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State of New Hampshire secondary Archives: on Principles & Values

Andy Martin: King of the Birthers: Obama is hiding something

Andy Martin, a political gadfly who ran for President Obama's former Senate seat in 2010, announced that he will run for the Republican nomination for president on a "birther" platform.

The so-called "birther" movement already had a serious impact in the political landscape in the 2010 elections, Martin said, because "when you doubt the legitimacy of the leader, it undermines the Democratic Party."

Martin, who calls himself the "king of the birthers," said he actually believes Obama was born in Hawaii, as has been verified by the state with a Certificate of Live Birth. But he believes the White House is blocking the release of the president's full birth certificate because it could contain embarrassing information.

"My campaign doesn't say he was born here or he was born there, it says produce the facts," he said. "Tell the truth to the American people. If you want our confidence, if you want our sons and daughters--to die for your policies, we have to trust you."

Source: Los Angeles Times on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Dec 29, 2010

Andy Martin: Government restraint when acting on religious institutions

Q: Do you promise to protect the freedom of Christians to share the Gospel and to practice Biblical principles?

A: Yes.

Q: What does "separation of church and state" mean to you?

A: Government should act with great restraint when legislating or taking action where religious institutions are affected.

Q: Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values?

A: My faith is my life.

Source: AFA iVoterGuide on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 3, 2020

Bernie Sanders: It is not unrealistic to fight for middle class

CLINTON: I am a progressive who gets things done. The root of that word is progress. I've heard Senator Sanders' comments, and it's caused me to wonder who's left in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Under his definition, President Obama is not progressive because he took donations from Wall Street and Vice President Biden is not progressive because he supported Keystone.

Q: Senator Sanders, have you established a list of what it means to be a progressive that is unrealistic?

SANDERS: Not at all. The reality is that we have one of lowest voter turnouts of any major country because people have given up on the political process. The reality is there are trillions of dollars going from the middle class to the top 1 percent. The reality is we have a corrupt campaign finance system which separates the people's needs from what Congress is doing. What we have to do is wage a political revolution where we demand the government represent us and not just campaign contributors.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Bernie Sanders: I walk the walk of progressivism, with no Super PAC

CLINTON: It is fair to say, Senator, that in your definition, as you being the self-proclaimed gatekeeper for progressivism, I don't know anyone else who fits that definition, but I know a lot of really hard fighting progressives in the Democratic party who have stood up time, and time again against special interests, against the powerful on behalf of those who are left behind and left out. And, that's what we ought to be celebrating. Let's talk about what we would do as President, and Commander in Chief to make sure the progress continues into the future.

SANDERS: We should not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. I am proud to be the only candidate who does not have a Super PAC, who's not raising huge sums of money from Wall Street and special interests. Never believed it would happen that we have raised 3.5 million individual contributions, averaging $27 dollars a piece. That is what the political revolution means.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Bernie Sanders: I am longest serving Independent but caucus with Dems

Q: Senator Sanders, How can you lead the Democratic Party when you have not been a member of the Democratic Party until recently?

SANDERS: It is true. I am the longest- serving independent in the history of the United States Congress. Vermont sent me to Washington as an independent. On the other hand, when I was in the House for 16 years, I caucused with the Democrats. In the Senate for nine years , I caucused with the Democrats. I do want to see major changes in the Democratic Party. I want to see working people and young people come into the party in a way that doesn't exist now. I want a 50-state strategy so the Democratic Party is not just the party of 25 states.

CLINTON: You know, the person who first put out the idea of a 50-state party strategy is former Governor Howard Dean, who is with us tonight.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Bernie Sanders: Too late for establishment politics: we need a revolution

My dad came to this country at 17 from Poland. Didn't have any money, couldn't speak English, he died pretty young. It would have been beyond his wildest dreams to see his son running for president. I'm running because I believe it is too late for establishment politics and establishment economics. We need a political revolution where millions of people stand up and say loudly and clearly that our government belongs to all of us and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors.
Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Bill O`Brien: Endorsed by Ted Cruz

On Ted Cruz endorsement: "I'm honored by the endorsement," O'Brien said. "It is a validation of the argument we've been making that I am the only proven conservative in this race. I'm an admirer of Ted. He has a deep and broad understanding of the Constitution and has spent a great deal of time ensuring that it has continued viability. I want to join him in that effort," O'Brien said. "He is someone I turn to when I need to understand constitutional issues."
Source: WMUR-NH on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race endorsements Sep 19, 2019

