If last year was the year of the virus, this year will be the year of the vaccine. And while local public health officials are working hard, we need to work faster. So now, even more resources will be brought to the fore. At my direction, the state has
launched a 24/7 vaccination site at a large and notable location: State Farm Stadium, home of the Arizona Cardinals. Everyone needs this vaccine. And the sooner we all receive it, the more quickly we can get on with life as it should be.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Arizona legislature
, Jan 11, 2021
Insurance companies should cover mental health care
Insurance companies should be covering mental health care, just like they cover an annual physical.
And we're going to make sure they do.
Source: 2020 Arizona State of the State address
, Jan 13, 2020
Medicaid only for destitute & disabled; not middle-class
Q: Support or Repeal ACA, aka ObamaCare? Accept ACA's Medicaid expansion to subsidize low-income participants?
Doug Ducey (R): Repeal. "ObamaCare has been a disaster for Arizona & I want it repealed & replaced." Medicaid should focus narrowly on
the "destitute & the disabled" & not become "a middle-class entitlement."
David Garcia (D): Support ACA. Keep coverage for pre-existing conditions. Expand on Arizona's Medicaid programs. Ultimately move toward Medicare for All.
Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on Arizona Governor race
, Oct 9, 2018
KidsCare: Protect low-income kids' healthcare
There are so many issues we can find common ground on. Like protecting the lives of children in our state. That's why we acted to prevent 24,530 low-income children from getting health insurance cancelation notices days before Christmas, as
Washington continues to dither on this issue. And while Members of Congress give meaningless floor speeches and drag their feet, we've got a plan to fund KidsCare through the spring. But in the meantime, I've got a message for congress. Do. Your. Job.
Source: 2018 Arizona State of the State address
, Jan 8, 2018
ObamaCare is a monumental failure
The Issue: ObamaCare is a monumental failure and has made a royal mess of health care.
There's no reason we need to be stuck with the policy options the feds want to impose on us. It will be a top priority of the Ducey administration to learn from the
best practices of other states and to get out from under the federal government's thumb. I will lead the effort to negotiate a Medicaid waiver for Arizona and to protect our state from ObamaCare, one of the worst laws ever signed by any
American president.
We want to care for our most vulnerable and needy citizens, and we want our health care options in Arizona to be the best in the nation. Medicaid is a program originally designed to take care of the destitute
and disabled, but it's now being expanded as a middle class entitlement. We need to focus our efforts on people who genuinely need the help and can't do without it.