Explore ANWR immediately, to reduce foreign oil dependence
FORBES [to Keyes]: Would you support opening up ANWR in Alaska for exploration to find out what oil we have there and to get that oil out so we�re a little less dependent on sources, unstable sources overseas?
KEYES: Yes, I would. We�re going to have
to try to take advantage of our energy reserves. We want to do it in a way that�s responsible-respecting ecological requirements and at the same time exploiting God�s precious resources for the good of our people. It�s also important because if we can
reduce our dependence on foreign oil, it buys us time in order to make use of our ingenuity to develop alternative energy resources. So I would support that and I think that it�s a good way to go, provided we do it in a way that is responsible and that
harnesses our scientific know-how to make sure we respect environmental requirements.
FORBES: The environmental technology is there to do the job right and you�re right, we should do it right now.
Kyoto Protocol based on flawed science & worse economics
The Kyoto Protocol is classic government over-reach. It proposes a �solution� to a �problem� that very well may not exist. The catastrophic claims about global warming are deeply flawed. The Earth�s temperature were fluctuating long before the
Industrial Revolution, and there is no real evidence that the world is heading into an age of super-heated temperatures. Beyond the questionable science, the Kyoto treaty has other serious flaws. It leaves out more than 100 nations (including some
of the world�s worst polluters).
It would have disastrous effects on the US & global economies [which according to studies could include]:
Driving up gas prices to almost $2.00 by 2010
Higher energy costs would drive up the cost of
everything & reduce incomes and living standards
Compliance could cost up to 2.4 million American jobs.
The Kyoto treaty should be abandoned, not enforced. It is nothing more than another big government power grab dressed up in green.
The catastrophic claims about global warming are deeply flawed. There is no real evidence that the world is heading into an age of super-heated temperatures. The question is not whether we should be concerned about the environment but how we can build
upon our successes and make even greater progress.
Source: Steve Forbes 2000 Online HQ, �New Birth of Freedom�
, Aug 19, 1999
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