China calls Taiwan the most sensitive and important issue in its ties with the United States, and has been angered by the Trump administration's stepped up support for the Chinese-claimed yet democratically ruled island. Speaking in a radio interview,
Pompeo said: "Taiwan has not been a part of China." "That was recognized with the work that the Reagan administration did to lay out the policies that the United States has adhered to now for three-and-a-half decades," he said.
Source: The Metro on 2020 Trump Administration
, Nov 13, 2020
Chinese Communist Party is enmeshed in our society
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tried to rally the European Union against China during a trip to Czechia, where he proclaimed that "[t]he CCP is already enmeshed in our economies, in our politics, in our societies in ways the Soviet Union never was."
Referencing the Chinese Communist Party, rather than "Chinese people" more generally is one effective way to dodge accusations of racial bias. But the point is clear as day: The enemy is already within our ranks and its face is yellow.
Source: Current Affairs magazine on Trump Cabinet
, Oct 31, 2020
America First policy may not be popular, but it's worked
As Susan's husband and Nick's dad, Susan and Nick are more safe and their freedoms more secure because President Trump has put his America First vision into action. It may not have made him popular in every foreign capitol, but its worked.
Delivering on this duty to keep us safe and our freedoms intact, this president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world.
Source: Speech at 2020 Republican National Convention
, Aug 25, 2020
We exposed aggression of Chinese Communist Party
He's pulled back the curtain on the predatory aggression of the Chinese Communist Party. The president has held China accountable for covering up the China virus and allowing it to spread death and economic destruction in America and around the world.
He has ensured that the Chinese Community Party's spies posing as diplomats in America are jailed or sent back to China and he has ended the ridiculously unfair trade arrangement with China that punched a hole in our economy.
Source: Speech at 2020 Republican National Convention
, Aug 25, 2020
Against all odds got North Korean leadership to the table
In North Korea, the president lowered the temperature and against all odds got the North Korean leadership to the table. No nuclear tests, no long range missile tests, and Americans held captive in North Korea came home to their families, as did the prec
Source: Speech at 2020 Republican National Convention
, Aug 25, 2020
Chinese Communist Party co-opted World Health Organization
"When you have an incident in your country that could potentially lead to a pandemic, you have an obligation to report that and to allow others to come in and help you be transparent about it. The Chinese Communist Party chose differently. They co-opted
No nuclear weapons for Iran; they must be a "normal nation"
We don't want Iran to get a nuclear weapon. The previous administration put them on a pathway that virtually guaranteed that they could get there.
So we withdrew from the ridiculous JCPOA and are moving ourselves towards a set of policies which will convince Iran to behave simply like a normal nation.
Source: CBS Face the Nation 2019 interview series
, Jun 16, 2019
Investigate Russian interference with U.S. election
Representative Mike Pompeo, the Kansas Republican who is Mr. Trump's nominee for director of the C.I.A., said the agency would pursue information about efforts by Russia to interfere with the American election,
including any possible links to the Trump campaign. "I promise I will pursue the facts wherever they take us," he said.
Pompeo signaled that he agreed with the assessment of United States intelligence agencies that Russian President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia tried to promote Trump's candidacy and to undermine the presidential campaign of
Hillary Clinton, describing the report that was delivered last week to Trump and President Obama as "sound."
Withhold UN funding until voluntary and program-specific.
Pompeo signed United Nations Transparency, Accountability, and Reform Act
Directs the President to influence the UN to shift the funding mechanism for the UN from an assessed to a voluntary basis.
Withholds up to 50% of nonvoluntary US contributions to the regular budget of the UN unless 80% of the total regular budget of the UN is apportioned on a voluntary basis.
Requires the annual congressional budget justification to include a detailed itemized request.
Prohibits making funds available for international peacekeeping activities for any purpose other than the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) or to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).
States that it is US policy to oppose any proposals on expansion of the Security Council that would include veto rights for new members.
Withholds US contributions from any UN entity that recognizes a Palestinian state or upgrades the status of the Palestinian observer mission at the UN.
Withholds funds for human rights investigations in
Palestinian territories.
Withholds support for any member state which is subject to Security Council sanctions, has repeatedly supported acts of international terrorism, or is a country of particular concern for religious freedom.
