Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
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State of New Jersey Politicians: Archives

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from State of New Jersey Archives (number of quotes indicated):
- Barbara Buono (18) New Jersey Democratic Challenger
- Chris Christie (35) New Jersey N.J. Governor; Republican Presidential candidate
- Chris Daggett (1) New Jersey Independent Challenger (2009)
- Cory Booker (16) New Jersey Mayor of Newark; N.J. Senator
- Dick Zimmer (4) Republican Senate challenger New Jersey
- Frank Lautenberg (1) Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014) New Jersey
- Frank Pallone (1) Democrat U.S. Rep New Jersey-6
- Jeff Bell (22) Republican Senate challenger New Jersey
- Jim McGreevey (6) Former Democratic Governor (2002-2004)
- Joe Kyrillos (11) Republican Challenger New Jersey
- Joe Pennacchio (10) Republican challenger (2008) New Jersey
- John Wisniewski (4) New Jersey Democrat
- Jon Corzine (1) New Jersey Former Democrat (until 2009)
- Murray Sabrin (13) Republican Senate Challenger New Jersey
- Phil Murphy (32) New Jersey Democratic 2021 Gubernatorial contender
- Ray Lesniak (7) New Jersey Democratic 2017 Gubernatorial candidate
- Robert Menendez (34) Democrat U.S. Rep New Jersey-13
- Rush Holt (3) Democrat (retiring 2014) U.S. Rep New Jersey-12
- Spencer Cox (1) Utah Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
- Steve Fulop (10) New Jersey Democratic 2017 Gubernatorial candidate
- Steve Lonegan (9) Republican Senate Challenger New Jersey
- Thomas Kean Jr. (27) Republican U.S. Rep New Jersey-7
- Tom MacArthur (18) Republican House Member U.S. Rep New Jersey-3
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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Barbara Buono: Promote potentially life-saving stem cell research.
Cory Booker: OpEd: In mainstream of NJ, supporting abortion rights.
Dick Zimmer: Supports abortion rights.
Jeff Bell: Science demonstrates that the unborn are human.
Jeff Bell: Ban abortion after 20 weeks, or for sex selection.
Joe Kyrillos: Supports parental notifications and waiting periods.
Joe Kyrillos: Pro-life in my affairs; pro-choice for society.
Joe Pennacchio: Abortion only for rape, incest, or maternal life.
John Wisniewski: Abortions should always be legal.
Murray Sabrin: Evolved from pro-choice & anti-partial birth to pro-life.
Phil Murphy: Support funding for Planned Parenthood.
Robert Menendez: I'm pro-choice, not multiple-choice.
Robert Menendez: I support stem cell research 100%.
Robert Menendez: Judicial nominees must uphold Roe v. Wade.
Robert Menendez: Kean voted against stem-cell research six times; I didn't.
Steve Lonegan: Opposes abortion rights.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Opposed Bush's veto of federal stem cell legislation.
Thomas Kean Jr.: No litmus test for judicial nominees.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Menendez distorts my pro-stem-cell stance.
Tom MacArthur: Choose life, including his own special needs baby.
Budget & Economy
Barbara Buono: My budget work speaks for itself, including $11B deficit.
Jeff Bell: Market-led recovery instead of stimulus.
Joe Kyrillos: Wrong policy: Higher taxes, more spending, more debt.
Joe Kyrillos: Opposes Jon Corzine economic strategy.
Murray Sabrin: Supports balanced budget and less spending.
Murray Sabrin: Federal Reserve: unelected bureaucrats harming our economy.
Robert Menendez: Opposes Romney-Ryan budget plan.
Steve Lonegan: Opposes Hurricane Sandy funding; funding needs more scrutiny.
Tom MacArthur: Fight for a balanced budget amendment.
Phil Murphy: Netflix production hub shows NJ is ready for our close up.
Phil Murphy: More than $1B to support revitalizing our downtowns.
Civil Rights
Barbara Buono: Push legislature to legalize gay marriage.
Barbara Buono: Daughter is gay; supports same-sex marriage.
Chris Christie: Supreme Court accepting gay marriage was "a bad decision".
Chris Christie: If my kids were gay, I'd give them a hug; but no marriage.
Cory Booker: Supports gay marriage: We are all equal under the law.
Cory Booker: African-Americans & gays should both be equal under the law.
Dick Zimmer: Supports Patriot Act as appropriate response.
Jeff Bell: Government should uphold one-man-one-woman marriage.
Jeff Bell: I do not support affirmative action.
