Sarah Palin on Energy & Oil
Republican Governor (AK); 2008 nominee for Vice President
OpEd: $40B AGIA natural gas pipeline isn't working
[I met Todd Palin when he said, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" "I'm renting this place. I just moved in. I'm Joe McGinnis," I say, extending my hand. He shakes it briefly and says, "Wait a minute; you're the guy who wrote that bunch
of crap in the magazine about AGIA."He was referring to the cover story I did for the April 2009 election that pointed out that, contrary to what she'd claimed at the 2008 Republican Convention, the Alaska Gasline Inducement
Act (AGIA) had not brought about the largest private sector infrastructure project in North American history, and that construction had not begun on a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence.
"That story was a bunch of lies," he says, "and you were wrong. AGIA is working. The pipeline is going to get built." I think reasonable people would still disagree.
Source: The Rogue, by Joe McGinniss, p. 33-36
, Sep 20, 2011
Early 2008: Couldn't support McCain because he opposed ANWR
Sarah kicked off her year of destiny on January 4, 2008 by choosing a foreign company, TransCanada, based in Calgary, to partner with the state in building a natural gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay. Unfortunately TransCanada had no gas to flow through the
lines, nor access to any. AGIA (the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act) was smoke and mirrors and pipe dreams, excerpt for Alaska's obligation to repay TransCanada for the first $500 million it committed to the project during the third week of January.
She was asked her views on the 2008 presidential election. In early February, she said she'd like to support John McCain, but could not because of his opposition to opening the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge (ANWR) to exploitation by oil companies. After meeting privately with McCain in Washington the late February, Sarah stopped saying that could not support him.
Source: The Rogue, by Joe McGinniss, p.251-252
, Sep 20, 2011
Drill here and drill now; axe the cap-and-tax plan
Let's expedite the regulatory and permitting and legal processes for on and offshore drilling. Instead of paying billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars that now are being sent to foreign regimes, we should be drilling here and drilling now
instead of relying on them to develop their resources for us. So what we've got to do is axe that plan for cap-and-tax, that policy is going to kill jobs and it's going to pass the burden of paying for it onto our working families.
Source: 2010 Tea Party Convention speeches
, Feb 6, 2010
2006: Replace secret gasline deal with open competition
Our goal was to commercialize Alaska's treasure of oil & gas by opening up the North Shore basin to long-term exploration & production. We planned to bring new players to the table. Instead of negotiating over cocktails with the Big Three oil producers,
I intended to craft a bill that would create a framework within which any willing and able company could compete. Under Murkowski's administration, gasline negotiations had taken place behind closed doors. The secret gasline deal [former Gov.
Murkowski] was negotiating with Exxon-Mobil, BP, and ConocoPhillips violated the state's Constitution. Among other things, his approach relinquished state sovereignty.
While the other candidates suggested tweaks to Murkowski's plan to hand over state
sovereignty to Big Oil, I was confident that no amount of "tweaking" could save it. So I put my name & commitment behind a proposal to open bidding to the private sector. I would not be tainted by previous secret negotiations & corrupt legislative votes.
Source: Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, p.127-128
, Nov 17, 2009
Open gasline process, but $500M inducement to oil company
My team and I were determined to fundamentally change the game when it came to the natural gas pipeline. Instead of negotiating behind closed doors with the monopolistic industry, we wanted to get back to competitive free-market principles, ethically
employed. To that end, we built a team that would provide a framework within which any company could compete.This was a multi-billion-dollar project, the largest private-sector energy project in US history.
We asked companies to compete for the righ
to build Alaska's gasline. Our approach would be open and transparent.
Some accused us of taking too hard a line with the oil companies. I knew we were acting appropriately to hold the companies' feet to the fire.
This project would cost the private
sector a tremendous amount in government fees and prep work. Therefore, in crafting what would become the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, or AGIA, we promised to reimburse up to $500 million in matching funds for the exclusive gasline license.
Source: Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, p.156-157
, Nov 17, 2009
Cap-and-Trade is a Cap-and-Tax program
We can't abandon free-market principles in order to save the free market. The cure only makes the disease worse.One such cure: Washington's misguided "Cap and Trade plan. But let's call it what it is: a Cap and Tax program. The environmentalists' plan
to reduce pollution is to tax businesses according to how much pollution they produce. Businesses that reduce emissions could trade or sell their government credits to other companies.
We'll all feel the effects of this misguided plan to buy and sell
pollution. The president has already admitted that the policy he seeks will cause our electricity bills to "skyrocket." Sadly, those hit hardest will be those who are already struggling to make ends meet. So much for the campaign promise not to raise
taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year. This is a tax on everyone.
As more and more Americans understand that cap and trade is an environmentalist Ponzi scheme in which only the government benefits, they will refuse to tolerate it.
Source: Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, p.390-391
, Nov 17, 2009
Natural gas mantra: good for Greenies, Grannies, and Gunnies
Internally, our natural gas mantra was "Greenies, Grannies, & Gunnies."- Greenies: Natural gas is the cleanest nonrenewable fuel.
- Grannies: Production of a domestic supply would help those on fixed incomes, such as the elderly, by increasing
supply and lowering costs.
- Gunnies: Alaska's energy supplies would help lead America toward energy independence and greater national security.
Greenies, Grannies, Gunnies. So Alaskan, So politically incorrect. Perfect.
