Trump's felony convictions drive Republican support
Q: The Republicans' spin on [Trump's 34 felony convictions] has been it's going to motivate your base, that angry voters are motivated voters and they are angry about this verdict.
SCOTT: There's no doubt that this verdict has actually [been] unifying
our party. What we've seen is Never-Trumpers calling me and saying, "Tim, I'm on the bandwagon now. I've seen this two- tiered justice system working against the president of the United States. It could work against me, too." We saw more than $50 million
raised in 24 hours. But the issues that are going to drive the results of this November 5th election will be, "can Donald Trump close the southern border?" The answer is he already has closed the southern border. "Can he bring inflation down under 2%?"
The answer is, it was 1.4% when he left office. What we know about four years under Donald Trump is we had low unemployment, low inflation, high enthusiasm, law and order in our streets. And we've had the exact opposite under Joe Biden.
Restoring our Christian values will help this nation
Q: You've said former Pres. Trump can't win. What cam?
Sen. Tim Scott: We need a president and a candidate who will actually help our base solidify and attract independent voters into our party. The great opportunity party is now winning back African-
American voters and Hispanic voters, because we are working on a foundation based on faith, our nation is facing some deep challenges, it is a loss of faith in this nation that is a part of the erosion that we're seeing every single day. It's restoring
faith, restoring our Christian values that will help this nation once again become the City on the Hill. When Ronald Reagan talked about the City on the Hill, he was coming from [the Bible book] Matthew 5. When President Lincoln talked about a house
divided, that was [the Bible book] Mark. Our founding documents speak to the importance of a faith foundation. You don't have to be a Christian for America to work for you, but America does not work without a faith-filled Judeo-Christian foundation.
I want to win the war for our Christian conservative values
Sen. Tim Scott: There's a crisis that is growing in our nation and that crisis is cultural and spiritual. We need a renewal, a great awakening. We should reject the Left's valueless, faithless, fatherless society.
We should turn back to faith, patriotism, and individual responsibility. I do not just want to win the battle against Joe Biden. I want us together to win the war. The war for our Christian conservative values that changed my life.
Source: NBC News 2023 Republican primary debate in Miami
, Nov 8, 2023
Our Judeo-Christian values have made us the greatest nation
Well, our nation was founded upon the Judeo Christian values that has made this the greatest nation on God's Green Earth.
I'm a big believer in Ephesians 3:20 that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or imagine. Our responsibility should be the modeled behavior we want others to follow.
Source: Fox News 2023 Republican primary debate in Milwaukee
, Aug 23, 2023
I will preserve one nation, under God, indivisible
Under Joe Biden, we have become a nation in retreat. Retreating from religious liberty and the worship of God himself. I will preserve one nation,
Under God, indivisible--where we honor our Creator and respect every innocent life.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website
, May 22, 2023
Americans have won the lottery of citizenship
Celebrate our Founding Fathers, not cancel them. Americans have won the lottery of citizenship. Each generation must pass on the appreciation for the magnificence of our
U.S. Constitution and the God-given rights it protects while cherishing the power of American exceptionalism.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website
, May 22, 2023
Chair of segregationist Strom Thurmond's Senate campaign
He served as a state co-chair of one-time arch segregationist Strom Thurmond's final Senate campaign in 1996. "People change their minds," Scott once explained. "They embrace truth.
In the end he received around 30 percent of the Black vote. I'd like to get there. If Strom Thurmond could get 30 percent of the Black vote, any Republican can."
Source: on 2024 Presidential hopefuls
, May 22, 2023
America not in decline; America is the city on the hill
Scott offered an outlook more positive than others to assert "America is not a nation in decline," but under President Joe Biden, he says, it has become "a nation in retreat."
"America is the city on the hill," Scott said in closing, walking off
the stage to join standing supporters, as he tends to do on the stump. "I'm living proof that God and a good family and the United States of America can do all things if we believe. Will you believe it with me?"
Source: ABC News on 2024 Presidential hopefuls
, May 22, 2023
Progressive left makes America into a grievance culture
I think it's really important for us to come forward and have an authentic and sincere conversation about the goodness of America. In today's society, the progressive left is trying to make America into grievance culture when
in fact we've always stood on the foundation of greatness. I wish we'd spend more time talking about the goodness of this nation and stop the cancel culture.