Jim McGreevey: Consider race and sex in making state contract decisions.
Joe Kyrillos: Evolved from opposing civil unions to support over marriage.
Joe Pennacchio: DOMA instead of same-sex marriage.
Joe Pennacchio: No general affirmative action in state decisions.
John Wisniewski: No affirmative action in state hiring.
Phil Murphy: Equal pay for equal work by gender.
Phil Murphy: Expand anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ individuals.
Ray Lesniak: Evolved from supporter of LGBT rights to an advocate.
Robert Menendez: Support affirmative action in all government contracts.
Robert Menendez: Supports Amendment banning flag-burning, a uniting symbol.
Robert Menendez: Supports 1-man-1-woman marriage, but don't take away rights.
Robert Menendez: Evolved from supporting DOMA to supporting same-sex marriage.
Steve Fulop: Hung rainbow flag on City Hall when gay marriage legalized.
Steve Lonegan: Same-sex marriage should be decided by voting, not judges.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Support merit-based initiatives, not affirmative action.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Supports Amendment banning flag-burning, a sacred symbol.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Supports 1-man-1-woman marriage, but no Amendment.
Tom MacArthur: Marriage between man and woman, but leave it to states.
Chris Christie: Continue small business tax relief: no return to tax-&-spend.
Joe Kyrillos: Small business tax affects a lot of small business owners.
Murray Sabrin: Call for personal and business tax cuts.
Chris Christie: Bail reform package: jail violent offenders before trial.
Chris Christie: Bail reform: Keep dangerous criminals in jail until trial.
Chris Christie: Ban the box: don't ask job applicants about criminal record.
Cory Booker: Launch Fatherhood Center and pro-bono legal help for ex-cons.
Cory Booker: Police overhaul to change cronyism, favoritism, and cynicism.
Cory Booker: Applied "broken windows theory" in Newark policing.
Jeff Bell: Stricter punishment reduces crime.
Jim McGreevey: Expand the death penalty & life sentences.
Jim McGreevey: Prosecute juveniles as adults; death penalty for 16-yr-olds.
Joe Pennacchio: Supports the death penalty.
Joe Pennacchio: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
John Wisniewski: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Phil Murphy: For-profit prison industry targets communities of color.
Ray Lesniak: Hundreds wrongfully convicted have likely been executed.
Steve Fulop: Citizen complaints against police--and crime--are way down.
Phil Murphy: Top priority is tightening laws against car theft.
Chris Christie: Drug treatment rather than non-violent offenders in prison.
Chris Christie: Drug courts: mandate treatment, not imprisonment.
Chris Christie: Jailing & stigmatizing addiction victims won't help.
Cory Booker: Never attracted to drink and drugs, even as teenager.
Jeff Bell: Decriminalizing pot will only produce more pot users.
Jim McGreevey: Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes.
Joe Kyrillos: Keep medical marijuana restricted.
Joe Pennacchio: Strengthen penalties for meth & other drug offenses.
Phil Murphy: Addiction is an illness, & treatable with right resources.
Ray Lesniak: Drug courts make our community safer, and save money.
Robert Menendez: Review current marijuana laws for cases of incurable disease.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Opposes marijuana legalization; prosecute drug crimes fully.
Tom MacArthur: Treatment instead of prison for non-violent offenders.
Barbara Buono: Provide equitable K-12 funding across New Jersey.
Chris Christie: Build up colleges to support business, & avoid "brain drain".
Chris Christie: Expand 73 charter schools to replace 200 failing schools.
Chris Christie: Replace Abbott District funds with tenure reform & charters.
Chris Christie: Combine $8.9B in more funding with needed reform.
Chris Daggett: Names educator, Prof. Frank Esposito, as running-mate.
Cory Booker: $120 million for "Teachers Village" where educators live.
Cory Booker: Supports school voucher proposal, like other Democrats.
Jeff Bell: Expand school choice via Education Savings Accounts.
Jeff Bell: I support prayer in schools.
Murray Sabrin: Federal tax credits to enroll children in successful school.
Phil Murphy: High stakes, high stress standardized tests must end.
Phil Murphy: Our public schools are part of what makes this state great.
Phil Murphy: Can't get economy right without getting higher ed right.
Phil Murphy: New Jersey expanding pre-K and childcare; we know it works.
Ray Lesniak: Invest in education, for the future of our society.
Robert Menendez: Reducing duplication is no solution for education problems.
Robert Menendez: Educational Savings Accounts are only for the wealthy.
