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Secretary of H.H.S.
Tom Daschle
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DOC:Gary Locke
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DOC:Bill Richardson
DoD:Robert Gates
A.G.:Eric Holder
Treas.:Tim Geithner

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Decision Points, by George W. Bush

Courage and Consequence, by Karl Rove

Critical, by Tom Daschle

The Thumpin', by Naftali Bendavid

They Think You're Stupid, by Herman Cain (May 31, 2005)

South Dakota Senate Debate on Meet the Press

Like No Other Time, by Tom Daschle

Speeches to the Democratic National Convention

State of the Union address

My Life, by Bill Clinton

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Decision Points, by George W. Bush

Courage and Consequence, by Karl Rove

Critical, by Tom Daschle

The Thumpin', by Naftali Bendavid

They Think You're Stupid, by Herman Cain (May 31, 2005)

Like No Other Time, by Tom Daschle

My Life, by Bill Clinton

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Tom Daschle on Abortion
Click here for 7 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion.
  • Voted YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
  • Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life. (Mar 2003)
  • Voted NO on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
  • Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted NO on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
  • Rated 50% by NARAL, indicating a mixed voting record on abortion. (Dec 2003)
  • Expand embryonic stem cell research. (Jun 2004)
Tom Daschle on Budget & Economy
Click here for 4 full quotes on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.
  • Supported 1998 budget: first one balanced since 1969. (Jun 2004)
  • Voted NO on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts. (Apr 2000)
  • Voted YES on 1998 GOP budget. (May 1997)
  • Voted NO on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (Mar 1997)
Tom Daschle on Civil Rights
Click here for 10 full quotes on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.
  • Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. (Jun 2002)
  • Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping. (Oct 2001)
  • Voted YES on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. (Jun 2000)
  • Voted YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women. (Mar 1998)
  • Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. (Oct 1997)
  • Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sep 1996)
  • Voted YES on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation. (Sep 1996)
  • Voted NO on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
  • Voted NO on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds. (Jul 1995)
  • Rated 60% by the ACLU, indicating a mixed civil rights voting record. (Dec 2002)
Tom Daschle on Corporations
Click here for 3 full quotes on Corporations OR background on Corporations.
  • Voted YES on restricting rules on personal bankruptcy. (Jul 2001)
  • Expand microloans to small businesses. (Apr 2002)
  • Rated 43% by the US COC, indicating a mixed business voting record. (Dec 2003)
Tom Daschle on Crime
Click here for 9 full quotes on Crime OR background on Crime.
  • Voted YES on $1.15 billion per year to continue the COPS program. (May 1999)
  • Voted NO on limiting death penalty appeals. (Apr 1996)
  • Voted NO on limiting product liability punitive damage awards. (Mar 1996)
  • Voted NO on restricting class-action lawsuits. (Dec 1995)
  • Voted NO on repealing federal speed limits. (Jun 1995)
  • Voted NO on mandatory prison terms for crimes involving firearms. (May 1994)
  • Voted NO on rejecting racial statistics in death penalty appeals. (May 1994)
  • Rated 63% by CURE, indicating mixed votes on rehabilitation. (Dec 2000)
  • More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes. (Apr 2001)
Tom Daschle on Drugs
Click here for 2 full quotes on Drugs OR background on Drugs.
  • Voted NO on increasing penalties for drug offenses. (Nov 1999)
  • Voted NO on spending international development funds on drug control. (Jul 1996)
Tom Daschle on Education
Click here for 13 full quotes on Education OR background on Education.
  • Bush has not upheld NCLB deal with schools. (Jan 2004)
  • Our children deserve affordable college. (Jan 2004)
  • Voted YES on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
  • Voted YES on funding student testing instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
  • Voted YES on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction. (Apr 2001)
  • Voted NO on Educational Savings Accounts. (Mar 2000)
  • Voted NO on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules. (Mar 1999)
  • Voted NO on education savings accounts. (Jun 1998)
  • Voted NO on school vouchers in DC. (Sep 1997)
  • Voted NO on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
  • Voted NO on requiring schools to allow voluntary prayer. (Jul 1994)
  • Voted YES on national education standards. (Feb 1994)
  • Rated 91% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
Tom Daschle on Energy & Oil
Click here for 10 full quotes on Energy & Oil OR background on Energy & Oil.
  • Voted YES on Bush Administration Energy Policy. (Jul 2003)
  • Voted YES on targeting 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2010. (Jun 2003)
  • Voted YES on removing consideration of drilling ANWR from budget bill. (Mar 2003)
  • Voted NO on drilling ANWR on national security grounds. (Apr 2002)
  • Voted NO on terminating CAFE standards within 15 months. (Mar 2002)
  • Voted NO on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling. (Apr 2000)
  • Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy. (Jun 1999)
  • Voted NO on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)
  • Voted YES on do not require ethanol in gasoline. (Aug 1994)
  • Keep efficient air conditioner rule to conserve energy. (Mar 2004)
Tom Daschle on Environment
Click here for 8 full quotes on Environment OR background on Environment.
  • Voted YES on confirming Gale Norton as Secretary of Interior. (Jan 2001)
  • Voted YES on more funding for forest roads and fish habitat. (Sep 1999)
  • Voted YES on transportation demo projects. (Mar 1998)
  • Voted YES on reducing funds for road-building in National Forests. (Sep 1997)
  • Voted YES on continuing desert protection in California. (Oct 1994)
  • Voted YES on requiring EPA risk assessments. (May 1994)
  • Rated 63% by the LCV, indicating a mixed record on environment. (Dec 2003)
  • EPA must do better on mercury clean-up. (Apr 2004)
Tom Daschle on Families & Children
Click here for 3 full quotes on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children.
  • Voted YES on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors. (May 1999)
  • Small Business loans for child care businesses. (Apr 2003)
  • Rated 16% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
Tom Daschle on Foreign Policy
Click here for 9 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy.
  • Voted YES on enlarging NATO to include Eastern Europe. (May 2002)
  • Voted YES on killing a bill for trade sanctions if China sells weapons. (Sep 2000)
  • Voted NO on cap foreign aid at only $12.7 billion. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted NO on limiting the President's power to impose economic sanctions. (Jul 1998)
  • Voted NO on limiting NATO expansion to only Poland, Hungary & Czech. (Apr 1998)
  • Voted YES on $17.9 billion to IMF. (Mar 1998)
  • Voted YES on Strengthening of the trade embargo against Cuba. (Mar 1996)
  • Voted YES on ending Vietnam embargo. (Jan 1994)
  • Multi-year commitment to Africa for food & medicine. (Apr 2001)
Tom Daschle on Free Trade
Click here for 10 full quotes on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade.
  • Voted YES on establishing free trade between US & Singapore. (Jul 2003)
  • Voted YES on establishing free trade between the US and Chile. (Jul 2003)
  • Voted YES on extending free trade to Andean nations. (May 2002)
  • Voted YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam. (Oct 2001)
  • Voted YES on removing common goods from national security export rules. (Sep 2001)
  • Voted YES on permanent normal trade relations with China. (Sep 2000)
  • Voted YES on expanding trade to the third world. (May 2000)
  • Voted YES on renewing 'fast track' presidential trade authority. (Nov 1997)
  • Voted YES on imposing trade sanctions on Japan for closed market. (May 1995)
  • Rated 33% by CATO, indicating a mixed record on trade issues. (Dec 2002)
Tom Daschle on Government Reform
Click here for 7 full quotes on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform.
  • Voted YES on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads. (Mar 2002)
  • Voted NO on require photo ID (not just signature) for voter registration. (Feb 2002)
  • Voted YES on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations. (Apr 2001)
  • Voted YES on funding for National Endowment for the Arts. (Aug 1999)
  • Voted YES on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (Oct 1997)
  • Voted YES on Approving the presidential line-item veto. (Mar 1996)
  • Voted NO on banning more types of Congressional gifts. (Jul 1995)
Tom Daschle on Gun Control
Click here for 5 full quotes on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.
  • Voted YES on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)
  • Voted YES on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
  • Voted NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
  • Voted NO on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
  • Voted NO on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)
Tom Daschle on Health Care
Click here for 20 full quotes on Health Care OR background on Health Care.
  • Only industrialized nation without guaranteed health care. (Feb 2008)
  • We spend $6,100/yr on medical care; twice the world average. (Feb 2008)
  • Even the employed are not secure in their health insurance. (Feb 2008)
  • Give everyone the same health plan as Congress has. (Jul 2004)
  • More people without insurance under Bush. (Jan 2004)
  • Allow more affordable drugs via Canadian imports. (Jan 2004)
  • Voted YES on $40 billion per year for limited Medicare prescription drug benefit. (Jun 2003)
  • Voted YES on allowing reimportation of Rx drugs from Canada. (Jul 2002)
  • Voted YES on allowing patients to sue HMOs & collect punitive damages. (Jun 2001)
  • Voted NO on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit. (Apr 2001)
  • Voted YES on including prescription drugs under Medicare. (Jun 2000)
  • Voted NO on limiting self-employment health deduction. (Jul 1999)
  • Voted YES on increasing tobacco restrictions. (Jun 1998)
  • Voted NO on Medicare means-testing. (Jun 1997)
  • Voted YES on blocking medical savings acounts. (Apr 1996)
  • Invest funds to alleviate the nursing shortage. (Apr 2001)
  • Let states make bulk Rx purchases, and other innovations. (May 2003)
  • Increase funding to combat the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. (Mar 2003)
  • Rated 88% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record. (Dec 2003)
  • Collect data on birth defects and present to the public. (Apr 1998)
Tom Daschle on Homeland Security
