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State of Idaho Archives: on Health Care

Brad Little: Replace ObamaCare with local control

ObamaCare regulations have made Idahoans' healthcare costs soar beyond all reason. Idahoans need more control over our healthcare along with fewer federal mandates, and I will pledge to every Idahoan that I will fight to control and lower healthcare costs in Idaho.
Source: 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial website Sep 1, 2017

Brad Little: Respect voters' will if Proposition 2 passes

Gov. Butch Otter announced that he is backing Proposition 2, the ballot initiative that would expand Medicaid to the thousands of people who currently fall into the state's healthcare gap--making too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but too little to qualify for insurance subsidies.

"We cannot continue to let hardworking Idahoans go without healthcare," said Governor Otter. "Proposition 2 will provide healthcare to 62,000 Idahoans and it'll bring $400 million of our tax dollars back to Idaho. In addition, Proposition 2 will keep our rural hospitals and county clinics open." Prop 2 will appear on ballots across the state Nov. 6.

Medicaid expansion was a topic during this week's gubernatorial debate. Democratic challenger Paulette Jordan said she is a supporter of Prop 2. Her opponent, Lt. Gov. Brad Little has declined to say whether he will vote for the initiative but said if elected governor, he would respect the will of the voters if they pass Medicaid expansion.

Source: KTVB on Medicaid expansion in 2018 Idaho gubernatorial race Oct 30, 2018

Brad Little: Honor the will of the people & implement Medicaid expansion

On election day over 60% of voters approved Medicaid expansion. For months I made it clear I would honor the will of the people. I intend to work with you to implement Medicaid expansion using an Idaho approach. We need spring in our safety net so that there are multiple pathways for the gap population to move off Medicaid and onto private coverage.

While making health care available to low-income individuals we should also do what we can to make affordable, accessible, quality health care available to all Idahoans.

An unintended outcome of the Affordable Care Act is that too many people are priced out of health insurance coverage. In the past two years, the number of uninsured Idahoans increased by 125,000--almost double the gap population. As Idaho continues to enjoy the fastest-growing economy in the nation, the number of insured Idahoans should be increasing not decreasing.

Source: 2019 State of the State address to Idaho legislature Jan 7, 2019

Brad Little: First state to introduce "enhanced short-term plans"

We began implementing Medicaid Expansion. My budget implements a full year of Medicaid Expansion with a net-zero impact on the General Fund. Starting this year, Idaho became the first state in the nation to make "enhanced short-term plans" available, offering more options to individuals and families priced out of the market by ObamaCare. Two insurance carriers have signed up to offer the plans, creating competition and coverage to help drive down the cost of health care for Idaho families.
Source: 2020 Idaho State of the State address Jan 6, 2020

Brad Little: Expanded telehealth access, let's make changes permanent

We lifted regulations to expand telehealth access. It worked. The use of telehealth rose by 4,000%, and Idahoans in all parts of the state could continue to access care from the safety of their homes. The pandemic opened the door to great advances in telehealth access. Let's work together to make those red tape cuts permanent!
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 11, 2021

Brad Little: $50 million to improve behavioral healthcare across Idaho

Protecting Idahoans of all ages from the afflictions of mental illness and addiction led to the creation of the three-branch Behavioral Health Council in 2020. Behavioral health issues affect Idaho's corrections system, judicial system, hospitals, local communities, and schools. Today, I am proposing we accelerate the implementation of the Behavioral Health Council's recommendations by investing $50 million to improve behavioral healthcare across Idaho.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 10, 2022

Butch Otter: State-based health exchange, not federal one-size-fits-all

[I recently decided] to pursue a state-based health insurance exchange rather than defaulting to total federal control of that process. Rejecting the opportunity to assert ourselves will result in an unresponsive, one-size-fits-all federal exchange wreaking havoc on some of America's most reasonable costs of coverage. At its core, this is a matter of state's rights. You all know how I feel about Obamacare. I will continue encouraging and supporting efforts by our Idaho congressional delegation and many others to repeal and replace the law. But the fact remains that for now and for the foreseeable future it is the law. And as responsible elected officials we're sworn to uphold the rule of law--not just those laws that we support. So I urge you to look beyond the important work of changing a misguided federal law to the essential task at hand--preserving for Idaho citizens the option of having a voice in how one element of that law is implemented.
Source: Idaho 2013 State of the State Address Jan 7, 2013

Butch Otter: Incentivize health care professionals to come to Idaho

We must address our shortage of primary care physicians. So I encourage you to keep funding our physician residency slots and we must keep attracting healthcare professionals by providing medical loan reimbursement incentives for primary care doctors who agree to serve our rural communities. In the meantime, I'm asking the Board of Education to work with our medical community and higher education institutions to develop a new plan for addressing future demand for healthcare providers.
Source: 2016 State of the State speech to Idaho legislature Jan 11, 2016

