Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2022 Gubernatorial campaign websites

2022 Gubernatorial campaign websites:
- 2022 Oregon Gubernatorial campaign website RunBetsyRun.com, 10/6/22, (Link)
- 2021 Gubernatorial candidate's 2022 New Jersey State Senate website Steinhardt4Senate.com, 10/4/22, (Link)
- 2022 R.I. Gubernatorial campaign website HelenaFoulkes.com, 10/3/22, (Link)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Annette Taddeo: Defends a woman's right to make choices about her own body.
Chase LaPorte: God's word directs us to protect unborn and innocent.
Christopher Kurka: Former Executive Director of Alaska anti-abortion group.
Dan Cox: I am unashamedly 100% Pro-Life from conception to death.
Deirdre Gilbert: Life is life! We cannot choose!
Doug Mastriano: End any state funding to Planned Parenthood.
Garrett Soldano: Protect life and push back against the abortion lobby.
Jason Martin: Protect health and reproductive rights of women.
Jim Pillen: I am proudly pro-life, life begins at conception.
Josh Shapiro: He will veto any bill that would restrict abortion rights.
Julian Bell: Strongly supports a woman's right to choose.
Kandiss Taylor: We play God when we decide who has the right to life.
Karrin Taylor Robson: Keep Arizona one of the strongest pro-Life states in nation.
Katie Hobbs: Will veto any legislation that attacks Roe v. Wade.
Maura Healey: Ensure access to abortion, contraception, STI testing.
Mia McLeod: Fiercely advocate for reproductive rights and freedoms.
Michelle Benson: Put an end to the destruction of human life.
Mike Murphy: All humans, including the unborn, have inalienable rights.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Secure Roe v. Wade regardless of federal action.
Tim James: Supports a human life amendment to the Constitution.
Tudor Dixon: Endorsed by Right to Life of Michigan PAC.
Wes Moore: Enshrine the right to abortion into Maryland's Constitution.
Betsy Johnson: I am pro-choice--it is a bedrock value for me.
Helena Foulkes: She will always fight to protect a woman's right to choose.
Budget & Economy
Bob Stefanowski: Take a holistic approach to modernize infrastructure.
Brian Dahle: COVID: stop recklessly spending billions of dollars.
Brian Dahle: Clawbacks in state contracts for underperforming entities.
Chris Jones: Government not about running up bills and creating debt.
Christine Drazan: Identify and prosecute waste, fraud and abuse in government.
Deidre DeJear: Implement a true, comprehensive economic plan.
Doug Mastriano: Propose a 2023 budget that keeps reckless spending in check.
Jamie R. Smith: Promoting sustainable growth will be prioritized.
Jason Martin: Work with Feds to get tax dollars for infrastructure repair.
Jim Pillen: Expand broadband access to every corner of our state.
Jim Pillen: There is no room for wasteful government spending.
Julian Bell: Invest in urgently needed affordable workforce housing.
Josh Green: State-subsidized loan program for first-time home buyers.
Kai Kahele: Promote agribusiness through community driven policies.
Kandiss Taylor: Focus on economic development, Georgia Grown, infrastructure.
Kandiss Taylor: Protecting Georgia farmers is nonnegotiable.
Kirk Caldwell: As largest landowner, state is key to building new housing.
Maura Healey: Encourage entrepreneurism with Office of Economic Assistance.
Mia McLeod: Got SC Ports Authority to triple minority business goal.
Mia McLeod: Allocate critical funds for infrastructure.
Michele Fiore: We desperately need sound fiscally conservative policies.
Michelle Benson: Crack down on waste, fraud, and abuse.
Mike Murphy: Incentivize developers to build quality senior housing.
Nan Whaley: Invest in economic and neighborhood development.
Nellie Gorbea: Simplify statewide process to encourage homebuilding.
Peter Franchot: $5.5B in delinquent taxes; $1B in unclaimed property.
Peter Franchot: Led record state investments to transportation projects.
Peter Franchot: Reformed procurement system increasing accountability.
Peter Franchot: Bring high quality public transportation throughout state.
Richard Irvin: Rein in government spending; cut taxes; balance the budget.
Rushern Baker: A strong transit system with diverse options is crucial.
