Donald Trump on Immigration
: Sep 14, 2024 FactCheck: immigrants eating pets is slur from 19th century
Less than half an hour into Tuesday's presidential debate, former president Donald Trump deployed an updated version of a century-old slur against immigrant communities: that newcomers are eating other people's pets. Though city officials confirmed
that they have received no such reports, and the baseless claim quickly drew condemnation, false claims about Haitians eating pets went viral on rightwing social media, and were quickly amplified by conservative lawmakers.
People of Haitian descent
say these xenophobic attacks are nothing new for their community, and experts say the "dog eater" trope is a fearmongering tactic white politicians have long deployed against immigrants of color, particularly those of Asian descent.
Demonizing immigrants through falsehoods about their diet is a political tactic that originated in the late 19th century. More recently, in 2016, US Senate hopeful Faye Stewart accused Vietnamese refugees of "harvesting" dogs and cats for food.
JD Vance on Immigration
: Sep 14, 2024 FactCheck: immigrants eating pets is slur from 19th century
Less than half an hour into Tuesday's presidential debate, Trump deployed an updated version of a century-old slur against immigrant communities: that newcomers are eating other people's pets. False claims about Haitians eating pets went viral on
rightwing social media, and were quickly amplified by conservative lawmakers.
The Ohio senator and vice-presidential candidate JD Vance wrote on X about reports of "Haitian illegal immigrants" abducting and eating pets and causing "general chaos" in
An urban legend alleging that Chinese restaurants serve dog meat, cat meat or rats dates back to the beginning of Chinese immigration to the US. An editorial from a Mississippi newspaper in 1852, for example, laments that trade with
China is "not what it ought to be", then says, "and besides, the Chinese still eat dog-pie". Chinese people may have been the first immigrant group to be widely profiled as "dog eaters", but the slur was soon directed at other Asian communities
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Principles & Values
: Aug 25, 2024 Endorses Trump, to form a "unity government"
Q: You and President Trump--not always fans of each other. He posted on social media: "He's one of the most liberal lunatics ever to run for office." "The New Yorker" said, "Kennedy told one person that Trump was a terrible human being, the worst
president ever. He is probably a sociopath." How did you get from that position to [endorsing Trump]?
KENNEDY: It became clear to me that I did not have a path to victory. President Trump had been reaching out to me and the broad issues that were most
important to me--ending the Ukraine war, ending the censorship, and protecting children's health--those are all things that President Trump also wanted to work on, and he invited me to form a unity government. We agreed that we'd be able to continue
to criticize each other on issues on which we don't agree. But these issues are so important and their way of unifying our country. We need in this country to reach a point where we love our children more than we hate each other.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Principles & Values
: Aug 25, 2024 Driven out of race by network censorship
Q: You and President Trump have not always been fans of each other. He posted on social media earlier this year: "He's one of the most liberal lunatics ever to run for office. A phony radical-left fool." And The New Yorker said just a couple of
weeks ago: "Kennedy told one person that Trump was a terrible human being, the worst president ever and barely human. He is probably a sociopath." How did you get from that position to endorsing Trump?
KENNEDY: It became clear to me that
I did not have a path to victory. Sixteen months of censorship, of not being able to get on any network really except for FOX. When Ross Perot ran, in the 10 months that he ran, he had 34 appearances on the networks. I had two appearances in months.
I was blocked out the networks. I was blocked out from the debate. I had no path to victory. President Trump had been reaching out to me and I talked to him a few hours after the assassination attempt and we had a long conversation by phone.
Donald Trump on Principles & Values
: Aug 2, 2024 Questions why Kamala's�birth certificate lists "Caucasian"
Trump continued to raise false and incendiary questions about Vice President Kamala Harris's racial identity. A day after telling an audience of Black journalists in Chicago [at the NABJ, the National Association of Black Journalists], that Ms. Harris
had "all of a sudden" decided to become "a Black person," Mr. Trump posted a photo on his social media site of Ms. Harris dressed in a sari with a caption stating: "Your warmth, friendship, and love of your Indian Heritage are very much appreciated."
Mr. Trump also amplified posts from Laura Loomer, a right-wing activist, who had posted copies of Ms. Harris's birth certificate and had spread false accusations that Ms. Harris has lied about her race. [Laura Loomer responded to Trump's NABJ interview
by posting Harris's birth certificate, which lists her mother's ethnicity as "Caucasian.]�
Ms. Harris, whose father is from Jamaica, and whose mother was Indian American, has long identified with both her Black and South Asian heritage.
JD Vance on Families & Children
: Jul 30, 2024 Sarcastic "childless cat lady" means "anti-family"
Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance has a history of making disparaging remarks toward people without children, a CNN KFile review of his comments shows, including fundraising off his now-infamous "childless cat lady" remarks in a series
of emails that called Democratic leaders "childless sociopaths" who "don't have a direct stake in this country."
