[2019 Gubernatorial candidate Robert] Foster, who is Baptist, touts his status as a "strong Christian and balanced conservative voice," and his record of supporting anti-LGBT legislation is sure to endear him to evangelicals.
In 2016, Foster wrote in support of House Bill 1523, the "Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act," which guarantees businesses the right to discriminate against and refuse to serve
LGBT people on the basis of personal religious beliefs about same-sex marriage and gender identity.
Foster defended his support for the bill at the time, writing in
April 2016 that "dealing with discrimination is part of the price you pay to live in a free society." Later that month, Gov. Phil Bryant signed it into law.
Backs bill for marriage between one man and one woman
House Bill 1523 singles out 3 religious beliefs as worthy of protection: that marriage is between one man and one woman; that people should not have sex outside such marriages; and that a person's gender is set at birth. The law�protects anyone who
speaks out against gay marriage or transgenders because of these�beliefs. Gov. Bryant and Lt. Gov. Reeves,�two of�the bill's most prominent advocates, said the state should stand by its law and appeal the ruling to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Source: Mississippi Today on Mississippi voting record: HB 1523
, Jun 30, 2016
States' rights should stop gay marriage in Mississippi
Gov. Phil Bryant issues the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell et al v. Hodges et al:
"Throughout history, states have had the authority to regulate marriage within their borders. Today, a federal court has usurped
that right to self-governance and has mandated that states must comply with federal marriage standards--standards that are out of step with the wishes of many in the United States and that are certainly out of step with the majority of Mississippians."
Mississippi Attorney general Jim Hood says the state will appeal a federal judge's ruling that struck down the 2004 ban on same-sex marriage. Hood says he personally does not agree with the ban but has a responsibility as Attorney General to defend
state law. "I don't force my personal opinions on a matter. Especially when other courts of appeal have agreed with the state's opinion. So we are going to follow it through and do our job and let the courts decide it," Hood said.
Hood says he thinks
the marriage ban will eventually be overturned by the US supreme court. The state has already informed the court that it intends to appeal the ruling ahead of gay marriage potentially becoming legal in Mississippi a week from today.
Governor Phil
Bryant strongly backs appealing the ruling and says he still believes keeping same-sex couples from getting married is a good policy for the state. "Absolutely. Voted for it and continue to support it. Just like many, many Mississippians," Bryant said.
Constitutionally define marriage: one man and one woman
Uphold traditional marriage: Since 2004, Mississippi has had a constitutional amendment restricting marriage to one man and one woman.
While there are groups hoping to have the amendment struck down, any efforts by activist judges to erode traditional marriage must be opposed.
Source: MS Governor campaign 2011 website philbryant.com, "Vision"
, May 3, 2011