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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
Memberships / Affiliations
Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains bill sponsorships in the Senate and House. Bill sponsorships indicate the topics that legislators are most interested in, and spend the most time on.

07-HR2332 on May 15, 2007

Bill Sponsorship: keeping sanctions against Syria until WMDs are dismantled
Source: Syria Accountability and Liberation Act (H.R.2332)
This bill states that U.S. sanctions and controls relating to Syria shall remain in effect until the President certifies that Syria has ceased support for terrorism, has dismantled biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons programs, and has committed to combat their proliferation, respects the boundaries and sovereignty of all neighboring countries, and upholds human rights and civil liberties.

Also imposes specified trade, assistance, and military sanctions, as appropriate, on persons or countries that transfer goods or technology so as to contribute to Syria's biological, chemical, nuclear, or advanced conventional weapons programs.

Imposes specified sanctions aimed at Syria's energy sector.

Sets forth diplomatic measures intended to isolate the government of Syria.

Directs the President to provide assistance to support a democratic transition in Syria.

  • Topic: Foreign Policy
  • Headline: Keep sanctions against Syria until WMDs are dismantled

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 07-HR2332

Shelley Berkley s1oNevada Democrat (Senate run 2012) 
Robert Brady s1oPennsylvania Democrat 
Chris Carney s1oPennsylvania Democrat (Retired 2010) 
Ben Chandler s1oKentucky Democrat 
Steve Cohen s1oTennessee Democrat 
Jim Costa s1oCalifornia Democrat 
Danny Davis s1oIllinois Democrat 
Eliot Engel s1oNew York Democrat/Liberal 
Eni Faleomavaega s1oSamoa Democrat 
Charles Gonzalez s1oTexas Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Tim Holden s1oPennsylvania Democrat (Lost 2012 Primary) 
Stephanie Tubbs Jones s1oOhio Former Dem. (Deceased, 2008) 
Carolyn Maloney s1oNew York Democrat/Liberal 
Jim Marshall s1oGeorgia Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Charles Rangel s1oNew York Dem./Lib./Working-Families 
Robert Wexler s1oFlorida Democrat (resigned Jan. 2010) 

Republicans participating in 07-HR2332

Rodney Alexander s1oLouisiana Republican 
Gresham Barrett s1oSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010) 
Gus Bilirakis s1oFlorida Republican 
Marsha Blackburn s1oTennessee Republican 
Roy Blunt s1oMissouri Republican (until 2010) 
Jo Bonner s1oAlabama Republican 
John Boozman s1oAR Republican Jr Senator 
Henry Brown s1oSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010) 
Vern Buchanan s1oFlorida Republican 
Michael Burgess s1oTexas Republican 
Dan Burton s1oIndiana Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Steve Buyer s1oIndiana Republican (until 2010) 
Ken Calvert s1oCalifornia Republican 
Dave Camp s1oMichigan Republican 
Chris Cannon s1oUtah Republican 
Eric Cantor s1oVirginia Republican 
Shelley Moore Capito s1oWest Virginia Republican 
John Carter s1oTexas Republican 
Steve Chabot s1oOhio Republican 
John Howard Coble s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Tom Cole s1oOklahoma Republican 
Mike Conaway s1oTexas Republican 
Ander Crenshaw s1oFlorida Republican 
John Culberson s1oTexas Republican 
David Davis s1oTennessee Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Jo Ann Davis s1oVirginia Republican 
Mario Diaz-Balart s1oFlorida Republican 
John Doolittle s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Thelma Drake s1oVirginia Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Phil English s1oPennsylvania Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Mike Ferguson s1oNew Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Randy Forbes s1oVirginia Republican 
Virginia Foxx s1oNorth Carolina Republican 
Trent Franks s1oArizona Republican 
Rodney Frelinghuysen s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Elton Gallegly s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Scott Garrett s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Jim Gerlach s1oPennsylvania Republican 
Phil Gingrey s1oGA Republican Challenger 
Louie Gohmert s1oTexas Republican 
Bob Goodlatte s1oVirginia Republican 
Kay Granger s1oTexas Republican 
Denny Hastert s1oIllinois Republican (Retired 2007) 
Doc Hastings s1oWashington Republican 
Robin Hayes s1oNorth Carolina Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Jeb Hensarling s1oTexas Republican 
Peter Hoekstra s1oMI Republican Challenger 
Duncan Hunter s1oCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Bob Inglis s1oSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010) 
Jim Jordan s1oOhio Republican 
Ric Keller s1oFlorida Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Peter King s1oNew York Rep./Ind./Cons./Right-To-Life 
Mark Kirk s1oIL Republican Jr Senator 
John Kline s1oMinnesota Republican 
Joe Knollenberg s1oMichigan Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Randy Kuhl s1oNew York Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Ray LaHood s1oIllinois Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Doug Lamborn s1oColorado Republican 
Steven LaTourette s1oOhio Republican 
Bob Latta s1oOhio Republican 
Frank LoBiondo s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Connie Mack s1oFL Former Republican Senator (until 2000) 
Kenny Marchant s1oTexas Republican 
Michael McCaul s1oTexas Republican 
Thad McCotter s1oMichigan Republican 
John McHugh s1oNew York Republican/Conservative 
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers s1oWashington Republican 
Jeff Miller s1oFlorida Republican 
Tim Murphy s1oPennsylvania Republican 
Sue Myrick s1oNorth Carolina Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Mike Pence s1oIN Republican Governor 
Todd Platts s1oPennsylvania Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Ted Poe s1oTexas Republican 
Jon Porter s1oNevada Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Tom Price s1oGeorgia Republican 
Deborah Pryce s1oOhio Republican 
Ralph Regula s1oOhio Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Dave Reichert s1oWashington Republican (Governor run 2012) 
Rick Renzi s1oArizona Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Dana Rohrabacher s1oCalifornia Republican 
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen s1pFlorida Republican 
Bill Sali s1oIdaho Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Jim Saxton s1oNew Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Jean Schmidt s1oOhio Republican (Lost 2012 Primary) 
James Sensenbrenner s1oWisconsin Republican 
Pete Sessions s1oTexas Republican 
Christopher Smith s1oNew Jersey Republican 
Mark Souder s1oIndiana Republican (until 2010) 
Cliff Stearns s1oFlorida Republican (Lost 2012 primary) 
Tom Tancredo s1oColorado Republican Governor challenger 
Lee Terry s1oNebraska Republican 
Pat Tiberi s1oOhio Republican 
Greg Walden s1oOregon Republican 
Jim Walsh s1oNew York Rep./Ind. (Retiring 2008) 
Zach Wamp s1oTennessee Republican (until 2010) 
Jerry Weller s1oIllinois Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Lynn Westmoreland s1oGeorgia Republican 
Heather Wilson s1oNew Mexico Republican (Senate 2008) 
Joe Wilson s1oSouth Carolina Republican 

Independents participating in 07-HR2332

Ginny Brown-Waite s1oFlorida Former GOP (until 2010) 
Lincoln Diaz-Balart s1oFlorida Former GOP (until 2010) 
Tom Feeney s1oFlorida Former GOP 
Luis Fortuno s1oPuerto Rico At-Large (retired 2008) 
John Linder s1oGeorgia Former GOP (until 2010) 
Adam Putnam s1oFlorida Former GOP (until 2010) 
Joe Sestak s1oPA 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently US Rep. 

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 16
Republicans: 99
Independents: 7

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