The "childless cat lady" comments sparked a widespread backlash against Vance when they resurfaced on social media following his
nomination to the Republican presidential ticket.
Vance later tried to clean up his comments on Megyn Kelly's podcast last week. "Obviously, it was a sarcastic comment. I've got nothing against cats," said Vance, adding that his remarks were not
about criticizing people without children, but rather focused on policy and claimed the Democratic Party has become "anti-family" and "anti-child."
JD Vance on Families & Children
: Jul 16, 2024 I'll stop saying "groomers" when they stop sexualizing kids
Vance has also echoed false tropes increasingly used by conservatives to describe LGBTQ people and those who support them as "groomers": "I'll stop calling people 'groomers' when they stop freaking out about bills that prevent the sexualization of my
children," Vance said on social media in April 2022.
GLAAD wrote in its post about Vance's record: "There is no evidence that discussing LGBTQ people 'sexualizes' anyone. Experts say false rhetoric about grooming diminishes understanding about actual
Vance also spoke about bills that would censor discussions of LGBTQ issues on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" in April 2022, arguing that teachers were also hiding their efforts to teach children about sexual orientation or gender
identity. "So, one of the things we're learning, Tucker, is that this is being forced by some of these really radical teachers, and they're hiding it from the parents," he said. "'That's maybe the most pernicious part."
Nikki Haley on Technology
: Jan 18, 2024 Full disclosure on Big Tech algorithms & bots
Q: You floated the idea of social media companies verifying all users by name. Will you commit to being principled on free speech? Meaning supporting even that speech that you disagree with?
HALEY: I will always fight for freedom of speech. What I was
referring to when it comes to our tech companies is there is a responsibility that our social media companies have. What I think they should do is they should show us their algorithms. They should be completely transparent so that you know why they push
what they push, why you see what you see, all of that. That's a business transparency situation. When it comes to disclosing who you are, I'm not saying that Americans have to disclose their name. What I'm saying is you have millions of foreign bots,
where there are no people behind them. There are millions of bots that are spreading disinformation, that are sowing division in our country. And what I'm saying is those social media companies have to do something with the foreign bots.
Nikki Haley on Foreign Policy
: Dec 6, 2023 Iran, China, and Russia want to destroy the West
What worries me more than anything else, America right now is acting like it's September 10th. We better remember what September 12th felt like because it only takes one. And whether you're looking at open borders that are allowing people to come in,
Iran knows the easiest way to get to America is through the southern border, and we're not doing anything to stop it.
We've got to get the foreign infiltration out of our country, whether it's in our schools, whether it's on our social media, whether
it's we need to stop all foreign lobbying that's happening to members of Congress, and we need to start America again. Until we do that, we are going to be at threats.
We've got to look at, Iran, China and Russia want to destroy the West. We have to
start acting strong again. We've got to start protecting Americans. Right now, Americans don't feel protected, and we're not doing anything to strengthen it. So, Joe Biden continues to be a problem, that'll change on election day.
Nikki Haley on Technology
: Dec 6, 2023 Freedom of speech for Americans, not bots on social media
Q: What about the requirement that every anonymous internet user needs to out themselves?
Vivek RAMASWAMY: Nikki Haley says that every American needs to be doxxed by having their ID tied to what they say on the internet. The only person more fascist
than the Biden regime now is Nikki Haley. You can put lipstick on a Dick Cheney; it is still a fascist neocon.
Gov. Nikki Haley: What I said was that social media companies need to show us their algorithms. There are millions of bots on social media
right now. They're foreign; they're Chinese; they're Iranian, I will always fight for freedom of speech for Americans. We do not need freedom of speech for Russians and Iranians. We need social media companies to fight back on all of these bots. As a
mom, do I think that social media would be more civil if we went and had people's names next to that? Yes, I do think that because I think we've got too much cyber bullying & child pornography, but I never said government should require anyone's name.
Chris Christie on Technology
: Nov 8, 2023 In my first week as president we would ban TikTok
Gov. Chris Christie: So in my first week as president, we would ban TikTok. They want to go ahead and sell it, let them go ahead and sell it. But I'll tell you another reason we would do it. Facebook's not in China, X is not in China. They're not
permitting a free flow of information to the Chinese people from our social media companies, yet we just open the door and let them do what they're doing. TikTok should be banned because they are poisoning American minds and I would do it week one.
Click for Chris Christie on other issues.
Source: NBC News 2023 Republican primary debate in Miami
Nikki Haley on Technology
: Sep 27, 2023 China gets data from 150M people on TikTok
Q [to Vivek RAMASWAMY]: TikTok is banned on government-issued devices because of its ties to the Chinese government. Yet you met with TikTok [influencers]?
RAMASWAMY: The Republican Party [needs to] reach the next generation of young Americans where
they are. [And we should] declare independence from China.
HALEY: This is infuriating because TikTok is one of the most dangerous social media apps that we could have. 150 million people are on TikTok. That means [China] can get your contacts.