Source: Fox News Sunday on 2023 Presidential hopefuls
, Feb 26, 2023
A world without America is a very dark place
A world without America is a very dark place. America without faith is a nation without hope. So we definitely have to continue to work on the foundation that we have stood upon for the last 250-plus years. But in addition to that, we have to be able
to contrast between why we are a great country and why the left wants us to talk about the grievance. The fact is that the left is trying to sell a drug of victimhood and a narcotic of despair.
Source: Fox News Sunday on 2023 Presidential hopefuls
, Feb 26, 2023
Americans asked for grace and God has supplied it
So many families have lost parents and grandparents too early[due to the coronavirus pandemic]. So many small businesses have gone under. Becoming a Christian transformed my life--but for months, too many churches were shut down.
Original sin is never the end of the story. Not in our souls, and not for our nation. The real story is always redemption.
I am standing here because my mom has prayed me through some very tough times. I believe our nation has succeeded the same way.
Because generations of Americans, in their own ways, have asked for grace--and God has supplied it.
Beauty of American Dream is we define it for ourselves
Tonight we also heard about a so-called "Family Plan." Even more taxing, even more spending, to put Washington even more in the middle of your life--from the cradle, to college. The beauty of the American Dream is that families
get to define it for themselves. We should be expanding options and opportunities for all families--not throwing money at certain issues because Democrats think they know best.
Source: Republican response to the 2021 State of the Union address
, Apr 28, 2021
Biden and Harris would turn US into "socialist utopia"
Make no mistake: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want a cultural revolution. A fundamentally different America. If we let them...they will turn our country into a socialist utopia...and history has taught us that path only leads
to pain and misery, especially for hard-working people hoping to rise. Instead, we must focus on the promise of the American journey.
Source: Speech at 2020 Republican National Convention
, Aug 25, 2020
Judeo-Christian values established our government framework
Question topic: Efforts to bring Islamic law (shariah) to America do not pose a threat to our country and its Constitution.
Scott: Disagree.
Question topic:
Judeo-Christian values established a framework of morality which permitted our system of limited government.
Scott: Agree.
Question topic: Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values.
Scott: Christian.
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
, Sep 30, 2014
OpEd: Dems call Scott "senator for the Heritage Foundation"
"The campaign is going to be about eradicating poverty (and) talking about the issues of free markets," he said after speaking to a group of youthful offenders in Columbia. "We believe that conservatism works."
Democrats call Scott the senator for the Heritage Foundation, the conservative group DeMint now heads.
Scott's reaction? "Silence is what I have to say," he said out loud. "Everybody has a label for you. I'm going to let the people of South Carolina decide how good I'm working on their behalf.
This is a job application. I'm applying for a job."
Not all job applications come with $10,000-plus filing fee, though.
Grew up poor in a black community in North Charleston
Although many African-Americans look warily at black Republicans, not all have rejected Sen. Scott, even if they don't embrace his GOP label. During a visit to The State in February, the senator said African-Americans have told him that while
they might not vote for him, they appreciate his upbeat message, and they express pride in his service.
Scott is an intelligent, driven, likable man who has overcome many odds.
He tells anyone who will listen about how he grew up poor in a black community in North Charleston, the devastating effects of his parents' divorce, his single mother's tireless efforts to care for the family, flunking out of school and
finding his way back. He got his act together, completed college and enjoyed a successful career in the insurance business.
Tim Scott said in his CPAC speech, "We in America are a conservative nation" arguing that "We have to grow our economy, not our government." He discussed the need to "bring fiscal sanity back to Washington, D.C."
Scott continued his theme on the economy and quoted a personal mentor who said "Having a job is a good thing, creating jobs is a far better thing."
Source: 2013 Conservative Political Action Conf. Press Release
, Mar 14, 2013
Served in public office for 18 years, with 2 terms in House
Q: Tim Scott who was named to succeed South Carolina's Jim DeMint in the Senate. I take it you are intending to run for this senate seat in 2014?
SCOTT: In 2014, we'll be back on the ballot, yes sir.
Q: And how long have you been in the congress?
SCOTT: I just got elected to my second term. I have been in public office for about 18 years serving the good people throughout South Carolina.