Bill O`Brien: I want to make sure we preserve the genius of our founders

O'Brien believes the nation's founding fathers laid out the perfect blueprint for how government should operate and wants to do his part in Washington to get the country back on that path. "I want to make sure that we preserve the genius of our founders," O'Brien said. "Our founders gave us something that I think was a miracle." The founders, he said, "made sure that no participant in the government has anything close to all of the authority, a system of checks and balances.
Source: The Conway Daily Sun on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Sep 25, 2019

Bill Weld: Government leaders should inspire and unite, not divide

America is stronger, and can afford to be more generous, when it is united rather than divided. There is a place and time for opposition and dissent, there is always room for healthy debate. But there should be no hatred, no intimidation, no name-calling between the various arms of the federal government, or between groups of citizens. Our leaders in government should seek to unite us and make us all proud to be Americans--and never, ever seek to divide us.
Source: Speech in New Hampshire by 2020 presidential hopefuls Feb 15, 2019

Bob Smith: Too many in Washington have no vision to restore the nation

Bob Smith says he's back in New Hampshire, running for his old U.S. Senate seat, because too many people in Washington have no sense of urgency or vision to restore the nation to greatness.

"It's not about me, nor is it about any other candidate. It's not about any political party, it's not about republicans or democrats, it's about saving the United States of America."

Smith spent three terms in the U.S. House and two in the Senate before losing a 2002 Republican primary to John E. Sununu.

Source: NHPR on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race Mar 4, 2014

Bob Smith: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework

Question topic: Efforts to bring Islamic law (shariah) to America do not pose a threat to our country and its Constitution.

Smith: Strongly Disagree.

Question topic: Judeo-Christian values established a framework of morality which permitted our system of limited government.

Smith: Strongly Agree.

Question topic: Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values.

Smith: Catholic.

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race Jul 2, 2014

Chris Sununu: Served three terms on the Executive Council

Republican Chris Sununu, the son of a former governor and brother of a former U.S. Senator, has kicked off the 2016 gubernatorial contest in New Hampshire as the race's first declared candidate.

Sununu, now serving his third term on the Executive Council, announced his intention to run for the state's top job at an annual GOP Labor Day picnic. Sununu is the son of former Gov. John H. Sununu and the brother of former U.S. Sen. John E. Sununu. Asked whether he's worried about voters being skeptical of political dynasties, he gives an answer similar to that of GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush, the son and brother of ex-presidents.

Source: Nashua Telegraph on 2016 New Hampshire Governor's race Sep 9, 2015

Chris Sununu: Granite State is ranked as the Freest State in the Nation

Let's start with some really good news:Ranking after ranking shows what we have long known--the Granite State is the place to be and America is taking notice.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to New Hampshire legislature Feb 17, 2022

Chris Sununu: Put Suicide Prevention phone number on every student ID card

I am calling on the House and Senate today to continue the progress we've made in bolstering mental health services by passing SB 234--which would require every student ID card in New Hampshire to have the phone number of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Easy access to this 24-Emergency service for every family--It's so simple, cost nothing, but will undoubtedly save lives.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to New Hampshire legislature Feb 17, 2022

Chuck Morse: Family, hard work and community have defined me as a person

I grew up in Salem, NH. My father was disabled, a veteran, and almost 100% deaf. He struggled with his mental health and holding a job was difficult. My family didn't have a lot of money growing up. My mother worked tirelessly to provide for us and never made us feel as though we were wanting for anything, even when we were. Family, hard work and community. These are the things that have defined me as a person more than anything else and are the things that make New Hampshire a special place.
Source: 2022 New Hampshire Senate website Apr 1, 2022

Corky Messner: Against vandalism, but take down Confederate statues

I think it's important that we look at what's going on with respect to monuments and statues and identify the various vandalism that has been going on. I think with respect to monuments to Confederate generals and honoring the Confederacy, yes, those statues need to come down. I believe that some of those statues should be in museums with full disclosure of what those folks did and what the Confederacy stood for.
Source: National Public Radio on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Jul 9, 2020

Corky Messner: Millennials aren't supporters of government socialism

The media would have you believe that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the leader of the millennial demographic. She is not. Ocasio-Cortez argues that millennials need an all-powerful, constantly regulating big government to build and sustain their lives. While she panders to millennials for political gain, true next generation leaders will show their friends and colleagues a way of life that is much better than one spent relying on government and socialism.
Source: Fox News on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race May 11, 2020