Robert Menendez: Democrats pushed college tuition tax deductions.
Rush Holt: Investments in higher education keep American Dream alive.
Steve Fulop: Returned city public school system from state control.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Focus on reducing fraud and duplication in Pell Grants.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Supports Educational Savings Accounts for college.
Tom MacArthur: Tenure reform & charter schools; but public schools too.
Energy & Oil
Barbara Buono: Invest in our solar and renewable energy industries.
Cory Booker: Has never taken a public position on a carbon tax.
Jeff Bell: End $24 billion in green energy subsidies.
Joe Pennacchio: Increase production of traditional domestic energy sources.
Phil Murphy: Rejoin Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Robert Menendez: Past due time to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Reservations about Kyoto Protocol, but supports it locally.
Tom MacArthur: Support Keystone XL & expanded domestic drilling.
Phil Murphy: Primed to be a leader on the East Coast in offshore-wind.
Barbara Buono: Stop pollution waivers: they dirty our air and water.
Chris Christie: New Jersey is being short-changed on Hurricane Sandy relief.
Cory Booker: Vegetarian because of environmental impact of eating meat.
Frank Pallone: Relax restrictions on over-fishing to help fishermen.
Jeff Bell: Supports human needs over animal rights.
John Wisniewski: State cleanup of contaminated industrial sites.
Phil Murphy: Protect Jersey Shore from oil & Pinelands' open space.
Ray Lesniak: Champion animal rights for both pets & wild animals.
Robert Menendez: Supports the Polluter Pays Principle.
Steve Fulop: Take the fight to the polluters: they pay FULL cleanup cost.
Steve Lonegan: OpEd: wants to gut environmental regulations.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Supported Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act.
Tom MacArthur: Federal funds for Sandy Recovery, not more flood insurance.
Tom MacArthur: Fund estuary preservation for water & recreation.
Families & Children
Barbara Buono: Passed historic family leave legislation.
Phil Murphy: Guarantee earned sick leave statewide.
Steve Lonegan: Marriage is the greatest institution; no kids for gays.
Foreign Policy
Jeff Bell: Maintain US sovereignty from UN.
Murray Sabrin: A common sense, humble, noninterventionist foreign policy.
Robert Menendez: International sanctions against nuclear program in Iran.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Be steadfast against nuclear proliferation in Iran.
Tom MacArthur: Focus on alliance with Israel and peace through strength.
Phil Murphy: New Jersey proudly stands with the people of Ukraine.
Free Trade
Cory Booker: China is engaging in unfair trade practices.
Jeff Bell: Support & expand free trade.
Tom MacArthur: Free market policies based on private sector experience.
Government Reform
Barbara Buono: Making voting more difficult does not win elections.
Chris Christie: 10-point plan to punish criminal officeholders.
Chris Christie: Vetoes expanded early-voting system; no side-by-side systems.
Chris Christie: Consolidate duplicative town governments into single towns.
Chris Christie: There's no solid evidence that 2020 election was stolen.
Jeff Bell: Higher campaign contributions will help non-incumbents.
Joe Kyrillos: Cut spending, taxes and job-killing regulations.
Joe Pennacchio: Limit all types of contributions, but not spending.
Jon Corzine: Crack down on "pay-to-play".
Murray Sabrin: Government that governs least governs best.
Phil Murphy: Automatic voter registration, online, and same-day.
Robert Menendez: Keep the Senate filibuster rules, to encourage debate.
Robert Menendez: Allow dual-office holding for politicians, if voters choose.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Keep the Senate filibuster rules, to encourage negotiation.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Disallow dual-office holding for politicians.
Gun Control
Barbara Buono: Restrict military grade and high capacity magazines.
Barbara Buono: Criticizes pressure from gun rights advocates.
Chris Christie: Vetoed outright ban on Barrett .50 caliber rifle.
Jeff Bell: Gun violence rooted in social breakdown, not gun ownership.
Phil Murphy: Gun violence epidemic is a public health crisis.
Ray Lesniak: Ban 50-caliber bullets & assault weapons.
Robert Menendez: Additional controls on handguns and rifles.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Uphold our current firearm laws.
Tom MacArthur: Defend right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.
Health Care
Barbara Buono: Expand health care for low-income New Jerseyans.
Barbara Buono: NJ has lost half our pharmaceutical jobs.
Barbara Buono: Keep collective bargaining for health benefits.
Cory Booker: Control healthcare cost; no comment on single-payer.
Cory Booker: ObamaCare needs to be improved, but is helping people now.