Source: Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, p.129
, Nov 17, 2009
North Slope could supply 10 years' energy for entire country
Alaskans have been waiting more than 50 years to realize the benefits of the state's vast reserves of natural gas. At least 35 trillion cubic feet of proven natural gas reserves lie untapped on the North Slope, both on and offshore. Our oil and gas
supplies would be enough to provide ten years of total energy independence for the entire country.Construction of a gas pipeline to transport this safe, clean energy supply to the Lower 48 was originally authorized in 1979. Cheap natural gas from othe
countries had delayed the project for years. Our government's well-meaning policies had driven producers to other parts of the world where there were no restraints on their activities. That was no way to protect the environment or heat the economy.
Our state Constitution stipulates that the citizens actually own our natural resources. Our goal was to commercialize Alaska's treasure of oil & gas by opening up the North Slope to long-term exploration and production. , creating jobs and stable energy.
Source: Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, p.125-127
, Nov 17, 2009
Renewable Energy Fund for hydropower, wind, biomass
[At an energy conference in 2007 in Texas] I told the gathered industry officials that Alaska was suspending its fuel tax--giving relief to consumers at the pump--and outlined our "three-legged stool" approach to meeting our energy needs: conservation,
responsible development, and renewable energy sources. Thus we set a goal of drawing 50% of our electricity generation from renewable sources--an unprecedented policy goal in the United States. We would also use the earnings from a multimillion-dollar
Renewable Energy Fund for projects like hydropower, along with wind, geothermal, and biomass. Those projects could not even flirt with snake-oil science, I insisted; they must be doable, economical, and real. Finally, Alaska would lead American toward
energy security and a cleaner, safer world through responsible development of our conventional sources as we built our AGIA gasline. And I reminded Texas that there is an inherent link between energy and security, energy and prosperity, energy and peace.
Source: Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, p.194
, Nov 17, 2009
Sued ExxonMobil to drill next to ANWR, or give up lease
In 2007, for the 22nd time, ExxonMobil submitted its plan to begin drilling in the Point Thomson Unit [near ANWR] but still had not drilled. These domestic supplies of energy were needed. So we took steps to prove that ExxonMobil was in default of its
lease agreements. We announced that ExxonMobil would no longer be allowed to just warehouse America's resources. After all these decades, if the largest company in the world wasn't going to drill, we would rebid the leases and find a company that would.
"You in the industry make your living by providing the goods and services necessary to get Alaska's resources to market," I said. "Lessees must develop the public's resources or give back their leases." I also knew that unless we accessed our known
reserves on state lands, it would be more difficult to argue for access to federal lands such as ANWR.
The oil giant's M.O. is to tie up issues through litigation. It threatened to sue. We said, okay, we know the way to the courthouse, too.
Source: Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, p.196-198
, Nov 17, 2009
ACES: equitable share of oil profits go to state
We arrived at an entirely new way of calculating Alaska's share of oil revenue derived from resource development: a hybrid system that included a minimum tax on gross receipts for the North Slope's oil fields, plus part of a net profits tax to encourage
new development & reinvestment in existing infrastructure via incentives we'd provide entrepreneurs keen on new exploration. It allowed for tax credits on future work, restricted capital expense deductions to scheduled maintenance, and implemented strong
audits and information-sharing. The new formula would incentivize the industry to produce more, while protecting the public.ACES--Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share--represented a major philosophical shift in the role of government. As resource
owners, Alaskans literally had a "working interest" in energy exploration and development. Our ACES proposal would provide more value to Alaskans when the price of oil was high but would provide substantial relief to the oil companies when prices fell.
Source: Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, p.163-164
, Nov 17, 2009
FactCheck: Gas pipeline deal was not open & competitive
PALIN: She says her team set up an open, competitive bidding process that allowed any company to compete for the right to build a 1,715-mile gas pipeline.THE FACTS: Palin characterized the pipeline deal the same way before an AP investigation found
her team crafted terms that favored only a few independent pipeline companies and ultimately benefited a company with ties to her administration, TransCanada Corp. Despite promises and legal guidance not to talk directly with potential bidders during the
process, Palin had meetings or phone calls with nearly every major candidate, including TransCanada.
PALIN: Criticizes her predecessor [for a "revolving door" on oil deals]. Palin asserts her administration ended all such arrangements, shoving a wedge
in the revolving door between special interests and the state capital.
THE FACTS: Palin ignores her own "revolving door" issue in office; the leader of her own pipeline team was a former lobbyist for a subsidiary of TransCanada.
Source: AP Fact Check about "Going Rogue", in NY Times
, Nov 13, 2009
FactCheck: Yes, Obama climate law costs consumers $145/year
PALIN: Says Obama has admitted that the climate change policy he seeks will cause people's electricity bills to "skyrocket."THE FACTS: She correctly quotes a comment attributed to Obama in January 2008, when he told
San Francisco Chronicle editors that under his cap-and-trade climate proposal, "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket" as utilities are forced to retrofit coal burning power plants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Obama has argued since then that climate legislation can blunt the cost to consumers. Democratic legislation now before Congress calls for a variety of measures aimed at mitigating consumer costs.
Several studies predict average household costs probably would be $100 to $145 a year.
