On COVID: "We'll continue to follow the science and wear masks. It's a small sacrifice to protect our neighbors. This is not a partisan political issue. It's a public health crisis," said Gov. John Carney,
who is running for a second term in office. "[We'll] stay focused on a healthy community and a strong economy. You can't be either/or; we have to have both."
Julianne Murray more information is needed on the acuity of the disease and who is really at risk instead of a general fearmongering throughout the greater population. "Mask wearing should be voluntary," she said. "Who we need to be
concerned about here is our vulnerable population, and our vulnerable population is people with pre-existing conditions and the elderly."
Reduced rates has led to almost 95% with insurance
Nothing causes more fear or anxiety than when you or a loved one gets sick. We reduced rates on the ACA health insurance marketplace by almost 20 percent this year. Because of that--while ACA enrollment rates have declined nationally--we saw a more than
6 percent increase in Delawareans buying health insurance on the exchange. Today, almost 95 percent of Delawareans have health insurance. That's a big deal.
Access to quality healthcare is also about having doctors in your community. In some areas of our state, we simply don't have enough physicians. We will create a healthcare provider loan repayment program.
We want to attract some of the best and brightest young doctors to areas where they're needed the most.
Part of having a good quality of life is making sure Delawareans can access and afford quality healthcare. Delaware consistently spends more than most other states on healthcare costs. That's why I signed an executive order setting both quality
and spending benchmarks for the entire healthcare system. We're doing this by improving transparency around the cost of health care services. We need to know what factors are driving these higher costs and how we can change the trends.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to Delaware legislature
, Jan 17, 2019
Plan for increased research and prevention
Carney will:
Reduce cancer rates with an innovative plan that supports increased research and prevention, and reduces environmental threats.
Source: 2010 House campaign website, johncarneyforcongress.com/
, Nov 2, 2010
GOP can't beat ObamaCare, so they pretend it's a "disaster".
Carney voted NAY Full Repeal of ObamaCare
Heritage Action Summary: This vote would fully repeal ObamaCare.
Heritage Foundation recommendation to vote YES: (2/3/2015): ObamaCare creates $1.8 trillion in new health care spending and uses cuts to Medicare spending to help pay for some of it. Millions of Americans already have lost, and more likely will lose, their coverage because of ObamaCare. Many Americans have not been able to keep their doctors as insurers try to offset the added costs of ObamaCare by limiting the number of providers in their networks. In spite of the promise, the law increases the cost of health coverage.
Secretary of Labor Robert Reich recommendation to vote NO: (robertreich.org 11/22/2013): Having failed to defeat the Affordable Care Act, Republicans are now hell-bent on destroying the ObamaCare in Americans` minds, using the word `disaster` whenever mentioning the Act, and demand its repeal. Democrats [should] meet the Republican barrage with
three larger truths:
The wreck of private insurance: Ours has been the only healthcare system in the world designed to avoid sick people. For-profit insurers have spent billions finding and marketing their policies to healthy people--while rejecting people with preexisting conditions, or at high risk.
We could not continue with this travesty of a healthcare system: ObamaCare is a modest solution. It still relies on private insurers--merely setting minimum standards and `exchanges` where customers can compare policies.
The moral imperative: Even a clunky compromise like the ACA between a national system of health insurance and a for-profit insurance market depends, fundamentally, on a social compact in which those who are healthier and richer are willing to help those who are sicker and poorer. Such a social compact defines a society.
Legislative outcome: Passed House 239-186-8; never came to a vote in the Senate.
Source: Congressional vote 15-H0132 on Feb 3, 2015