They can get your financial information. They can get your e-mails. They can get text messages. They can get all of these things. China knows exactly what they are doing. You want China to go make medicines in China, not America?
You now wanted kids to go and get on this social media that's dangerous for all of us? You were in business with the Chinese that gave Hunter Biden $5 million. We can't trust you. We can't have TikTok.
Vivek Ramaswamy on Technology
: Sep 27, 2023 I'm not a know-it-all; I listen to challengers & experts
Q: TikTok is banned on government-issued devices because of its ties to the Chinese government. Yet you met with TikTok [influencers]?
RAMASWAMY: The Republican Party [needs to] reach the next generation of young Americans where they are.
But kids under the age of 16 should not be using addictive social media. [And we should] get to declaring independence from China.
I'm the new guy here, and so I know I have to earn your trust. What do you see? You see a young man who's in a bit of a
hurry, maybe a little ambitious, bit of a know-it-all, it seems, at times. I'm here to tell you: "No, I don't know it all. I will listen. I will have the best people, the best and brightest in this country, whatever age they are, advising me." Many of
the people on this stage included; that's how I built my companies. I want to be challenged. I want people who disagree with me. That's what makes America great because we're not a perfect nation. We're founded on the pursuit of perfection.
Vivek Ramaswamy on Drugs
: Aug 15, 2023 Legalize marijuana, plus psychedelics for PTSD vets
Ramaswamy says he supports federally legalizing marijuana and allowing veterans with PTSD to use certain psychedelics
Ramaswamy also posted on social media: "I support decriminalizing ayahuasca & ketamine for veterans suffering from PTSD, to prevent
the epidemic of fentanyl & suicide."
Ramaswamy repeatedly described decriminalization as an "important" piece of a more comprehensive drug policy, emphasizing his view that tighter border security and reduced U.S. demand for drugs are also
essential. "In the long run, decriminalization, serially, is an important part of the long-run solution here," he said in June in NH, adding that he's skeptical of prohibition and is "not a war-on-drugs person."
He also stressed the availability of
psychedelics as a viable alternative for people who are suffering from mental health conditions. "For veterans at least. Let's start with PTSD, where there's good evidence for psychedelics, from ayahuasca to ketamine," Ramaswamy said.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Technology
: Jun 14, 2023 Podcasts allow deplatformed candidates to reach voters
RFK's super�PAC, American Values 2024, has raised close to $6 million. The super PAC has taken out ads in newspapers, promising that Kennedy will "take back your country," but is still figuring out how to use social media to promote a candidate
who has been deplatformed in the past for spreading medical misinformation. "Running for President makes it much more difficult for people to censor me," says Kennedy.
The strategy that allies have landed on is to focus on
podcasts and alternative media. Kennedy believes the 2024 election could be "decided by podcasts," and he intends to use them to full advantage. "In the same way that my uncle realized that television was a good medium for him in 1960, and
Trump discovered that he could communicate with these large groups of people on Twitter in 2016," Kennedy says, "I think podcasts are a good medium for me."
Chris Christie on Technology
: Jun 12, 2023 If China won't let our social media in, TikTok should go
TikTok is here in this country. We let them in. Facebook and Twitter are not in China.
They're going to let Facebook, Twitter and our social media into China, I'll let TikTok stay. If they don't, TikTok goes, in a Christie administration.
Click for Chris Christie on other issues.
Source: CNN Town Hall: interviews of 2024 presidential candidates
Nikki Haley on Civil Rights
: May 4, 2023 Transgender women in sports is "women's issue of our time"
Haley said that transgender women participating in women's sports is "the women's issue of our time." She said transgender women--being "glorified" on social media and participating in sports events--were putting cisgender women and girls at risk.
She specifically criticized the prominence of transgender TikTok influencer Dylan Mulvaney, who was recently sponsored by Bud Light.
Click for Nikki Haley on other issues.
Source: Iowa Capital Dispatch on 2024 Presidential hopefuls
Vivek Ramaswamy on Jobs
: May 1, 2023 End affirmative action, end unlawful DEI indoctrination
Use the military, including drones, to secure our southern border
End affirmative action: repeal Lyndon Johnson's executive order 11246
Protect American children: ban addictive social media under age 16 &
gender confusion "care" for minors
Make political expression a civil right & end unlawful DEI indoctrination
Withhold federal funding for cities that refuse to protect Americans from violent crime
[Note: DEI = Diversity, Equity, Inclusion]
Click for Vivek Ramaswamy on other issues.
Source: 2024 Presidential campaign website
Donald Trump on Principles & Values
: Jul 19, 2022 Questions Kamala Harris' eligibility for vice-presidency
Trump spent years pushing lies about the birthplace and presidential eligibility of President Barack Obama, the first Black president. [This week], he started floating a new birther lie about Sen. Kamala Harris, who, if elected, would be the first Black
and Asian American vice president.
