As we debate tax reforms, we will judge any proposal based on four questions:
Are the changes fair to Alaskans?
Will they foster new oil production?
Will they simplify and restore balance to our fiscal system?
And, will the changes make us competitive not only for this year but for years ahead?
If you pass legislation that answers these four questions, you won't have to ask for my answer, because you will get my signature.
Source: 2013 State of the State address to 28th Alaska Legislature
, Jan 16, 2013
Build the Alaska gasline to extract natural gas
I ask you to join me [via the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act] in refilling Alaska's pipeline to prosperity. We will grow Alaska's economy by accessing our abundant natural gas. Our state has more than 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the ground.
This gas represents cheaper heating fuel for Alaska homes and Alaska businesses, and these reserves can energize and grow Alaska's economy. But before we can realize these benefits, a gasline must be built to bring these reserves to market.
Source: Alaska 2012 State of the State Address
, Jan 18, 2012
Oil and gas production will lead to a stronger nation
The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission provides a voice for domestic oil and gas production while ensuring protection of the environment.
Many Americans are deeply troubled at what is now almost a $15 trillion federal debt. The solution is righ
in front of us. We can regain our economic footing through producing more American energy. To boil it down to one simple truth: More American oil and gas production means jobs. Jobs translate into stable communities, vibrant states, and a strong nation.
Source: 2011 gubernatorial press release #5926
, Oct 17, 2011
Open ANWR for development
Some of our nation's richest oil reserves exist along the coastal plain known as ANWR. It's accessible. It's extractable. And oil production and wildlife in ANWR are compatible. Oil from ANWR could help meet US demand for the next 25 years--or longer.
Responsible development of ANWR would create hundreds of thousands of jobs across our nation, in virtually every state, because a secure supply of petroleum will create demand for goods and services, and lower the cost of doing business.
Reduce EPA red tape on Arctic Outer Continental Shelf
Federal agencies engage in subtle ways of stifling Alaska's economy. Take the EPA for example. Five years after completing its paperwork with the EPA, one company is still trying to get an air permit to explore the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf. Five ye
Why, then, are similar permits routinely granted in the Gulf of Mexico in a matter of months? The EPA has no answer. Red tape is a needless drag on our economy. It's inefficient, and it comes at great cost to
Alaska, where we are still working hard to build out our most basic road system. For most of the Lower 48, the relationship between the states and the federal government was established 100, even 200 years ago.
In Alaska, we are still defining that relationship, and "they're still not returning our calls." We demand to be treated as a state, not as a colony.
Strike balance between ocean protection and oil production
The federal government hyperextends its reach by proposing to zone the oceans. They call it "marine spatial planning." But the wild and shifting seas were never meant to be defined by little square boxes of regulated activity.
National oceans policy
should be rational, should recognize the important role of coastal states, and should strike a balance between our ocean protection and commercial activities, like our fisheries and oil and gas production.
Source: Alaska 2010 State of the State Address
, Jan 20, 2010
Outer Continental Shelf will create 35,000 jobs and $72B
For three decades, oil has substantially funded our state treasury, and provided jobs and income to thousands of Alaskans. And then there is the future of further oil and gas discoveries in Alaska's Outer Continental Shelf, and maybe even one day--ANWR.
Alaskans need the estimated 35 thousand jobs and $72 billion dollars in payroll that responsible OCS development would create. I have made exploring and developing the OCS our priority.
Source: Alaska 2010 State of the State Address
, Jan 20, 2010