During a portion where candidates pose questions to each other, Ossoff said he would ask Perdue "why he continues to oppose $1,200 stimulus checks for the American people at this moment in crisis, why he fought against them in the first place and why
he isn't in Washington right now championing direct financial relief?"
"If I had the opportunity to ask the senator a question, if the senator were not too much of a coward to debate in public, then that's what I'd ask him," Ossoff added.
Source: The Hill blog on Senate Runoff: 2020 Georgia Senate debate
, Dec 6, 2020
Republican Senate will mean paralysis and gridlock
This is about the human stakes of this election. We all know what will happen if Mitch McConnell maintains control of the Senate, it will be paralysis and gridlock in Washington at a moment when thousands of Americans are dying
per day and millions of families and jobs and livelihoods are at risk. I think that Georgia voters recognize that the capacity of this incoming administration to govern and to enact legislation to lead us out of this crisis depends upon victory here.
For stricter government oversight; cut duplicate programs
Ossoff was motivated to move into public office by excessive government spending. "Both parties in Washington waste too much of your money. When I worked there
I helped expose waste and abuse by government contractors. We need stricter oversight and tougher penalties. They need to be held accountable. And there's $16 billion in duplicate programs. That can be cut," he said.
Source: Fox News on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Nov 4, 2020
More regulation of banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall Act
Q: Tighten or loosen regulation of banks and credit card companies?
Ossoff: Tighten. Seeks more regulation of the banking system, reinstating Glass-Steagall Act.
Perdue: Loosen. Supports "rollback of federal banking regulations."
Calls Consumer Financial Protection Bureau "rogue agency."
Source: CampusElect on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Nov 3, 2020
COVID: Put families & small business ahead on relief
We need leaders who empower public health and medical experts during a pandemic, instead of politicizing their response.
We need leaders who will level with us about threats to our health and our prosperity, and who will promote economic relief that puts working families and small businesses ahead of special interests and huge corporations.
Source: Atlanta magazine on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Oct 23, 2020
COVID: we need more direct relief from federal government
Those who have [been] working have lost their jobs in so many cases. The health impacts have been most severe on America's seniors, and we need more direct relief from the federal government for ordinary people, including America's seniors.
This is a great example of why we need to strengthen and protect Social Security, so that during difficult times, America's seniors can rely upon those vital benefits, which they've paid into their entire lives.
Source: AARP Voter Guide on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Oct 8, 2020
Upgraded infrastructure foundation for decades of prosperity
To create millions of jobs, revitalize our economy, and alleviate poverty, I'll support the most ambitious infrastructure program in history.
Upgraded infrastructure will serve as the foundation for decades of prosperity, sustainability, and health.
I'll push for an unprecedented infrastructure program that includes big, overdue investments in transportation and transit, clean energy, energy efficiency, public health, communications, research and development, emergency response, and
environmental cleanup. Infrastructure includes energy production and the grid, transit, roads, bridges, tunnels, rail, aviation, ports and waterways, communications, cybersecurity, water treatment and distribution, housing, and public health.
Fund public media, guarantee editorial independence
Our new Zuckerberg-Murdoch era presents a genuine crisis for media and democracies. There is at least one solution: invest more public funds in independent, public-interest journalism. For democracies to function, citizens need ready access to superb
journalism produced for accuracy and relevance rather than sensation, partisanship and profit. As a matter of urgency, the US Congress should dramatically increase funding for public media and reinforce guarantees of their editorial independence.
Source: TBI Weekly on 2020 Georgia Senate race
, Jan 1, 2019
Ossoff supports the PVS survey question on stimulus spending
Project Vote Smart inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Economy: Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?'
PVS self-description: "The Political Courage Test provides voters with positions on key issues. Historically, candidates have failed to complete our test due to the advice they receive from their advisors and out of fear of negative attack ads."