Tim James: Cut programs, transition government jobs to private sector.
Tudor Dixon: Find new ways to fund critical infrastructure and roads.
Wes Moore: Provide Minority Business Enterprises with support.
William McSwain: Career politicians have overextended the state's budget.
Helena Foulkes: A strong supporter of the line-item veto, accountability.
Civil Rights
Chase LaPorte: I believe in the Biblical standard for marriage.
Dan Cox: Critical Race Theory is Marxist propaganda.
Deirdre Gilbert: Include people from varied backgrounds for policy diversity.
Deirdre Gilbert: Diversity is not divisive: include different genders.
Doug Gansler: Received Equality Maryland award for support of LGBT rights.
Greg Lopez: Don't teach personal choices of sexual lifestyle in schools.
Jason Martin: We need to protect our LGBTQIA+ Tennesseans.
Jim Pillen: Critical race theory is anti-American ideology.
Josh Shapiro: Ban LGBTQ+ discrimination in Pennsylvania.
Kai Kahele: Enshrine protections for the LGBTQ+ community into law.
Katie Hobbs: Explicitly ban LGBTQ+ discrimination in a variety of areas.
Maura Healey: Include health equity as part of Health Care Cost Trends.
Maura Healey: End the ban on LGBTQ+ blood donations.
Mike Murphy: Let people live their lives as they so choose.
Peter Franchot: Appoint Secretary of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Rushern Baker: Our differences are to be celebrated, accepted, protected.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Focus on equity in recovery/infrastructure spending.
Tina Kotek: Came out in early 20s; been with wife for 17 years.
Wes Moore: Ensure Maryland schools adopt LGBTQ+ affirming policies.
Betsy Johnson: Fight bigotry and protect marriage equality in Oregon.
Helena Foulkes: Supports state amendment to protect marriage equality.
Andrew Giuliani: Worked for Trump on deregulation of businesses of all sizes.
Brian Dahle: Seen businesses regulated to death by state bureaucrats.
Chris Jones: Cut unnecessary regulatory burdens on business.
Doug Mastriano: Reduce the Corporate Net Income Tax Rate.
Maura Healey: Allow communities to enact local rent stabilization policies.
Peter Franchot: Less for corporate tax breaks, more help for small business.
Wes Moore: Increase diversity on Maryland corporate boards.
Andria Tupola: Prioritize budget increases for police.
Bob Stefanowski: I will advocate for a holistic approach to reform.
Brett Lindstrom: Don't coddle criminals who harm our most innocent.
Brian Dahle: Rights of criminals shouldn't come before rights of victims.
Chase LaPorte: I believe in maintaining a strong National Guard presence.
Christine Drazan: End treating police like criminals, criminals like victims.
Christopher Kurka: We need a justice system where punishment fits the crime.
Cindy Axne: Voted for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
Dan Cox: Hold dangerous criminals accountable with stiff jail terms.
Deirdre Gilbert: WE THE PEOPLE have been stripped of constitutional rights.
Doug Gansler: Bring every police shooting to the grand jury.
Duke Aiona: Spearheaded Hawai'i Drug Court for non-violent offenders.
Greg Lopez: Oppose unwarranted, irrational hatred of cops by radicals.
Heidi Ganahl: Reinstate bail, ensure parole board enforces sentences.
Jason Martin: Our criminal justice system is broken.
Jim Pillen: Calls to defund the police are reckless and dangerous.
Joe Lombardo: Enact more severe penalties for violence on school grounds.
Karrin Taylor Robson: More funding for police & keep qualified immunity.
Katie Hobbs: Reform Dept. of Corrections, kept inmates past release dates.
Katie Hobbs: Will work to reform Arizona's antiquated sentencing laws.
Maura Healey: Supported 2020 reform bill repealing mandatory minimums.
Mia McLeod: Will continue to push for meaningful criminal justice reform.
Michele Fiore: Support our office; FUND the police!
Michelle Benson: Defunding the police would make us less safe.
Mike Murphy: Increase rehabilitation for human trafficking victims.
Nan Whaley: Police reform process led to major systemic changes.
Paul Gazelka: Shutting down the police is not the answer.
Peter Franchot: End all use of no-knock warrants.