Butch Otter: Expand Medicaid to cover those in state's healthcare gap

Gov. Butch Otter announced that he is backing Proposition 2, the ballot initiative that would expand Medicaid to the thousands of people who currently fall into the state's healthcare gap. Currently, an estimated 62,000 Idahoans are in the gap-- without healthcare. I'm proud that the citizens of Idaho have come up with a solution to solve this long-standing problem. Proposition 2 will provide healthcare to 62,000 Idahoans and it'll bring $400 million of our tax dollars back to Idaho. In addition, Proposition 2 will keep our rural hospitals and county clinics open. I strongly support expanding healthcare to folks who need it. It's good sense and it's the right thing to do." Prop 2 will appear on ballots across the state Nov. 6.
Source: KTVB on Medicaid expansion in 2018 Idaho gubernatorial race Oct 30, 2018

David Roth: Fix the gaps in the ACA, especially in under-served areas

The Affordable Care Act did much to expand access to critical healthcare. However, there are still some shortfalls. Of particular concern are the high cost of prescription drugs and the poor coverage of and access to mental health services, especially in rural areas. I would like to see increased investments in telehealth infrastructure to bring critical services to underserved areas. I believe that we need to work to fix the gaps in the ACA.
Source: 2022 Idaho Senate campaign website May 22, 2022

Ed Humphreys: Ban vaccine and mask mandates, ban vaccine passports

Source: 2021 ID Gubernatorial campaign website Oct 4, 2021

Janice McGeachin: Support your right to try non-traditional health remedies

Whether it was supporting your right to try natural, non-traditional health remedies, speaking out against putting healthy people under house arrest, sponsoring legislation to provide for the expungement of criminal records in certain cases, my strong belief in defending individual liberty has guided my actions. It still does today, even in a time when these seemingly old-fashioned notions have lost favor with the coastal elites.
Source: 2021 ID Senate campaign website Aug 25, 2021

Janice McGeachin: Defending state means rejecting enhanced federal Medicaid

Defending our state means making difficult decisions when the federal government tries to bribe us into compliance. It means rejecting an enhanced federal Medicaid match rate when accepting it would mean we lose the right to manage our own Medicaid eligibility requirements. It means shredding the FEMA Covid agreement--because Idaho is mandated to grant federal access to our lands, hold the federal government harmless, and require compliance with unreasonable federal laws and executive orders.
Source: 2021 ID Senate campaign website Aug 25, 2021

Jim Risch: ObamaCare is a regulatory quagmire

Q: Do you favor repealing ObamaCare? And what would replace it?

A: Yes. I fought against ObamaCare originally and I voted for and cosponsored every attempt to repeal it. This regulatory quagmire is not the solution for America's healthcare problems. We need more jobs and its small businesses that create those jobs. ObamaCare has discouraged small businesses from expanding. It has instead encouraged small business owners to cut hours, hire more part-time employees, increase the amount the employees contribute to healthcare, and in some instances, even quit providing healthcare coverage. When so many Americans are seeking stable sustainable employment, we do not need this law with thousands of pages of federal mandates and its chilling effect on job growth. I would replace ObamaCare with market-oriented reforms; a plan that gives individual Americans greater control over their healthcare and reduces the cost. The Patient CARE Act proposed by republican senators is a better alternative.

Source: Idaho Statesman Voter Guide on 2014 Idaho Senate race Jun 25, 2014

Michael Crapo: Oppose Obamacare; government-run health care not the answer

I oppose President Obama's ill-conceived health care plan and am fighting for its repeal and replacement. I have co-sponsored and advocated for legislation to fully repeal Obamacare. As a two-time cancer survivor, I know that patients, families and doctors need to be free of excessive government interference so they maintain power over their personal healthcare choices. Obamacare wrongly takes power away from patients and hands it to the government. Government-run health care is not the answer.
Source: 2021 Idaho Senate campaign website Jun 16, 2021

Nancy Harris: Supported Medicare for All; regulate drug prices

Source: 2020 Idaho Senate website Feb 5, 2020

Natalie Fleming: Universal Catastrophic Insurance for expenses over $50,000

Elegantly simple Healthcare Solutions:
  1. Universal Catastrophic Insurance for medical expenses over $50,000.
  2. Direct Primary Care: Small Family Practices charge simple monthly fee providing care.
  3. Individuals and families can purchase Gap Health insurance for the in-between.
  4. Allow Medicaid recipients to opt into Direct Primary Care. Medicaid pays the monthly fee.
Source: 2022 Idaho Senate campaign website Jun 28, 2022

Nels Mitchell: Most of ObamaCare is good; fix the parts that aren't

Q: Do you favor repealing ObamaCare? If so, what should replace it?

