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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
Memberships / Affiliations
Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains surveys of candidates conducted by organizations interested in the candidates' policy views.

93-CWA1 on Sep 27, 1994

Political Group Survey: the Contract with America:
Source: Contract with America
As Republican Members of the House of Representatives and as citizens seeking to join that body, we propose not just to change its policies, but to restore the bounds of trust between the people and their elected representatives. That is why, in this era of official evasion and posturing, we offer instead a detailed agenda for national renewal, a written commitment with no fine print.
    Within the first hundred days of the 104th Congress, we shall bring to the House Floor the following bills, each to be given a full and open debate, each to be given a clear and fair vote, and each to be immediately available this day for public inspection and scrutiny:
  1. The Fiscal Responsibility Act: Balanced budget amendment & line item veto
  2. The Taking Back Our Streets Act: More prisons, more enforcement, more death penalty
  3. The Personal Responsibility Act: Limit welfare to 2 years & cut welfare spending
  4. The Families Reinforcement Act: Use tax code to foster families
  5. The American Dream Restoration Act: Repeal marriage tax; cut middle class taxes
  6. The National Security Restoration Act: No US troops under UN command; more defense spending
  7. The Senior Citizens Fairness Act: Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings
  8. The Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act: Incentives to small businesses
  9. The Common Sense Legal Reforms Act: Limit punitive damages
  10. The Citizen Legislature Act: Term limits on Congress
Further, we will work to enact additional budget savings, beyond the budget cuts specifically included in the legislation above, to ensure that the federal budget will be less than it would have been without the enactment of these bills. Respecting the judgment of our fellow citizens as we seek their mandate for reform, we hereby pledge our names to this Contract with America.

  • Topic: Principles & Values
  • Headline: Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 93-CWA1