Trump was told about claims on "social media" that Harris might be ineligible to serve as president and vice president. He was then asked if he can definitively say that she meets the requirements. Trump referred to
a lawyer who raised the issue, Chapman University professor John Eastman, as "very highly qualified."
Trump concluded his comments by saying, "I just heard about it, I'll take a look." Nonetheless, his just-asking-questions posture--which he also
employed with his Obama birtherism--doesn't change the fact that he gave credence to the conspiracy theory by praising the author of the article, saying he had heard Harris is not eligible, and raising the possibility that Harris was not born in the US.
Donald Trump on Principles & Values
: Jul 19, 2022 Questions Nikki Haley's eligibility for presidency
Former President Trump promoted a false conspiracy theory questioning 2024 rival Nikki Haley's eligibility to serve as president in a social media post. Trump reposted a report from the right-wing website The Gateway Pundit that suggested Haley was not
a U.S. citizen because her parents, who immigrated from India, were not citizens at the time of her birth. But Haley was born in the U.S. in 1972, and as a result is a U.S. citizen who is eligible to run for president. Haley's campaign did not respond
to a request for comment.
While Trump did not add any commentary to the post, it is not the first time he has tried to sow doubt about the legitimacy of a political opponent's right to serve in the White House. Trump rose to political prominence in
part by pushing the false and racist claim that then-President Obama was not born in the U.S. During the 2016 GOP primary, he claimed Sen. Ted Cruz, one of his rivals at the time, was ineligible for the White House because he was born in Canada.
Joe Biden on Health Care
: Mar 1, 2022 ARPA-H: end cancer as we know it
Let's end cancer as we know it. Our goal is to cut the cancer death rate by at least 50% over the next 25 years, turn more cancers from death sentences into treatable diseases. To get there, I call on Congress to fund ARPA-H, the
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health. It's based on DARPA--the Defense Department project that led to the Internet, GPS, and so much more. ARPA-H will have a singular purpose--to drive breakthroughs in cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and more.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: 2022 State of the Union address
Joe Biden on Technology
: Mar 1, 2022 Stop tech companies collecting personal data on our children
We must hold social media platforms accountable for the national experiment they're conducting on our children for profit.
It's time to strengthen privacy protections, ban targeted advertising to children, demand tech companies stop collecting personal data on our children.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: 2022 State of the Union address
JD Vance on Technology
: Jul 1, 2021 Time to stop complaining about Big Tech and do something
Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder and early Facebook investor donated $10 million to a super PAC to promote Vance, someone who has railed against Big Tech as being in league with establishment Republicans. Vance delivered a red meat speech that
incorporated his attacks on Big Tech. Specifically, he alluded to how social media networks, including Facebook, have banned Trump. "It's time to stop complaining about Big Tech," Vance said. "It's time to start doing something about it."
Click for JD Vance on other issues.
Source: NBC News on 2022 Ohio Senate race
Kristi Noem on Health Care
: Mar 29, 2021 COVID: vaccine passports are oppressive and un-American
Vaccine passports are un-American, according to Gov. Kristi Noem. It's "one of the most un-American ideas in our nation's history," read a tweet posted on Noem's personal account. This is separate from her official governor account on the social media
website. "We as Americans should oppose this oppression." She made it clear she doesn't support making vaccination a requirement to get access to certain events, flights and businesses, calling the idea oppressive and at odds with American values.
Click for Kristi Noem on other issues.
Source: KOTA-TV ABC-3 on 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial race
Donald Trump on Principles & Values
: Oct 15, 2020 Retweet opinions: I put it out there; people can decide
Q: You retweeted a conspiracy theory that Biden orchestrated to have Navy SEAL Team Six killed to cover up the fake death of Bin Laden.
TRUMP: I know nothing about it. That was a retweet. That was an opinion of somebody. I'll put it out there.
People can decide for themselves. I don't take a position. I do a lot of retweets. The media is so fake, and so corrupt, if I didn't have social media. I don't call it Twitter, I call it social media. I wouldn't be able to get the word out.
Click for Donald Trump on other issues.
Source: Second 2020 Presidential Debate/NBC Town Hall Miami
Donald Trump on Civil Rights
: Sep 29, 2020 FactCheck: Proud Boys standing by to deal with Antifa
The Proud Boys pledged allegiance to Trump after he told the group to "stand back and stand by" during the first presidential debate. One social media account for the group made "Stand back. Stand by" part of its new logo.
Trump was asked by debate
moderator Chris Wallace to disavow white supremacy. But Trump did not denounce any far-right group, pivoting to talk about Antifa, a left-wing organization.
One Proud Boys organizer posted "President Trump told the proud boys to stand
by because someone needs to deal with ANTIFA... well sir! we're ready!!"
The Proud Boys, a self-described "Western chauvinist" organization, is considered a violent, nationalistic, and misogynistic hate group, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
Proud Boys members marched at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and have organized against Black Lives Matter protests in recent months.
[Pres. Trump walked back his statement post-debate, and denounced the Proud Boys].
