John Kasich on Environment
Republican Governor; previously Representative (OH-12); 2000 candidate for President
Eliminate NOAA; let DOI safeguard natural resources
Sometimes the best government is the government that doesn't exist. That is definitely true in the case of the Commerce Department. Its various pieces and parts do not belong together. Duplicative efforts must be eliminated or downsized.
Certain key missions including economic development, natural resources and trade enforcement would be markedly improved by better aligning the federal agencies performing these functions. Many other functions can be shrunk and sent back to the states.
Consolidate Stewardship of Natural Resources: Almost half of the Commerce Department's budget goes to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which includes the National Weather Service and its satellites, and the
National Hurricane Center. These and other efforts align closely with the work of the Department of Interior to preserve and safeguard America's natural resources and, after a review to eliminate duplication, would be moved there.
Source: 2020 presidential hopefuls: campaign website JohnKasich.com
, Sep 18, 2018
$2.5B invested in cleaning Lake Erie, and keep it clean
This region continues to generate good memories for hundreds of thousands who come here for the recreation, the resources, and the hospitality Lake Erie coast is known for. And we're investing a lot in our lake--Randy Gardner is always on top of
that--and our coastal resources to make the water cleaner and keep it that way. About two and half billion dollars have been invested in Lake Erie since the start of the Administration. Yes, we want to make it cleaner, and we aim to keep it clean.
And I hope those that come after me will realize this is the great, great jewel of the state of Ohio, and that's the great Lake Erie.
These are investments in water and natural resources, the quality of life, but of course they're
also an investment in economic growth because we know that when we take care of the world around us it becomes another reason for job creators to want to put down roots here and want to grow.
Source: 2017 Ohio State of the State address
, Apr 5, 2017
We should not worship environment like pantheists
I read a great book on St. Francis of Assisi, who the pope kind of models himself after. The environment was given to us by the lord and it needs to be taken care of. It shouldn't be worshiped, that is called pantheism.
The pope pointing out the fact that we need to take care of the environment, that is good, I don't agree with his conclusion that all of it is bad because of free enterprise.
Source: RealClearPolitics.com on 2015 presidential hopefuls
, Jun 21, 2015
Strengthen Clean Water Act; increase federal grazing fees
Kasich indicates support of the following principles regarding America's environment and natural resources.- Require the federal government to reimburse citizens when environmental regulations limit use of privately owned lands.
Strengthen the Clean Water Act.
- Utilize cost-benefit analysis to determine economic impacts of proposed environmental protection and cleanup legislation.
- Increase fees charged to ranchers who graze cattle on federal lands.
Source: Congressional 1996 National Political Awareness Test
, Nov 1, 1996
Manage the environment to bequest it to future
Stewardship of the environment is nothing less than a moral obligation -- because God made it and gave it to us to properly manage. It will be part of the bequest we make to our children and grandchildren. We should take care of it. If we intend to
provide a better life, and a better world, for future generations, we cant ignore the quality of the environment we leave them.
Source: Speech to National Environmental Policy Institute, 4/27/9
, Apr 27, 1999
Environment and economy are not at odds
For nearly 30 years, we have behaved as if protecting the environment was somehow at odds with the economic growth and prosperity that also are so important to us. This is a false and dangerous dichotomy; it forces unnecessary divisions between those who
want to protect the environment and those who want economic progress. [We must get past] the us- versus-them rhetoric.. Economic progress and environmental conservation can and must go hand in hand for the sake of this generation and the next.
Source: Speech to National Environmental Policy Institute, 4/27/9
, Apr 27, 1999
Devolve enviro policy-making to State and community
Theres a lot of talent in our States and communities -- people in government, business leaders, home owners, community activists. These are the people who should formulate and lead our national agenda on environmental policy. Members of Congress could
play a much more positive role in protecting the environment if they spent less time legislating in Washington and more time bringing community leaders together in their home districts to help address local environmental concerns.
Source: Speech to National Environmental Policy Institute, 4/27/9
, Apr 27, 1999
Examples of local enviro policy successes
A partnership [between EPA, state & local agencies resolves problems of] overlapping jurisdiction over drinking water in fast-growing southwestern Utah. In Evansville IN, the State worked cooperatively with business & environmental leaders [to return]
the city to compliance with Federal pollution laws. The 1998 Quincy Library bill codified a fire management & forest health plan that had been reached voluntarily by county officials, environmentalists, and the timber industry in [Northern California].
Source: Speech to National Environmental Policy Institute, 4/27/9
, Apr 27, 1999
Page last updated: Oct 10, 2018