We know that any chance we have to make significant upgrades to NYCHA's buildings will be a once-in-a-generation opportunity, so we must capitalize on these investments by ensuring all capital improvements are aligned with our sustainability
and climate goals. We will usher in not just upgrades to NYCHA buildings, but also, a new era of racial, economic and environmental justice.
Source: Mayoral campaign website YangForNY.com
, Mar 25, 2021
Decarbonize US economy by 2035
Yang said, "The magic of Joe Biden is that everything he does becomes the new reasonable."
"If he comes with an ambitious template to address climate change, all of a sudden, everyone is going to follow his lead." He's floated a climate plan that
would decarbonize the US economy by 2035. Waleed Shahid, the communications director for Justice Democrats, told Vox that Biden's policy slate is "the most progressive platform of any Democratic nominee in the modern history of the party."
Source: Zack Beauchamp on Vox.com on 2020 Dem. National Convention
, Aug 20, 2020
Move subsidies from fossil fuel to wind and solar
I would zero out the billions and billions of dollars of subsidies that are going to these fossil fuel companies that are way, way past their sell-by date.
I would take those subsidies, move them to wind and solar. And then I would put a price on carbon immediately so that polluters actually have to pay into a system that will help reduce emissions.
Source: CNN Town Hall 2020: Presidential/NYC Mayoral race
, Feb 5, 2020
Supports next-generation thorium reactors
Other countries have had success with nuclear power and the next generation thorium reactors have a wealth of potential.
Thorium is not radioactive the way uranium is. It doesn't last as long and you can't make a weapon out of it. Whereas if we're going to innovate our way out of this, then we have to have nuclear on the table.
Source: Newshour/Politico/PBS December Democratic primary debate
, Dec 19, 2019
Get incentives right to subsidize renewable energy
Q: Should the U.S. government offer subsidies for renewable energy, such as wind energy or ethanol?
YANG: Yes. The government needs to get the incentives right, so we should provide subsidies to the renewable sector and end them for fossil fuel companies.
Source: USA Today on 2019 Democratic primary
, Nov 7, 2019
Stop subsidizing fossil fuel industries; support carbon tax
Q: How to pay for sustainable energy?
YANG: The big picture is, we subsidize the fossil fuel industry to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. And so now everyone is, like, "where's the money?" We know where the money is. We put hundreds of
billions into the fossil fuel industry. We're still subsidizing it to this day, and now it's time to take some of that money and channel it to the needs of the American people. We need to get with the program, wake up to the reality around us and let
you know that you're not on your own. This is not a "you" problem, this is an "us" problem. And what do sophisticated, advanced societies do when it's an us problem? We put some of our collective resources to work and we solve the problems on the ground.
Q: Would you eliminate some subsidies for fossil fuel or subsidies?
YANG: I'd get rid of them all. Why would you leave any of them?
Q: Do you support a carbon tax and how much should it be?
YANG: We need to have a carbon tax because we need to have polluters internalize the cost of their pollution. You start at $40 a ton and then you ramp up to $100 a ton to give them time to
adjust. But these companies only operate on the bottom line. You can't say do the right thing and then have all the executives get paid for making tons of money at the expense of the earth. We have to tie people's incentives to doing the r
then you'll actually see their behavior change very quickly.
Q: Would you ban all fossil fuel exports from the United States?
YANG: I think we have to stop subsidizing the industry, but I don't think that includes banning exports.
Because if our fossil fuel industry, which is going to be around for some period of time, is competitive and cost competitive enough to export to another country, I wouldn't stand in the way of that.
Convert to all-electric cars, via "Clunker" buy-backs
Q: Are all Americans going to have to drive electric cars?
YANG: We are all going to love driving our electric cars.
There will still be some legacy gas guzzlers on the road for quite some time, because this is not a country where you're going to, like, take someone's clunker away from them. But you are going to offer to buy the clunker back and help the
Source: Climate Crisis Town Hall (CNN 2019 Democratic primary)
, Sep 4, 2019
Nuclear needs to be on table; new reactors use thorium
Nuclear energy needs to be on the table in a transition to a more renewable economy, because our society consumes a great deal of energy. We are working on these new generation nuclear reactors that use thorium, instead of uranium. Thorium is not
natively fissile or radioactive. It's much safer to dispose of. It produces much more energy. Trying to get rid of all the nuclear power plants that produce 20% of the nation's energy is not going to help us accomplish our goals.
Source: Climate Crisis Town Hall (CNN 2019 Democratic primary)
, Sep 4, 2019
Provide developing countries alternatives to fossil fuels
The first step to any action on climate change is to rejoin the Paris Accords so that we have the moral authority and allies in order to fight the existential threat that is climate change. In order to combat the development of fossil fuel power
expanding to developing countries, we have to provide a viable alternative.