Richard Irvin: As mayor he defeated the local 'Defund the Police' movement.
Rushern Baker: Key to public safety is healing underlying root causes.
Scott Jensen: Increasing number of officers will restore law and order.
Stephen Heidt: Criminal justice reform would save millions in tax money.
Tudor Dixon: Fully fund law enforcement; oppose cash bail reform.
Wes Moore: Remove barriers to state aid for those with criminal records.
Betsy Johnson: Won't defund or demonize our police; demand accountability.
Betsy Johnson: I will enforce Oregon's twice-approved death penalty.
Brenda Siegel: Harm reduction, treatment & recovery on demand.
Chris Jones: Develop a just and equitable cannabis industry.
Deidre DeJear: Legalize and regulate cannabis for adult use, like alcohol.
Deirdre Gilbert: Community-based alternatives instead of mandatory minimums.
Doug Gansler: Legalize cannabis and expunge convictions.
Doug Gansler: Drug use should be treated like a public health problem.
Greg Lopez: Marijuana is an addictive drug and not safe.
Jamie R. Smith: Recreational marijuana should be legalized in South Dakota.
Jason Martin: Pass cannabis for recreational use. Period.
Mia McLeod: Sponsored bill that would decriminalize marijuana.
Mike Murphy: More accessible licensing for substance abuse counselors.
Nan Whaley: Move past stigma, treat addiction as the disease that it is.
Rushern Baker: Those hit by war on drugs owed windfall from legalization.
Scott Jensen: Expunge prior convictions for small amounts of marijuana.
Stephen Heidt: Legalize medical marijuana; decriminalize personal use.
Tim James: Repeal medical marijuana law, perfect recipe for fraud/abuse.
Wes Moore: Legalize cannabis, expunge possession convictions.
Betsy Johnson: Repeal the failed experiment to legalize hard drugs.
Ashley Kalus: Pay our teachers more, promote school choice, fund pre-K.
Bob Stefanowski: Give parents the choice to find a school that works for them.
Brenda Siegel: Support and strengthen our education system.
Brett Lindstrom: Encouraged college savings plan for employees.
Chase LaPorte: Kansas schools are inadequately staffed and under-funded.
Chris Jones: All children should have access to high quality preschool.
Chris Jones: Enable low-to-no cost community college degrees.
Christine Drazan: Expand access to school choice, stand up for parents' rights.
Dan Cox: Constitutional education mandate must include school choice.
Deidre DeJear: It is time to fully fund our education system at every level.
Doug Mastriano: Immediate ban on Critical Race Theory, Gender Theory studies.
Garrett Soldano: Respect a parent's right to educate children as they see fit.
Greg Lopez: Parents want school choice and vocational training; I agree.
Heidi Ganahl: Ensure we are funding our students, not the system.
Jason Martin: Make sure that no school in Tennessee is underfunded.
Jason Martin: Support trade and vocational schools, technical training.
Jim Pillen: Committed to K-12 education, I support options for parents.
Joe Lombardo: For charter schools, school choice, opportunity scholarships.
Joe Lombardo: Our education system is irreparably failing & damaging kids.
Josh Green: Develop and fund a universal public Pre-K program.
Josh Green: Offer every high school graduate free community college.
Josh Shapiro: Fully fund and fix up our schools.
Kai Kahele: We need to address teacher hiring and retention.
Kandiss Taylor: Give educators autonomy instead of mandates.
Karrin Taylor Robson: It is time to fund students instead of systems.
Kathy Hochul: Make state schools tuition-free for middle-class families.
Katie Hobbs: Expedite robust fixes to school buildings across the state.
Katie Hobbs: New funding for STEM education grants and scholarships.
Maura Healey: Opposed ballot measure expanding number of charter schools.
Mia McLeod: Prioritize pay increases for teachers, administrators, staff.
Michelle Benson: Provide families with more choice and flexibility.
Mike Murphy: Yes to early learning & increasing teacher's salaries.
Mike Murphy: Supports school choice; tax credits for private schools.
Mike Murphy: Yes to early learning & increasing teacher's salaries.
Mike Murphy: Supports school choice; tax credits for private schools.
Nellie Gorbea: Pass "Right to A Quality Education" constitutional amendment.