Click here for 14 full quotes on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security.
  • Post-9-11: Counseled Bush to avoid using term "war". (Nov 2010)
  • Voted YES on adopting the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted NO on allowing another round of military base closures. (May 1999)
  • Voted NO on cutting nuclear weapons below START levels. (May 1999)
  • Voted YES on deploying National Missile Defense ASAP. (Mar 1999)
  • Voted YES on military pay raise of 4.8%. (Feb 1999)
  • Voted NO on prohibiting same-sex basic training. (Jun 1998)
  • Voted NO on favoring 36 vetoed military projects. (Oct 1997)
  • Voted YES on banning chemical weapons. (Apr 1997)
  • Voted NO on considering deploying NMD, and amending ABM Treaty. (Jun 1996)
  • Voted NO on 1996 Defense Appropriations. (Sep 1995)
  • Federalize aviation security. (Nov 2001)
  • Small business in developing homeland security technologies. (Jul 2002)
  • Rated 100% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record. (Dec 2003)
Tom Daschle on Immigration
Click here for 3 full quotes on Immigration OR background on Immigration.
  • Voted NO on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work. (Jul 1998)
  • Voted YES on visas for skilled workers. (May 1998)
  • Voted NO on limit welfare for immigrants. (Jun 1997)
Tom Daschle on Jobs
Click here for 7 full quotes on Jobs OR background on Jobs.
  • Make America an opportunity society. (Jan 2004)
  • Voted NO on repealing Clinton's ergonomic rules on repetitive stress. (Mar 2001)
  • Voted NO on killing an increase in the minimum wage. (Nov 1999)
  • Voted NO on allowing workers to choose between overtime & comp-time. (May 1997)
  • Voted NO on replacing farm price supports. (Feb 1996)
  • Protect overtime pay protections. (Jun 2003)
  • Rated 85% by the AFL-CIO, indicating a pro-union voting record. (Dec 2003)
Tom Daschle on Principles & Values
Click here for 10 full quotes on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values.
  • Defeated in 2004 as part of wider Republican victory. (May 2007)
  • New Leadership for America PAC supports 3 candidates. (Dec 2006)
  • 2002 Congressional election loss was disaster for Dems & USA. (Aug 2004)
  • Considered running for president in wake of 2002 Dems loss. (Aug 2004)
  • Post-2002 debate: move back to left, vs. move to center. (Aug 2004)
  • Liberals see government duty to solve problems. (Aug 2004)
  • A union as strong as the American people. (Jan 2004)
  • Shift away from Bush priorities will follow shift in Senate. (May 2001)
  • Gore ahead by 9 votes, if all current recounts are counted. (Nov 2000)
  • Religious affiliation: Catholic. (Nov 2000)
Tom Daschle on Social Security
Click here for 6 full quotes on Social Security OR background on Social Security.
  • Keep retirement promise instead of Endowment for Democracy. (Jan 2004)
  • Voted NO on Social Security Lockbox & limiting national debt. (Apr 1999)
  • Voted NO on allowing Roth IRAs for retirees. (May 1998)
  • Voted NO on allowing personal retirement accounts. (Apr 1998)
  • Voted NO on deducting Social Security payments on income taxes. (May 1996)
  • Rated 90% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
Tom Daschle on Tax Reform
Click here for 9 full quotes on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform.
  • Good cuts create jobs-Bushs cuts created economic exodus. (Jan 2004)
  • Bushs tax plan is like Reagans, which caused national debt. (Feb 2001)
  • Voted NO on $350 billion in tax breaks over 11 years. (May 2003)
  • Voted YES on reducing marriage penalty instead of cutting top tax rates. (May 2001)
  • Voted YES on increasing tax deductions for college tuition. (May 2001)
  • Voted NO on eliminating the 'marriage penalty'. (Jul 2000)
  • Voted NO on across-the-board spending cut. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted NO on requiring super-majority for raising taxes. (Apr 1998)
  • Rated 15% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes. (Dec 2003)
Tom Daschle on Technology
Click here for 3 full quotes on Technology OR background on Technology.
  • Voted YES on disallowing FCC approval of larger media conglomerates. (Sep 2003)
  • Voted YES on Internet sales tax moratorium. (Oct 1998)
  • Voted YES on telecomm deregulation. (Feb 1996)
Tom Daschle on War & Peace
Click here for 11 full quotes on War & Peace OR background on War & Peace.
  • 2001: Counseled caution on use of term "war" on terror. (Nov 2010)
  • 2003: Bush failed at diplomacy; 2004: satisfied with Iraq. (Jun 2005)
  • We can do much better fighting the war in Iraq. (Sep 2004)
  • Would still voted to authorize Bush to go to war. (Sep 2004)
  • The war in Iraq is being run the wrong way. (Sep 2004)
  • Voted YES on $86 billion for military operations in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Oct 2003)
  • Voted YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct 2002)
  • Voted YES on allowing all necessary force in Kosovo. (May 1999)
  • Voted YES on authorizing air strikes in Kosovo. (Mar 1999)
  • Voted NO on ending the Bosnian arms embargo. (Jul 1995)
  • Move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. (Nov 1995)
Tom Daschle on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for 6 full quotes on Welfare & Poverty OR background on Welfare & Poverty.
  • Voted NO on welfare block grants. (Aug 1996)
  • Voted YES on eliminating block grants for food stamps. (Jul 1996)
  • Voted NO on allowing state welfare waivers. (Jul 1996)
  • Voted YES on welfare overhaul. (Sep 1995)
  • Tax credits to promite home ownership in distressed areas. (Apr 2003)
  • Fully fund AmeriCorps. (Jun 2003)