Republicans participating in 93-CWA1

Wayne Allard s1sCO Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
Bill Archer s1sTexas Republican 
Dick Armey s1sTexas Republican 
Spencer Bachus s1sAlabama Republican (retiring 2014) 
Bill Baker s1sCalifornia Republican Former (1994-) 
Richard Hugh Baker s1sLouisiana Republican (Resigned 2008) 
Cass Ballenger s1sNorth Carolina Republican 
Bob Barr s1sGeorgia Republican Challenger 
Bill Barrett s1sNebraska Republican 
Roscoe Bartlett s1sMaryland Republican 
Joe Linus Barton s1sTexas Republican 
Charlie Bass s1sNew Hampshire Republican (Retired 2012) 
Herb Bateman s1sVirginia Republican 
Doug Bereuter s1sNebraska Republican (Until 2004) 
Brian Bilbray s1sCalifornia Republican 
Michael Bilirakis s1sFlorida Republican (Retired 2006) 
Tom Bliley s1sVirginia Republican 
Peter Blute s1sMassachusetts Republican Former (1994-) 
Sherry Boehlert s1sNew York Republican/Independence 
John Boehner s1sOhio Republican 
Henry Bonilla s1sTexas Republican 
Sonny Bono s1sCalifornia Republican Former (1994-) 
Ed Bryant s1sTennessee Republican 
Jim Bunning s1sKY Republican Jr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Richard Burr s1sNC Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative 
Dan Burton s1sIndiana Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Steve Buyer s1sIndiana Republican (until 2010) 
Sonny Callahan s1sAlabama Republican 
Ken Calvert s1sCalifornia Republican 
Dave Camp s1sMichigan Republican (Retiring 2014) 
Steve Chabot s1sOhio Republican 
Saxby Chambliss s1sGA Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Helen Chenoweth s1sIdaho Republican 
Jon Christensen s1sNebraska Republican Former (1994-) 
Dick Chrysler s1sMichigan Republican Former (1994-) 
Bill Clinger s1sPennsylvania Republican Former (1994-) 
John Howard Coble s1sNorth Carolina Republican (retiring 2014) 
Larry Combest s1sTexas Republican 
Wes Cooley s1sOregon Republican Former (1994-) 
Christopher Cox s1sCalifornia Republican 
Philip Crane s1sIllinois Republican (Until 2004) 
Michael Crapo s1sID Republican Sr Senator 
Frank Cremeans s1sOhio Republican Former (1994-) 
Barbara Cubin s1sWyoming Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Duke Cunningham s1sCalifornia Republican 
Tom Davis s1sVirginia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Tom DeLay s1sTexas Republican 
Jay Dickey s1sArkansas Republican 
John Doolittle s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Bob Dornan s1sCalifornia Republican Former (1994-) 
David Dreier s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Jimmy Duncan s1sTennessee Republican 
Jennifer Dunn s1sWashington Republican (Until 2004) 
Vernon Ehlers s1sMichigan Republican (until 2010) 
Robert Ehrlich s1sMaryland Republican 
Bill Emerson s1sMissouri Republican Former (1994-) 
Phil English s1sPennsylvania Republican (Unseated 2008) 
John Ensign s1sNV Republican Jr Senator 
Terry Everett s1sAlabama Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Thomas Ewing s1sIllinois Republican 
Harris Fawell s1sIllinois Republican Former (1994-) 
Jack Fields s1sTexas Republican Former (1994-) 
Mike Flanagan s1sIllinois Republican Former (1994-) 
Mark Foley s1sFlorida Republican 
Michael Forbes s1sNew York Republican (retired) 
Jon Fox s1sPennsylvania Republican Former (1994-) 
Gary Franks s1sConnecticut Republican Former (1994-) 
Robert Franks s1sNew Jersey Republican 
Rodney Frelinghuysen s1sNew Jersey Republican 
Daniel Frisa s1sNew York Republican Former (1994-) 
David Funderburk s1sNorth Carolina Republican Former (1994-) 
Elton Gallegly s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Greg Ganske s1sIA Former Republican Nominee (2002) 
George Gekas s1sPennsylvania Republican 
Wayne Gilchrest s1sMaryland Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Ed Gillespie s1sVA Republican Challenger 
Paul Gillmor s1sOhio Republican (Deceased 2007) 
Benjamin Gilman s1sNew York Republican 
Newt Gingrich s1wGeorgia Republican Former (1994-) 
Bob Goodlatte s1sVirginia Republican 
Bill Goodling s1sPennsylvania Republican 
Porter Goss s1sFlorida Republican (Until 2004) 
Lindsey Graham s1sSC Republican Sr Senator 
Jim Greenwood s1sPennsylvania Republican (Until 2004) 
Steve Gunderson s1sWisconsin Republican Former (1994-) 
Gil Gutknecht s1sMinnesota Republican 
Mel Hancock s1sMissouri Republican Former (1994-) 
James Hansen s1sUtah Republican 
Denny Hastert s1sIllinois Republican (Retired 2007) 
Doc Hastings s1sWashington Republican (retiring 2014) 
J.D. Hayworth s1sArizona Republican (until 2007) 
Joel Hefley s1sColorado Republican 
Fred Heineman s1sNorth Carolina Republican Former (1994-) 
Wally Herger s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Van Hilleary s1sTennessee Republican 
Dave Hobson s1sOhio Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Peter Hoekstra s1sMI Republican Challenger 
Martin Hoke s1sOhio Republican Former (1994-) 
Steve Horn s1sCalifornia Republican 
Amo Houghton s1sNew York Republican/Conservative 
Kenny Hulshof s1sMissouri Republican (Governor 2008) 
Duncan Hunter s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Tim Hutchinson s1sAR Former Republican Sr Senator (until 2002) 
Henry Hyde s1sIllinois Republican 
Bob Inglis s1sSouth Carolina Republican (until 2010) 
Ernest Istook s1sOklahoma Republican 
Nancy Lee Johnson s1sConnecticut Republican 
Sam Johnson s1sTexas Republican 
Walter Beaman Jones s1sNorth Carolina Republican 
John Kasich s1sOH Republican Governor 
Sue Kelly s1sNew York Republican (until 2007) 
Jay Kim s1sCalifornia Republican Former (1994-) 
Peter King s1sNew York Rep./Ind./Cons./Right-To-Life 