Peter Franchot: Supports financial literacy & college capital projects.
Peter Franchot: Healthy classrooms yes; standardized testing no.
Peter Franchot: Fully debt-free paths to a vocational or college degree.
Rushern Baker: For fully funding The Blueprint for Maryland's future.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Universal early education; debt-free public college.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Provide comprehensive LGBTQ-inclusive sex education.
Stacy Lee George: Alabama must strive to set a new standard in education.
Stephen Heidt: Idaho is suffering from its tight-fisted funding for schools.
Steve Gaynor: Given parents choice over school mask and vaccine policies.
Tim Griffin: Wants more parental choice in education.
Tim James: Supports school choice including funding for church schools.
Tim James: Permanently ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory.
Tobias Read: Extend the school year so kids have year-round learning.
Tudor Dixon: Ban born boys from girls' teams in gender-specific sports.
Tudor Dixon: Develop curriculum focusing on America's founding principles.
Tudor Dixon: Let parents choose education environment for their child.
Wes Moore: Fully fund Blueprint for Education, Child Care.
Betsy Johnson: Give parents more options for their children's education.
Helena Foulkes: Fund universal Pre-K, public preschool for three-year-olds.
Tim Walz: Free breakfast and lunch at school.
Energy & Oil
Chris Jones: Uplift and support the solar energy industry.
Brian Dahle: Forest management not climate change is cause of wildfires.
Brian Dahle: Energy goal: 100% reliable, affordable electricity.
Christine Drazan: Will repeal cap-and-trade climate scheme on my first day.
Cindy Axne: Biofuels should be part of clean energy economy.
Deidre DeJear: Protect environment while creating renewable energy jobs.
Doug Gansler: Begin work on 4 Gigawatts offshore wind generation by 2026.
Doug Gansler: Use school funding/construction to promote renewable energy.
Doug Mastriano: Encourage investment into the natural gas and coal industry.
Greg Lopez: Don't close coal mines to remove phantom of climate change.
Jason Martin: Make sure our state is at the forefront of green technology.
Josh Green: Invest in green economy, create thousands of green jobs.
Julian Bell: Decarbonize at state level; hold corporations responsible.
Kirk Caldwell: Strongly support 100% renewable energy by 2045.
Maura Healey: Create a cabinet-level Climate Chief & electrify everything.
Michelle Benson: Minnesota needs an all-of-the-above energy policy.
Nellie Gorbea: Incentivize energy efficiency in new home construction.
Nellie Gorbea: Prioritize goals to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
Peter Franchot: Our target goal for moving fully to renewable energy is 2030.
Rushern Baker: Move up goal of 100% renewable energy to 2030.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: 100% renewable, carbon-free electric grid by 2030.
Tobias Read: Investing in clean energy and green jobs a top priority.
Wes Moore: Reduce 60% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
Betsy Johnson: Support green energy but don't destroy good paying jobs.
Helena Foulkes: Make Rhode Island a leader in clean, affordable energy.
Bob Stefanowski: Make sure that environmental regulations make sense.
Chris Jones: Protect residential communities from hazardous industry.
Christopher Kurka: Shouldn't tolerate Federal oversight of our resources.
Doug Gansler: Won largest environmental settlement in American history.
Josh Green: Press Navy to drain fuel tanks, shut facility for good.
Kirk Caldwell: Banned single-use plastic items; reduced landfill waste.
Michelle Benson: Protect environment without over-regulating our economy.
Peter Franchot: Voted for over $1.4 billion in environmental protection.
Peter Franchot: Work with EPA to help clean up Chesapeake Bay.
Families & Children
Brett Lindstrom: Help families of fallen first responders in time of need.
Cindy Axne: Make changes to Child Tax Credit permanent.
Doug Gansler: Universal pre-kindergarten and universal child care.
Heidi Ganahl: Address mental health crisis/suicide rates among children.
Jason Martin: Quality and affordable childcare, universal pre-K.
Josh Green: Make childcare accessible and affordable for students.
Kathy Hochul: Fought for Paid Family Leave & $15 minimum wage.
Maura Healey: Common Start: free child care for lowest-income families.
Mike Murphy: Government should support and strengthen the family unit.