Howie Hawkins on Technology
: Jul 12, 2020 We support all efforts to achieve net neutrality
We support all efforts to achieve net neutrality. Internet users should be able to access any lawful web content they choose and use any applications they choose, without restrictions or limitations imposed by their Internet service provider or
government, except for restrictions that exist to prevent spam e-mail, viruses, and similar content that will harm the provider's network or internet access devices.
Return ownership and control of the electromagnetic spectrum to the public.
We urge the public to reclaim the airwaves. The privatization of the broadcast airwaves has caused serious deformations of our politics and culture.
End the privatization of broadcast frequencies and reserve them for the creation of new not-for-profit community broadcasters around the country and for broadband and wifi networks owned and operated by cities, counties and towns.
Kanye West on Civil Rights
: Jul 8, 2020 Never registered to vote before; Democrats "threatened" him
On being a presidential spoiler: "That is a form of racism and white supremacy and white control to say that all Black people need to be Democrat and to assume that me running is me splitting the vote. All of that information is being charged up on
social media platforms by Democrats. And Democrats used to tell me, the same Democrats have threatened me.
The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is because I was scared. I was told that if I voted on Trump my music career would
be over. I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that's what the
Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don't vote for me, you're not Black."
Tulsi Gabbard on Government Reform
: Nov 20, 2019 Mandate paper ballots to ensure that every vote is heard
Sen. Amy Klobuchar: [I led] the bills to take the social media companies to task to say where these ads come from, and stop the unbelievable practice where we still have 11 states that don't have backup paper ballots.
Rep. Gabbard: I mean, voting
rights are essential for our democracy. Securing our elections is essential for our democracy. I've introduced legislation called the Securing Americas Elections Act that mandates paper ballots to make sure that every single voter's voice is heard.
Click for Tulsi Gabbard on other issues.
Source: November Democratic primary debate in Atlanta
Donald Trump on Technology
: Sep 10, 2019 Twitter is the reason I got elected and am successful
When Trump and Kim Jong Un ramped up the rhetoric, he was warned, "Twitter could get us into a war."
"This is my megaphone, "
Trump said again. "Let's not call it Twitter, let's call it social media." Though the White House had Facebook and Instagram accounts, Trump did not use them. He stuck to Twitter. "This is who I am.
This is how I communicate. It's how I got elected. It's the reason I'm successful.
The tweets were not included to his presidency. They were central.
He ordered printouts to his recent tweets that had received a high number of likes, 200,000 or more. He studied them to find out the common themes in the most successful.
Howie Hawkins on Technology
: May 19, 2019 Public funding of diverse nonprofit, noncommercial media
Freedom and democracy depend on a well-informed population. Our First Amendment freedoms of speech and press have eroded under the growing concentration of ownership of both the traditional mass media and the new social media. These giant media and
tech conglomerates are replacing hard news with gossipy infotainment, corporate indoctrination, and state propaganda. If I run, I will campaign for reforms to create a vital, democratic, and diverse media system, able to present a wide range of news,
issues, and ideas in their full complexity, free from censorship by government or big business. Reforms should include a decentralized, democratic system of public funding of a diverse nonprofit, noncommercial media, including decommercialized,
fully funded, and community-controlled public radio and television stations.
The Internet must be regulated as a public good and a basic right, open and accessible to all with net neutrality and personal privacy and data protected.
Kamala Harris on Corporations
: May 12, 2019 Facebook is like a utility; needs to be regulated
Q: Your opinion on Facebook and social media?
A: I think that Facebook has experienced massive growth and has prioritized its growth over the best interests of its consumers, especially on the issue of privacy.
There is no question that there needs to be serious regulation, and that that has not been happening. There needs to be more oversight.
Q: Do you think they should be broken up?
A: Yes, I think we have to seriously take a look at that. They're essentially a utility. There are very few people that can actually get by without somehow, somewhere using Facebook.
We have to recognize it for what it is. It is essentially a utility that has gone unregulated. As far as I'm concerned, that's got to stop.
Bernie Sanders on Principles & Values
: Apr 23, 2019 Mueller Report: Russia bought pro-Bernie social media ads
The Internet Research Agency (IRA), based in St. Petersburg, Russia, carried out a social media campaign designed to provoke and amplify political and social discord in the US.
The IRA's Twitter operations created individual U.S. personas, and also
operated a "hot network" of automated Twitter accounts, that enabled the IRA to amplify existing content on Twitter.
The IRA continuously posted original content to the accounts while also communicating with U.S. Twitter users directly (through public
tweeting or Twitter's private messaging). The IRA used many of these accounts to attempt to influence U.S. audiences on the election.
The IRA provoked reactions from users and the media. Multiple IRA-posted tweets gained popularity. U.S. media outlets
also quoted tweets from IRA-controlled accounts and attributed them to the reactions of real U.S. persons. Individualized accounts included @MissouriNewsUS (an account with 3,800 followers that posted pro-Sanders and anti-Clinton material).
