Chris Dodd on Families & Children
Democratic Sr Senator (CT)
Authored the Family Medical Leave Act
[I was the] author of the Family Medical Leave Act, and the Senator who fought for seven years and against two vetoes to enact the legislation that has allowed over
50 million people take the time they need to care for their families without having worry about losing their jobs.
Source: 2007 HRC/LOGO debate--written questionnaire
Aug 9, 2007
Allow same sex couples to adopt & immigrate
Q: Some legislators are pushing to prohibit adults from adopting because of their sexual orientation. As president, would you support judges making decisions on adoption based on the best interest of the child, without bans based solely on sexual
orientation?A: Support.
Q: Would you support enabling an American citizen to petition for immigration sponsorship for a same sex partner, and treating opposite and same sex couples in the same manner under the immigration code?
A: Support.
Source: 2007 HRC/LOGO debate--written questionnaire
Aug 9, 2007
Proudest of authoring the Family and Medical Leave Act
Q: Youve been in Congress more than 30 years. How are you going to be any different? A: While hope and confidence and optimism are clearly very important, I think experience matters a great deal--the experience people bring to their candidacy;
the bold ideas that theyve championed over the years. Im very proud of the fact that, over my 26 years in the Senate, Ive authored landmark legislation, the Family and Medical Leave Act, child care legislation, reform of financial institutions.
Whats missing, more than anything else right now, is the ability to bring people together to get the job done.
Q: But if someone really wants a change, are you the guy to give it to them?
A: I think they ought to look back.
If you want to get a good idea of where someone is going to lead or how theyre going to lead, I think its very appropriate to say, What have you done? Show me. Demonstrate to me the ability to get these things done that youve championed in the past.
Source: 2007 YouTube Democratic Primary debate, Charleston SC
Jul 23, 2007
Add illness leave to Family and Medical Leave Act
The Family and Medical Leave Act makes a difference. [It includes the] radical idea that you ought to be able to spend time with your child without having to lose your job.
Were going to introduce in the next couple of weeks the Family and Medical Leave Act with paid leave for people during periods of illness.
Source: SEIU Democratic Health Care Forum in Las Vegas
Mar 24, 2007
Voted YES on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors.
Vote to kill an amendment that would prohibit the distribution of violent video programming to the public during hours when children are reasonably likely to comprise a substantial portion of the audience. Voting YES would kill the amendment proposing the new restrictions. Voting NO would suport the amendment proposing the new restrictions.
Bill S.254
; vote number 1999-114
on May 13, 1999
Rated 0% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-family voting record.
Dodd scores 0% by the Christian Coalition on family issues
The Christian Coalition was founded in 1989 by Dr. Pat Robertson to give Christians a voice in government. We represent millions of people of faith and enable them to have a strong, unified voice in the conversation we call democracy.
Our Five-Fold Mission: - Represent the pro-family point of view before local councils, school boards, state legislatures, and Congress
- Speak out in the public arena and in the media
- Train leaders for effective social and political action
- Inform pro-family voters about timely issues and legislation
- Protest anti-Christian bigotry and defend the rights of people of faith.
Our ratings are based on the votes the organization considered most important; the numbers reflect the percentage of time the representative voted the organization's preferred position.
Source: CC website 03n-CC on Dec 31, 2003
Call for a White House Conference on Children and Youth.
Dodd co-sponsored calling for a White House Conference on Children and Youth
The White House Conference on Children and Youth in 2010 Act - Directs the President to call a White House Conference on Children and Youth in 2010 to: (1) encourage improvements in each state and local child welfare system; and (2) develop recommendations for actions to implement express policy regarding federal, state, and local programs. The Congress finds the following:
- In 2005 there were over 3,000,000 reports of child abuse and neglect, and only 60% of the children from the substantiated reports received follow-up services and 20% were placed in foster care as a result of an investigation.
- Almost 500,000 children and youth were in foster care at the end of 2004 and nearly 800,000 spent at least some time in foster care throughout the year.
There is an over-representation of certain populations, including Native Americans and African-Americans, in the child welfare system.
- The State courts make key decisions in the lives of children involved in the child welfare system, including decisions of whether children have been victims of child abuse, whether parental rights should be terminated, and whether children should be reunified with their families, adopted, or placed in other settings.
Source: Conference on Children and Youth in 2010 Act (S2771/HR5461) 08-S2771 on Mar 13, 2008
Sex Ed including both abstinence and contraception.
Dodd signed H.R.1551&S.611
Authorizes grants to states for sex education programs, including education on abstinence and contraception, to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Expresses the sense of Congress that states are encouraged, although not required, to provide matching funds to receive such grants.
Requires the Secretary to provide for a national evaluation of a representative sample of such programs for effectiveness in delaying the initiation of sexual intercourse and other high-risk behaviors, preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, and increasing contraceptive knowledge and behavior. Requires states receiving such grants to provide for an individual evaluation of the state's program by an external, independent entity.
Source: Responsible Education About Life Act 09-HR1551 on Mar 17, 2009
Page last updated: Oct 28, 2010