Source: AP Fact Check about "Going Rogue", in NY Times
, Nov 13, 2009
Sues federal EPA for misusing Endangered Species Act
As the largest and only Arctic state, we're studying climate-change through our DEC-led subcabinet. And we're suing the federal government for misusing the Endangered Species Act. There is an attempt there to use the
ESA to impose environmental policies that should be debated and approved legislatively, not by court order or bureaucratic decree. Alaskans have shown through our protective laws that we're willing and able to protect our magnificent wildlife,
while developing our God-given resources, by using conservation laws as they were intended. We'll challenge abuse of federal law when it's used just to lock up Alaska.Vital projects now underway show how much science and technology have
improved in a generation, greatly reducing risk to the environment. Continued work in Cook Inlet and on the North Slope, new drilling at Nikaitchug, new exploration in NPRA--these projects and more will be carried out with the safest methods.
Source: Alaska 2009 State of the State Address
, Jan 22, 2009
FactCheck: No, Obama has always supported clean coal
The Statement:Palin said about Obamas debate remark, that Obamas all of a sudden saying yay to clean coal and perhaps yay to offshore, she said. Palin said hes so on record as having opposed those technologies.The Facts:
Obama has voiced support for the development of clean-coal technology throughout his political career, starting in the Illinois State Senate and later in the US Senate. He reiterated that stance during his Aug. 28 nomination speech and at the Oct
7 debate that Palin references. Obama had spoken out against lifting the federal moratorium on offshore drilling since June, when McCain proposed lifting it. Obama said on Aug. 1 that he would be willing to compromise on his position if it were a part of
a more overarching strategy to lower energy costs.
The Verdict: False. Obama long has supported clean coal technology and more recently changed his stance on offshore oil drilling--two months before the Oct. 7 debate referenced by Palin.
Source: CNN FactCheck: 2008 Fox News interview: presidential series
, Oct 12, 2008
Exxon & Conoco are not my biggest fan
BIDEN: Were not going to support the $300 billion tax cut that they have for corporate America and the very wealthy. Were not going to support another $4 billion tax cut for ExxonMobil.PALIN: Sen. Biden, you would remember that, in that energy plan
that Obama voted for, thats what gave those oil companies those big tax breaks. Your running mate voted for that. You know what I had to do in the state of Alaska? I had to take on those oil companies and tell them, No, you know, any of the greed
there that has been kind of instrumental, I guess, in their mode of operation, that wasnt going to happen in my state. And thats why Exxon and ConocoPhillips, theyre not my biggest fans, because what I had to do up there in
Alaska was to break up a monopoly up there and say, you know, the people are going to come first and were going to make sure that we have value given to the people of Alaska with those resources.
Source: 2008 Vice Presidential debate against Sen. Joe Biden
, Oct 2, 2008
Nonsensical to leave domestic supply untapped
BIDEN: I agree with the governor: She imposed a windfall profits tax up there in Alaska. Thats what Barack Obama and I want to do.PALIN: When we talk about energy, we have to consider the need to do all that we can to allow this nation to become
energy independent. Its a nonsensical position that we are in when we have domestic supplies of energy all over this great land. And East Coast politicians who dont allow energy-producing states like Alaska to produce these, to tap into them, & instead
were relying on foreign countries to produce for us. Were circulating about $700 billion a year into foreign countries, some who do not like America--they certainly dont have our best interests at heart--instead of those dollars circulating here,
creating thousands of jobs and allowing domestic supplies of energy to be tapped into and start flowing into these very, very hungry markets. Energy independence is the key to this nations future, to our economic future, and to our national security.
Source: 2008 Vice Presidential debate against Sen. Joe Biden
, Oct 2, 2008
First and foremost, we must become energy independent
Q: What specific role will take on as vice president?A: I will focus on energy independence. First and foremost, an energy independent nation. We must get there. It is a matter of national security and of our future prosperity, being able to quit
relying on foreign sources of energy to feed our hungry markets when we have the American supplies and we have the American ingenuity and we have the American workers to produce these supplies of energy.
Q: Americans have heard a lot of information on
ANWR. Ive heard you talk passionately about your love for your state of Alaska.
A: Yes.
Q: Why then would you support drilling in Alaska?
A: I support drilling in Alaska because its going to be good for our nation.
Q: Including ANWR?
A: Absolutely. ANWR is a 2,000 acre plot of land. Its about the size of LAX, that platform of land that we would need to explore. But, no secret, John McCain and I agree to disagree on that one. And Im going to keep working on him with ANWR.
Source: 2008 Fox News interview on Hannity & Colmes
, Sep 17, 2008
Energy is inherently linked to security and prosperity
Q: Were importing 70% of our oil. Do you view this as a national security issue, an economic security issue?A: Both.
Q: And what is the impact for Americans down the road if we dont do something to solve our energy dependence?
A: That imbalance
of trade is something that we need to tackle also. Yes, those dollars should be circulating within our own economy. Its a matter of national security. It is a matter of our future prosperity. Energy is inherently linked to security and prosperity.
More and more Americans are recognizing this also. You can see the constituents putting pressure on Congress to come on, Congress, get rid of that gridlock that you are so engaged in now. We sort of have a do nothing Senate right now where nobodys
wanting to really pick up the ball and run with it and take the steps that we have to take to become more energy independent. And its going to take a whole a change in leadership in order to really crush that gridlock and get going on this.
