Don't allow voter registration closer to Election Day
AB440: Revises provisions relating to voter registration. Las Vegas Review-Journal June 8, 2013:�Assembly Bill 440 would have allowed people to register to vote as late as 5 p.m. before the Tuesday election. Because early voting occurs the
two weeks before election day, the bill also would have allowed people to register and immediately vote at early voting places. Political observers generally believe late registration deadlines help Democrats more than Republicans.
Excerpts from
veto message:The registration deadlines currently in place apply only to registration that occurs immediately prior to a particular election day. There is no indication that these deadlines are detrimental to Nevada's voting process or needs to
be changed.
Legislative outcome: Passed Assembly 25-16-0 on Apr/23/2013; Passed Senate 11-10-0 on May/23/2013; Vetoed by Governor Brian Sandoval on Jun/7/2013
The recession has hurt the entire Nevada family. State employees have seen their pay cut and have been required to take unpaid furlough days. Tonight, I am announcing that we will be able to provide some relief to them as well.
Merit pay will be restored for state employees beginning on July 1, 2014, and the number of required furlough days will be cut in half as of July 1 of this year.
Source: 2013 State of the State address to Nevada Legislature
, Jan 16, 2013
Vetoed legislative redistricting maps
AB566: Revises the state legislative districts and revises the districts from which Representatives of Congress are elected..
Analysis by Both parties have claimed to have the best interests of minority voters at heart
in their map. Republicans accuse Democrats of diluting reliably Democratic Hispanic votes to maximize the party's chances without giving equal consideration to what Hispanics specifically want. Democrats shoot back that the GOP is, far from creating
majority-minority district to benefit Hispanics, actually packing them in order to weaken their power overall.
Gov. Sandoval's veto message: The plan reflected in the bill did not provide for the fair representation of the people of the
state of Nevada, nor did it comply with the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Assembly 26-16-0 on May/18/11; Passed Senate 11-10-0 on May/25/11; Vetoed by Gov. Sandoval on May/31/11.
AB501: Provides for an audit of the fiscal costs of the death penalty.
Analysis by Center Right NV blog: AB501 calls for the legislative auditor to examine the costs of capital cases compared to non-death penalty cases. The study
includes pre-trial, trial and appeal costs, plus how much it costs to keep an inmate on death row.
Veto message analysis by Nevada Prison Watch blog analysis of Veto Message: Sandoval was not convinced it would be a fair audit. "The bill
lists the costs to be assessed in determining the overall fiscal impact of the imposition of the death penalty, but it does not specify how it is these costs will be assessed," the governor said. Sandoval said that death row inmates make "individualized
litigation choices" that drive up the costs of their cases.
Legislative Outcome: Passed Assembly 28-14-0 on Apr/25/11; Passed Senate 11-10-0 on May/28/11; Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford voted YES; Vetoed by Gov. Sandoval on May/31
Freezing archaic regulations is my number one priority
I've been clear that my number one priority is economic development and freezing archaic and ineffective regulations until the end of this year will help promote business.
As I said in my inaugural address today, our generation must commit to bringing Nevada's economy, workforce and schools safely into this new reality in which we find ourselves.
Prosecute corrupt politicians via public integrity unit
Public Corruption--Created The Unit That Prosecutes ThemElected officials must actively work to protect the trust placed in us by citizens. As Attorney General, I set up the first public integrity unit to investigate and prosecute officials
who violated the public trust and I am committed to restoring honesty and integrity to state government.
Source: 2010 Gubernatorial campaign site, "Issues"
, Nov 2, 2010
Strongly uphold values of the Constitution & 10th amendment
I have a profound respect for the United States Constitution and believe it should be strictly interpreted. The Tenth Amendment, which is the foundation for the expression of state's rights, is extremely important in the face of continued federal
intrusion upon state's rights. As Governor, I will aggressively protect Nevada's state's rights under the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Source: 2010 Gubernatorial campaign website,
, Nov 1, 2010