Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
State of Utah Politicians: Archives

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
ACLU: Oppose new fees & inspections for abortion clinics.
Aimee Winder Newton: Abortion only permitted in extreme circumstances.
Allen Glines: Can't control reproductive rights yet oppose govt. overreach.
Ben McAdams: Opposed new fees & inspections for abortion clinics.
Chuck Baldwin: Overturn Roe v. Wade.
Craig Bowden: No late-term abortion except for maternal life.
Danny Drew: Common ground on reducing the number of abortions.
Gary Herbert: Collect information on reason for abortion, race, ethnicity.
Gary Herbert: Enacted new fees & inspections for abortion clinics.
Jeff Burningham: Strongly believe in protecting rights of unborn.
Jenny Wilson: Abortion rights are best left in the hands of the courts.
Jenny Wilson: Opposes requiring a 72-hour waiting period for abortions.
Jonathan Swinton: I don't want federal funds to pay for abortions.
Kamala Harris: A woman has the right to choose.
Mia Love: Oppose taxpayer-funded abortions.
Mike Pence: I am proud to serve a pro-life president.
Mike Weinholtz: I fully support a woman's constitutional right to choose.
Misty Snow: Only a woman and her doctors have a say on pregnancy.
Misty Snow: Don't interfere with private medical decisions of women.
Spencer Cox: Supports law banning most abortions after 18 weeks.
Spencer Cox: Collect information on reason for abortion, race, ethnicity.
Vaughn Cook: Limit abortions to rape, incest, and health.
Evan McMullin: We've got to stand up to extremes tearing the country apart.
Spencer Cox: New tax credit for all children--the born and the unborn.
Budget & Economy
Austin Searle: Supports Universal Basic Income: $1200 a month.
Craig Bowden: No stimulus; market forces tell us where money should go.
Dan Liljenquist: TARP (bank bailout) was wasteful spending.
Evan McMullin: Pass balanced budget legislation.
Gary Herbert: Efforts to develop rural Utah are paying off.
Jeff Burningham: Eliminate onerous occupational licensing laws.
Jeff Burningham: Infrastructure planning critical to quality of life.
John Curtis: Balance the budget; run government like business.
Jonathan Johnson: Kept $11M in gold coins in case of financial crisis.
Mia Love: Cut federal programs by more than $750 billion.
Mike Leavitt: Highest priority is "economic transition".
Orrin Hatch: My 36 years in Senate could make me Finance Committee chair.
Orrin Hatch: My balanced budget bill failed by only one vote.
Orrin Hatch: OpEd: Federal debt increased rapidly on his watch.
Orrin Hatch: Re-elect me and I'll chair the Senate Finance Committee.
Orrin Hatch: Accused of "fiscal child abuse" by leaving debt for future.
Spencer Cox: Let some hotel tax revenue pay for infrastructure.
Spencer Cox: Time to reevaluate our approach to tax incentives.
Civil Rights
ACLU: Gay marriage bans deny rights to loving & committed couples.
Allen Glines: Forbid discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Austin Searle: Pass the Personal Privacy Act; stop sharing of personal data.
Craig Bowden: Same-sex marriage isn't my business to restrict.
Danny Drew: Supported gay marriage from a young age.
Evan McMullin: Condemn bigotry including based on sexual orientation.
Jenny Wilson: Fight to get same-sex benefits.
Jenny Wilson: Supports bill honoring women's suffrage and women's rights.
Jenny Wilson: Let's keep MLK's dream alive.
Jonathan Johnson: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Kamala Harris: Trump's 50 Court of Appeals appointments: no Blacks.
Kamala Harris: First female DA in SF; Second black female senator.
Kamala Harris: Inspired by diverse Americans marching for equal justice.
Kamala Harris: Trump declining to condemn white supremacists is a pattern.
Mike Pence: Trump condemns neo-Nazis and has Jewish grandchildren.
Mike Weinholtz: Equal pay laws end illegal wage discrimination against women.
Mike Weinholtz: Early champion of marriage equality.