Source: 2008 Fox News interview on Hannity & Colmes
, Sep 17, 2008
Produce more of our own oil & gas, for national security
The stakes for our nation could not be higher. When a hurricane strikes in the Gulf of Mexico, this country should not be so dependent on imported oil that we are forced to draw from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. And families cannot throw away more an
more of their paychecks on gas and heating oil.With Russia wanting to control a vital pipeline in the Caucasus, and to divide and intimidate our European allies by using energy as a weapon, we cannot leave ourselves at the mercy of foreign suppliers.
To confront the threat that Iran might seek to cut off nearly a fifth of world energy supplies ... or that terrorists might strike again at the Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia ... or that Venezuela might shut off its oil deliveries ... we
Americans need to produce more of our own oil and gas.
And take it from a gal who knows the North Slope of Alaska: Weve got lots of both.
Source: Speech at 2008 Republican National Convention
, Sep 3, 2008
More pipelines; more nukes; more coal; more alternatives
Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of Americas energy problems--as if we all didnt know that already. But the fact that drilling wont solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all.Starting in
January, in a McCain-Palin administration, were going to lay more pipelines ... build more nuclear plants ... create jobs with clean coal ... and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal and other alternative sources.
Source: Speech at 2008 Republican National Convention
, Sep 3, 2008
Resource rebate: suspend AK 8-cent fuel tax for one year
Im pleased to report to Alaskans that in early August, our Alaska Legislature agreed to approve a one-time resource rebate that returns part of our resource wealth to Alaskans --the owners in common of these resources. The rebate will be a direct
payment of $1,200 to each Alaskan eligible for the 2008 Permanent Fund Dividend. The resource rebate was part of a larger energy package that also includes a 50% increase in the maximum loan amount for bulk fuel bridge and bulk fuel revolving loan funds
to communities and cooperatives. Additionally, it suspends the states 8-cent motor fuel tax on gasoline, marine fuel and aviation fuel for one year and strengthens the Power Cost Equalization Program.Our lawmakers also included an additional
$60 million for the Home Energy Rebate Program operated by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and $50 million in grant funds to the Renewable Energy Fund, bringing the total available for renewable energy projects in FY 2009 to $100 million.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: August 2008 Newsletter
, Aug 20, 2008
To win, GOP must push energy independence
Q: What ideas do you have to gain back GOP majorities in Congress?A: What the GOP has got to do, on a real practical level, between now and the election, is to convince Americans that it is our energy policy that is best for our nation and the
nations future, that if we are to become energy independent and if we are to become a more secure nation then we had better start supplying our very, very hungry markets across the nation with American supplies of energy.
The GOP agenda to ramp up domestic supplies of energy is the only way that we are going to become energy independent, the only way that we are going to become a more secure nation.
And the GOP agenda is the right agenda in that respect, but the
GOP is going to have to prove to Americans in following weeks that we can safely, responsibly and ethically develop these resources. That, of course, has been a problem for the GOP.
Source: Q&A with Time Magazines Jay Newton Small
, Aug 14, 2008
Windfall oil profits tax prevents investment
Palin [supported Obamas energy proposal but] questioned the means to pay for Obamas proposed rebate--a windfall profits tax on oil companies. In Alaska, the states resource valuation system, ACES, provides strong incentives for companies to re-invest
their profits in new production.Windfall profits taxes alone prevent additional investment in domestic production. Without new supplies from American reserves, our dependency and addiction to foreign sources of oil will continue, Palin said.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: press release, Obama Energy Plan
, Aug 4, 2008
Lift moratorium on offshore drilling
Q: The Congress is going to take their summer recess without a vote on rolling back the moratorium on drilling on shore and off shore. Nothing on ANWR, nothing on shale, nothing on the Outer Continental Shelf. Whats your reaction to this?
A: Well, its pretty pathetic, that action that theyve taken. Appreciate the presidents call to lift the moratorium. Appreciate the presidents call to drill in ANWR, to do all those things for American production opportunities.
Source: CNBC Kudlow & Company Interview
, Jul 31, 2008
Exxon-Mobil should pay $507 million for Exxon Valdez spill
Gov. Palin today encouraged Exxon Mobil to pay the $507 million in punitive damages plus interest awarded by the US Supreme Court to 32,000 plaintiffs in the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill lawsuit. These people have suffered long enough,
Gov. Palin said. While Exxon may have the ability to delay payments, I strongly encourage them to bring this sad chapter in our history to a long-overdue conclusion.
It is time to end the misery so everyone can move on.The Governor is hopeful plaintiffs will receive payments this fall. So far, though,
Exxon has not indicated whether it will cut checks to plaintiffs right away, or seek further reductions in the award as the case goes back to the lower courts.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: Press release 08-106, Exxon
, Jul 1, 2008
Energy relief plan: $100 per person monthly, for oil & gas
Returning surplus funds through grants to electric utilities will result in a 60% reduction for all ratepayers. The benefit will flow to homeowners, renters, schools, governments and businesses. In addition, there will be conservation incentives for
the utilities. For every 1% reduction in 2008 kilowatt hour sales from 2007 sales, the state will make a year-end contribution for capital energy projects to the utility.
The Energy Debit Card will go out to every qualifying [Alaska resident]. The
benefit will be $100 per month per recipient. The temporary Energy Debit Card can be used for purchases from Alaska energy vendors, such as heating oil distributors, natural gas utilities, electric utilities, gas stations & other retail fueling stations.