VoteMatch Responses
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(Click on question for explanation and background)
Based on these stances:
(Click on topic for excerpt & citation)
Opposes topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's right
(-3 points on Social scale)
Rated 50% by NARAL, indicating a mixed voting record on abortion: Neutral on topic 1
Expand embryonic stem cell research: Favors topic 1
YES on banning partial birth abortions: Strongly Opposes topic 1
NO on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions: Favors topic 1
YES on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life: Strongly Opposes topic 1
YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime: Opposes topic 1
Strongly Favors topic 2:
Require hiring more women & minorities
(-5 points on Economic scale)
NO on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds: Strongly Favors topic 2
NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business: Strongly Favors topic 2
NO on prohibiting same-sex basic training: Favors topic 2
YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women: Favors topic 2
Favors topic 3:
Same-sex domestic partnership benefits
(+2 points on Social scale)
More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes: Strongly Favors topic 3
Increase funding to combat the global HIV/AIDS epidemic: Strongly Favors topic 3
YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
YES on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation: Strongly Favors topic 3
YES on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation: Favors topic 3
NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Strongly Opposes topic 4:
Teacher-led prayer in public schools
(+5 points on Social scale)
Rated 16% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-Family-Value voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 4
NO on requiring schools to allow voluntary prayer: Opposes topic 4
NO on $75M for abstinence education: Strongly Opposes topic 4
YES on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors: Opposes topic 4
Opposes topic 8:
Death Penalty
(+2 points on Social scale)
NO on rejecting racial statistics in death penalty appeals: Opposes topic 8
NO on limiting death penalty appeals: Opposes topic 8
Opposes topic 9:
Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws
(+2 points on Social scale)
Rated 63% by CURE, indicating mixed votes on rehabilitation: Neutral on topic 9
NO on mandatory prison terms for crimes involving firearms: Strongly Opposes topic 9
NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations: Opposes topic 9
YES on $1.15 billion per year to continue the COPS program: Opposes topic 9
Opposes topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(-3 points on Economic scale)
NO on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks: Strongly Opposes topic 10
NO on loosening license & background checks at gun shows: Opposes topic 10
YES on background checks at gun shows: Strongly Opposes topic 10
YES on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence: Strongly Favors topic 10
Favors topic 5:
More federal funding for health coverage
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Invest funds to alleviate the nursing shortage: Favors topic 5
Let states make bulk Rx purchases, and other innovations: Opposes topic 5
Rated 88% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record: Strongly Favors topic 5
YES on blocking medical savings acounts: Favors topic 5
NO on Medicare means-testing: Favors topic 5
NO on limiting self-employment health deduction: Favors topic 5
YES on including prescription drugs under Medicare: Favors topic 5
NO on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit: Favors topic 5
YES on $40 billion per year for limited Medicare prescription drug benefit: Favors topic 5
Strongly Opposes topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Keep retirement promise instead of Endowment for Democracy: Strongly Opposes topic 6
Rated 90% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 6
NO on deducting Social Security payments on income taxes: Opposes topic 6
NO on allowing Roth IRAs for retirees: Opposes topic 6
NO on allowing personal retirement accounts: Opposes topic 6
Strongly Opposes topic 7:
Parents choose schools via vouchers
(-5 points on Economic scale)
Rated 91% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes: Strongly Opposes topic 7
NO on school vouchers in DC: Strongly Opposes topic 7
NO on education savings accounts: Opposes topic 7
NO on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules: Strongly Opposes topic 7
NO on Educational Savings Accounts: Opposes topic 7
