OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Maya Cummings: Emily's List endorsement.
Tom Perriello: Backs pro-choice groups.
Bill Bryant: I don't want the government telling me how to live my life.
Katie McGinty: Oppose any effort to further restrict abortion rights.
Ken Cuccinelli: No new abortion restrictions as governor.
Bob McDonnell: Supported 35 restrictive bills, even with rape & incest.
Creigh Deeds: Backs abortion rights without parental consent.
Budget & Economy
Jerry Brown: Ping-pong budgeting makes no sense.
Civil Rights
Bill Haslam: Remove Confederate statues from state capitol.
Diane Black: Confederate statues are part of history.
Tom Perriello: Embraces same-sex marriage.
Ralph Northam: Backs marriage rights for same-sex couples.
Bill Bryant: Supports repeal of right to transgender bathroom choice.
Larry Hogan: Respect state law on same-sex marriage (even if not my view).
Larry Hogan: I evolved and will not repeal same-sex marriage law.
Larry Hogan: Opposes a transgender rights bill.
Ken Cuccinelli: Homosexuality is against nature and harmful to society.
Barbara Buono: Push legislature to legalize gay marriage.
Colin Bonini: Opposed same-sex marriage for Delaware.
Jack Markell: Supported same-sex marriage for Delaware.
Katie McGinty: Expand the reach of the corporate net income tax.
Tom Corbett: Give up on privatizing state lottery program.
Neel Kashkari: Corporate rate complexity encourages investment abroad.
Asa Hutchinson: Four executions in 8 days; keep protocol of lethal injection.
John Kasich: Black Lives Matter means the system doesn't work for them.
John Kasich: Police must understand challenges of black community.
Allyson Schwartz: End the Pennsylvania death penalty.
Katie McGinty: Moratorium on the death penalty.
Ralph Northam: We spend $67 million a year enforcing our marijuana laws.
Colin Bonini: Decriminalizing marijuana sends young people wrong message.
Jack Markell: Decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Allyson Schwartz: Reduce the criminalization of simple marijuana possession.
Katie McGinty: Legalize medicinal pot; decriminalize recreational pot.
Tom Wolf: Study states with legal marijuana sales before deciding.
Jerry Brown: How many people can get stoned and still have a great state?
Martin O`Malley: Baltimore recovered from open-air drug markets.
Bill Bryant: Act aggressively to support charter schools.
Katie McGinty: Subsidize state colleges to keep tuition below inflation.
Bob McDonnell: Supports charter schools.
Creigh Deeds: Don't divert money from schools, even in recession.
Energy & Oil
Bill Bryant: I believe in climate change, but focus elsewhere.
Jay Inslee: I see climate change already affecting Washingtonians.
Bill Bryant: Supported leasing oil drilling port for jobs benefit.
Jay Inslee: Supports oil refinery (plus biofuel) along Columbia River.
Bill Bryant: Allow oil rigs through Port of Seattle for Arctic drilling.
Terry McAuliffe: Co-founded GreenTech electric car company, in Mississippi.
Bob McDonnell: Opposes cap-and-trade as congressional encroachment.
Creigh Deeds: No cap-and-trade during recession.
Bill Bryant: OpEd: Claims conservationism, but enabled Arctic drilling.
Jerry Brown: $25B for water-shortage farmland.
Families & Children
Tim Kaine: 2005: "conservative on family;" oppose same-sex marriage.
Foreign Policy
Asa Hutchinson: Eradicate North Korean leadership, but no assassinations.
Free Trade
Bill Bryant: Expand trade and tourism; that creates jobs.
Jay Inslee: Foreign trade & strong workforce are inextricably linked.
Gun Control
Larry Hogan: Ban bump stocks and other rapid-trigger devices.
Larry Hogan: Increase age of unsupervised access from 16 to 18.
Bill Bryant: I support the second amendment.
Allyson Schwartz: Restrictions on both assault weapons and handguns.
Katie McGinty: Restrictions on assault weapons but not handguns.
Health Care
Alec Ross: Favors public option over single payer.
Bill Bryant: The ACA made employers hire fewer full-time employees.
Ken Cuccinelli: Opposes ObamaCare and opposes delaying its implementation.
Terry McAuliffe: Supports ObamaCare's expanding the state's Medicaid program.
Bob McDonnell: Resist congressional encroachment & socialized medicine.
Allan Fung: Federal authorities notified on illegal immigrants releases.
Ralph Northam: Support driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
Ken Cuccinelli: Path to citizenship ok as part of compromise.
Terry McAuliffe: Support the DREAM Act for legalizing minors.
Neel Kashkari: Expand visa programs for highly skilled workers.
Ralph Northam: Tiebreaker in favor of increasing the minimum wage.
Local Issues
Jay Inslee: Washingtonians work harder, but not sharing national wealth.
Principles & Values
John Gregg: Calls himself a "gun-totin' Bible-quotin' Democrat".
Peter Shumlin: Retiring after three terms to return to the business world.
Bill Bryant: Good Catholic but for separation of church & state.
Bob McDonnell: Indicted on corruption charges days after leaving office.
Ralph Northam: Religious sectarianism has no place in politics.
Social Security
Mike Pence: Personal investment for Social Security retirement.
Allyson Schwartz: No further reductions in the public pension benefits.
Katie McGinty: No further reductions in the public pension benefits.
Neel Kashkari: Index for inflation; increase retirement age; means-testing.
Andrew Cuomo: Expose obscure formulas that cause automatic increases.
Neel Kashkari: We must cut entitlements, to avoid national insolvency.
Tax Reform
Ben Jealous: Tax the top 1% earners by 1% to pay for free college.
Ed Gillespie: Use 40% of projected revenue growth for tax relief.
Frank Wagner: More taxes to pay for chronic lack of transportation funding.
Bill Bryant: As port commissioner, his lean budget led to tax relief.
Ken Cuccinelli: Cut taxes by $1.4 billion a year.
Bob McDonnell: Opposed tax increases for core government services.
Bill Bryant: Refocus Transportation Dept. on reducing traffic congestion.
Welfare & Poverty
Jerry Brown: 1977: Visited tenement & prison to see 1st-hand.
Neel Kashkari: With $40 & no job, economy hasn't improved since 2011.
Paul LePage: Give people in need a hand up; don't give unneeded hand-outs.