Mike Weinholtz: 100% score from Equality Utah for pro-LGBT policy stances.
Misty Snow: Protect rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* people.
Misty Snow: Ratify treaty on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.
Orrin Hatch: 1977: No gay teachers; 2018: No LGBT discrimination.
Rocky Anderson: Equal rights for gays and lesbians.
Spencer Cox: Wants "Utah solution" to protecting LGTBQ kids.
Spencer Cox: Understanding & respect for differing sexual orientations.
Vaughn Cook: Dems respect that most Utahns prefer traditional marriage.
Jeff Burningham: His VC firm funds start-up businesses with great ideas.
Jenny Wilson: Tax cut: Xmas present to corporations; lump of coal for poor.
John Curtis: Entrepreneurs need lower taxes, fewer regulations.
Jonathan Swinton: Make loans as easy for small business as for large ones.
Mia Love: Lower America's corporate tax rate.
Allen Glines: Reported illegal gambling sites and had them shut down.
Allen Glines: Ban private prisons, cash bail, and civil forfeiture.
Allen Glines: Increased penalties for facilities, persons for elder abuse.
Austin Searle: Police should only carry tasers, not guns.
Craig Bowden: Rehabilitation instead of punishment.
Evan McMullin: Our criminal justice system must treat everyone equally.
Gary Herbert: Authorize construction of new state prison.
Greg Hughes: Round up offenders and offer jail or treatment.
Jenny Wilson: Beef up laws to address targeted hate crimes.
Jon Huntsman: Supports death penalty but not necessarily expanding it.
Kamala Harris: Ban chokeholds by police; registry of police crimes.
Kamala Harris: In CA, created many first-time criminal justice reforms.
Mike Pence: Yes to justice for George Floyd; no to riots.
Mike Weinholtz: Fully fund indigent defense; protect 6th Amendment rights.
Misty Snow: End private prisons; end profit in incarceration.
Misty Snow: Why so many people in prison? Why so many minorities?
Allen Glines: Phase out penalties for marijuana at the federal level.
Chris Peterson: Pro-medical cannabis.
Craig Bowden: Marijuana is not a gateway drug; prescriptions are.
Gary Herbert: More drug testing for unemployment insurance applicants.
Jenny Wilson: More funding for opioid treatment for victims.
Jenny Wilson: Supports legalized medical marijuana; it has helped so many.
Jon Huntsman: End Meth Now: stop the scourge.
Kamala Harris: Will get rid of cash bail and decriminalize marijuana.
Mike Leavitt: Drug Courts are working; expand them statewide.
Mike Weinholtz: Treat addiction & mental illness, instead of incarceration.
Misty Snow: Get feds out of the way of states on marijuana policy.
Aimee Winder Newton: No one-size-fits-all program; let parents choose.
Allen Glines: Gradually lower tuition, allow student loan forgiveness.
Chris Peterson: Pre-K, K-12, and trade schools need more public investment.
Craig Bowden: Vouchers are a good step towardending public schools.
Danny Drew: School choice means re-segregation in some states.
Danny Drew: Local school choice, free from corporate influence.
Danny Drew: Public schools should meet unique needs of disabled kids.
Gary Herbert: Continue to increase funding for public schools.
Gary Herbert: Increase funding for applied technology colleges.
Gary Herbert: Fervently committed $40M to STEM education.
Gary Herbert: Collaborate to rewrite No Child Left Behind.
Gary Herbert: Invest $1B in schools & $30M in counseling.
Gary Herbert: Teach students the value of capitalism instead of socialism.
Greg Hughes: For charter schools, parental choice, more local control.
Jeff Burningham: Education should be free from federal influence.
Jeff Burningham: Old industrial age education not prepared for new economy.
Jon Huntsman: UCAT system: technical college for industry needs.
Jon Huntsman: Early learning is critical; so are languages & math.
Jon Huntsman: To produce first-rate students, pay for first-rate teachers.
Jon Huntsman: 2007: signed the Parent Choice in Education Act.
Jon Huntsman: 2007: statewide vouchers, "Parent Choice in Education Act.