Don Bolduc: Leadership mantra: People, Family, Mission

I have a leadership mantra, 'PEOPLE, FAMILY, MISSION'--they aren't just words, they are my guiding principle that I learned growing up on the Bolduc family farm and in Laconia. In my 32 years of active duty service in the US Army, those words were never far from my mind. I won't let special interests or partisan politics get in the way of my new mission, serving as your United States Senator.
Source: 2020 New Hampshire Senate campaign website Feb 10, 2020

Don Bolduc: Lost to GOP establishment; building grassroots organization

Bolduc confirmed that he's running again for the U.S. Senate - he says he'll take on Sen. Maggie Hassan in 2022. The Laconia native said his loss in the Sept. 8 Republican Senate primary to Corky Messner was, in his opinion, a loss to the GOP "establishment," and he said he will spend the next two years building a strong grassroots campaign organization for another run. Bolduc filed a statement of candidacy less than a week after the general election, with the Federal Election Commission.
Source: WMUR 9-News on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 9, 2020

Don Bolduc: Not for Black Lives Matter, but Everyone's Lives

Q: Do you support the Black Lives Matter movement?

Bolduc: I support the Everyone's Lives Matter movement.

Q: What does that mean because I'm not I'm not familiar with that movement. I'm hesitant to say it even exists. Are there marches for All Lives...?

Bolduc: It doesn't exist. And that's the problem. I think when we when we categorize people and we put things in stovepipes, we're channeling ourselves in a way that's very divisive because nobody is going to be able to understand each other.

Source: NHPR The Exchange on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Nov 9, 2020

Don Bolduc: Forts named for Confederates a "symbol of hope"

[On Confederate heritage]: "Military forts were named for a reason and that is the history that we must accept, not change," Bolduc continued. "And when people ask me, 'well, it's just a symbol of racism.' No, it's not. It's a symbol of hope. It's a symbol of inspiration. It's a symbol of moving forward. It's a recognition of our history that we're not proud of, but we need to grow through and become stronger. That's what America is about. That's why we're the greatest country in the world."
Source: The Hill e-zine on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Jul 17, 2020

Gary Bauer: Better off than 4 years ago financially, but not culturally

Q: Ronald Reagan famously said in 1980, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" A:I think people would answer the question "yes" when it came to some economic issues. But in other ways, we're hurting. The culture is more coarse now than it was.
Source: New Hampshire GOP Debates Dec 3, 1999

Gloria Bromell Tinubu: Leadership by serving others & personal responsibility

"I've made a career of serving others, and I want to take that leadership to D.C. I believe in servant leadership, personal responsibility and core principles. I fought for this country and now I want to fight for New Hampshire," Bolduc said. "The most important lesson I learned in the military is working with others, empowering people and working on community-based solutions." Bolduc has a simple approach: fix the broken leadership in Congress and work with President Donald Trump.
Source: American Military News on 2020 New Hampshire Senate race Jul 19, 2019

Hillary Clinton: I am a progressive who gets things done

Q: Senator Sanders is arguing that you are not progressive enough to be the Democratic nominee. He has said that if you voted for the Iraq war, if you are in favor of the death penalty, if you wobbled on things like the Keystone Pipeline or TPP, if you said single payer health care could never happen, then you're too far to the right of the Democratic Party. Why should liberal Democrats support you?

CLINTON: Because I am a progressive who gets things done. The root of that word, progressive, is progress. I've heard Senator Sanders' comments, and it's caused me to wonder who's left in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Under his definition, President Obama is not progressive because he took donations from Wall Street; Vice President Biden is not progressive because he supported Keystone; Senator Shaheen is not progressive because she supports the trade pact.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Hillary Clinton: A woman president does not exemplify the establishment

CLINTON: I'm grateful to have the support of many elected Vermonters and former officials. Two former governors, the current governor, the current other senator. I think it's because they've worked with me. They want me as their partner in the White House. We'll get things done together.

SANDERS: Secretary Clinton has the support of far more governors, mayors, members of the House. She has the entire establishment behind her. I don't deny it. I am proud that we have over a million people who have contributed to our campaign. That we have had meetings where 25,000-30,000 people have come out. That our campaign is a campaign of the people, by the people, and for the people. Secretary Clinton does represent the establishment. I represent ordinary Americans.

