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Following are the bill sponsorships, open letters, and public writings used to indicate candidates' stances on the issues. Votes which include "VoteMatch Usage" are scored as VoteMatch quiz responses. Those without a VoteMatch usage are included only on each candidate's main issues page.
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Dec 8, 2006
(1) Federal grants to Indian tribes to fight methamphetamine or (2) Sponsored bill for grants to Indian tribes to fight meth Participating counts on VoteMatch question 19. Democrats: 10
Republicans: 3
Independents: 0
on May 24, 2005
(1) Establish drug testing standards for major league sports or (2) Sponsored bill on drug testing for major league sports (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 10
Republicans: 14
Independents: 1

Energy & Oil
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Feb 10, 2005
(1) Establish greenhouse gas tradeable allowances or (2) Sponsored bill for greenhouse gas tradeable allowances Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Democrats: 122
Republicans: 16
Independents: 2

Foreign Policy
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Oct 29, 2007
Impose sanctions and an import ban on Burma (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 13
Republicans: 14
Independents: 1
on Feb 17, 2005
(1) Suspend Russia's participation in the G-8 or (2) Sponsored bill suspending Russia's participation in the G-8 (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 9
Republicans: 9
Independents: 0

Free Trade
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Apr 5, 2005
(1) Free trade with post-Orange Revolution Ukraine or (2) Sponsored bill for trade with post-Orange Revolution Ukraine Participating counts on VoteMatch question 13. Democrats: 1
Republicans: 6
Independents: 0

Government Reform
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Feb 9, 2006
(1) Allow individual votes on each earmark or (2) Sponsored bill allowing individual votes on each earmark (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 2
Republicans: 8
Independents: 0
on Dec 16, 2005
(1) Restrict lobbyist gifts & disclose lobbyist info on Internet or (2) Sponsored bill disclosing lobbyist info & gifts on Internet (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 2
Republicans: 21
Independents: 1
on Jul 26, 2005
(1) Prohibit non-legislated earmarks or (2) Sponsored bill prohibiting non-legislated earmarks (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 19
Republicans: 58
Independents: 0
on Feb 2, 2005
(1) Subject independent 527s to rules for political committees or (2) Sponsored bill subjecting 527s to political committee rules Participating counts on VoteMatch question 16. Democrats: 12
Republicans: 9
Independents: 1

Homeland Security
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 14, 2006
(1) Require Iraq War budget be part of regular defense budget or (2) Sponsored bill for Iraq budget to be part of defense budget Participating counts on VoteMatch question 15. Democrats: 10
Republicans: 12
Independents: 0
on Jul 25, 2005
(1) Prohibit torture of terrorists in US custody or (2) Sponsored bill banning torture of terrorists in US custody Participating counts on VoteMatch question 14. Democrats: 0
Republicans: 8
Independents: 0
on Jul 11, 2005
(1) Give higher priority to rail security or (2) Sponsored bill giving higher priority to rail security (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 37
Republicans: 1
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on May 12, 2005
(1) Comprehensive immigration reform without amnesty or (2) Sponsored comprehensive immigration reform, without amnesty Participating counts on VoteMatch question 12. Democrats: 17
Republicans: 17
Independents: 0

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Apr 26, 2005
(1) Require text on TV for visually-impaired viewers or (2) Sponsored bill requiring text on TV for visually-impaired (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 18
Republicans: 5
Independents: 0


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