Independent investigation for any death in police custody
Q: You recently wrote an op-ed at tying President Obama to cop killings around the country.can you elaborate?
A: I'm going to have the backs of the men and women who carry the badge in this country.
I know the overwhelming majority of them are doing the right thing every day under extremely difficult circumstances. In the rare instances if they're not, we're going to speak out about that.
I'm proud to say I'm the only governor in America who signed a law that says there needs to be an independent investigation any time there's a death of someone in police custody.
Require certainty in sentencing, to protect crime victims
When thinking of criminal justice system reform, I first think about the impact on victims. Often times, the voices of those most seriously harmed are not always the ones most prevalently heard in our courtrooms.
A woman once related to me how she testified against her perpetrator because she was told that he would be punished for his crime, that he would serve his time, and that she and other potential victims would be safer.
She was not aware that he would soon be released and back on the streets due to a shortened sentence.
Years ago, I authored legislation that required certainty in sentencing so victims like that woman can know how long the man who attacked
her will be behind bars--whether it is two or 20 years. As a victim, she deserves to be a part of that process and she deserves to have the peace of mind of knowing how long he will be in prison.
In Racine County, when the state cut back on the amount it would pay to mow along state highways during the summer months in the past, officials had begun using inmates to cut the grass in medians. The inmates volunteered to do the work at no cost to
the taxpayers. The program not only saved money for the county, it also helped the prisoners by giving them skills and work experience they could carry with them once they returned to the community, which would ultimately help reduce recidivism.
Seems like a commonsense solution? Not to the union bosses. The county employee union filed a grieving declaring it was the right of government workers to cut the grass--even though there was no money available to pay for the work. The union argued that
the reduced sentences the inmates received were "compensation" and thus violated collective bargaining rules.
Later, thanks to Act 10, Racine officials were able not only to reinstate the inmate mowing program, they also expanded it to other areas.
Pass "castle doctrine": defend home with deadly force
We restored truth in sentencing by repealing the early release program approved by the last administration, and passed "castle doctrine" legislation to protect homeowners
who defend themselves and their families with deadly force from intruders who break into their homes. A group of more than 600 criminal defense lawyers and academics rallied to oppose it.
Source: Unintimidated, by Scott Walker, p.216
, Nov 18, 2013
Protect the rights of crime victims
Government's first duty is to provide for the safety of its citizens. This means protecting the rights of crime victims and providing the brave men and women in
Wisconsin law enforcement the resources they need to keep our schools and neighborhoods safe.
It is time for new leadership and a new direction for our state.
Source: Campaign website,, "Issues"
, Nov 2, 2010
Walker supports the CC survey question on capital punishment
The Christian Coalition voter guide [is] one of the most powerful tools Christians have ever had to impact our society during elections. This simple tool has helped educate tens of millions of citizens across this nation as to where candidates for public office stand on key faith and family issues.
The CC survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Capital punishment for certain crimes, such as first degree murder & terrorism"
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 10-CC-q8 on Aug 11, 2010