CLINTON: I've got to just jump in here because, honestly, Senator Sanders is the only person who would characterize me, a woman running to be the first woman president, as exemplifying the establishment.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Speaking fees & donations do not equal political corruption

SANDERS: [Secretary Clinton is] part of the establishment [by,] in the last quarter, having a super PAC that raised $15 million from Wall Street, that throughout one's life raised lot of money from the drug companies and other special interests. If we do not get a handle on money in politics and the degree to which big money controls the political process in this country, nobody is going to bring about the changes that is needed for the middle class and working families.

CLINTON: Senator Sanders has said he wants to run a positive campaign. But there is this attack that he is putting forth, which really comes down to anybody who ever took donations or speaking fees from any interest group has to be bought. I absolutely reject that. You will not find that I ever changed a view or a vote because of any donation that I ever received. I have represented my constituents to the best of my abilities, and I'm very proud of that. Let's talk about the issues that divide us.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Before it was emails, it was Benghazi; it's all a ploy

Q: Democratic voters tell our reporters they're worried about the emails issue. Can you reassure these Democrats that somehow the email issue isn't going to blow up your candidacy if you're the nominee?

CLINTON: Absolutely I can. You know, before it was emails, it was Benghazi, and the Republicans were stirring up so much controversy about that. I testified for 11 hours, answered their questions. They basically said "yeah, didn't get her. We tried." That was all a political ploy.

Source: MSNBC Democratic primary debate in New Hampshire Feb 4, 2016

Jeanne Shaheen: On 99% vote with Obama: Find ways to appeal to independents

Key to understanding Shaheen is her upbringing in N.H. politics: as a Democratic operative in a conservative-leaning state. Her political education in the early presidential state began in 1975, when she and her husband showed up for Carter's first organizational meetings.

In those races and many others, Shaheen had to find ways to appeal to the state's huge swath of independents. N.H. has open primaries, meaning voters can choose whether they want a Democratic or Republican ballot; playing strictly to the base isn't really an option.

So it's no surprise she's not publicly embracing Obama. Shaheen's problem is that she's backed her party on every major issue. Republicans cite a statistic that Shaheen voted with Obama 99% of the time last year. During a 2008 debate, Shaheen struggled to identify a national issue where she opposed her party's leadership. Posed the same question during the interview last week, she cited her opposition to the TARP bailout and an Internet sales tax.

Source: weblog on 2014 New Hampshire Senate race Mar 30, 2014

Jeanne Shaheen: Women's experiences different not better or worse than men's

As women, we have different life experiences. They're not any better or worse than men's, but they're different. When we're at the table, we bring that perspective. It's really important to have that perspective at the table. If we don't have that perspective, then we're missing half of the population in the world. So it's really important to make sure that women are represented.
Source: Council on Foreign Relations: 2020 New Hampshire Senate race May 18, 2020

Jon Huntsman: We need a unifying leader, not vilifying different groups

Q: What does our state motto, "Live free or die," mean to you personally?

HUNTSMAN: It is the fulfillment of a citizenry being able to live out the meaning of our founding documents--life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In N.H., people take that very seriously. You know what else they take seriously? The idea of real leadership. I've heard a lot of obfuscating up here [on the debate stage], the blame game. You know what the people of this country are waiting for? They want a leader who is going to unify, who's going to bring us together. Because that's what leadership is all about. It's not about taking on different groups and vilifying them for whatever reason. It's about projecting a vision for a more hopeful tomorrow. That's why there is no trust in this country today, and that's why, as president, I'm going to attack that trust deficit just as aggressively as I attack that economic deficit.

Source: Meet the Press 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 8, 2012

Karen Testerman: Slogan: Together We Can Make New Hampshire Great Again

Meanwhile, Ms. Testerman charges the governor's policies on the coronavirus "brought about the destruction of small businesses and hurt our families"--an echo of the approach that State Sen. Doug Mastriano used in his successful campaign for the GOP gubernatorial nomination in Pennsylvania last month. Indeed, Ms. Testerman's website argues, "We must decide whether we are a free state," a statement itself with echoes of Mr. Mastriano's plea for Pennsylvanians to "walk as free people." It will not go unnoticed that one of her slogans is "Together We Can Make New Hampshire Great Again." The themes that have animated Trump supporters nationally are in the air here.
Source: Marshall News Messenger on 2022 New Hampshire Governor race Jun 18, 2022

