Increase the criminal penalties against human smuggling
This is not just a public safety crisis; it's a humanitarian crisis. And the human traffickers that prey on the desperation of people looking for a better life need to pay the consequences.
It's time for us to increase the criminal penalties against human smuggling and provide more funding to border counties to ensure prosecution and incarceration.
Border security is national security, and the lack of action from D.C. puts every American at risk. Texas Governor Greg Abbott and I are teaming up to form the American Governor's
Border Strike Force--a commitment between states to do what the Biden administration is unwilling to do: Patrol and secure our border.
Supports ballot initiative to ban sanctuary cities
If anyone needed a reminder, that here in Arizona, we respect the rule of law: last fall the voters of Tucson demonstrated that loud and clear.
And now it's time for all Arizonans to make their voices heard and enshrine it in our Constitution. This November let's give all Arizona voters the opportunity to say YES to the rule of law and NO to sanctuary cities.
Source: 2020 Arizona State of the State address
, Jan 13, 2020
Refused to grant drivers licenses to DACA recipients
Q: Support legal status for "DACA" recipients or "Dreamers," who grew up in the US after being brought here illegally as children?
Doug Ducey (R): No. His administration refused to grant drivers licenses to DACA recipients, but later was overruled
by a federal judge.
David Garcia (D): Yes. Treat "like any other young Arizonans." Ensure "basic supports like in-state tuition or a driver's license are not obstacles to becoming the future business & civic leaders."
Source: CampusElect 2018: Arizona legislative voting records
, Oct 9, 2018
Immediate halt to placement of any new Mideast refugees
Gov. Doug Ducey is calling for an immediate halt to the placement of any new refugees from the Middle East. Ducey made it clear that the state is within its legal rights to do so, saying that he is invoking the state's right under federal law to
immediately consult with U.S. officials on any new refugee placements. He also wants Congress to change the law to give states more oversight over refugee placement. Ducey says national leaders must react to protect its citizens.
Source: ABC News on Syrian Refugee Crisis
, Nov 16, 2015
Better border security without comprehensive reform
Arizona state treasurer and businessman Doug Ducey claimed victory on Tuesday in the race to be the Republican nominee to replace outgoing Governor Jan Brewer, who has clashed repeatedly with the White House over illegal immigration.
With the vote decided, Brewer joined Ducey on the victory platform, despite having backed [Ducey's opponent] Smith, praising his candidacy in an effort to unify the party for the race ahead.
Ducey campaigned on rejuvenating the state's economy, improving education and shaking free of federal constraints. While calling for better border security, he avoided demands for comprehensive immigration
reform and providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants that might alienate some voters.