Jack Kingston s1sGA Republican Challenger 
Scott Klug s1sWisconsin Republican Former (1994-) 
Joe Knollenberg s1sMichigan Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Jim Kolbe s1sArizona Republican 
Steve Largent s1sOK00 Former Republican Challenger (2002) 
Tom Latham s1sIowa Republican (retiring 2014) 
Steven LaTourette s1sOhio Republican 
Rick Lazio s1sNew York Republican Candidate (Former) 
Jim Leach s1sIowa Republican 
Jerry Lewis s1sCalifornia Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Ron Lewis s1sKentucky Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Jim Lightfoot s1sIowa Republican Former (1994-) 
Bob Livingston s1sLouisiana Republican Former (1994-) 
Frank LoBiondo s1sNew Jersey Republican 
Jim Longley s1sMaine Republican Former (1994-) 
Frank Dean Lucas s1sOklahoma Republican 
Donald Manzullo s1sIllinois Republican (Lost 2012 Primary) 
Bill McCollum s1sFL Former Republican challenger (2004); former US Rep. 
Jim McCrery s1sLouisiana Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Joe McDade s1sPennsylvania Republican Former (1994-) 
Scott McInnis s1sColorado Republican (Until 2004) 
David McIntosh s1sIndiana Republican 
Buck McKeon s1sCalifornia Republican (retiring 2014) 
Jack Metcalf s1sWashington Republican 
Jan Meyers s1sKansas Republican Former (1994-) 
John Mica s1sFlorida Republican 
Dan Miller s1sFlorida Republican (retired) 
Susan Molinari s1sNew York Republican Former (1994-) 
Carlos Moorhead s1sCalifornia Republican Former (1994-) 
Connie Morella s1sMaryland Republican 
John Myers s1sIndiana Republican Former (1994-) 
Sue Myrick s1sNorth Carolina Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Mark Neumann s1sWI Republican Challenger (Lost primary) 
Bob Ney s1sOhio Republican 
Charlie Norwood s1sGeorgia Republican 
Jim Nussle s1sIowa Republican 
Michael Oxley s1sOhio Republican 
Ron Packard s1sCalifornia Republican 
Bill Paxon s1sNew York Republican Former (1994-) 
Tom Petri s1sWisconsin Republican 
Richard Pombo s1sCalifornia Republican 
John Porter s1sIllinois Republican (retired) 
Rob Portman s1sOH Republican Jr Senator 
Deborah Pryce s1sOhio Republican 
James Quillen s1sTennessee Republican Former (1994-) 
Jack Quinn s1sNew York Republican/Ind./Cons. 
Jim Ramstad s1sMinnesota Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Ralph Regula s1sOhio Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Frank Riggs s1sCalifornia Republican Former (1994-) 
Pat Roberts s1sKS Republican Sr Senator 
Hal Rogers s1sKentucky Republican 
Dana Rohrabacher s1sCalifornia Republican 
Toby Roth s1sWisconsin Republican Former (1994-) 
Marge Roukema s1sNew Jersey Republican 
Matt Salmon s1sArizona Republican 
Mark Sanford s1sSC Former Republican Governor (2002-2010) 
Jim Saxton s1sNew Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Joe Scarborough s1sFlorida Republican 
Dan Schaefer s1sColorado Republican Former (1994-) 
Andrea Seastrand s1sCalifornia Republican Former (1994-) 
James Sensenbrenner s1sWisconsin Republican 
John Shadegg s1sArizona Republican 
Clay Shaw s1sFlorida Republican 
Christopher Shays s1sConnecticut Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Bud Shuster s1sPennsylvania Former Rep.(resigned 3/3/2001) 
Joe Skeen s1sNew Mexico Former Republican 
Christopher Smith s1sNew Jersey Republican 
Lamar Smith s1sTexas Republican 
Linda Smith s1sWashington Republican Former (1994-) 
Nick Smith s1sMI Former Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep 
Gerald Solomon s1sNew York Republican Former (1994-) 
Mark Souder s1sIndiana Republican (until 2010) 
Floyd Spence s1sSouth Carolina Republican 
Cliff Stearns s1sFlorida Republican (Lost 2012 primary) 
Steve Stockman s1sTexas Republican (Senate run 2014) 
Jim Talent s1sMissouri Republican 
Randy Tate s1sWashington Republican Former (1994-) 
Charles Taylor s1sNorth Carolina Republican 
Bill Thomas s1sCalifornia Republican 
Mac Thornberry s1sTexas Republican 
Todd Tiahrt s1sKansas Republican (until 2010) 
Peter Torkildsen s1sMassachusetts Republican Former (1994-) 
Fred Upton s1sMichigan Republican 
Barbara Vucanovich s1sNevada Republican Former (1994-) 
Enid Waldholtz s1sUtah Republican Former (1994-) 
Robert Walker s1sPennsylvania Republican Former (1994-) 
Jim Walsh s1sNew York Rep./Ind. (Retiring 2008) 
Zach Wamp s1sTennessee Republican (until 2010) 
J.C. Watts s1sOklahoma Republican 
Curt Weldon s1sPennsylvania Republican 
Dave Weldon s1sFL Republican Senate Challenger (Lost primary) 
Jerry Weller s1sIllinois Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Rick White s1sWashington Republican Former (1994-) 
Ed Whitfield s1sKentucky Republican 
Roger Wicker s1sMississippi Republican (Senate 2008) 
Frank Wolf s1sVirginia Republican (retiring 2014) 
Bill Young s1sFlorida Republican (Deceased 2013) 
Bill Zeliff s1sNew Hampshire Republican Former (1994-) 

Independents participating in 93-CWA1

Charles Canady s1sFlorida Former GOP 
Michael Castle s1sDE 2010 Senate Challenger (lost primary); previously Gov.& Rep. 
Mac Collins s1sGA 2004 former Republican challenger; US Representative 
Tillie Fowler s1sFlorida Former GOP 
John Hostettler s1sIN 2010 Senate Challenger (lost GOP primary); formerly US Rep. 
John Linder s1sGeorgia Former GOP (until 2010) 
George Nethercutt s1sWA 2004 former Republican challenger; US Representative 
George Radanovich s1sCalifornia Former GOP (until 2010) 
Bob Stump s1sArizona Former GOP (until 2010) 

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 0
Republicans: 211
Independents: 9

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