I am working with the Legislature to implement commonsense background checks on all firearm sales in Nevada. We will outlaw bump stocks.
And we will address the threat gun violence poses to victims of domestic violence in this state. Those subjected to restraining orders should not be allowed to buy a firearm. Background checks save lives.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to the Nevada legislature
, Jan 16, 2019
Ban silencers, bump stocks, and assault weapons
Q: Support more restrictive Gun Control legislation? Restrict semi-automatic assault weapons?
Adam Laxalt (R): No. "Increasing restrictions on law-abiding citizens' access to firearms is not effective in reducing gun violence." Opposed expanded
background checks, open to banning bump stocks. 100% NRA rating.
Steve Sisolak (D): Formerly opposed, now supports enforcing background checks, banning silencers, bump stocks, and assault weapons. NRA rating was 79% in 2012, now 7%.
Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on Nevada Governor race
, Oct 9, 2018
I'll take on the NRA and I'll take on Donald Trump
[Steve Sisolak TV ad airing in Reno and Las Vegas]:
[Caption: Steve Sisolak, chairman, Clark County Commission]
[Steve Sisolak addressing camera]: I've taken on bullies my whole life. Never backed down. Never backed away.
When you see somebody getting hurt, you have to stand up.
Donald Trump hurts Nevada families. He wants to take healthcare away from 200,000 Nevadans.
[Photo: Trump with CNN Headline: "Trump expected to end program protecting Dreamers"]:
He wants to break up families by deporting the DREAMers.
[Photo: Protest march with banner, "Fight for DACA and immigrants"]: He cares more about the NRA than you.
[Photo: Mother with two children]: I'll take on the NRA;
I'll take on big Pharma; and I'll take on Donald Trump.
[Photo: Steve sisolak at rally]: As Governor I'll stand up for Nevada and for Nevada families. [Caption: Steve Sisolak for governor.]
Sisolak supports the following principles regarding gun issues.
Continue to allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms.
Source: 1996 Nevada National Political Awareness Test
, Nov 1, 1996
Expand state background checks without involving Feds
Question 1 was a long-stalled statewide expansion of gun background checks first approved by voters in 2016.The initiative subjects most private-party gun transactions to an FBI-administered vetting process, but the FBI said it was unwilling to carry
out the additional checks and suggested the state take up the task.
Attorney General Laxalt cautioned against doing so and deemed the measure unenforceable unless or until the federal agency agreed to conduct the checks.
Republican Dan Schwartz said
he would enforce the initiative, as did Democrat Steve Sisolak, who responded to Laxalt's remarks with a scathing campaign statement.
"That is exactly the attitude that prevents action from being taken," Sisolak said. "Relying on Donald Trump's
Washington to do anything beneficial to the people of Nevada is a fool's errand, but the larger issue is that Nevadans expect their governors to roll up their sleeves and get things done. Nevada deserves better."
Outspoken gun control advocate since Las Vegas shooting
Sisolak, a longtime Clark County commissioner, has become an outspoken advocate for additional gun control measures in the months since 58 people were killed in a mass shooting at an outdoor concert venue on the Las Vegas Strip.
He's taken softer positions on the matter in the past, as his primary election opponent has been eager to point out.
Source: Reno Gazette-Journal on 2018 Nevada gubernatorial race