Donald Trump on Principles & Values
: Mar 30, 2019 Mueller Report: Russia bought pro-Trump social media ads
The Internet Research Agency (IRA), based in St. Petersburg, Russia, received funding from Russian oligarchs with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, to carry out a social media campaign designed to provoke and amplify political and social discord
in the United States.
To reach larger U.S. audiences, the IRA purchased advertisements from Facebook that promoted the IRA groups on the newsfeeds of U.S. audience members. According to Facebook, the IRA purchased over 3,500 advertisements, and the
expenditures totaled approximately $100,000.
IRA-purchased advertisements referencing candidate Trump largely supported his campaign. The first known IRA advertisement explicitly endorsing the Trump Campaign was purchased on April 19, 2016, for its
Instagram account "Tea Party News" asking US persons to upload photos with the hashtag "#KIDS4TRUMP." In subsequent months, the IRA purchased dozens of advertisements supporting the Trump Campaign, predominantly through the Facebook groups.
Donald Trump on Principles & Values
: Mar 30, 2019 Russia made up voter fraud story & Trump campaign re-posted
The [Mueller] investigation identified two different forms of connections between the Russia-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) and members of the Trump Campaign. (The investigation identified no similar connections between the IRA and the Clinton
Campaign.) First, on multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promoted--typically by linking or retweeting--pro-Trump or anti-Clinton social media content published by the IRA. Additionally, in a few instances, IRA employees
represented themselves as U.S. persons to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign in an effort to seek assistance and coordination on IRA-organized political rallies inside the US.
Posts from the IRA-controlled Twitter account @TEN_GOP were
cited or retweeted by multiple Trump Campaign officials, including Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric Trump, & Kellyanne Conway. These posts included allegations of voter fraud, as well as allegations that Secretary Clinton had mishandled classified information.
Donald Trump on Principles & Values
: Mar 30, 2019 Campaign supplied Russians, without knowing it was Russia
Starting in June 2016, [the Russia-based Internet Research Agency] IRA contacted different persons affiliated with the Trump Campaign, while claiming to be US political activists working on behalf of a conservative grassroots organization. The IRA
requested signs and other materials to use at IRA-organized rallies, as well as requests to promote the rallies. While certain campaign volunteers agreed to provide the requested support (for example, agreeing to set aside a number of signs), the
investigation has not identified evidence that any Trump Campaign official understood the requests were coming from foreign nationals.
In sum, the [Mueller] investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election through
the social media campaign carried out by the IRA. IRA employees violated US law through these operations, principally by undermining through deceptive acts the work of federal agencies charged with regulating foreign influence in U.S. elections.
Bernie Sanders on Government Reform
: Nov 27, 2018 Mainstream media focuses on gossip, lies, & personality
As a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, billionaires are now able to spend hundreds of millions of dollars anonymously in ugly TV ads demonizing candidates who dare stand up to them.
The internet and social media now
allow for the worldwide transmission of total lies, and the capability of targeting those lies to susceptible populations.
Further, recent studies show what the average American has long known. More and more mainstream media political coverage is
devoted to gossip and issues of personality, and less and less to the major problems facing our country and the world. During the last presidential campaign, for example, there was almost no discussion devoted to climate change, the greatest
environmental crisis facing our planet. There was hardly a mention that in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, 40 million Americans live in poverty, or that we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of nearly any major country.
Tim Walz on Technology
: Oct 9, 2018 Supports Net Neutrality (equal access to Internet)
Q: Net Neutrality: Require internet providers to provide equal access to all users?
Jeff Johnson (R): Unknown.
Tim Walz (D): Yes.
Click for Tim Walz on other issues.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race
Donald Trump on Drugs
: May 7, 2018 Melania's "Be Best": focus on well-being & opioid abuse
Melania Trump revealed a new platform for tackling multiple issues relevant to American children. "I am very excited to announce Be Best, an awareness campaign dedicated to the most valuable and fragile among us--our children," Trump said. "There is one
goal to Be Best--and that is to educate children about the many issues they are facing today."
Trump said Be Best would have three main areas of focus: well-being, social media use and opioid abuse. "Let us teach our children the
difference between right and wrong, and encourage them to Be Best in their individual paths in life," Trump said.
Saying she first learned about "the real consequences of our nation's opioid epidemic" during her husband's White House bid,
Trump told the crowd she intends to "work with those who are fighting drug addiction."
President Trump was on-hand for the initiative's launch. As his wife looked on, Trump signed a "Be Best" proclamation, declaring Monday as "Be Best Day."
Jill Stein on Technology
: Oct 9, 2016 Negotiate an international treaty banning cyberwarfare
Q: What steps will you take to protect vulnerable infrastructure and institutions from cyber attack, while protecting personal privacy on electronic devices and the internet?
JILL STEIN: The Internet and the access to information it provides
is an extremely important resource for the entire world. Here is how we will protect and improve the Internet:
Protect the free Internet. Oppose the Online Piracy Act and all other legislation that would undermine freedom and equality on the
Vigorously defend net neutrality.