The value of this plan is approximately $1.2 billion. The grant to electric utilities is expected to be $475 million, while the Energy Debit Card totals are forecast to be $729 million. The Governor has proposed this energy relief plan for one year.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: Press release 08-074 Energy Plan
, May 15, 2008
Fully fund the Petroleum Systems Integrity Office
Governor Sarah Palin today strongly urged lawmakers to restore critical funding for the Petroleum Systems Integrity Office (PSIO), which exercises oversight of the maintenance of facilities, equipment and infrastructure for sustained production and
transportation of oil and natural gas resources in Alaska. Im disappointed that House Finance subcommittee members removed $523,000 in funding for PSIO from my budget. Facing the prospect of the largest construction project in
North America, a natural gas pipeline, we must demonstrate to Alaskans and the nation that we provide sound oversight of the systems that are needed to develop our resources. I am hopeful the full Finance Committee will restore funding for critical
PSIO positions needed to accomplish this mission. The money would fund personnel for investigation of system integrity breaches and implementation of a statewide quality assurance program.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: press release, Funding Restored
, Feb 25, 2008
$250M for proven alternative energy, including wind & hydro
We need a comprehensive approach to long-term energy plans, not just fiscal shots-in-the-arm. Im appointing an Energy Coordinator, to activate a statewide Energy Plan. Well use earnings from a $250 million Renewable Energy Fund for alternative
projects, like hydro, wind, geothermal, and biomass. These projects cannot even flirt with snake-oil science--they will be real, doable, and economic. Alaskas plan can lead America toward energy security and a cleaner, safer world.
Source: 2008 State of the State Address to 25th Alaska Legislature
, Jan 15, 2008
National energy policy not an either/or proposition
Gov. Palin yesterday sent a letter to Senators and the Bush Administration advocating defeat of a bill that would prohibit oil and natural gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Joe Leiberman (I-CT),
aims to designate ANWR as wilderness. Palin criticized the bill as it would effectively ban oil and gas exploration in the most promising unexplored regions in North America--the coastal plain of ANWR. In the letter, Gov. Palin states that national energ
policy must include a variety of resources:
I dont see national energy policy as an either/or proposition, said Gov. Palin. Rather, we need to develop secure domestic sources of conventional energy, such as oil & natural gas, while also researching
and developing alternative and renewable energy.
Gov. Palin reminded senators that opening ANWR to oil and gas exploration would reduce US dependence on foreign sources of oil, increase federal revenues and create hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Source: Letter to members of the U.S. Senate & Pres. Bush
, Nov 10, 2007
Fund cellulosic biofuel research in Farm Bill
We urge you to allocate the maximum feasible level of funding for the programs in Title IX in the 2007 Farm Bill. If the nation is to pursue energy independence, we must look beyond traditional biofuels production. Governors urge Congress to include a
strong energy title as part of the Farm Bill that provides technical and financial assistance to expand the use of farm and forest biomass for renewable energy production. Local production of renewable biomass energy benefits the national economy,
promotes national and regional energy security and stimulates the rural economy through the creation of high quality jobs. Encouraging such production will require increased federal investment in programs that support cellulosic biofuels research,
increased biodiesel production and use, increases in wind and solar energy and energy from animal wastes, improvements in energy efficiency, bio-based product development, effective carbon storage, and other renewable technologies.
Source: Letter from two governors to Senate Committee on Agriculture
, Oct 30, 2007
Sarah Palin on ANWR & Alaska Energy
Goal of 50% of Alaska electric power from renewable sources
Previously, we've relied on a diminishing gas supply from Cook Inlet, and expensive diesel, and a mix of government subsidies, and not enough conservation--but that is not sustainable. And it shouldn't take another spike in energy costs to stir us into
action. Alaska will help achieve energy independence and security for our country, and we can lead with a long-needed energy plan for America. But let us begin with energy security for ourselves. This includes meeting my goal of generating
50% of our electric power with renewable sources. That's an unprecedented policy across the US but we're the state that can do it with our abundant renewables, and with Alaskan ingenuity.
In our energy plan, for the first time,
Alaskans will see cooperation among our utilities. We'll introduce legislation creating the joint utility corporation to finally accomplish this. We will have coordinated power generation that will finally make sense for consumers.
Source: Alaska 2009 State of the State Address
, Jan 22, 2009
Drill, baby, drill
BIDEN: We have 3% of the worlds oil reserves. We consume 25% of the oil. John has voted 20 times in the last decade-and-a-half against funding alternative energy sources, clean energy sources, wind, solar, biofuels. McCain thinks,
I guess, the only answer is drill, drill, drill. Drill we must, but itll take ten years before any [new drilling delivers oil]. PALIN: The chant is drill, baby, drill. Thats what we hear across this country in our rallies because people are hungry
for those domestic sources of energy to be tapped into. They know that even in my own energy-producing state we have billions of barrels of oil and hundreds of trillions of cubic feet of clean, green natural gas. Barack Obama and Sen.
Biden, youve said no to everything in trying to find a domestic solution to the energy crisis. You even called drilling -- safe, environmentally-friendly drilling offshore as raping the outer continental shelf.
Source: 2008 Vice Presidential debate against Joe Biden
, Oct 2, 2008
Crowning achievement: Alaska Gas Inducement Act
Q: What is the best thing Palin has accomplished thus far as governor?A: The Alaska Gas Inducement Act (AGIA) is Palins crowning achievement as governor. Previous governors have asked oil companies to ship natural gas and never got anything done.