Nan Whaley: Made Dayton a better place to live, work, and raise a family.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Better post-partum healthcare for low-income people.
Tim James: Traditional marriage/family is foundation for a free society.
Tobias Read: Measure our progress by how well Oregon's children are doing.
Wes Moore: Paid sick, family, and medical leave for every Marylander.
Tim Walz: Ban conversion therapy; don't ban books.
Foreign Policy
Chris Jones: Stand up for our allies and for peace in Europe.
Free Trade
Katie Hobbs: Prioritize awarding state contracts to Arizona businesses.
Government Reform
Andria Tupola: Ease permitting processes for developers.
Ashley Kalus: Attract business by lowering taxes, cutting red tape.
Bob Stefanowski: Budget information should be a click away.
Brett Lindstrom: Government should never operate as nanny towards business.
Brett Lindstrom: Make it easier to vote and harder to cheat.
Chase LaPorte: Transparency in government keep officials accountable.
Chris Jones: Every community deserves to claim their seat at the table.
Christine Drazan: Get the government off the backs of our small businesses.
Christine Drazan: Establish a permanent task force on election integrity.
Christopher Kurka: Elections certified only after a hand-count of every ballot.
Cindy Axne: For campaign finance reform, expanding voting rights.
Dan Cox: Require citizen voter ID, end unverified mail-in ballots.
Deidre DeJear: Ensure the protection of all Iowans' voting rights.
Deirdre Gilbert: Texas has a 150 year history of voter suppression.
Doug Gansler: Judicial retention elections promote diversity on the bench.
Doug Mastriano: Eliminate "No-Excuse" Mail-in voting and Ballot Drop boxes.
Doug Mastriano: Cut statewide regulations by at least 55,000 in first year.
Doug Mastriano: Prohibit political consultants from registering as lobbyists.
Garrett Soldano: Fought to revoke health law granting emergency powers.
Garrett Soldano: Expand Voter ID, crack down hard on fraud.
Greg Lopez: State regulators are running amuck, will reduce their number.
Heidi Ganahl: Streamline regulations to help local job creators.
Jason Martin: Ensure every eligible voter can access the ballot box.
Jim Pillen: Stand up to radicals using fake meat to attack Nebraska.
Josh Shapiro: Expand early voting; implement same-day voter registration.
Kai Kahele: Automatic back-end voter registration beyond just DMV.
Kandiss Taylor: Drop no excuse absentee ballots, Dominion voting machines.
Karrin Taylor Robson: Supports voter ID, ban on ballot harvesting.
Karrin Taylor Robson: Karrin knows importance of keeping government out of the way.
Katie Hobbs: Streamline process to start a new business under one roof.
Katie Hobbs: End conflicts of interest, fight for lobbying rules.
Katie Hobbs: Disclose campaign contributions, support initiative process.
Katie Hobbs: Will veto any new voter suppression legislation.
Kirk Caldwell: We have to reduce taxes, bureaucracy, and over-regulation.
Maura Healey: Pass VOTES Act; same day voter registration.
Michelle Benson: Outlaw abusive practices like ballot harvesting.
Mike Murphy: Update and modernize voter registration systems.
Peter Franchot: Deliver on specific goals to rebuild trust in government.
Peter Franchot: Create a universal, transparent vote by mail system.
Richard Irvin: For term limits, against gerrymandering.
Rushern Baker: Require dark money groups to disclose their donors.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Increase the number of minority-majority districts.
Tim James: Eliminate unnecessary regulations unduly burdening business.
Tim James: Require proof of citizenship & photo ID in order to vote.
Tudor Dixon: Cut, reduce, or streamline 40% of regulatory code in 4 years.
Tudor Dixon: Enact strong Voter ID, ban drop boxes.
Betsy Johnson: Get regulations out of the way to fast-track construction .
Helena Foulkes: Ensure citizens can exercise their right to vote.
Helena Foulkes: Cut onerous red tape to help businesses of all sizes.
Tim Walz: Restore voting rights for formerly incarcerated people.
Gun Control
Brett Lindstrom: Citizens have a right to own firearms and defend themselves.
Chris Jones: For common sense laws while protecting 2nd amendment rights.
Christopher Kurka: Blaming crime on guns is like blaming arson on matches.
