anthem doesn't preclude caring for social justice
He argued that Trump's opposition to protests in sports did not lessen his commitment to social justice issues. "Just because someone loves and respects the flag, our National Anthem, and our country doesn't mean they don't care about social justice.
I care about all of those things, and so does Donald Trump," Walker said. "He shows how much he cares about social justice and the Black community through his actions. And his actions speak louder than any stickers or slogans on a jersey."
Source: FOX Business on 2022 Georgia Senate race
, Sep 25, 2021
If you don't like this country, you don't have to stay here
On the sports aspect of it, you know it is sad and I think it will continue to go down unless we can remove that political side out of sports.
I think what we got to do is because we're the greatest country in the world and we do have the right to protest but I think it's a wrong place
If you don't like this country this country is so great that you don't have to stay here. This country's so great, you don't have to stay. But the thing is this is the United States of America, are we going
to start now having everyone else national anthem come in and we're going to have to uphold that national anthem as well and forget about the United States of America national anthem.
Endorsed Endorsed by Donald Trump/MAGA after presidency.
Walker is endorsed by Trump/MAGA endorsement list
Endorsements by Donald Trump, implying support of Trump's agenda and electoral style.
The phrase "Make America Great Again" was popularized in Trump's 2015 book Time to Get Tough:Making America Great Again. It is the campaign slogan embroidered on the ubiquitous red caps seen at Trump rallies (which after Trump's presidency, became known as "MAGA rallies").
Source: Ballotpedia 2016-2022 endorsement list 2022-MAGA on Jan 1, 2022