Jeff Bell: Replace ObamaCare with tax credits & special coverage.
Joe Pennacchio: Guaranteed medical care is not a government responsibility.
Phil Murphy: Fight for-profit right-wing agenda to gut ObamaCare.
Robert Menendez: Don't force choice of filling prescriptions or refrigerator.
Robert Menendez: Shift from disease-based to prevention-based system.
Robert Menendez: Additional taxes on wealthiest 1%, for medical coverage.
Rush Holt: Supports universal single payer system, like VA system.
Steve Lonegan: Repeal ObamaCare; no middle ground on defending liberty.
Steve Lonegan: ObamaCare is an absolute train wreck.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Address Medicaid by cost containment & reducing fraud.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Medicare needs bipartisan independent reforms.
Thomas Kean Jr.: No additional taxes for medical coverage.
Tom MacArthur: Repeal ObamaCare, then fix insurance industry & tort reform.
Homeland Security
Chris Christie: Fund Veteran to Veteran Peer Support Program.
Jeff Bell: Expand the military.
Murray Sabrin: Defend against massive surveillance of emails & phone calls.
Phil Murphy: Focus Veterans agency on mental health & employment support.
Robert Menendez: Combat terrorism within court oversight to protect rights.
Robert Menendez: Punish terrorists within Geneva Convention.
Steve Fulop: End veteran homelessness.
Steve Fulop: Signed up for Marine Corps after Sept. 11.
Steve Lonegan: No NSA wiretapping; stop gathering data on Americans.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Deploy missile defense system against North Korean threat.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Surveillance of personal data ok to win War on Terror.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Respect Geneva Conv. but be flexible in prosecuting terror.
Tom MacArthur: Opposes Obama's deep cuts to military spending.
Tom MacArthur: NSA should not be spying on American citizens.
Barbara Buono: Supports tuition equality for illegal immigrants.
Chris Christie: I've never been opposed to tuition equality for illegals.
Jeff Bell: Support pathway to citizenship, plus guest workers.
Murray Sabrin: Secure our borders from foreign terror & illegal immigration.
Murray Sabrin: The Sabrin Solution: Official English and no amnesty.
Phil Murphy: Oppose efforts to use police to assist in mass deportations.
Robert Menendez: Enforcement-only means largest deportation in history.
Steve Lonegan: No on amnesty; tighter border security.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Menendez' soft voting record on immigration is dangerous.
Tom MacArthur: Begin with secure borders; no amnesty nor benefits.
Barbara Buono: Raise minimum wage & restore Earned Income Tax Credit.
Barbara Buono: N.J. unemployment worse than US average & surrounding states.
Chris Christie: Ok with either unionized state workers or civil service.
Chris Christie: 75,000 new private sector jobs since taking office in 2010.
Chris Christie: I inherited 119,000 private-sector jobs lost.
Chris Christie: Zero means zero: fight abuse of sick leave & pension fraud.
Joe Kyrillos: Supports state law for minimum wage, but no Amendment.
Phil Murphy: Raise minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Ray Lesniak: Job creation by career fairs & keeping existing employers.
Robert Menendez: Supports minimum wage increase.
Phil Murphy: Minimum wage up to $14.13/hour, will help more than 400,000.
Phil Murphy: Not every new job is going to be housed in a physical office.
Principles & Values
Chris Christie: The New Jersey Comeback: stop blaming; start building.
Cory Booker: Money to cities is ok: we're one state with one destiny.
Dick Zimmer: Lautenberg is too old to serve another six-year term.
Frank Lautenberg: Age has nothing to do with whether or not you are effective.
Joe Kyrillos: If you think things are just fine, choose my opponent.
Joe Kyrillos: Introduced to his wife by Gov. Christie.
Robert Menendez: Elected mayor of Union City at 32.
Steve Fulop: Youngest elected official on the Jersey City council.
Steve Fulop: Son of immigrants; grandson of Holocaust survivors.
Phil Murphy: NGA: More respect and friendship; less partisanship.
Phil Murphy: It's okay to admit it: it's cool to be from New Jersey again.
Spencer Cox: Vice Chairman of the National Governors Association.
Social Security
Chris Christie: Raise the retirement age, and limit COLA, for state workers.
Chris Christie: Pension reform: raise retirement age, suspend COLAs.
Jeff Bell: No means testing or other confiscatory schemes.
Jeff Bell: Cut payroll tax rate to reduce baby boom deficit.
Phil Murphy: Divest NJ pension fund from private equity.