Dan Cox: Will work to bring Constitutional Carry to Maryland.
Deidre DeJear: Repeal the dangerous "stand your ground" law.
Doug Mastriano: Establish PA as a "Second Amendment Sanctuary".
Garrett Soldano: I will defend 2nd amendment, implement Constitutional Carry.
Jason Martin: Uphold 2nd Amendment rights; support bipartisan gun laws.
Jason Martin: Repeal permitless carry; don't penalize responsible owners.
JB Smiley: High standards for gun ownership critical to public safety.
Jim Pillen: Don't allow anyone to suspend our Second Amendment rights.
Kandiss Taylor: #1 Gun Safety Rule: Carry one!
Karrin Taylor Robson: Lifetime NRA member, opposes any efforts to infringe.
Michele Fiore: Ardent supporter of 2nd amendment, lifetime member of NRA.
Michelle Benson: Gun control laws punish law-abiding gun owners.
Peter Franchot: Sponsored strict gun control legislation.
Tim James: If Feds overstep on this issue, we will not submit.
Tudor Dixon: Stop all efforts to restrict the 2nd Amendment.
Wes Moore: Combat gun violence, ban ghost guns.
Betsy Johnson: Don't disarm law abiding citizens; strong background checks.
Helena Foulkes: Ban the sale of high-capacity magazines and assault weapons.
William McSwain: Defend the right to keep and bear arms.
Tim Walz: Establish red flag law; expand background checks.
Health Care
Bob Stefanowski: Expand access to private healthcare for veterans.
Brian Dahle: Strengthen our rehabilitation and mental health services.
Chase LaPorte: Freedom of choice for personal healthcare choices.
Chris Jones: Help to make prescription drugs more affordable.
Christine Drazan: Repeal COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates.
Christopher Kurka: Vaccine/health mandates are unconstitutional, unconscionable.
Dan Cox: On day one I will end the vaccine and health mandates.
Deidre DeJear: Quality affordable healthcare, mental health imperative.
Doug Gansler: Operate 10 new regional behavioral centers across the state.
Doug Mastriano: Immediate ban on all COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Garrett Soldano: Opposes vaccine mandate as unconstitutional, coercive.
Jamie R. Smith: Expanding Medicaid crucial to our rural communities.
Jason Martin: Led fight for Tennessee's healthcare in rural communities.
Josh Green: Access to treatment for homeless addicts & mentally ill.
Julian Bell: Obtain efficiencies through single payer or equivalent.
Kai Kahele: Bring physicians and services to underserved rural Hawai'i.
Katie Hobbs: Expanded Medicaid, providing healthcare for 100,000s.
Katie Hobbs: Reduce maternal mortality rate, extend Medicaid coverage.
Kerry McQuisten: Vaccine passports are like China's Social Credit System.
Kirk Caldwell: Invest much more in mental health, drug treatment programs.
Maura Healey: Treat mental health care as seriously as other health care.
Mia McLeod: Join 39 other states in expanding Medicaid.
Michelle Benson: Opposes government run health care.
Mike Murphy: Protect pre-existing conditions; more pricing transparency.
Nellie Gorbea: Support mental health care for students, teachers, staff.
Peter Franchot: Expand Medicaid; control cost of insurance premiums.
Rushern Baker: Implement a single-payer Medicare for All program.
Scott Jensen: Strongly opposes single payer healthcare for Minnesota.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Establish a single-payer "Medicare for All" system.
Stacy Lee George: COVID: I am one of those non-vaccinated people.
Tim James: Stand against federal tyranny of vaccine mandates.
Tobias Read: Strongly supports vaccine mandates by businesses, schools.
Tudor Dixon: COVID: opposes lockdowns and anti-Science mask mandates.
Wes Moore: Ensure access to quality, affordable health care coverage.
Betsy Johnson: Expand mental health services, especially in schools.
Betsy Johnson: No to government take-over of the health care system.
Helena Foulkes: Worked to boost insurance enrollment after passage of ACA.
Homeland Security
Bob Stefanowski: Encourage the hiring of Veterans and their spouses.
Cindy Axne: Introduced bill supporting rural veteran mental health care.
