Perry opposes same-sex marriage, but said recently that he "probably would"
attend a same-sex marriage of a family member.
Source: N.Y. Times 2015 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Jun 4, 2015
Supported anti-sodomy laws; opposes gay marriage
Perry personally opposes gay marriage and argues that states should determine for themselves how to define marriage. Asked in April whether he would attend a hypothetical gay wedding, he answered, "probably."
On homosexuality, Perry has supported anti-sodomy laws. In his book, "Fed Up!" he disagreed with the landmark Supreme Court decision which ruled such laws unconstitutional.
Source: PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series
, Jun 3, 2015
Scouts' no-gays is principled like stand against slavery
Perry spoke via Skype to the Family Research Council's "Stand With Scouts Sunday" program, where he applauded the Boy Scouts for taking a principled stand against gay membership and leadership. Perry, an Eagle Scout who wrote the book "On My Honor"
about the importance of scouting values, said the group should be respected for upholding its principles and likened the gay rights movement to a passing fad.
Perry, speaking from the library in the Governor's Mansion, referred to a portrait of Sam
Houston. He told how Houston's principled stand against slavery cost him his governorship. "That's the type of principled leadership that I hope people across this country on this issue of Scouts and keeping the Boy Scouts the kind of organization that
it is today," Perry said. "If we change and become more like pop culture, young men will be not as well served, America will not be as well served and Boy Scouts will start on a decline," Perry said.
Source: Christy Hoppe in The Dallas News, "Akin to Slavery"
, May 30, 2013
Civil Rights Act was glorious fulfillment of Declaration
Let me preempt the genius reporter who will seek to "catch" me with a supernovel question like "So, Governor Perry, you're written a book about states' rights and now complain about abuse of the Commerce Clause. You don't think the Civil Rights
Act should have been passed, then, huh?"
Wrong. The Civil Rights Act, which, among many things, prohibited private discrimination in so-called public accommodations, such as hotels and restaurants, was the glorious fulfillment of the principles of the
Declaration of Independence and, ultimately, the intent behind passage of the Reconstruction Era amendments. I believe there was ample basis for the establishment of that law in that following the
Civil War the people ratified three amendments, the purpose of which was to give the federal government the power to fight racial discrimination.
Gay marriage is not protected, but judges will declare it so
In 2003, the Supreme Court heard the case of two homosexual men who had been arrested and convicted under a Texas law that prohibited the act of sodomy. Reversing its decision from 17 years earlier (upholding a Georgia ban), the Court found a right to
homosexual sodomy. Justice Kennedy explained why by digging back into a special concurrence from the "Casey" decision upholding abortion when he wrote, "At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the
universe, and of the mystery of human life."
I don't even know what that means, but it certainly has nothing to do with the Constitution or the law.
The real concern lies with the direction the Court clearly wishes to take the nation yet refuses to
admit. Gay marriage will soon be the policy of the United States, irrespective of federalism the Constitution, or the wishes of the American people. Not because it actually is protected in the Constitution, but because judges will declare it so.
We divvy up races using tools invented to fight racism
Chief Justice John Roberts succinctly captured my view of race relations in our country. In "LULAC v. Perry" (yes, I am "Perry"), a case challenging how Texas had drawn the lines for congressional districts after the 2000 Census, he wrote [in dissent],
"It's a sordid business, this divvying us up by race." This simple sentence acknowledged the reality that we are using the very tools we created for the purpose of ending racial discrimination to perpetuate it.
In that 2006 case, despite a challenge
to the whole statewide redistricting plan, the Supreme Court held that one of the congressional districts Texas had drawn was in violation of the Voting Rights Act.
I had always thought that the Voting Rights Act served to ensure that minorities were
able to vote freely. But while politics has always caused the formation of odd-shaped districts due to so-called gerrymandering, the Voting Rights Act has now become, in effect, federally mandated & judicially enforced gerrymandering on the basis of race
Suing for girls in Boy Scouts is part of strategic assault
In the 1976 lawsuit Schwenk vs. Boy Scouts of America, the "Schwenck" was Carla Schwenk, a nine-year-old girl from Portland, Oregon, who had been turned down for membership in a Cub Scout Pack. The lawsuit, brought by her mother, Roberta, alleged that th
BSA's refusal to allow Carla membership in the Cub Scouts was discriminatory and in violation of state law. In all, the Boy Scouts have been involved in thirty lawsuits since the filing of the Schwenk case. The suits fall into four categories:
Girls seeking membership in the BSA; Scouting's "duty to God"; Scouting's duty to be "morally straight"; and Scouting's access to "government forums." Evidence of a planned, strategic assault on the Scouts did not arise until the American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU) became involved, with cases that focused on the reference in the Scout Oath to "duty to God." Getting God out of public life has been a major goal of the ACLU for a quarter of a century or longer.
Homosexuals are inappropriate role model for adolescent boys
BSA units do not routinely ask a prospective adult leader about his (or her) sex life. The organization takes the position that this subject is a private matter & certainly not part of any Scout program. In the Scout Oath, the boy promises to be "morally
straight." The Boy Scout Handbook says that to be "morally straight" is "to be a person of strong character. The BSA's position is that a homosexual who makes is sex life a public matter is not an appropriate role model of the Scout Oath and Law for
adolescent boys. I do not believe the teaching of sexual preference fits within the parameters of Scouting's mission. The defining characteristics of homosexuality and heterosexuality is sex. Scouting is not intended to advance a discussion about sexual
activity, whether of the heterosexual or homosexual form. You will find few parents of Scouts concerned about the homosexual scoutmaster whose sexuality is not disclosed as long as sexuality in no way enters into the scout-scoutmaster relationship.
Support principles embodied in the Equal Rights Amendment.
Perry adopted the National Governors Association policy:
In 1976 the National Governors Association expressed support for ratification and implementation of the Equal Rights Amendment, which would constitutionally guarantee full citizenship rights and opportunities for women. In 1982 the drive for ratification fell short, and efforts to initiate the amendatory process were taken.
The National Governors Association reaffirms its support for the principles embodied in the Equal Rights Amendment, i.e., that equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on the basis of gender.
Source: NGA Executive Committee Policy EC-14: Equal Rights Policy 01-NGA1 on Feb 15, 2001
Perry supports the CC survey question on banning same-sex marriage
The Christian Coalition voter guide [is] one of the most powerful tools Christians have ever had to impact our society during elections. This simple tool has helped educate tens of millions of citizens across this nation as to where candidates for public office stand on key faith and family issues.
The CC survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Federal Marriage Amendment to prevent same sex marriage"
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 10-CC-q3 on Aug 11, 2010
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