Jonathan Johnson: Common Core runs counter to family & local control.
Jonathan Swinton: Reduce size of federal Dept. of Ed.; shift to local schools.
Mia Love: Local & parental control over schools, not federal.
Mia Love: Disbanding the federal Department of Education.
Mike Leavitt: Emphasize market relevance in state colleges.
Mike Leavitt: 14.8% increase in funding for public education.
Mike Leavitt: U-PASS: Accountability and skills testing in every grade.
Mike Weinholtz: Increase school funding for K-12, more than 3%.
Mike Weinholtz: Promote trade schools; more publicly-funded college.
Rebecca Holcombe: Resigned as secretary of education over voucher proposal.
Spencer Cox: Provide opportunities to attend technical schools.
Spencer Cox: Change the way we fund schools, what's best for entire state.
Vaughn Cook: Boost school funding & reduce class size.
Spencer Cox: The largest variable in student outcomes is the teacher.
Energy & Oil
Allen Glines: Support Green New Deal, but no harm to economy.
Austin Searle: Improving energy efficiency impacts climate change.
Austin Searle: Infrastructure investments can reduce emissions.
Chris Peterson: Green energy and energy independence will lead to good jobs.
Craig Bowden: No subsidies for green energy; don't pick winners & losers.
Gary Herbert: Develop natural gas resources while protecting local culture.
Gary Herbert: No importation of foreign nuclear waste into Utah.
Gary Herbert: Utah is energy-independent; now export oil & nuclear.
Gary Herbert: State can set example on green energy.
Gary Herbert: Make commuting by transit as easy as commuting by car.
Jenny Wilson: Promote clean air and clean energy.
Jon Huntsman: Make Utah the premier destination for renewable energy.
Jon Huntsman: Growing concern over environmental impacts of coal.
Kamala Harris: Carbon-neutral America by 2035.
Mike Leavitt: Ban nuclear waste & fuel rods from the state.
Mike Pence: Biden's plan is a $2 trillion version of Green New Deal.
Mike Weinholtz: Foolish to think coal & oil will continue to power the globe.
Misty Snow: Directly tax coal, to fund solar and wind.
Rebecca Holcombe: Address climate change.
Spencer Cox: Support driverless vehicles, mass transit.
Spencer Cox: There's very clear evidence of climate change.
Spencer Cox: Help Utah lead in sustainable energy development.
Allen Glines: Ban puppy mills; make animal cruelty a felony.
Austin Searle: Ban euthanizing at animal shelters.
Austin Searle: Why no vote on clean water infrastructure bill?
Craig Bowden: EPA should only advise; enforcement is over-reach.
Dan Liljenquist: States' right to control public land.
Evan McMullin: Develop water conservation practices and infrastructure.
Gary Herbert: Balance land use between recreation and development.
Gary Herbert: Push refineries to produce cleaner fuel.
Gary Herbert: Utah must commit to protecting its natural resources.
Gary Herbert: Re-opened National Parks during 2013 shutdown.
Jeff Burningham: Unlock our State Institutional Trust Lands.
Jenny Wilson: Why are our parks and canyons receiving so little?
Jenny Wilson: Build bikeways instead of just freeways.
Jonathan Johnson: Air quality retains and attracts business.
Mike Leavitt: Spruce up, clean up and keep up our state parks.
Mike Leavitt: Heritage Waters: 1% of all rivers for recreational fishing.
Mike Pence: Our water and air are cleaner than ever; proud of our record.
Mike Weinholtz: Air polluters know they are unlikely to be caught.
Misty Snow: Keep public lands open: federal control instead of state.
Spencer Cox: Supports new recycled-cardboard paper mill.
Vaughn Cook: Tougher pollution-control mandates to improve air quality.
Spencer Cox: We not going to let the Great Salt Lake disappear.
Families & Children
Allen Glines: Worked to build awareness of missing children's cases.
Allen Glines: Protect domestic violence victims; punish abusers.
Allen Glines: For paid maternity leave up to 16 weeks.