Doug Gansler: Expand programs and housing for homeless veterans.
Greg Lopez: Ensure we adequately address the needs of Colorado veterans.
Kai Kahele: Advocates avoiding military action whenever possible.
Karrin Taylor Robson: Form state-controlled Arizona State Guard.
Wes Moore: Expand and improve quality of care for veterans.
Dan Cox: Remove criminal illegal aliens from our communities.
Jason Martin: Provide support for our immigrant and refugee communities.
Jim Pillen: We must demand order on the southern border.
Karrin Taylor Robson: Arizona will construct border wall wherever possible.
Maura Healey: End state involvement in federal immigration matters.
Mia McLeod: For equitable access licensure for undocumented immigrants.
Nan Whaley: Future economic growth depends on attracting new immigrants.
Tim James: Building the wall remains more important than ever.
Tudor Dixon: Implement a statewide ban on sanctuary cities.
Cindy Axne: Co-sponsored National Apprenticeship Act to expand programs.
Cindy Axne: Close gender wage gap, challenge wage discrimination.
Doug Gansler: Raising the minimum wage is a racial justice issue.
Jason Martin: Oppose "right to work" amendment to state constitution.
Josh Green: Workers should earn a living wage, shouldn't live in poverty.
Josh Shapiro: Will veto any bill to make PA a right-to-work state.
Kathy Hochul: She believes in equal pay for equal work.
Katie Hobbs: Recruit, hire, and elevate women and minorities.
Katie Hobbs: Eliminate the tipped minimum wage.
Mia McLeod: Raise minimum wage to at least $15/hour.
Mia McLeod: Let people decide whether to unionize, against right to work.
Peter Franchot: Create 100,000 family supporting jobs in 100 weeks.
Rushern Baker: Make Maryland the nation's Black Business Startup Capital.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Create jobs through the state's green energy transition.
Stacy Lee George: Provide incentives for companies to hire reformed ex-cons.
Stacy Lee George: Will NEVER make unemployment benefits higher than wages.
Tim James: We support Alabama as a "Right to Work" state.
Tudor Dixon: Expose more students to high-demand skilled trades.
Wes Moore: Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2023.
Wes Moore: Protect and expand the right of workers to join unions.
Wes Moore: Ensure equal pay for women, remove salary history in hiring.
Tim Walz: Paid leave and paid sick days .
Principles & Values
Annette Taddeo: Father was kidnapped by a Marxist terrorist group.
Ashley Kalus: As a former Golden Gloves boxer, I am a fighter.
Brett Lindstrom: America the most just, free and prosperous nation in history.
Brian Dahle: I pledge to tell you the truth, restore power, work hard.
Chase LaPorte: I have built my core values upon Biblical foundation.
Chase LaPorte: American dream built on hard work, freedom of commerce.
Chris Jones: Raised with strong faith, no conflict with love for science.
Chris Jones: Politics does not have to be divisive and destructive.
Dan Cox: Trump: Dan Cox is an America First Patriot.
Dan Cox: Can't back down from reliance upon God, law and order.
Doug Gansler: Helps run a non-profit lacrosse league for inner-city youth.
Garrett Soldano: Our rights come from God, not from the government.
Garrett Soldano: Father instilled a fierce love for country and sense of duty.
Heidi Ganahl: Founded largest pet care franchise in the world.
Jamie R. Smith: Public leaders should be able to reach across the aisle.
Jason Martin: Instilled values of hard work, family, faith, and community.
Jim Pillen: Involved in Ignite the Faith, Youth for Christ Mission.
Jim Pillen: America is the best country in the world.
Jim Pillen: I believe in American exceptionalism.
Joe Lombardo: Sheriff Lombardo prefers you just call him Joe.
Joe Lombardo: Faith leaders are the backbone of our communities.
Joy Hofmeister: Throughout my life, I've valued hard work and perseverance.
Kandiss Taylor: Passionate about Jesus, Guns, and Babies!
Karrin Taylor Robson: All rights flow from God, not the government.
Katie Hobbs: Never seen nation so divided; seen it up close in Arizona.
Mike Harmon: No legacy except I served my Lord, family, & country well.
Nan Whaley: Focus on economy, no compromise on core progressive values.
