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Following are the bill sponsorships, open letters, and public writings used to indicate candidates' stances on the issues. Votes which include "VoteMatch Usage" are scored as VoteMatch quiz responses. Those without a VoteMatch usage are included only on each candidate's main issues page.
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Dec 17, 2009
(1) Emergency contraception at all military health facilities or (2) Sponsored emergency contraception at military facilities Participating counts on VoteMatch question 1. Democrats: 12
Republicans: 1
Independents: 0
on Jan 6, 2009
(1) Focus on preventing pregnancy, plus emergency contraception or (2) Sponsored bill allowing emergency contraception Participating counts on VoteMatch question 1. Democrats: 165
Republicans: 2
Independents: 3

Budget & Economy
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Dec 11, 2009
(1) Establish a usury limit of 16% for consumer credit cards or (2) Sponsored bill establishing credit card usury limit of 16% (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 69
Republicans: 2
Independents: 0
on Jul 10, 2009
(1) Raise small business depreciation to $125,000 or (2) Sponsored bill raising small business depreciation to $125K (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 10
Republicans: 3
Independents: 1
on May 4, 2009
(1) More enforcement of mortgage fraud and TARP fraud or (2) Sponsored bill for more enforcement of mortgage & TARP fraud (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 32
Republicans: 4
Independents: 1
on Feb 11, 2009
(1) Ban abusive credit practices & enhance consumer disclosure or (2) Sponsored bill banning abusive credit & enhancing disclosure (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 147
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1
on Jan 8, 2009
(1) Biennial budget and appropriations process or (2) Sponsored bill for biennial budget & appropriations process (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 0
Republicans: 10
Independents: 1

Civil Rights
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on May 6, 2009
(1) Constitutionally prohibit flag desecration or (2) Sponsored bill to Constitutionally prohibit flag desecration Participating counts on VoteMatch question 4. Democrats: 21
Republicans: 70
Independents: 0
on Jan 6, 2009
(1) Investigate deportation of Japanese during WWII or (2) Sponsored bill investigating Japanese deportation in WWII Participating counts on VoteMatch question 2. Democrats: 19
Republicans: 3
Independents: 2

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Nov 5, 2009
(1) Easier access to rape kits, and more rape kit analysis or (2) Sponsored bill for easier access to rape kits & analysis (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 37
Republicans: 3
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 12, 2009
(1) Don't count combat pay against free school lunch or (2) Sponsored bill discounting combat pay from free school lunch (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 13
Republicans: 4
Independents: 1

Energy & Oil
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Feb 27, 2009
(1) Allow horizontal drilling into Alaska's Coastal Plain or (2) Sponsored bill for horizontal drilling into Coastal Plain Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 4
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jan 9, 2009
(1) Fund projects for international conservation of cranes or (2) Sponsored bill funding international crane conservation (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 17
Republicans: 2
Independents: 3

Families & Children
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Oct 1, 2009
(1) Increase number of children eligible for free school meals or (2) Sponsored bill for more kids eligible for free school meals (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 37
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

Foreign Policy
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 19, 2009
(1) Support Iranian demonstrators against Iranian government or (2) Sponsored bill supporting demonstrations against Iran (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 0
Republicans: 35
Independents: 3
on Apr 23, 2009
(1) Afghan laws violate women's human rights on sex & divorce or (2) Sponsored bill condemning Afghan violation of women's rights or (3) Afghan law tolerating marital rape is abhorrent Participating counts on VoteMatch question 2. Democrats: 26
Republicans: 4
Independents: 0
on Feb 13, 2009
(1) Condemn Iran for state-sponsored persecution of Baha'i or (2) Sponsored bill condemning Iran for persecution of Baha'i (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 51
Republicans: 31
Independents: 2
on Feb 12, 2009
(1) Allow travel between the United States and Cuba or (2) Sponsored bill allowing travel between US and Cuba (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 176
Republicans: 16
Independents: 2