A: Certainly, there are problems with the ACA, and they need to be addressed. We should keep what works and fix what doesn't work. In the U.S. Senate, I will work with colleagues from both parties to repeal, or amend, those parts of the ACA that do not make sense and to retain those provisions that are working well. Most Idahoans I've talked to tell me they are relieved that coverage can no longer be denied because of pre-existing conditions and that they appreciate the fact that coverage can no longer be limited by annual or lifetime caps on benefits. Parents are glad to know that their young adult children can remain on the parents' health care policies until they turn 26. But the ACA still needs work; consideration should be given to removing individual mandates and raising the cap on employer mandates. And, of even more importance, the ACA has not put the breaks on escalating health care costs in this country.

Source: Idaho Statesman Voter Guide on 2014 Idaho Senate race Jun 25, 2014

Paulette Jordan: One solution to health care for all is Medicaid expansion

Q: How would the state pay for a health care program that covered everybody?

Jordan: A lot of businesses aren't always able to afford health insurance. I'd like to see local businesses to have the support to offer health care, whether that's through Medicaid expansion in the state. It would be a huge cost savings. Most businesses want expanded Medicaid. It's just the Republican Party who has said expanding Medicaid would cost more, and people are drinking the Kool Aid.

Source: Idaho Business Review on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial race Apr 27, 2018

Paulette Jordan: Repeal Idaho's 'faith healing' exemption

Q: Where do you stand on repealing Idaho's "faith healing" exemption?

The issue: Idaho has come under national scrutiny as one of just two states with an exemption that protects parents from criminal or civil liability if, due to their religious beliefs, they do not seek medical care for their child and the child dies. The other state is Virginia. According to groups working to change the law, 183 children in Idaho have died under this exemption since it was enacted in the 1970s.

Jordan: "If autonomous adults choose to forgo lifesaving medical treatment for religious reasons, they should be allowed to make that very personal decision. They should not, however, be able to make such a decision for their children. I support the repeal of Idaho's 'faith healing' exemption because, above all else, our laws should protect the lives of the youngest and most vulnerable people in our state."

Source: Idaho Statesman on 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial debate Feb 25, 2018

Paulette Jordan: Expand Medicaid to cover those in state's healthcare gap

Gov. Butch Otter announced that he is backing Proposition 2, the ballot initiative that would expand Medicaid to the thousands of people who currently fall into the state's healthcare gap--making too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but too little to qualify for insurance subsidies.

"We cannot continue to let hardworking Idahoans go without healthcare," said Governor Otter. "Proposition 2 will provide healthcare to 62,000 Idahoans and it'll bring $400 million of our tax dollars back to Idaho. In addition, Proposition 2 will keep our rural hospitals and county clinics open." Prop 2 will appear on ballots across the state Nov. 6.

Medicaid expansion was a topic during this week's gubernatorial debate. Democratic challenger Paulette Jordan said she is a supporter of Prop 2. Her opponent, Lt. Gov. Brad Little has declined to say whether he will vote for the initiative but said if elected governor, he would respect the will of the voters if they pass Medicaid expansion.

Source: KTVB on Medicaid expansion in 2018 Idaho gubernatorial race Oct 30, 2018

Paulette Jordan: Healthcare should be patient-centered, not profit-centered

We need a healthcare system which puts data on the center stage of the effort. We need to incentivize practices, procedures and medications that work. This is how we make healthcare a patient centered activity instead of a profit or revenue centered activity. The notion that Americans want to choose their healthcare plans for themselves is wrong. They just want the best healthcare and they hope they won't go bankrupt in the process.
Source: 2020 Idaho Senate campaign website Jun 29, 2020

Tommy Ahlquist: ObamaCare has been a disaster for doctors and patients

As a doctor, Tommy knows firsthand that ObamaCare has been a disaster for Idaho families. It's destroying the doctor-patient relationship. Premiums continue to rise while federal mandates change the very essence of medicine. We must implement solutions based on personal accountability, protect the doctor-patient relationship and promote competition between providers and insurance companies so Idahoans will receive the best care at a fair price.
Source: 2018 Idaho Gubernatorial website Aug 8, 2017

Brad Little: Make behavioral health services more accessible

We're on track to advance all of the recommendations from our historic three-branch Behavioral Health Council, and this year my IDAHO FIRST plan does even more to improve resources for troubled youth in mental health crises. We are also going to make behavioral health services more accessible for the neediest of our neighbors and add more doctors for rural Idaho and more healthcare workers overall.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Idaho legislature Jan 9, 2023

  • The above quotations are from State of Idaho Politicians: Archives.
  • Click here for definitions & background information on Health Care.
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2016 Presidential contenders on Health Care:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
Gov.Chris Christie(NJ)
Sen.Ted Cruz(TX)
Carly Fiorina(CA)
Gov.Jim Gilmore(VA)
Sen.Lindsey Graham(SC)
Gov.Mike Huckabee(AR)
Gov.Bobby Jindal(LA)
Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
Gov.Scott Walker(WI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023
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