Support public broadband Internet.
Negotiate international treaty banning cyberwarfare; create a new UN agency tasked with identifying the sources of cyber attacks.
CLINTON: I will make it
clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses and we will invest in protecting our governmental networks and national infrastructure.
Donald Trump on Technology
: Oct 9, 2016 Proportional response to eliminate cyberattacks
Q: What steps will you take to protect vulnerable infrastructure and institutions from cyber attack, while protecting personal privacy on electronic devices and the internet?
TRUMP: The United States government should not spy on its own citizens.
That will not happen in a Trump administration. As for protecting the Internet, any attack on the Internet should be considered a provocative act that requires the utmost in protection and, at a minimum, a proportional response that identifies and
then eliminates threats to our Internet infrastructure.
CLINTON: I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses and we will
invest in protecting our governmental networks and national infrastructure.
JILL STEIN: Negotiate international treaty banning cyberwarfare; create a new UN agency tasked with identifying the sources of cyber attacks.
Donald Trump on Technology
: Sep 26, 2016 We invented Internet but ISIS is beating us at our own game
Q: How do we fight a cyber attack?
A: We should be better than anybody else, and perhaps we're not. I don't think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC. She's saying "Russia, Russia, Russia," but I don't. Maybe it was. I mean, it could
be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK? We came up with the Internet, and Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what
ISIS is doing with the Internet, they're beating us at our own game. So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a huge problem. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable.
But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better and certainly cyber is one of them.
Mike Pence on Abortion
: Apr 5, 2016 Periods for Pence: protest against interring aborted fetuses
A controversial bill sets more restrictions on abortion in the state. Women are taking to social media to protest a controversial new Indiana abortion bill in an unconventional way. The Facebook page Periods for Pence has been urging women to call Gov.
Pence to give status updates on their menstrual cycles. The page asked women to call Gov. Pence's office to "report their periods," lest they unwittingly dispose of an embryo in the earliest stages of
The abortion bill requires the remains of aborted
or miscarried fetuses to be interred or cremated. It also bans abortions sought solely due to fetal abnormality, including Downs syndrome, as well as sought solely on the basis of race or gender.
"By enacting this legislation, we take
an important step in protecting the unborn, while still providing an exception for the life of the mother. I sign this legislation with a prayer that God would continue to bless these precious children, mothers and families," Pence said in a statement.
Mike Huckabee on Homeland Security
: Dec 15, 2015 Americans are scared and don't trust government
Americans are scared when they go to a party and get shot at by somebody who had lunch with them an hour earlier. They're scared when they realize that our government can't even catch somebody after a third background check, who had posted things on
social media clearly indicating she wanted to kill Americans. When Americans lose confidence in government, we're in a dangerous place. We're in danger because we have an enemy that is out to kill us, and we have a government that we don't trust.
Click for Mike Huckabee on other issues.
Source: 2015 CNN/Salem Republican second-tier debate
Marco Rubio on Technology
: Dec 15, 2015 The NSA needs bulk metadata collection to fight terrorism
Q [to Sen. Cruz]: Why did you vote for the USA Freedom Act?
CRUZ: It did two things: #1, it ended the federal government's bulk collection of phone metadata of millions of law-abiding citizens.#2, it strengthened the tools go after terrorists.
The prior program only covered a relatively narrow slice of phone calls, primarily land lines. The USA Freedom Act expands that so now we have cell phones, now we have Internet phones.
Q [to Sen. Rubio]: You voted against it. Is Senator Cruz wrong?
RUBIO: He is. Here's the world we live in. This is a radical jihadist group that is increasingly sophisticated in its abilities. We are now at a time when we need more tools, not less tools. And that tool we lost, the metadata program, was a valuable
tool that we no longer have at our disposal. This tool allowed the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies to quickly and rapidly access phone records and match them up with other phone records to see who terrorists have been calling.
Donald Trump on Technology
: Dec 15, 2015 Close our Internet up, to fight ISIS terrorist recruitment
Q: You recently suggested "closing that Internet up," as a way to stop ISIS from recruiting online. Some say that would put the US in line with China and North Korea.
TRUMP: ISIS is recruiting through the Internet. ISIS is using the Internet better
than we are using the Internet, and it was our idea. I want to get our brilliant people from Silicon Valley and other places and figure out a way that ISIS cannot do what they're doing. You talk freedom of speech. I don't want them using our Internet to
take our young, impressionable youth. We should be using our most brilliant minds to figure a way that ISIS cannot use the Internet. And then we should be able to penetrate the Internet and find out exactly where ISIS is and everything about ISIS. And we
can do that if we use our good people.
Q: So, are you open to closing parts of the Internet?
TRUMP: I would certainly be open to closing areas where we are at war with somebody. I don't want to let people that want to kill us \use our Internet.