The Congress makes the following findings:
The US pays billions of dollars into the UN system every year (almost $7.7 billion in 2010), significantly more than any other nation.
The UN system suffers from unacceptably high levels of waste, fraud, and abuse, which seriously impair its ability to fulfill the lofty ideals of its founding.
Amidst the continuing financial, corruption, and sexual abuse scandals of the past several years, American public disapproval of United Nations has reached all-time highs: 62% of Americans believe that the UN is doing a poor job
Significant improvements in UN transparency and accountability are necessary for improving public perceptions of and American support for UN operations.
Rated -5 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record.
Pompeo scores -5 by AAI on Arab-Israeli issues
The Arab American Institute has compiled a Scorecard to catalogue the voting record of the 112th Congress on issues of importance to the Arab American community. For the House, we included 15 items: two bills on the Arab Spring, five bills and one letter on Palestine, two bills on Lebanon, three bills and a letter regarding civil liberties, and two bills on immigration.
H.Res. 88 (+): supporting democratic aspirations in Egypt
H.R. 2643 (+): penalizing the Bahraini government for attacking medical personnel
H.R. 1006 (-): the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act
H.R. 1501 (-): withholding US contributions until the UN retracts accusations of Israeli war crimes.
H.Res. 268 (-): opposing any unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state
H.R. 2457 (-): prohibiting any US government document from referring to "Palestine"
H.R. 2829 (-): defunding the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. The bill's 141 co-sponsors receive a (-).
8. (+).
Rep. David Price (D-NC) and Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) issued a letter titled "Support Palestinian Aid and Israel's Security," in which they call upon Congress to continue aid to the Palestinian Authority.
H.R. 2215 (*) "to ensure that United States taxpayer dollars are not used to fund terrorist entities in Lebanon
H.R. 996 (+): to raise awareness of the use of cluster munitions where civilians are present
H.R. 140 (-): the "Birthright Citizenship Act, to eliminate "anchor babies" by changing the 14th Amendment.
H. Res. 283 (+): to counter violence and discrimination against Muslim, Arab, Sikh, and South Asian communities
H.R. 1805 (-): authorizing an extension of the USA PATRIOT Act until 2013, and amending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
H.R. 1842 (+): the DREAM Act to protect undocumented minors pursuing higher education.
H.R. 1932 (-): the Keep our Communities Safe Act for greater power to detain undocumented immigrants.
Oppose Arms Treaty that limits gun trade to Israel & Taiwan.
Pompeo co-sponsored Resolution Against Arms Trade Treaty
RESOLUTION: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the conditions for the US becoming a signatory to the UN Arms Trade Treaty, or to any similar agreement on the arms trade.
Whereas in July 2012, the UN Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty convened to negotiate the text of the Arms Trade Treaty;
Whereas the Arms Trade Treaty poses significant risks to the national security, foreign policy, and economic interests of the US as well as to the constitutional rights of US citizens and US sovereignty;
Whereas the Arms Trade Treaty fails to expressly recognize the fundamental, individual right to keep and to bear arms and the individual right of personal self-defense, and thus risks infringing on freedoms protected by the Second Amendment;
Whereas the Arms Trade Treaty places free democracies and totalitarian regimes on a basis of equality, recognizing their equal right to transfer arms, and is thereby dangerous to the security of the US;
Whereas the Arms Trade Treaty will create opportunities to engage in 'lawfare' against the US via the misuse of the treaty's criteria in foreign tribunals;
Whereas the Arms Trade Treaty could hinder the US from fulfilling its strategic, legal, and moral commitments to provide arms to allies such as the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the State of Israel;
Whereas the Arms Trade Treaty risks imposing costly regulatory burdens on US businesses, for example, by creating onerous reporting requirements that could damage the domestic defense manufacturing base and related firms;
Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that:
the President should not sign the Arms Trade Treaty, and that, if he transmits the treaty with his signature to the Senate, the Senate should not ratify the Arms Trade Treaty; and
no Federal funds should be appropriated or authorized to implement the Arms Trade Treaty, or any similar agreement.
Freshman class of 2019: "Freshman class" means "not in Congress in January 2017", with exceptions:
* Special election, so sworn in other than Jan. 2019
** Served in Congress in a previous term
*** Lost recount or general election