Palin changed the nature of the conversation. Instead of pleading, she told the oil companies what we want and invited them to bid for the job with an incentive of $500 million in start-up money.
However, the down side is that she did not include enough protections for Alaskans and American companies. The job is being out-sourced to a Canadian company. A second positive accomplishment is her
whistle-blowing to expose the GOP chairman who was conducting official GOP business on the job for the state.
Source: Phone interview with Anne Kilkenny, resident of Wasilla AK
, Sep 21, 2008
McCain wants healthy deliberation on disagreements like ANWR
Q: Have you had any discussions about ANWR yet, on which you disagree with John McCain?A: We have.
Q: Is he softening?
A: Well, Im very, very encouraged, as we all understand that John
McCain knows, more so than any other leader in our nation today, that for national security reasons we must be an energy independent nation. We must start taking the steps to get there. Thats why he has embraced offshore drilling.
Thats why he has embraced the ideal of the alternative fuels also. And Ill keep working on him with ANWR.
Q: There will be some spirited discussion, I assume, in the administration.
A: Sure.
The nice thing about him, too, is he is not asking me or anybody else to check our opinions at the door. He wants that healthy deliberation and debate within.
Q: And youve talked about that too?
A: Yes, we sure have. Yes. Its been refreshing.
Source: 2008 Fox News interview on Hannity & Colmes
, Sep 17, 2008
Gas pipeline:historys largest private-sector infrastructure
I fought to bring about the largest private-sector infrastructure project in North American history. And when that deal was struck, we began a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence.
That pipeline, when the last section is laid and its valves are opened, will lead America one step farther away from dependence on dangerous foreign powers that do not have our interests at heart.
Source: Speech at 2008 Republican National Convention
, Sep 3, 2008
Claimed major triumph: $500 million subsidy for gas pipeline
Palins intense pursuit of a pipeline to deliver natural gas from the North Slope of Alaska to market in the Lower 48 led to what her administration has claimed as a major triumph: the Legislature this summer approved her plan to give a
$500 million subsidy to TransCanada, a Canadian company, to help build the project. Rebuffing criticism of the pipeline subsidy, Ms. Palin has cast the pipeline as a way for Alaska to end our dependence on foreign oil. She has said she hopes the
pipeline effort will show that Alaska can contribute to a new energy economy, rather than be known as the state that receives more per capita federal spending than any other. Critics in the state complained that Palin undercut her clean-government image
by appointing as her chief adviser on the pipeline a former lobbyist for TransCanada. The adviser, Marty Rutherford, her deputy commissioner of natural resources, earned about $40,000 lobbying the state government for a TransCanada subsidiary in 2003.
Source: New York Times, pp. A1 & A10, An Outsider Who Charms
, Aug 29, 2008
Gasline Inducement Act: 1,715-mile natural gas pipeline
On Aug. 1, the legislature awarded TC Alaska the AGIA license to move forward and build Alaskas natural gas pipeline. The Legislature also authorized my administration to award the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act license to TransCanada
Alaska to initiate development of a 1,715-mile natural gas pipeline from Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope to the Alberta Hub in Canada. Lawmakers also appropriated $35.5 million for gas pipeline expenditures.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: August 2008 Newsletter
, Aug 20, 2008
Commercialize Alaskas North Slope natural gas
Governor Sarah Palin today signed Administrative Order 242, directing the state Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Revenue to work cooperatively with any organization or entity committed to commercializing Alaskas North
Slope natural gas.This solidifies our commitment to facilitating an LNG project that is a product of market interest, Governor Palin said. By committing both project capital and natural gas resources to a pipeline that would transport
North Slope natural gas to tidewater, an LNG project can remain an integral element of the states effort to deliver Alaskas gas to market.
Specifically, the Administrative Order instructs the two departments to provide specific kinds of support to
those pursuing development of an economically and technically viable liquefied natural gas project. That support includes permitting coordination, fiscal and economic analysis, and facilitation of meetings with federal agencies.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: press release, Admin. Order 242
, Aug 20, 2008
Appointed an Alaska oil and gas commissioner
[After serving as mayor], I was appointed an oil and gas commissioner in the state of Alaska, on the Alaska oil and gas conservation commission, had decided that there were changes,
positive changes, that had to be ushered into our state government, decided to run for governor and did so, was successful, and here we are.
Source: Q&A with Time Magazines Jay Newton Small
, Aug 14, 2008
Agrees with Obama on more Alaska oil & gas production
Gov. Sarah Palin today responded to the energy plan put forward by the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Illinois Senator Barack Obama. I am pleased to see Senator Obama acknowledge the huge potential Alaskas natural gas reserves represent
in terms of clean energy and sound jobs, Governor Palin said. In a speech given in Lansing, Michigan, Senator Obama called for the completion of the Alaska natural gas pipeline, stating, Over the next five years, we should also lease more of the
National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska for oil and gas production. And we should also tap more of our substantial natural gas reserves and work with the Canadian government to finally build the Alaska natural gas pipeline, delivering clean natural gas
and creating good jobs in the process.