Gary Herbert: Population growth is challenging: doubling in 35 years.
Rebecca Holcombe: Big supporter of paid family leave.
Spencer Cox: We need to talk about suicide.
Spencer Cox: Prevent social media companies from collecting kids' data.
Foreign Policy
Allen Glines: Called for an end to US embargo of Cuba.
Craig Bowden: Prefer American opportunities to American exceptionalism.
Danny Drew: Utah and US and her people are exceptional.
Evan McMullin: Strengthen our alliances with other free nations.
Jon Huntsman: Notion of national decline is "un-American".
Kamala Harris: Trump's China policy has cost American jobs & lives.
Mike Pence: Blame China for the coronavirus.
Mike Pence: Trump moved embassy to Jerusalem and destroyed ISIS.
Mitt Romney: Reject philosophy of national decline in all of its variants.
Spencer Cox: Fight drug cartels; help Mexican economy.
Free Trade
Craig Bowden: Free Trade.
Gary Herbert: Assist Utah companies with global vision for export growth.
Mike Lee: Power over foreign trade as little as over interstate tr.
Mike Lee: Power over foreign trade as little as over interstate tr.
Mike Pence: Vote against USMCA was a vote against jobs.
Orrin Hatch: Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA.
Government Reform
Aimee Winder Newton: Need strong planning for Utah's tremendous growth.
Allen Glines: Protect voting rights; expand vote by mail options.
Allen Glines: End Citizens United, reform Federal Elections Commission.
Allen Glines: Rollback any change made to USPS during Trump.
Austin Searle: For term limits for Congress & Supreme Court.
Austin Searle: Ranked-choice voting should be a human right.
Craig Bowden: Supports mail-in voting and ranked-choice voting.
Ben McAdams: Keep restrictions on government records access.
Chris Peterson: Equitable taxes and job training will help economy.
Dan Liljenquist: Congress should pass regulations, not executive agencies.
Dan Liljenquist: Sprinklers in every house are out-of-hand regulation.
Danny Drew: Utah needs someone who is not beholden to PACs.
Danny Drew: Big campaign donations are the tip of the iceberg.
Evan McMullin: Oppose the intentional disenfranchisement of voters.
Evan McMullin: We support sensible and limited regulation.
Gary Herbert: Commission to Optimize State Government: do more with less.
Gary Herbert: Guidelines on gifts, lobbying, & conflicts of interest.
Gary Herbert: Ongoing review of election laws to upholding public trust.
Gary Herbert: Repealed restrictions on government records access.
Jeff Burningham: I'll get government out of your way.
Jenny Wilson: Focus on voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Jon Huntsman: Two-year cooling-off period before State employees can lobby.
Jonathan Swinton: Limit congressional terms & campaign donations.
Jonathan Swinton: Term limits for members of Congress.
Kamala Harris: Lincoln, before 1864 election, left Supreme Court seat open.
Mike Leavitt: Count missionaries abroad in census; gain Congressional seat.
Mike Lee: Reclaim right to constitutionally limited government.
Mike Pence: Universal mail-in voting means massive voter fraud.
Mike Weinholtz: More restrictive campaign finance laws are necessary.
Misty Snow: There is too much money in politics: it's legalized bribery.
Pete Ashdown: Refuses any money from political action committees.
Spencer Cox: Electing, rather than appointing, judges a "terrible idea".
Spencer Cox: Voting security must never be about making it harder to vote.
Mike Lee: Voted to certify 2020 election after questioning it.
Mike Lee: Only role on Jan. 6 is counting electoral ballots.
Spencer Cox: Government decisions are major drivers in price of a home.
Gun Control
Allen Glines: Ban assault weapons, pass universal background checks.
Austin Searle: Require licensing, registration, training.
Craig Bowden: No gun restrictions except on convicted felons.
Danny Drew: Ridiculous to have guns at school in case of bears.
Gary Herbert: Vetoed concealed carry of guns without a permit.
Greg Hughes: 2nd Amendment guarantees right to bear arms.
Jeff Burningham: Gun owner who supports the Second Amendment.