YES on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors: Opposes topic 7
YES on funding student testing instead of private tutors: Opposes topic 7
Favors topic 18:
Replace coal & oil with alternatives
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Rated 63% by the LCV, indicating a mixed record on environment: Neutral on topic 18
Keep efficient air conditioner rule to conserve energy: Strongly Favors topic 18
YES on do not require ethanol in gasoline: Opposes topic 18
YES on reducing funds for road-building in National Forests: Favors topic 18
YES on defunding renewable and solar energy: Strongly Opposes topic 18
NO on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling: Favors topic 18
NO on terminating CAFE standards within 15 months: Strongly Favors topic 18
YES on targeting 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2010: Strongly Favors topic 18
YES on removing consideration of drilling ANWR from budget bill: Favors topic 18
Strongly Opposes topic 19:
Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it
(+5 points on Social scale)
NO on spending international development funds on drug control: Strongly Opposes topic 19
NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations: Opposes topic 19
NO on increasing penalties for drug offenses: Opposes topic 19
Opposes topic 20:
Allow churches to provide welfare services
(-3 points on Economic scale)
YES on welfare overhaul: Favors topic 20
NO on allowing state welfare waivers: Opposes topic 20
YES on eliminating block grants for food stamps: Opposes topic 20
NO on welfare block grants: Opposes topic 20
Favors topic 11:
Make taxes more progressive
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Bushs tax plan is like Reagans, which caused national debt: Favors topic 11
Rated 15% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes: Strongly Favors topic 11
YES on Internet sales tax moratorium: Opposes topic 11
NO on requiring super-majority for raising taxes: Favors topic 11
NO on eliminating the 'marriage penalty': Favors topic 11
NO on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts: Favors topic 11
YES on reducing marriage penalty instead of cutting top tax rates: Favors topic 11
YES on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction: Favors topic 11
NO on $350 billion in tax breaks over 11 years: Strongly Favors topic 11
Favors topic 12:
Illegal immigrants earn citizenship
(+2 points on Social scale)
NO on limit welfare for immigrants: Strongly Favors topic 12
YES on visas for skilled workers: Favors topic 12
NO on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work: Opposes topic 12
Strongly Favors topic 13:
Support & expand free trade
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Rated 33% by CATO, indicating a mixed record on trade issues: Neutral on topic 13
YES on renewing 'fast track' presidential trade authority: Favors topic 13
YES on permanent normal trade relations with China: Strongly Favors topic 13
YES on expanding trade to the third world: Favors topic 13
YES on removing common goods from national security export rules: Favors topic 13
YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam: Favors topic 13
YES on extending free trade to Andean nations: Strongly Favors topic 13
YES on establishing free trade between US & Singapore: Favors topic 13
YES on establishing free trade between the US and Chile: Favors topic 13
Opposes topic 15:
Expand the armed forces
(+2 points on Social scale)
Rated 100% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 15
NO on 1996 Defense Appropriations: Opposes topic 15
NO on considering deploying NMD, and amending ABM Treaty: Opposes topic 15
NO on favoring 36 vetoed military projects: Strongly Opposes topic 15
NO on allowing another round of military base closures: Favors topic 15
YES on military pay raise of 4.8%: Strongly Favors topic 15
YES on deploying National Missile Defense ASAP: Strongly Favors topic 15
Favors topic 16:
Stricter limits on political campaign funds
(-3 points on Economic scale)
YES on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance: Favors topic 16
YES on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations: Favors topic 16
YES on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads: Favors topic 16
No opinion on topic 14:
The Patriot Act harms civil liberties
(0 points on Social scale)
(No votes on which to base response)
Strongly Favors topic 17:
US out of Iraq & Afghanistan
(+5 points on Social scale)
Multi-year commitment to Africa for food & medicine: Strongly Favors topic 17

Tom Daschle is a Libertarian-Leaning Liberal.
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Page last updated: Aug 01, 2011

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