Gov. Palin said, This is a tool that must be on the table to buy us time until our long-term energy plans can be put into place, and it is gratifying to see Senator Obama get on board.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: press release, Obama Energy Plan
, Aug 4, 2008
Convinced McCain to drill offshore; not yet on drilling ANWR
Q: When we talked about a month ago, you told me you were going to persuade Senator McCain to drill in ANWR. Now actually, McCains come a long way on drilling Outer Continental Shelf. Have you yet talked him in to ANWR?A: I have not talked him in to
ANWR yet. But yeah, he has evolved into being open enough to say yes to that offshore. Obama certainly hasnt gone there. We certainly need this. We need it for American security, & for energy independence.
Source: CNBC Kudlow & Company Interview
, Jul 31, 2008
Unlock ANWR; were ready, willing and able to contribute
Q: The governor of Alaska sent a letter to Senate Leader Harry Reid with a very clear demand--drill in ANWR now. Governor Sarah Palin is on the phone right now. Governor, Im curious how you were received today, when so many of your constituents,
I would assume, want to protect the land, not drill. How did it go today?A: Ill correct you there with all due respect--the people of Alaska understand that Alaska has so much to contribute in terms of energy sources to the rest of the US.
Folks up here want ANWR to be unlocked by the federal government so that we can drill. Weve got a tremendous amount of resource up here, and were ready, willing and able to contribute. I think Washington doesnt understand that were at a real critical
crossroads: We are either going to become more and more dependent on foreign sources of energy, or were going to be able to secure our nation and drill domestically for safe, stable, clean supplies of energy that we have here. We have them in Alaska.
Source: 2008 Fox News interview: Your World with Neil Cavuto
, Jun 27, 2008
Bush is right: drill ANWR & develop our own supplies
Gov. Sarah Palin released the following statement after Pres. Bush renewed his call to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration in the face of surging gasoline prices: Pres. Bush is right. Across the nation, communities are feeling
the pinch of high energy costs. It is absurd that we are borrowing from one foreign country to buy oil from another. It is a threat to our national security and economic well-being. It is well past time for America to develop our own supplies.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: Press release 8-068, ANWR
, Apr 29, 2008
Gas pipelines are approved if they meet Alaskas needs
An example of our self-determination is our natural gas pipeline vehicle: AGIA. AGIAs competitive process is built on Alaskas must-haves. Finally we will have an open access gasline so new explorers can produce new reserves, providing in-state use
of our gas and careers for Alaskans. Without AGIAs requirements, wed be leveraged by a small group of companies. We cant surrender revenue, judicial process and our sovereignty. A respected pipeline construction company,
TransCanada, submitted a proposal that meets all of Alaskas requirements. AGIA cleared the path for our gas to feed hungry local markets and to help secure the country with a safe, stable, and domestic supply of clean energy.
An AGIA license gets the ball rolling on our terms--and opens the door to innovative and strategic partnerships. We are reasonable and open to those partnerships that, at the end of the day, will get that long-awaited gas line built.
Source: 2008 State of the State Address to 25th Alaska Legislature
, Jan 15, 2008
Submitted legislation to build natural AGIA gas pipeline
Governor Palin submitted the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) to the Legislature on her 89th day in office. The legislation will act as a vehicle to get a natural gas pipeline built and bring the states substantial gas reserves to market.
The AGIA offers a number of inducements for those who hold gas leases and for those who want to build the line. In return, the state will provide a matching capital contribution and insist on the states must-haves: project benchmarks, gas for
Alaskans, expansion capabilities, and jobs for Alaskans. The state is committed to ensuring that Alaskans will be trained and ready to build the gasline. Governor Palin recently traveled to
Washington D.C., where she received encouragement for the AGIA from Alaskas Congressional Delegation, FERC officials and members of the Bush Administration.
Source: Alaska Governors Office: press release, 100th Day
, Mar 13, 2007
Stranded Gas Development Act no longer applies
My Administration will pursue the gasline plan that is best for ALL Alaskans. How do we get there? Through a two-step process. First, we acknowledge that the Stranded Gas Development Act (SGDA), under which the previous Administration negotiated with
the Big Three producers (ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, and BP), no longer applies. The Legislatures own experts have testified that the gas can no longer be deemed stranded due to long-term economic conditions.
Source: 2006 Gubernatorial website, palinforgovernor.com, Issues
, Nov 7, 2006
Get ANWR open
I believe in protecting Alaskas environment through fair enforcement of our environmental laws. Having a clean record on environmental regulation is critical to getting ANWR open and maintaining our fisheries mining, timber, and tourism industries.
I would also revisit the change in regulations on the Alaska Coastal Zone Management program in which the past administration by eliminating the rights of local districts to write specific local enforceable policies on important issues like subsistence.
Source: 2006 Gubernatorial website, palinforgovernor.com, Issues
, Nov 7, 2006
Chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
The Natural Gas Pipeline- Sarah is the one with experience and energy to move Alaska forward!
- Sarah Palin will use her experience as Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation
Commission to negotiate a fair gas pipeline agreement that puts Alaska first and creates jobs for all Alaskans.
Source: Palin-Parnell campaign booklet: New Energy for Alaska
, Nov 3, 2006
Pursue gasline plan that is best for ALL Alaskans
My Administration will pursue the gasline plan that is best for ALL Alaskans. All qualified & viable proposals & applicants will be considered. How do we get there? First, we acknowledge that the Stranded Gas Development Act (SGDA) no longer applies.
The producers want to amend the SGDA to fit their proposed contract within the technical confines of that law. However, the Legislatures own experts have testified that the gas can no longer be deemed stranded due to long-term economic conditions.