Peter Franchot: Measure commitment not by money spent, but results we demand.
Paul Gazelka: We are citizens of the greatest country in the world.
Scott Jensen: A governor should serve to preserve, protect and prepare.
Stacy Lee George: Part of a salt of the earth type of American family.
Tim James: Tim owns his faith in Christ as the foundation of his life.
Tim James: Faith in God first, family second in all policy decisions.
Tim James: Faith-based organizations can participate in public programs.
Tim James: Condemn activist judges who allow desecration of the flag.
Wes Moore: Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to succeed.
Betsy Johnson: Confront prejudice and racism honestly and directly.
Peter Duval: I am going to lose the election; Phil will win.
Social Security
Kai Kahele: Against raising the minimum age for social security benefits.
Mike Murphy: Minnesota must re-evaluate taxing Social Security benefits.
Peter Franchot: Tax incentives for seniors for mentorship program.
Tim Walz: Regulate assisted-living centers for elder abuse .
Tax Reform
Ashley Kalus: Will fight for Rhode Islanders by lowering their tax burden.
Bob Stefanowski: Immediately cut the sales tax, eliminate new restaurant tax.
Brian Dahle: Repeal the gas tax and roll back excessive regulations.
Christine Drazan: I will veto new taxes & repeal costly regulations.
Deirdre Gilbert: One-sided power makes tax cuts for the wealthy permanent.
Doug Gansler: Employer tax credits for businesses hiring military spouses.
Garrett Soldano: Would reverse Whitmer's higher taxes on businesses, gasoline.
Jim Pillen: Limit the growth in spending by local taxing entities.
Josh Green: Increase taxes on luxury units; eliminate taxes on food.
Josh Shapiro: Eliminate the state cell phone tax, expand property rebates.
Kai Kahele: Increase property tax rates for non-resident owners.
Kathy Hochul: Tax cuts for low/middle incomes, not for billionaires.
Kirk Caldwell: We have to reduce taxes to attract businesses and jobs.
Michelle Benson: Get Minnesota out of the top 10 in taxes.
Paul Gazelka: Stop over-taxing, over-regulating small businesses.
Peter Franchot: Supported online retailers collecting state sales tax.
Peter Franchot: Ease filing for those with simple tax obligations.
Richard Irvin: Will fight to cut taxes, get property tax relief.
Scott Jensen: We're some of the most over-taxed people in America.
Stacy Lee George: I will REPEAL the gas tax of 2019 immediately.
Tim James: Repeal 2019 gas tax, eliminate grocery sales tax.
Tudor Dixon: Phase out Michigan's personal income tax.
William McSwain: Lower tax burden on working families; cut red tape.
Betsy Johnson: Reduce some taxes, say no to new taxes.
Helena Foulkes: $500 tax cut for anyone earning less than $100,000.
Andrew Giuliani: Got CARES Act funding to save thousands of transit jobs.
Brenda Siegel: Transform our transportation system to green infrastructure.
Chris Jones: All Arkansans deserve dependable internet.
Deidre DeJear: Expand broadband, increase speeds, welcome technology jobs.
Garrett Soldano: Big Tech and the corporate media want to keep us divided.
Josh Green: Expand access to essential information technologies.
Karrin Taylor Robson: Ensure our state has sufficient cybersecurity.
Maura Healey: Prioritize electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Peter Franchot: Access to the internet will become a right for each citizen.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Expand public transit; move to a fare-free system.
Welfare & Poverty
Brenda Siegel: Create a plan that meets needs of housing crisis.
Christine Drazan: Work with non-profits, faith community on homelessness.
Doug Gansler: Provide economic incentives to address housing affordability.
Josh Green: Eliminate red tape to speed up affordable housing.
Kai Kahele: Prioritize affordable homes for local families and residents.
Katie Hobbs: Combine assistance programs under fewer agencies.
Nan Whaley: Protect tenants, reduce the number of evictions.
Nellie Gorbea: Fully fund school lunch and breakfast programs.
Rushern Baker: Affordable housing is a right.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Make investments aimed at ending homelessness.
Wes Moore: Prioritize environmental justice for low-income communities.
Tim Walz: $1 billion investment in affordable housing.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2022 Gubernatorial campaign websites.