Karen Testerman: We've got to put God back in our country again

[On religion]: "We've got to put God back in our country again--this country was founded on God and it's the reason we have had the longest constitutional administration, longer than any country," Testerman said. "The reason I'm running for governor is we've got to get our home first taken care of."
Source: The Keene Sentinel on 2022 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Jul 17, 2022

Karen Testerman: BSA changing sexual orientation policy leads to atheism

Additionally, boys who join the Boy Scouts of America pledge their "duty to God and my country." Asking the Boy Scouts of America to change its policy on sexual orientation will eventually lead to a challenge to its belief in God. Some atheist leaders have already said they will pursue this.
Source: USA Today on 2022 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Apr 3, 2013

Karen Testerman: Signed letter declaring state government illegitimate

A small group of Republican state representatives have signed onto a "termination of the state" document that declares New Hampshire's government illegitimate and says the November election was void. In total, 37 people signed the document, including Karen Testerman, a conservative who launched an unsuccessful primary challenge against Sununu earlier this year.
Source: Concord Monitor on 2022 New Hampshire Gubernatorial race Dec 28, 2020

Mitt Romney: Obama's policies have made the recession deeper

Q: With 200,000 new jobs created last month, there are optimists who say this economy is finally turning around.

ROMNEY: I'm an optimist, and I certainly hope it turns around. We have 25 million people that are out of work or have stopped looking for work, and also a lot of people who've got part-time jobs and need full-time employment. I hope we continue to see good news. But it's not thanks to President Obama. His policies have made the recession deeper, and his policies have made the recovery more tepid. As a result of everything from Obamacare to Dodd-Frank to a whole host of new regulations put on American businesses, he's made it harder for small entrepreneurs and big businesses to decide to invest in America and to grow jobs here. And so the president is going to try and take responsibility for things getting better. You know, it's like the rooster taking responsibility for the sunrise. He didn't do it. In fact, what he did was make things harder for America to get going again.

Source: WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 7, 2012

Mitt Romney: Business entrepreneurialism is leadership experience

Q: [to Santorum]: You have said we don't need a CEO or a manager as president?

SANTORUM: We need a leader, someone who has the experience to go out and be the commander-in-chief.

Q: Were you talking about Gov. Romney?

SANTORUM: Yeah, of course. Business experience doesn't necessarily match up with being the commander-in-chief.

ROMNEY: People who spend their life in Washington don't understand what happens out in the real economy. They think that people who start businesses are just managers. Entrepreneurs that start a business from the ground up and get customers and get investors and hire people to join them, those people are leaders. And the chance to lead in free enterprise is extraordinarily critical to also being able to lead a state, like I led in Massachusetts, and, by the way, lead the Olympics. My experience is in leadership. I wish people in Washington had experience in the real economy first, before they went there, and they'd understand some of the real lessons of leadership.

Source: WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 7, 2012

Orrin Hatch: Legislative record of bipartisan accomplishment

Q: Why should I vote for you for President? A: I'm a staunch social conservative who works hard to put our fiscal affairs in order. I'm the author of the balanced budget amendment. I have a legislative record and record of accomplishment that no other candidate can match, ranging from bills on consumer pharmaceuticals to child health insurance; all done by bringing Democrats and Republicans together to get things done. And last of all, I understand the people because I come from the people.
Source: The Exchange, New Hampshire Public Radio Sep 13, 1999

Rick Perry: Obama's a socialist; Founding Fathers didn't want socialists

Q: John McCain wrote about Obama in The Washington Post in an op-ed about a year ago, "I disagree with many of the president's policies, but I believe he is a patriot sincerely intent on using his time in office to advance our country's cause. I reject accusations that his policies and beliefs make him unworthy to lead America or opposed to its founding ideals." Agree?

PERRY: I make a very proud statement and a fact that we have a president that's a socialist. I don't think our Founding Fathers wanted America to be a socialist country. So I disagree with that premise that somehow or another that President Obama reflects our Founding Fathers. He doesn't. He talks about having a more powerful, more centralized, more consuming and costly federal government. I am a Tenth Amendment-believing governor. I truly believe that we need a president that respects the Tenth Amendment. The states will considerably do a better job than a one-size-fits-all Washington, D.C., led by this president.

Source: Meet the Press 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 8, 2012

Rick Santorum: We need command leadership; not business experience

Q: You have said we don't need a CEO, we don't need a manager as president. What did you mean by that?