Jonathan Johnson: Protect right to own and carry guns.
Mia Love: Ardent supporter of the Second Amendment.
Misty Snow: More background checks; no guns to violent criminals.
Mitt Romney: Prevent school shootings with state and local action.
Spencer Cox: Supports concealed carry of guns without a permit.
Health Care
Allen Glines: Support Affordable Care Act; develop universal healthcare.
Allen Glines: Streamline process for accommodations for disabilities.
Austin Searle: Replace employer-paid insurance with Medicare for All.
Chris Peterson: Pro-Medicaid expansion.
Craig Bowden: ObamaCare only benefits the insurance companies.
Dan Liljenquist: No 5-year wait for child health insurance for immigrants.
Danny Drew: Replacements for ObamaCare should be non-partisan.
Evan McMullin: Negotiate lower drug prices, expand telemedicine.
Gary Herbert: Increase transparency, access, and choice.
Gary Herbert: Sue on unconstitutionality of ObamaCare.
Gary Herbert: Healthcare best solved at the state level.
Gary Herbert: Restrict expansion of state Medicaid program.
Greg Hughes: Against ObamaCare and expanding Medicaid in Utah.
Jeff Burningham: Choice and competition rather than government programs.
Jenny Wilson: Medicaid money can fight opioid crisis.
Jenny Wilson: Keep ObamaCare individual insurance mandate.
John Curtis: Repealing or fixing ObamaCare takes time.
Jon Huntsman: Truly affordable insurance: pathway to coverage for everyone.
Jon Huntsman: No denial of coverage because of minor ailments.
Jon Huntsman: We mandate insurance for cars, but not children's health.
Jon Huntsman: Make state a trusted source on Coronavirus.
Jonathan Johnson: ObamaCare & Medicaid expansion: ever-increasing government.
Kamala Harris: Trump knew the truth on coronavirus and covered it up.
Kamala Harris: On pre-existing conditions: Republicans are coming for you.
Mia Love: Replace ObamaCare with tax incentives & portability.
Mike Pence: We're producing millions of vaccines; ready by end of year.
Mike Pence: Trust people to make smart decisions, mandates not needed.
Mike Weinholtz: Full Medicaid expansion & access to preventative care.
Misty Snow: Healthcare is a human right; insure the 33M uninsured.
Misty Snow: ObamaCare is a good start, but goal is single payer.
Orrin Hatch: ObamaCare is an "atrocious" act; repeal & replace.
Rebecca Holcombe: Make health care more affordable.
Scott Howell: Improve ObamaCare rather than kill it.
Spencer Cox: Supports move to scale back Medicaid expansion.
Spencer Cox: Restrict expansion of state Medicaid program.
Vaughn Cook: Expand Medicaid programs covering the poor.
Homeland Security
Allen Glines: Seek to end homelessness among veterans.
Craig Bowden: Full audit of military, then many cuts.
Gary Herbert: Pay tribute to those answering the nation's call to serve.
John Curtis: Make sure military has tools they need.
Jonathan Johnson: Endorse Ted Cruz as strong champion for national defense.
Jonathan Johnson: I know plight of refugees; but no Syrians.
Mia Love: Cut $758B from federal budget but don't touch defense.
Mike Lee: Keep "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" for troop morale.
Orrin Hatch: I fight every year to save Hill Air Force Base.
Sam Granato: Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"; an affront to gay soldiers.
Mike Lee: Don't let important PATRIOT Act provisions expire.
Aimee Winder Newton: Allow citizenship for those who wait their turn.
Ben McAdams: Create a guest worker program for some illegal immigrants.
Chuck Baldwin: GOP & Dems both want open borders.
Craig Bowden: Streamline the process to make it easier to come legally.
Evan McMullin: We are committed to a pluralistic society, diverse nation.
Gary Herbert: Find solutions to tough issues where feds abdicated.
Gary Herbert: Create a guest worker program for some illegal immigrants.
Greg Hughes: Slow illegal immigration by verifying status of offenders.