Robert Menendez: Against privatization; but says Kean has voted for it.
Robert Menendez: Opposes privatization and fought Bush's privatization scheme.
Steve Fulop: Keep our promises: made city pension system more secure.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Against privatization; but says Menendez has supported it.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Opposes both privatization and raising seniors' taxes.
Tom MacArthur: Protect our promise, but strengthen program for future.
Tax Reform
Chris Christie: Keep property tax rebate program.
Chris Christie: Reduce all income tax brackets by 10% and restore EITC.
Chris Christie: 2012: Across-the-board tax cut; 2013: exclude over $400K.
Chris Christie: Cap property tax and interest arbitration awards.
Chris Christie: Put the death tax on life support.
Dick Zimmer: N.J. receives back only 61 cents on every federal tax dollar.
Jeff Bell: America's tax system is outrageously complicated.
Murray Sabrin: Eliminate AMT, death tax, and tax on tips.
Phil Murphy: Wealthiest 1% pay far lower share of taxes.
Robert Menendez: Repealing the estate Tax only benefits the wealthiest 1%.
Robert Menendez: We cannot simultaneously cut the deficit and cut taxes.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Repeal the unfair Death Tax & the Marriage Penalty Tax.
Tom MacArthur: Kept taxes low as Mayor; do same federally.
Phil Murphy: We outpace states that give huge tax breaks for the wealthy.
Barbara Buono: Take federal $3B to build ARC tunnel from NJ to NYC.
Phil Murphy: Invest to restore NJ's place as leader in innovation economy.
Robert Menendez: Helped promote NJ biotechnology and solar industries.
Rush Holt: Research physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab until '98.
War & Peace
Cory Booker: Direct military intervention in Syria only as last resort.
Jeff Bell: Make sure Iran does not develop a nuclear weapons program.
Murray Sabrin: No involvement in Iraq's civil war.
Murray Sabrin: War in Iraq is disastrous interventionist foreign policy.
Robert Menendez: Biggest mistake in Iraq was going there in the first place.
Robert Menendez: Iraq is a war of choice; based on misleading & false threats.
Thomas Kean Jr.: We've made mistakes in Iraq, but must complete our objective.
Thomas Kean Jr.: Can't cut-and-run in Iraq; that's a declaration of defeat.
Tom MacArthur: Learn from mistakes of both Bush and Obama: no endless wars.
Welfare & Poverty
Chris Christie: Gut COAH, the Council on Affordable Housing.
Jim McGreevey: Require unwed mothers to live at home to receive welfare.
Jim McGreevey: Require work to receive welfare.
Joe Pennacchio: Redirect welfare to faith-based organizations.
Steve Fulop: Four times as much affordable housing in his administration.
The above quotations are from State of New Jersey Politicians: Archives.
Debates and books for New Jersey:
- 2021-11: 2021 NJ Governor's race
- 2020-11: 2020 NJ Senatorial race
- 2019-11: Past and present Governor candidates from New Jersey
- 2018-11: NJ Congressional representatives, past and present
- 2018-11: 2018 NJ Senate race
- 2018-11: 2018 House NJ elections
- 2017-11: Past and present Senate candidates from New Jersey
- 2017-11: 2017 NJ Governor's race
- 2017-04: Cory Booker On The Issues, by Jesse Gordon
- 2016-12: State of New Jersey secondary Archives
- 2016-08: The Prize
- 2016-02: United, by Cory Booker
- 2015-01: The Newark Star Ledger
- 2014-11: 2014 NJ Senate debate
- 2013-08: 2013 N.J. Special Senate Election Debates
- 2013-04: 2013 New Jersey governor debates
- 2012-10: 2012 N.J. Senate debates
- 2012-06: Chris Christie: The Inside Story, by Bob Ingle and Michael Symons
- 2012-05: The New Black Politician, by Andra Gillespie
- 2012-04: The Jersey Sting, by Sherman & Margolin
- 2012-03: The Case for Polarized Politics, by Jeffrey Bell
- 2012-01: The Bergen Record
- 2011-11: NJ legislative records
- 2011-02: Teachers Under Attack!, by Mike Spina
- 2010-04: Citizen You, by Jonathan Tisch
- 2010-01: State of New Jersey Archives
- 2009-08: 2009 New Jersey gubernatorial debates
- 2008-10: 2008 NJ Senate Debate
- 2006-09: New Jersey 2006 Senate Debate
- 1997-01: Time Present, Time Past
- 1997: Time Present, Time Past