SANTORUM: Well, we need a leader, someone who has the experience to go out and be the commander-in-chief. I've experienced 8 years on the Armed Services Committee. We need someone who can go out and paint a vision of what America's strength is about, let our allies know that they can trust us, let our enemies know that they have to respect us, and if they cross us, they should fear us.

Q: Were you talking about Gov. Romney with the manager part?

SANTORUM: The manager part? Yeah, well, of course I was talking about Gov. Romney. Business experience doesn't necessarily match up with being the commander-in-chief of this country. The commander-in-chief of this country isn't a CEO. It's someone who has to lead. You can't direct members of Congress as to how you do things. You've got to lead and inspire. And I've been the one that's been able to do that.

Source: WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 7, 2012

Rick Santorum: I'm a conservative but not a libertarian; some government OK

Q: Congressman Paul, you've got a new ad up in which you call Santorum a corrupt corporate lobbyist, a Washington insider with a record of betrayal. Are you willing to stand by those charges?

RON PAUL: In a survey, he came out as one of the top corrupt individuals because he took so much money from the lobbyists. But what really counts is his record: he's a big government, big spending individual.

SANTORUM: The group that called me corrupt was a group called CREW. If you haven't been sued by CREW, you're not a conservative. It's a ridiculous charge. I'm a conservative. I'm not a libertarian. I believe in some government. I do believe that as a senator from Pennsylvania that I had a responsibility to go out there and represent the interests of my state. I am not a libertarian, Ron--you vote against everything. I don't vote against everything. I do vote for some spending. I do think government has a role to play.

Source: WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 7, 2012

Rick Santorum: I appeal to blue-collar voters, not Wall Street

ROMNEY: The people that have been hurt in the Obama economy are the middle-class.

SANTORUM: The governor used a term that I shrink from. And it's one that I don't think we should be using as Republicans, "middle class." There are no classes in America We are a country that doesn't put people in classes. There may be middle income people, but the idea that we're going to buy into the class warfare arguments of Barack Obama is something that should not be part of the Republican lexicon. That's their job: divide, separate, put one group against another. That's not the language that I'll use as president. I'll use the language of bringing people together. So if you want someone that's a clear contrast, that has a strong record, has a vision for this country that's going to get this country growing & appeal to blue collar workers & deliver that message, that we care about you, too, not just about Wall Street and bailing them out, then I'm the guy that you want to put in the nomination

Source: WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate Jan 7, 2012

Steve Marchand: Socially very progressive and fiscally very responsible

Q: I found an article from 2008 about how the Democratic mayor of Portsmouth would get into political debates with his Republican wife. Are you still debating?

A: There are some other issues where we clearly disagree. I didn't ask my wife when we first started dating what her party affiliation was, and by the time I figured it out, I was smitten. It is easy to demonize other people that you don't know. So I'm really proud that even though I'm socially very progressive and fiscally I'm very responsible--and I'll pay for priorities; I'm not afraid to say that--I have a lot of folks who are Republicans that are like my wife, and are kind of freaked out by some of the things going on at the national level and don't know what happened to their party. I want them to know that we don't have to agree on all the issues, but they know they can work with somebody like me. I'll never compromise on my principles; I'll also not demonize people if they don't agree with me on everything.

Source: N.H. Public Radio on 2018 New Hampshire gubernatorial race Apr 24, 2017

Don Bolduc: 2021: Trump won; 2022: Biden is legitimate president

Bolduc was unabashed during the Republican primary in falsely declaring that Biden's victory was illegitimate. Bolduc said at an August debate: "I signed a letter with 120 other generals & admirals saying that Donald Trump won the election and, dammit, I stand by" it.

[Bolduc was referring] to a May 2021 letter that vaguely suggested the election results did not reflect the will of the people. Bolduc was more explicit in his own comments, baselessly saying in 2021 that "I think there was a tremendous amount of fraud across this country and in every state" and falsely claiming in 2021 that NH's Republican governor [and others] have won races by "mathematically impossible" margins.

After [winning the 2022 GOP primary], Bolduc flip-flopped on the 2020 election. He said "I have come to the conclusion--and I want to be definitive on this--the election was not stolen." He said that while there was fraud in the election, Biden is unfortunately "the legitimate president of this country."

Source: CNN on 2020 Election Denial: 2022 New Hampshire Senate race Sep 15, 2022

  • The above quotations are from State of New Hampshire Politicians: secondary Archives.
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Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
Sen.Rick Santorum(PA)
Donald Trump(NY)
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Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
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Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

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