State of Rhode Island Archives: on Health Care
Bob Flanders:
Supports HSAs, cross-state insurance, and tort reform
The ACA failed to reach its lofty goals as premiums skyrocketed and many of its provisions proved to be impractical & meddlesome. Consumers should be able to select a healthcare plan that addresses their needs. I will work together with both parties for
reforms that include the following:- Allow people to buy coverage across state lines, thereby increasing competition & breaking up health care monopolies.
- Require pricing transparency for the costs of radiologic and other diagnostic procedures.
- Permit trade and other industry and business associations to provide less costly health care plans to their members.
- Encourage the use of health care savings accounts.
- Enact medical malpractice reforms.
- While these reforms will help restore
affordability, all plans must cover pre-existing conditions
- Medicaid expansion will place stress on overburdened state budgets. This problem can be mitigated if states are given the flexibility to more efficiently serve Medicaid recipients.
Source: 2018 R.I. Senate campaign website
Nov 1, 2018
Bob Flanders:
Drugs Affordability Act: negotiate Medicare drug prices
As Rhode Island's next U.S. Senator, I will support a "Drugs Affordability Act" that will accomplish the following:- Control prescription drug price increases by creating an enforcement mechanism to identify drugs that have unreasonable price
increases and impose penalties on their manufacturers.
- Permit Medicare Part D to negotiate drug prices to leverage federal purchasing power, crack down on price gouging, and restrain the growth in prescription prices with justification required for
substantial price increases.
- Require transparency in drug pricing by requiring manufacturers to publicly disclose significant price increases, e.g., over 100% annually.
We need a practical problem solver in
Washington D.C. who represents the needs of Rhode Islanders, starting with affordable health care and lowering prescription drug prices.
Source: 2018 R.I. Senate campaign website
Nov 1, 2018
Barry Hinckley:
ObamaCare is an example of government gone wild
Hinckley, who has called for the repeal of President Obama's healthcare plan, was asked if he would keep any part of the plan. "This is a great example of government goes wild. [The senator's] party admitted they didn't know what was in it before they
voted for it," said Hinckley, who proposed fixing problems with the system individually, instead of with a massive bureaucracy. When asked when Rhode Islanders would see reduced healthcare costs under Obama's plan, Whitehouse said he wasn't sure.
Source: WPRI Eyewitness News on 2012 R.I. Senate debate
Oct 23, 2012
Barry Hinckley:
Voucher program provides Medicare choice
The moderator asked about the growing cost of Medicaid and Medicare. Whitehouse pivoted, and said the problem was with the cost of healthcare. "The nation can't continue to spend what it spends on healthcare," said Whitehouse. "It would be a mistake to
redefine the problem to say it's just a Medicaid and Medicare cost." The moderator then asked Hinckley if he would support a voucher program, which would give seniors the option to choose Medicare or a private insurer. "When you walk into a
restaurant, do you want one choice or two?" Hinckley asked. "Medicare is going out of business and it's not good for any American. He maintained there needs to be bi-partisan effort to solve the problem. "The Senate won't even debate it, they shoot it
down without a debate," he said. "The government has no track record of running things on budget and if you think they're going to run healthcare efficiently, I have another thing to tell you."
Source: WPRI Eyewitness News on 2012 R.I. Senate debate
Oct 23, 2012
Mark Zaccaria:
System works now, even for the uninsured
Q: Universal healthcare sounds like a great thing. Is it? A: It might not be if the plan to deliver it costs more that we are spending today as a society and especially if the actual care that it delivers is less than what we all enjoy today.
Today in America virtually anyone who needs emergency medical care can receive it by going to the ER at a public hospital. The short term payments the care facility must receive just to keep their doors open will be covered by the Payee of Last Resort:
The American Taxpayer. That's the state of medical coverage today. Most of the political plans that are currently being floated for Universal Healthcare in America involve both increasing federal government bureaucracy and further regulating
existing private health insurance providers. Doing the first thing increases costs in a way that cannot be forecast. Doing the second could add even bigger burdens to the very organizations we say we want to task with providing all that care.
Source: 2008 R.I. House campaign website,, "Q&A"
Nov 6, 2008
Lincoln Chafee:
Bipartisanship is the key to reform Medicare
The key to reforming any of our problems, be it Social Security or Medicare, is that Republicans and Democrats have to work together. These are big problems with Medicare, and the cost of it. The cost last year was $333 billion and one of the issues is
people are living longer. Fastest growing demographic is people over 85, one in seven are over 90. So we have to either raise revenue or cut benefits and thats always controversial and its going to take Republicans and Democrats working together.
Source: 2006 R.I. Republican Senate Primary debate on WPRI
Aug 24, 2006
Lincoln Chafee:
Support Canadian drug importation that Laffey opposes
Laffey signed a letter circulated by the big drug companies that says drug implication is not safe or effective. Canada has a large economy. Europe has a large economy.
They engage in parallel trading. They engage in reducing the price of prescription drugs. We have to now.
Source: 2006 R.I. Republican Senate Primary debate on WPRI
Aug 24, 2006
Stephen Laffey:
Medicare has to be able to negotiate
Medicare has to be able to negotiate like the veterans administration does with drug companies. Drug prices in our country are twice as high as they need to be and billions of dollars is being wasted.
Thats number one. We talk about all entitlement programs, though. What we have to do is continue to build the company.
Source: 2006 R.I. Republican Senate Primary debate on WPRI
Aug 24, 2006
Stephen Laffey:
Embryonic stem cell research has produced no benefit
In my estimation, adult stem cell research that has produced, in front of me, 72 different benefits in human patients. Embryonic stem cell research that has produced none, after $100 million of federal money in 10 years, I think the problems
are too great to overcome. Thats why I said we should strongly fund adult stem cell research because thats where the cures for these diseases are going to come from.
Source: 2006 R.I. Republican Senate Primary debate on WPRI
Aug 24, 2006
Page last updated: Oct 14, 2021