Government Reform
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 22, 2009
(1) Require all laws to cite Constitutional authorization or (2) Sponsored bill that laws must cite Constitutional authority (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 0
Republicans: 71
Independents: 0
on May 20, 2009
(1) Ban paid voter registration or (2) Sponsored bill banning paid voter registration Participating counts on VoteMatch question 16. Democrats: 0
Republicans: 15
Independents: 0

Gun Control
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 23, 2009
(1) Dangerousness, not mental incompetence, limits gun rights or (2) Sponsored bill limiting guns by danger, not incompetence Participating counts on VoteMatch question 10. Democrats: 5
Republicans: 20
Independents: 0
on Feb 3, 2009
(1) Apply concealed carry permit to all other states where legal or (2) Sponsored bill to apply concealed carry permit to all states Participating counts on VoteMatch question 10. Democrats: 5
Republicans: 52
Independents: 1

Health Care
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Oct 29, 2009
(1) Establishment of Office of Health Care Fraud Prevention or (2) Sponsored bill establishing Health Care Fraud Prevention Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 1
Republicans: 18
Independents: 3
on Jul 30, 2009
(1) Reforms should slow the long-term growth of health costs or (2) Sponsored bill to slow the long-term growth of health costs Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 1
Republicans: 5
Independents: 0
on Jun 3, 2009
(1) Provide for treatment of autism under TRICARE or (2) Sponsored bill providing for autism treatment under TRICARE Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 18
Republicans: 8
Independents: 2
on Mar 11, 2009
(1) Expedited licensing for biosimilar products or (2) Sponsored bill expediting licensing for biosimilar products (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 16
Republicans: 8
Independents: 2
on Jan 22, 2009
(1) Disclose payments from manufacturers to physicians or (2) Sponsored bill to disclose pharma payments to physicians Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 13
Republicans: 1
Independents: 0

Homeland Security
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 16, 2009
(1) Expand health services for women veterans or (2) Sponsored bill expanding health services for women veterans Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 17
Republicans: 4
Independents: 0
on Feb 25, 2009
(1) Military spouses don't lose voting residency while abroad or (2) Sponsored bill maintaining military spouse voting residency Participating counts on VoteMatch question 16. Democrats: 60
Republicans: 113
Independents: 5

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 18, 2009
(1) Limit non-visa entries by country or (2) Sponsored bill limiting non-visa entries by country Participating counts on VoteMatch question 12. Democrats: 7
Republicans: 0
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jan 29, 2009
(1) Ban discriminatory compensation; allow 2 years to sue or (2) Sponsored bill banning discriminatory compensation Participating counts on VoteMatch question 2. Democrats: 243
Republicans: 1
Independents: 5

Tax Reform
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 11, 2009
(1) Keep reduction of capital gains tax or (2) Sponsored bill to keep reduction of capital gains tax Participating counts on VoteMatch question 11. Democrats: 1
Republicans: 21
Independents: 1

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 30, 2009
(1) No performance royalties for radio music or (2) Sponsored bill banning performance royalties for radio music (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 105
Republicans: 151
Independents: 10
on Feb 13, 2009
(1) Televise proceedings of the Supreme Court or (2) Sponsored bill to televise proceedings of the Supreme Court (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 6
Republicans: 3
Independents: 0
on Jan 6, 2009
(1) Prohibit the return of the Fairness Doctrine or (2) Sponsored bill prohibiting return of the Fairness Doctrine (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 8
Republicans: 198
Independents: 8

War & Peace
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Apr 30, 2009
(1) Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program or (2) Sponsored bill for sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program Participating counts on VoteMatch question 17. Democrats: 176
Republicans: 180
Independents: 9

Welfare & Poverty
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Dec 11, 2009
(1) Public jobs on community-based public interest projects or (2) Sponsored bill for public jobs on community-based projects Participating counts on VoteMatch question 20. Democrats: 55
Republicans: 0
Independents: 0


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