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Sherrod Brown on Principles & Values

Democratic Sr Senator; previously Representative (OH-13)


AdWatch: nepotistic hiring practices at the state treasury

Sherrod Brown is taking on his Republican opponent's hiring practices at the state treasury in his first TV ad of the campaign. The 30-second spot, called "How to Succeed," began airing Thursday on TV and cable stations statewide. It criticizes Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel for paying state salaries of between $90,000 and $150,000 to a former campaign manager, a college friend and a political aide. It notes the 26-year-old aide was made state director of debt management despite lacking finance experience.

Mandel's campaign says Brown went negative to distract from his record. Brown's campaign says outside groups have already spent $5 million on Mandel's behalf attacking Brown, who is a former state secretary and congressman.

Source: Dayton Daily News' 2012 Ohio Senate ad review , Apr 27, 2012

Voted with Democratic Party 96.9% of 318 votes.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), was scored by the Washington Post on the percentage of votes on which a lawmaker agrees with the position taken by a majority of his or her party members. The scores do not include missed votes. Their summary:
Voted with Democratic Party 96.9% of 318 votes.
Overall, Democrats voted with their party 88.4% of the time, and Republicans voted with their party 81.7% of the time (votes Jan. 8 through Sept. 8, 2007).
Source: Washington Post, "Congress Votes Database" on 2008 election , Sep 8, 2007

Endorsed by conservative group that cares about tax fairness

The Certified Public Accountants of Ohio, a, a Republican-leaning conservative business group that cares about economic development, that cares about tax cuts for the middle class, that cares about fairness, and is a conservative Republican-leaning group, as I said, has endorsed me. I'm the only Democrat challenger in the country that was endorsed by them. I can make a long list of bipartisan issues I worked on. My ultimate allegiance is to the middle class and working to help Ohioans.
Source: 2006 Ohio Senate Debate on NBC Meet the Press , Oct 1, 2006

This state and this country need a new direction

Q: Why are you running?

A: I look around at what's happened to our state, and the last 10 years of failed leadership from Bob Taft, George Bush, Mike DeWine. Too many Ohioans are losing their pensions. Too many Ohioans can't afford to send their kids to college. Too many Ohioans are suffering from high prescription-drug and home-heating costs. This state and this country need a new direction.

Source: 2006 Senate campaign website,, "Q&A" , Dec 4, 2005

Religious affiliation: Lutheran.

Brown : religious affiliation:

The website is an independent project and is not supported by or affiliated with any organization (academic, religious, or otherwise).

Whats an adherent?

The most common definition used in broad compilations of statistical data is somebody who claims to belong to or worship in a religion. This is the self-identification method of determining who is an adherent of what religion, and it is the method used in most national surveys and polls.

Such factors as religious service attendance, belief, practice, familiarity with doctrine, belief in certain creeds, etc., may be important to sociologists, religious leaders, and others. But these are measures of religiosity and are usually not used academically to define a persons membership in a particular religion. It is important to recognize there are various levels of adherence, or membership within religious traditions or religious bodies. Theres no single definition, and sources of adherent statistics do not always make it clear what definition they are using.

Source: web site 00-ADH5 on Nov 7, 2000

Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Brown is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus:

The members of the Progressive Caucus share a common belief in the principles of social and economic justice, non-discrimination, and tolerance in America and in our relationships with other countries. We also seek to embody and give voice to national priorities which reflect the interests and needs of all the American people, not just the wealthy and the powerful. Our purpose is to present thoughtful, positive, practical solutions to the problems confronting America and the world. In the post-Cold War era, we believe our nations priorities must change with the times and reflect new realities. Accordingly, we support curbs on wasteful, inefficient government spending at the Pentagon and elsewhere, a more progressive tax system in which wealthier taxpayers and corporations pay their fair share, adequate funding for social programs that are designed to extend help to low and middle-income Americans in need, and trade policies that increase the exports of more American products and encourage the creation of jobs and investment in America.

Source: Congressional Progressive Caucus website 07-CPC0 on Nov 6, 2007

Certify 2020 Presidential election as fully & fairly counted.

Brown voted NAY blocking certification of the Electoral vote

Explanation of 1/6/21 Electoral Certification, by Emily Brooks, Washington Examiner:Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Paul Gosar led an objection to counting Electoral College votes from the state of Arizona, the first formal objection to state results in a series of moves that will delay the certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election over President Trump. Cruz is advocating for an `emergency 10-day audit` of election returns in disputed states. The usually ceremonial joint session of Congress that convenes to count and accept Electoral College votes will be put on hold as the House and Senate separately debate the objection.