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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
by Cory Booker (2016)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election
What Happened ,
by Hillary Clinton (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Hard Choices,
by Hillary Clinton (2014)
Becoming ,
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews


(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from

Democratic primary debate on "Special Edition: This Week", hosted by George Stephanopoulos, August 19, 2007 excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
Budget & Economy
    Barack Obama: Regulate financial instruments to protect home mortgages.
    Bill Richardson: Mortgage industry needs more liquidity & more transparency.
    Chris Dodd: Mortgage market has seized up; provide more market liquidity.
    Dennis Kucinich: Bailing out mortgage lenders just postpones crisis.
    Hillary Clinton: Help people facing foreclosure; dont just bail-out banks.
    Joe Biden: More transparency for hedge funds and private equity funds.
    John Edwards: Need home rescue fund for those worried about losing homes.
    Chris Dodd: We need Justice Department to deal with antitrust issues.
    Barack Obama: We left the money behind for No Child Left Behind.
    Barack Obama: Pay master teachers extra, but with buy-in from teachers.
    Bill Richardson: Minimum wage for our teachers: $40,000 per year.
    Bill Richardson: One-point plan on No Child Left Behind: Scrap it.
    Chris Dodd: Incentive pay for tougher schools, but not performance pay.
    Dennis Kucinich: Fund universal pre-K with 15% cut in Pentagon budget.
    Hillary Clinton: Incentive pay for school wide performance.
    Hillary Clinton: Universal pre-kindergarten; and make family the best school.
    Joe Biden: There needs to be performance-based pay for teachers.
    Mike Gravel: Supports merit pay for teachers; make education top priority.
Foreign Policy
    Barack Obama: No strategic ambiguity on foreign policy issues.
    Chris Dodd: No time to get new Pres. ready; need experience in advance.
    Hillary Clinton: Should not telegraph our adversaries about preconditions.
    Joe Biden: Pakistan is potentially most dangerous country in the world.
Free Trade
    Barack Obama: Congress subsidizes megafarms & hurts family farmers.
    Hillary Clinton: Export from big agribusiness, but also from small farmers.
    John Edwards: Trade agreements now focus on profits for big multinationals.
Government Reform
    Barack Obama: Prayer cant prevent disasters; good policy can handle them.
    Chris Dodd: Its not who funds you, but how you vote that matters.
    Hillary Clinton: Move to public election financing, not banning lobbyists.
    John Edwards: Lets all pledge not another dime from Washington lobbyists.
    Mike Gravel: Asks candidates to pledge to use existing public finance law.
Health Care
    Dennis Kucinich: Challenge system of premiums, co-pays and deductibles.
Homeland Security
    Bill Richardson: No first use of nukes; but keep options on table.
    Chris Dodd: Should have filibustered vote to abandon habeas corpus.
    John Edwards: No hypothetical nuke talk in Pakistan; eliminate all nukes.
    Mike Gravel: We are STILL expanding our nuclear capability.
    Bill Richardson: Focus our farm policy on renewable fuels.
Principles & Values
    Barack Obama: Most decisive moment: transition from high school to college.
    Bill Richardson: With me, you get both change AND experience.
    Bill Richardson: My sense of social justice comes from being a Roman Catholic.
    Bill Richardson: Decisive political moment: wife agreeing to marry him.
    Chris Dodd: Decisive moments: joining Peace Corps; & loss of father.
    Dennis Kucinich: Decisive moment: living as child out of family car.
    Hillary Clinton: Rove is obsessed with me because I take them on & beat them.
    Hillary Clinton: I believe in prayer; Im dependent on my faith.
    Hillary Clinton: Owes opportunity for presidency to generations of women.
    Joe Biden: Prayer gives you strength, but doesnt prevent crises.
    Joe Biden: Most decisive moment: engaging in civil rights movement.
    John Edwards: We cant negotiate change; must take from those in power.
    John Edwards: Prays daily; but prayer doesnt prevent bad things.
    John Edwards: Decisive moment: father self-educating by watching public TV.
    Mike Gravel: I believe in the power of love over the power of prayer.
    Mike Gravel: Decisive moment: realizing representative govt is broken.
    Chris Dodd: Extend broadband access to our rural communities.
War & Peace
    Barack Obama: Deal with al Qaeda on Pakistan border, but not with nukes.
    Bill Richardson: Tri-partite entity within Iraq; reconcile three groups.
    Bill Richardson: Move out troops, through Turkey & Kuwait, in 6-8 months.
    Hillary Clinton: Rule out nukes against Iran.
    Hillary Clinton: Push Pentagon to start planning for Iraq withdrawal.
    Joe Biden: Leaving Iraq will cause generation-long regional war.
    John Edwards: GOP candidates are Bush on steroids; Dems would all end war.
    Mike Gravel: Bush cooking books on Iran; resolve against invading Iran.
    Mike Gravel: Blaming Iraqis for war problems is American imperialism.
Welfare & Poverty
    Dennis Kucinich: Separate state from church, not from spiritual values.

The above quotations are from Democratic primary debate on "Special Edition: This Week", hosted by George Stephanopoulos, August 19, 2007 .

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and
Reprinting by permission only.

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