Jeff Burningham: Let each state set number of guest worker visas needed.
Jenny Wilson: Against tearing up families.
Jenny Wilson: It's not chain migration; it's family-based immigration.
John Curtis: Take politics out of immigration debate.
Jonathan Johnson: Support Immigration Innovation Act: more H1B visas.
Mia Love: Charge $1,000 fee to get US visa, and refund upon leaving.
Mike Lee: Enforce job laws and illegal immigrants will go home.
Misty Snow: Treat undocumented people as human beings.
Mitt Romney: Poverty level of aspiring immigrant's nation is irrelevant.
Mitt Romney: Welcome legal immigrants, instead of message of exclusion.
Orrin Hatch: Introduced bipartisan DREAM Act.
Sam Granato: Don't rip apart families; support the DREAM Act.
Spencer Cox: Angry about children separated from families at border.
Spencer Cox: Welcome new residents, but don't try to change us.
Allen Glines: Find best course to raise minimum wage to $15.
Austin Searle: Funding business start-ups creates jobs, economic growth.
Austin Searle: Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Craig Bowden: Free market instead of affirmative action.
Gary Herbert: Remove oppressive nonsensical regulation & spur job creation.
Jon Huntsman: Utah job growth at 5%; unemployment under 3%.
Mike Weinholtz: Raise the minimum wage to fight against poverty.
Mike Pence: Government mandates on energy kill jobs.
Misty Snow: Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Rebecca Holcombe: Better ways to increase wages that setting minimum wage.
Spencer Cox: Funding for job training, not everyone needs a degree.
Vaughn Cook: Raise Utah's minimum wage.
Principles & Values
Allen Glines: Condemn white supremacy & far right nationalism.
Allen Glines: Parents of eight children, four of them quadruplets.
Craig Bowden: Work for all Utahns, regardless of religious beliefs.
Dan Liljenquist: Holds "debate" against opponent's video clips.
Evan McMullin: Political extremes don't represent the majority.
Evan McMullin: Uphold Constitution as inviolable and collective contract.
Gary Herbert: Governing through executive order is undemocratic.
Gary Herbert: Fund "In God We Trust" License Plates.
Jon Huntsman: Reach beyond traditional political boundaries for solutions.
Kamala Harris: We have broad support and will bring integrity back.
Mike Pence: Not fair to attack Amy Coney Barrett's faith.
Mike Pence: In America, we debate and disagree, but then come together.
Misty Snow: Spiritually, I value love and compassion for all people.
Misty Snow: I describe myself as a libertarian-leaning progressive.
Mitt Romney: Bring Utah's values and Utah's lessons to Washington.
Orrin Hatch: 1976: What do you call 2-term incumbents? Call him home!
Orrin Hatch: Debates are a time-worn campaign tactic for free press.
Orrin Hatch: I work with both Republicans and Democrats, out of necessity.
Orrin Hatch: 36 years of seniority means I can finally enact change.
Orrin Hatch: I'm running to help Mitt Romney and to be Committee Chairman.
Orrin Hatch: 2012 will be my last election, after 6 terms.
Pete Ashdown: Dems should be bold and different, not Republican light.
Rebecca Holcombe: Served in Scott's administration; now running against him.
Sam Granato: Utahns choice is mainstream candidate vs. extreme candidate.
Scott Howell: Electing the same people get the same results.
Scott Howell: I learned bipartisanship as minority party in state Senate.
Scott Howell: Reach out the hand of fellowship in compromise to GOP.
Spencer Cox: Coronavirus: Debunk rumors; don't share untrue stories.
Spencer Cox: We are friends; we must always be friends.
Spencer Cox: Everything has become political, that's a huge mistake.
Spencer Cox: If America is world's last great hope, Utah is America's.
Evan McMullin: AdWatch: Some Republicans are racist, but not all.
Evan McMullin: I'll maintain my independence, not caucus with either side.
Mike Lee: FactCheck: worked to overturn Electoral College votes.
Spencer Cox: It is for the free people of Utah to dictate our destiny.
Spencer Cox: Real power in pleading for help from a higher authority.
