Encourage states to expand who may perform abortions
Mike will work with Congress to codify Roe v. Wade. He will enforce laws that protect women and providers--ensuring medical professionals and volunteers who help women are safeguarded against attacks.
Mike will encourage states to expand the types of medical professionals permitted to perform abortions, helping to increase women's access to reproductive health services.
Mike will appoint judges who respect established legal precedent. He will end Trump's domestic and global gag rules, which put limits on organizations that receive funding for family planning, and repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits
federal funding for abortion except to save a woman's life. Mike also will reverse Trump's efforts to expand religious and moral exemptions in the Affordable Care Act that undermine access to affordable and effective contraceptives.
Mike will work with Congress to codify Roe v. Wade, guaranteeing legal access to safe abortion in all 50 states. He will also partner with Congress to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits using federal funds to pay for abortions except to save the
life of the mother, or in cases of incest or rape. Mike pledges to abolish a rule by President Trump that bans Title X organizations from providing abortions (even if funded separately) and from referring patients to other abortion providers.
Source: 2020 Presidential campaign website MikeBloomberg.com
, Jan 20, 2020
Government should support embryonic stem cell research
On Stem Cell Research: "Despite the potential to lead us to new cures, the federal government has restricted funding for creating new cell lines--putting the burden of any future research squarely on the shoulders of the private sector. The consequences
of this decision have not only driven thousands of scientists overseas in search of more money and greater opportunity--but also put the brakes on the march of medicine. I've always wondered how these legislators would act if their health--or their
children's health--was on the line and stem cell research might lead to a cure."
"Despite its potential, the federal government has restricted funding for creating new cell lines--putting the burden of any future research squarely on the shoulders of
the private sector. Government's most basic responsibility, however, is the health and welfare of its people, so it has a duty to encourage appropriate scientific investigations that could possibly save the lives of millions."
Source: Quotation cited during 2013 campaign on WikiQuote.org
, Apr 1, 2013
Supported by women's groups for strong defense of abortion
The signals are manifestly contradictory. Bloomberg never dated an employee or, it appears, tried to. Sexual banter, however awkward and even threatening, seems to have remained just that. After he became mayor, women's rights groups regularly
supported him, rating him strong on defending abortion rights and in fighting domestic violence. Bloomberg has also set a pattern of giving some women significant responsibility in his company and in government.
Bloomberg obviously watched his words during the mayoral campaign, but he could slip.
The public has not seen the crudest side of
Bloomberg and not only because of his self-discipline. In his 1st venture into politics, voters saw as little of him as possible.
Bloomberg criticized abortion-rights supporters who support abortion-rights opponents in elections, saying that supporters must �exercise vigilance� so that lawmakers do not �try to nuance themselves away from that commitment in the interest of political
expediency.� Some analysts say Bloomberg�s comments signal a condemnation of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other abortion-rights supporters who are supporting candidates who oppose abortion rights. Schumer heads the Democratic Senatorial Campaign
Committee, which recruited Bob Casey (D) as the only way to beat Sen. Rick Santorum (R) because Pennsylvania voters are split on the issue of abortion. Casey opposes abortion rights with exceptions for cases involving rape or incest or to save the life
of the woman and supports family planning programs. Bloomberg said, �Reproductive choice is a fundamental human right, and we can never take it for granted,� adding, �On this issue, you�re either with us or against us.�
Source: Website MedicalNewsToday.com
, May 2, 2006
Click here for definitions & background information on Abortion.