Source: CBS "Face the Nation" on 2014 South Carolina Senate race
, Dec 23, 2012
Declined to join the Congressional Black Caucus
Among the 43 CBC members he was the only Republican. That was Lieutenant Colonel West.
Before the 2010 elections, the House Democrats had 42 black members.
The Republicans had zero. Now there were two of the latter. The other African-American freshman, Tim Scott from the old slave market town of Charleston, SC, had made it clear during the
2010 campaign that he had no interest in joining the CBC with its liberal agenda. West hadn't discussed the subject with Scott.
Raised in Atlanta less than two miles from
Ebenezer Baptist Church, West could still remember the primal wailings of his mother and aunts the night Martin Luther King was shot. To honor the perseverance of his forebears, West knew what he had to do.
The Tea Party movement is a populist conservative social movement in the United States that emerged in 2009 through a series of locally and nationally coordinated protests. The protests were partially in response to several Federal laws: the stimulus package; te healthcare bill; and the TARP bailouts. The name `Tea Party` refers to the Boston Tea Party of 1773, the source of the phrase, `No Taxation Without Representation.`
Endorsements by Donald Trump, implying support of Trump's agenda and electoral style.
The phrase `Make America Great Again` was popularized in Trump`s 2015 book Time to Get Tough:Making America Great Again. It is the campaign slogan embroidered on the ubiquitous red caps seen at Trump rallies (which after Trump`s presidency, became known as `MAGA rallies`).
Source: Ballotpedia 2016-2022 endorsement list 2022-MAGA on Jan 1, 2022
Certify 2020 Presidential election as fully & fairly counted.
Scott voted NAY blocking certification of the Electoral vote
Explanation of 1/6/21 Electoral Certification, by Emily Brooks, Washington Examiner:Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Paul Gosar led an objection to counting Electoral College votes from the state of Arizona, the first formal objection to state results in a series of moves that will delay the certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election over President Trump. Cruz is advocating for an `emergency 10-day audit` of election returns in disputed states. The usually ceremonial joint session of Congress that convenes to count and accept Electoral College votes will be put on hold as the House and Senate separately debate the objection.
Timeline of 1/6/21 by Wikipedia:
1:12 PM: Gosar and Cruz object to certifying the votes. The joint session separates into House and Senate chambers to debate the objection.
1:35 PM: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) warns that refusing to certify the results of the
presidential election under false pretenses would push American democracy into a `death spiral`.
2:12 PM: The first rioter enters the Capitol through a broken window, opening a door for others
2:24 PM: President Trump tweets, `Mike Pence didn`t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify.`
4:17 PM: Trump denounces the riots, but maintaining the false claims that the election was stolen
Around 5:40 PM: As the interior of the Capitol is cleared of rioters, leaders of Congress state that they will continue tallying electoral votes
8:06 PM: The Senate reconvenes, with Vice President Pence presiding.
10:15 PM: The Senate votes 93-6 against the objection (Senate rollcall #1).
11:30 PM: The House votes 303-121 to reject the objection (House rollcall #10).
Opposed creating Commission to investigate Jan. 6 events.
Scott voted NAY creating a January 6th Commission
Bill summary:The select committee must (1) conduct an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances relating to the attack on the Capitol; (2) identify, review, and evaluate the causes of and the lessons learned from this attack; and (3) submit a report containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent future acts of violence, domestic terrorism, and domestic violent extremism, and to improve the security of the U.S. Capitol Complex and other American democratic institutions.
CBS News summary, by Grace Segers on June 30, 2021:H.R. 3233 would have created a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the root causes of the breach of the U.S. Capitol, modeled after the 9/11 Commission.
On May 28, the House passed the bill by a vote of 222 to 190, including 35 Republican votes. It then failed in the Senate, where it received an insufficient number of Republican votes to advance.
In response, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on June 24 that the House would establish a select committee [appointed by House Democrats, instead of a bipartisan independent commission] to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection and general security issues related to the incident. Pelosi said its leadership and members would be announced later. The House passed the resolution to form the committee on June 29, 2021, by a vote of 222-190.
OnTheIssues note: The Senate voting record refers to the earlier rejected bill H.R. 3233, and the House voting record refers to the later bill H.Res.503. The later bill had no Senate vote (but the two House votes were almost identical).
Source: Congressional vote 21-HR503 on May 28, 2021