John Neely Kennedy on Homeland Security
Democratic Senate Challenger (LA)
We don't need a military parade to show off American power
President Trump's proposed military parade could cost as much as $30 million, budget director Mick Mulvaney said: "I've seen various different cost estimates of between $10 million and $30 million depending on the size of the parade." Trump has proposed
a military parade multiple times during his presidency.Democrats have joined with some GOP lawmakers to speak out against the parade, with many saying it could come off as "totalitarian" and would evoke demonstrations in North Korea and Russia.
Some have said a parade would be a waste of money, and that more should be invested into services like mental health care for veterans instead.
Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) expressed opposition to a parade, saying, "America is the most powerful country in all of human history; you don't need to show it off."
Source: The Hill coverage of 2019 Louisiana Gubernatorial race
, Mar 1, 2018
Increase size of the military; increase spending for defense
During the 1990's, military personnel and spending decreased significantly, resulting in an inability to modernize our forces for today's challenges. In order to meet these 21st century challenges, John supports increasing the size of the military as
well as spending for defense. Investing in defense means that we can provide our troops with modern equipment and pay for the health care they deserve.
Congress has played politics with our national security, with Senators delaying funding for our troops in harm's way based on their partisan and personal agendas.
Today we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, central fronts in the fight
against Islamic fundamentalism, but the threat is global. The challenge of defeating Islamic fundamentalism cannot be left to one country. We must revitalize old alliances and create new ones to meet these challenges.
Source: 2016 Louisiana Senate campaign website JohnKennedy.com
, Aug 31, 2016
Eliminate foreign aid to any country that supports terrorism
I want an America and a Louisiana that refuses to be bullied by terrorists, tyrants or rogue states. I want an America and a Louisiana that values peace but is not afraid to fight. - Eliminate foreign aid to any country that supports terrorism.
- Strengthen Americas ROTC program and add homeland defense to its curriculum.
- Beef up security at our ports and strengthen the Coast Guard.
- Establish a National Homeland Security Academy to train policemen, firemen and EMTs in domestic
- Establish a 24 hour operations center so local law enforcement can access terrorist lists and information.
- Recognize that Iran, Syria, Lebanon, the Sudan and Libya are terrorist states. Cooperate with them but dont trust them.
Keep nuclear weapons out of terrorists hands. Terrorists can get fissile materials only by buying them from countries. We need to empower the International Atomic Energy Agency to monitor all fissile materials around the world.
Source: 2004 Senate campaign website, www.johnkennedy.com, Issues
, Oct 20, 2004
Page last updated: Dec 26, 2021