Source: Council on Foreign Relations on 2020 presidential primary
, Aug 9, 2019
10 years too late on climate change, move to higher ground
Yang said, "Even if we were to curb our emissions dramatically, the Earth is going to get warmer. The last four years have been the four warmest years in history. We are too late. We are 10 years too late."
"We need to do everything we can to start
moving the climate in the right direction," he continued, "but we also need to start moving our people to higher ground--and the best way to do that is to put economic resources into your hands so you can protect yourself and your families."
Source: The Atlantic magazine on 2019 Democratic primary
, Aug 1, 2019
Energy & Oil
Time to start moving our people to higher ground
V.P. Joe Biden: We're responsible for 15% of all the [global emissions].
Yang: The important number is that the U.S. was only 15% of global emissions. We like to act as if we're 100%, but even if we were to curb our emissions dramatically, the earth
Source: July Democratic Primary debate (second night in Detroit)
, Jul 31, 2019
US only accounts for 15% of global emissions, but take steps
Q: Do you think it's possible for the next president to stop climate change?
A: "I don't believe that the president can put a halt to climate change, given that the United States only accounts for 15 percent of global emissions, but we can take dramatic steps to combat it."
Source: 2019 "Meet the Candidates" (NY Times.com)
, Jun 18, 2019
Rejoin rest of world in Paris Climate Agreement
Q: Would you keep the US in the Paris Agreement and commit to more ambitious targets in 2020?
Yang: "Absolutely. America needs to rejoin the rest of the world in formally recognizing the threat posed by climate change and work with all nations to
combat this existential crisis. The Paris Agreement doesn't go far enough to mitigate climate change, and the U.S. should be a part of the conversation on what targets are necessary and how we can get to them. Only through something like the Paris
Agreement can we effectively tackle this problem. The US accounts for only about 15% of global emissions, so any solution requires other countries to make similar changes. We also need to recognize that our targets probably aren't enough to prevent some
of the worst effects of climate change. We need to heavily fund research into geoengineering projects such as carbon capture in order to undo some of the damage we've already done. The U.S. should be a leader in developing this technology."
Invest heavily in carbon capture and geoengineering
As President, I will...
Invest heavily in carbon capture and geoengineering technologies designed to reverse the damage already done to the environment through a new Global Geoengineering Institute and invite international
Invest in any idea that has the potential to reverse the damage done to the environment, for example cloud-seeding technology to increase the atmosphere's reflectivity.
End the current tax benefits and cuts given to fossil
fuel companies which give them an unwarranted competitive advantage over alternative energy sources.
Institute a tax on emissions that will fund health care initiatives and research for respiratory diseases that are a direct result of these emissions.
Empower and appoint an action-oriented leader of the EPA and direct the EPA to regulate carbon emissions.
Prioritize sustainable infrastructure and urban development to take advantage of new materials and designs.
Carbon tax: internalize the cost of carbon emissions
We need to have companies internalize the cost of carbon emissions to provide incentives for them to innovate and invest in cleaner technologies and processes. If you are pumping carbon into the atmosphere you should pay your fellow citizens for it as
we all pay for it in the end. We need to use the money to improve the efficiency and availability of renewable energy.
As President, I will...
Propose a carbon fee and dividend systems that:
Sets an initial carbon tax of
$40/ton, which would increase in regular intervals
Use that tax to fund, after administrative fees: (50%) The Universal Basic Income; (50%) Projects that are enhancing efficiency of fossil fuels or increasing availability of renewable resources
Create a border carbon adjustment to protect American goods that would:
charge a fee to imports from countries that don't impose a similar carbon fee
provide a rebate to exports to countries that don't impose a similar carbon fee
The environmental group 350 Action released a candidate scorecard known as the 2020 Climate Test to assess presidential hopefuls on three major metrics: support for a Green New Deal, opposition to new fossil fuel development and refusal to accept money
from energy companies. [Candidates supporting all three issues]:
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)
Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA)
Four candidates have supported two of 350 Action's three benchmarks.
Sen. Cory Booker (NJ)
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI)
Gov. Jay Inslee (WA)
Andrew Yang (CA)
Three candidates have failed all three of 350 Action's tests, attacking the Green New Deal or making no firm pledges to work against fossil fuel companies.
Donald Trump (NY)
Former Rep. John Delaney (Md.)--Does not support the Green New Deal.
Former Gov. John Hickenlooper (Colo.)--Does not support the Green New Deal.