Social Security
Allen Glines: Ensure solvency of Social Security & Medicare.
Austin Searle: Maximize benefits, lower retirement age to 52.
Craig Bowden: Voluntary phase out for younger generations.
Evan McMullin: Favors cuts, means testing, raising retirement age.
Jonathan Swinton: Reduce Social Security taxes on entrepreneurs.
Mike Lee: Raise the retirement age to save Social Security.
Misty Snow: Remove cap on Social Security withholdings.
Mitt Romney: Bipartisan effort with Mitt Romney to shore up entitlements.
Orrin Hatch: Preserve Social Security fund in "Lockbox" until needed.
Sam Granato: Keep the retirement age but protect Social Security.
Tax Reform
Aimee Winder Newton: State must step up, rural areas can't afford property taxes.
Austin Searle: Big tech should either pay for our data or subsidize housing.
Chuck Baldwin: 10% tax on all imports into the US, and no other tax.
Craig Bowden: Lower taxes for everyone.
Gary Herbert: Don't stifle citizens & businesses with new tax burdens.
Gary Herbert: Broaden tax base & cut rates by 64%.
Jeff Burningham: Focus on taxpayer impact, not government revenue.
Jeff Burningham: Cut waste before imposing new taxes.
Jeff Burningham: Before we modernize tax code, we need to review spending.
Jeff Burningham: Reduce waste, unnecessary spending for meaningful tax cut.
Jenny Wilson: Reform tax code to narrow income gap, not benefit top 1%.
John Curtis: Cut taxes; simplify system.
Jon Huntsman: Historically high tax burden is now below national average.
Jon Huntsman: Removed half of the sales tax on food.
Jon Huntsman: Education funding is critical to long-term prosperity.
Jonathan Johnson: I will not raise taxes as governor.
Kamala Harris: We won't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000.
Kamala Harris: Americans deserve transparency on president's taxes.
Mia Love: Vote against all net tax increases.
Mike Pence: Trump tax cuts give $2,000 to average family.
Mike Weinholtz: Convert 5% flat tax rate to progressive tax & raise $179M.
Orrin Hatch: Cut capital gains taxes to allow better retirement planning.
Orrin Hatch: You can't argue with math: tax cuts for vast majority.
Spencer Cox: Reliance on property tax hurting rural areas.
Spencer Cox: $160 million grocery tax credit will help fight inflation.
Allen Glines: Reinstate net neutrality; expand broadband access.
Allen Glines: Prosecute entities conducting phone scams.
Austin Searle: Called out TikTok for trending "National Rape Day".
Chris Peterson: Balance water infrastructure needs with impact.
Gary Herbert: Invest in I-15 CORE & Ogden to Provo commuter rail.
Gary Herbert: Since 2007, "e-government" has saved Utahns about $46M.
Gary Herbert: We don't give ICE facial recognition data on immigrants.
Jon Huntsman: Fund desperately needed road expansions.
Jonathan Johnson: Elect transit officials instead of political appointments.
Mike Leavitt: Merit pay & scholarships for high-tech teachers.
Mike Weinholtz: Incentives to walk, bike, or take public transportation.
Misty Snow: Tax gasoline to support public transportation.
Spencer Cox: Not OK to give ICE facial recognition data on immigrants.
War & Peace
Chuck Baldwin: Develop exit strategy for phased withdrawal of US troops.
Craig Bowden: Exit the Mideast & support non-intervention.
Kamala Harris: Trump does not care about troops' injuries or deaths.
Mike Pence: Trump supports and reveres the troops.
Mitt Romney: Abandonment of Kurds a "bloodstain" on American history.
Welfare & Poverty
Allen Glines: Ban payday loans; incentivize affordable housing.
Chris Peterson: Continue pandemic moratorium on rent to help families.
Danny Drew: All of society should help the least of us meet basic needs.
Scott Howell: Direct poverty aid through religious & community groups.
Spencer Cox: Make sure rural Utah is not forgotten.
The above quotations are from State of Utah Politicians: Archives.