Source: Palin-Parnell campaign booklet: New Energy for Alaska
, Nov 3, 2006
Met with producers and employee groups for pipeline deal
Q: Will you limit your negotiations on the gas pipeline to the producers or will you reopen discussions with others?KNOWLES: I would look to all of the proposals to see what is the best deal for Alaska. The next governor is going to have to sit down
with Alaska business leaders, members of the oil and gas industry and others to negotiate an Alaska gas line on Alaskas terms. Sarah has refused to meet with the executives and employees of ConocoPhillips, BP, Alyeska, with the regional CEOs of the
Native corporations. I believe that we cannot afford to have a governor who is AWOL. You cannot delegate leadership.
PALIN: That is an untruthful statement. Ive met with Exxon; with ConocoPhillips; with the BP employee group.
So, thats not true.
PALIN: That is an untruthful statement. Ive met with Exxon. Ive met with ConocoPhillips. Ive met with the BP employee group and the ConocoPhillips folks. Heck, I have the endorsement of the North Slope union hands up there.
Source: Alaska 2006 Governor Debate: at Anchorage Rotary
, Oct 31, 2006
Firm start date as part of gasline incentive offer
Q: Do you believe the state should demand a firm construction start date for a gas line, despite the uncertainties of construction costs, permits and financing?A: Yes.
If the state is going to offer incentives--and award them to a specific proposal--it is reasonable to expect a firm start date. Otherwise, other proposals need to be given the opportunity to begin construction.
Source: Anchorage Daily News: 2006 gubernatorial candidate profile
, Oct 22, 2006
Opposes natural gas reserves tax--its not earned income yet
Q: Do you support the natural gas reserves tax on the Nov. 7 ballot? If it passed, how would that affect your negotiations with the producers on a gas pipeline?A: I am opposed.
This initiative is akin to taxing income before it is even earned. The way to get an agreement on building a pipeline is to negotiate . not litigate.
Q: Do you support the Petroleum Profits Tax passed by the
Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Murkowski? If no, why not?
A: My preference was a tax on the gross price with a price-progressive index. We need to see how companies apply the tax credits within the law.
If the credits are abused and Alaska is shortchanged, changes will be proposed. The intent of the credits is to encourage new exploration and infrastructure development.
Source: Anchorage Daily News: 2006 gubernatorial candidate profile
, Oct 22, 2006
Sarah Palin on Global Warming
I do support capping carbon emissions
Q: Let me clear something up: Sen. McCain has said he supports caps on carbon emissions. Sen. Obama has said he supports clean coal technology, which I dont believe youve always supported. Do you support capping carbon emissions?PALIN: I do. I do.
BIDEN: Absolutely. Absolutely we do. We call for setting hard targets.
Q: On clean coal?
BIDEN: My record for 25 years has supported clean coal technology. A comment made in a rope line was taken out of context.
Source: 2008 Vice Presidential debate against Sen. Joe Biden
, Oct 2, 2008
Cyclical temperature changes affect climate change
Q: What is true and what is false about what we have heard about the causes of climate change?PALIN: As governor of the nations only Arctic state, Alaska feels & sees impacts of climate change more so than any other state. And we know that its real.
Im not one to attribute every activity of man to the changes in the climate. There is something to be said also for mans activities, but also for the cyclical temperature changes on our planet. But there are real changes going on in our climate.
And I dont want to argue about the causes. What I want to argue about is, how are we going to get there to positively affect the impacts? We have got to clean up this planet. We have got to encourage other nations also to come along with us with the
impacts of climate change, what we can do about that.
BIDEN: Well, I think its clearly manmade. If you dont understand what the cause is, its virtually impossible to come up with a solution. We know what the cause is. The cause is manmade.
Source: 2008 Vice Presidential debate against Sen. Joe Biden
, Oct 2, 2008
All-of-the-above approach to deal with climate change
PALIN: I was the first governor to form a climate change sub-cabinet to start dealing with the impacts. Weve got to reduce emissions. John McCain is right there with an all of the above approach to deal with climate change impacts. As we rely more on
other countries that dont care as much about the climate as we do, were allowing them to produce and to emit and even pollute more than America would ever stand for. Its all the more reason that we have an all of the above approach, tapping into
alternative sources of energy and conserving fuel, conserving our petroleum products and our hydrocarbons so that we can clean up this planet.BIDEN: We have 3% of the worlds oil reserves. We consume 25% of the oil. John has voted 20 times
in the last decade-and-a-half against funding alternative energy sources, clean energy sources, wind, solar, biofuels. Obama believes by investing in clean coal and safe nuclear, we can not only create jobs in wind and solar here, we can export it.
Source: 2008 Vice Presidential debate against Joe Biden
, Oct 2, 2008
Global warming affects Alaska, but is not man-made
Q: What is your take on global warming and how is it affecting our country? A: A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. Im not one though who would attribute it to being man-made.
Source: Q&A with Newsmax.coms Mike Coppock
, Aug 29, 2008
Analyze potential costs associated with climate change
Q: What role does state government have, if any, in addressing global warming and climate change?A: We need to analyze the potential economic costs, needs and opportunities associated with climate change.
Lets be cautious in how we react--to make sure we dont overreact. The Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission is supposed to assess the situation and issue a report on March 1, 2007. This is a good start.
Source: Anchorage Daily News: 2006 gubernatorial candidate profile
, Oct 22, 2006
Page last updated: Jun 15, 2016