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State of North Carolina Archives: on Government Reform

Pat McCrory: Blamed election loss on massive voter fraud without proof

In 2016, when McCrory narrowly lost to Roy Cooper, he refused to concede. McCrory and his allies spent all of November baselessly claiming there had been massive voter fraud, failing to effectively argue that position before various boards of election, erroneously accusing dozens of North Carolinians of voting illegally and instigating a recount that did not change the outcome of the election. Though McCrory ultimately conceded he would for years continue to suggest fraud tainted the election.
Source: N.C. Policy Watch blog on 2022 North Carolina Senate race Nov 25, 2020

Sandy Smith: Protect against fraud, waste, & abuse of our voting system

Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Make voter registration easier"?

A: Strongly Oppose, we have to be careful to protect against fraud, waste, and abuse of our voting system.

Source: interview of 2020 N.C. Senate candidates Jul 21, 2019

Deborah Ross: State House leader on ethics reform and election law

Deborah served in the State House from 2003 to 2013, working tirelessly to improve North Carolina's economy and give the state's working families a fair shot, strengthen small businesses, increase access to educational opportunity for all, and improve the transportation system in the state. She sponsored legislation to protect victims of domestic abuse and stood up for hardworking North Carolinians against predatory lending practices. She was a leader on ethics reform and election law.
Source: 2016 Campaign website for N.C. Senate, Nov 11, 2015

Alma Adams: Rework Voting Rights Act to address voter suppression

The number one concern at the federal level is the Supreme Court's ruling that overturned critical sections of the Voting Rights Act. Specifically Congress needs to rework section 4 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 so that current section 5 (still existing) can be applicable. Section 4 sets out the criteria that was necessary for the Voting Rights Act to be implemented, and since changes have occurred in voting patterns since the act was implemented the criteria needs to be revisited and reworked.

Alma Adams will address the voter suppression efforts that have been rampant throughout our country as well. We need to ensure everyone has a chance to vote without fear or intimidation.

Source: 2014 N.C. House campaign website, Aug 31, 2014

Walter Beaman Jones: Citizens United one of the worst decisions in my lifetime

Mayday PAC supports Republican Walter Jones, NC-3 House general election: Republican Congressman Walter Jones prevailed over his most competitive challenge to date in the NC-3 Republican primary--his opponent was largely funded by outside money.

FACTS: Congressman Walter Jones is the only Republican House member who vocally supports changing the way elections are funded. He called Citizens United "one of the worst decisions by the Supreme Court in my adult lifetime." Jones is proof that campaign finance reform is an issue that gains traction on both sides of the aisle.

FACTS: Congressman Jones is an original co-sponsor of the Government By the People Act. Jones' history of sponsoring legislation to get money out of politics includes the Fair Elections Now Act from 2008, which was reintroduced in the House in 2011. In 2013, he introduced H.R. 3466 or No Political Funds for Personal Use, a bill that would close the personal use loophole for all political committees.

Source: PacWatch: MaydayPAC in 2014 N.C.-3 House race Aug 11, 2014

Pat McCrory: Appoint people who understand the private sector

Source: N.C. Governor 2012 campaign website, Nov 6, 2012

Richard Burr: Government should regulate. with no bigger role

The forum showed voters distinct messages among the candidates at a time when Americans are grappling with questions about the role of government and regulation following an economic collapse.

Marshall pointed to stronger regulation, saying the mentality on Capitol Hill has been that Wall Street will heal itself and that market forces will take care of things. She said that regulators need more funding. "We've seen what happens when capitalism takes over," said Marshall.

Burr said government shouldn't be playing a bigger role with a stronger hand but should focus on regulating the products that were overlooked--such as the complex derivatives blamed in the nation's economic collapse--and to make sure the existing regulators are doing their jobs. "I fear that we're headed down a path that will be too overburdensome, too duplicative, it will raise the cost of credit, will choke the credit for small business and for individual loans," Burr said.

Source: Sun-News coverage of 2010 N.C. Senate debate Jun 26, 2010

Kay Hagan: Washington experience means putting special interests first

Hagan sought to tie Dole to public discontent with Washington, especially regarding the economy and the war in Iraq. Dole responded by connecting Hagan, a state senator, with rising state budgets & taxes and a lack of action on immigration in Raleigh.

Hagan said Dole had voted with President Bush 92% of the time. People talk a lot about experience, a lot about major-league clout, Hagan said. But consider this: When it comes to Sen. Dole and her 40 years experience in Washington, experience just means a way of doing business--a way of doing business that puts special interests and their lobbyists before working families.

Dole mainly talked about her broad experience in Washington, her efforts to save North Carolina military bases from closing and her role in the federal tobacco buyout program. Dole said she wanted to run a positive campaign and called on Hagan to oppose any TV ad campaigns by third parties--a challenge to which Hagan did not respond.

Source: 2008 N.C. Senate Debate reported in Raleigh News & Observer Jun 22, 2008

Elizabeth Dole: Contributing to campaigns is free speech