Donald Trump on Technology
: Sep 25, 2015 Net neutrality is top down power grab of the Internet
Donald Trump shoots from the hip when it comes to Net neutrality--and most subjects. In a tweet Trump thundered, "Obama's attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target the conservative media."
Given Trump's current war with Fox News, he may be reconsidering his defense of conservative media. But in any case, the defense is ill-placed: The Fairness Doctrine--an FCC policy from the late '40s that said broadcasters must present issues in an
honest, equitable, and balanced way--was eliminated in 1987. It has nothing to do with Net neutrality.
As one pundit noted, "How keeping the Internet accessible to everyone is somehow a power grab, or how it will somehow oppress conservatives,
is beyond us. The Fairness Doctrine required equal time for opposing views; Net neutrality allows any idiot to use the Internet however he so chooses, without having to pay extra fees in order for people to actually see it.."
Click for Donald Trump on other issues.
Source: InfoWorld, "Where the candidates stand on net neutrality"
Bernie Sanders on Technology
: Sep 5, 2015 Net Neutrality: no preferential treatment for corporations
Net neutrality means that all data on ISP networks should be treated on an equal basis. Permitting preferential treatment of web traffic would put newer internet companies at a disadvantage and threaten innovation. It is a fundamental free speech issue
that could give corporations even more control over our access to information. Bernie has co-sponsored several pieces of legislation to enforce net neutrality:
The Online Competition and Consumer Choice Act of 2015 would prevent Internet providers
from creating a "fast lane" for paying content providers and would enforce net neutrality over preferential treatment .
In 2007, Bernie introduced the Internet Freedom Preservation Act,
which would have required broadband service providers to adhere to neutrality provisions and other regulations.
In 2006, Bernie introduced the Network Neutrality Act, which also would have enforced net neutrality on broadband providers.
Donald Trump on Families & Children
: Jun 16, 2015 Stress importance of a strong family, & a culture of Life
Trump has over 7 million followers on social media. He frequently uses this platform to advocate for Conservative causes, Republican candidates and to educate the public on the failures of the Obama administration. Trump appears on "Fox and Friends" on
Monday mornings & devotes much of his time to media interviews in order to promote a Free Market, the importance of a strong family, a culture of Life, a strong military and our country's sacred obligation to take care of our veterans and their families.
Click for Donald Trump on other issues.
Source: 2016 presidential campaign website,
Marco Rubio on Technology
: Mar 17, 2015 Internet belongs in hands of our people, not our government
The FCC's recent 332-page plan to regulate the Internet is being sold as "net neutrality," which is an existing concept predicated on preventing Internet service providers from creating "fast lanes" and "slow lanes" for different content.
Throughout this debate, Americans have been given a false choice: Either you are for the FCC's plan, or you are for a lawless Internet. This represents a cynical view of free markets and a misunderstanding of government's role in protecting them.
I believe government's role is not to regulate the actions of a few, but rather to empower all.
That's why I introduced a resolution to oppose ceding greater Internet regulatory power to the International Telecommunications Union. I have also worked on
the Wi-Fi Innovation Act, designed to increase access to mobile broadband by expanding unlicensed spectrum.
The Internet is one of our people's greatest treasures, which is why it belongs in the hands of our people, not our government.
Marco Rubio on Technology
: Feb 23, 2015 No "Net Neutrality": don't declare Internet a public utility
Big government can't seem to keep its hands off of anything. The latest insult: President Obama and the Federal Communications Commission are going to take over the Internet on February 26th if we don't do everything we can do to stop them right now.
A plan deceivingly referred to as "Net Neutrality," involves declaring the Internet a "public utility" and gives the FCC the power to decide what Internet service providers can charge and how they operate.
This is not only a direct attack on the free market, but it will also result in an increase in Internet access fees for millions of consumers in America. It's a massive tax on the middle class, plain and simple.
The details are complicated but here's
the truth: If Net Neutrality is passed, for the first time ever, the Internet will be under the rule of an antiquated regulation designed for land line telephones. I need your help to tell President Obama and the FCC: "Don't mess with the Internet!"
Click for Marco Rubio on other issues.
Source: Campaign email, "The Latest Insult"
Jill Stein on Technology
: Feb 16, 2015 4 million people wrote to FCC to preserve net neutrality
Q: How are you getting the word out?
STEIN: There are groups and key activists who really understand the necessity of having a political voice. The presidential debate is going to frame people's thinking, for better or worse. And we want to be in there
fighting. And it may come in through the alternative media channels. It may come in through social media. But that's how we successfully fought back privatization of the internet.
Q: I don't think you accomplished that; there's a big division amongst
monopolies on this question: the Googles and the Netflixes--there's very big sections of capital.
STEIN: But it wasn't going to happen without us. It was really important. And FCC got some 4 million letters, which were, like, 99% to preserve net
neutrality. We have the numbers. What we don't have is the conviction and the infrastructure to use that power. And what we want to do in our campaign is to flick that switch in our brains from powerlessness to powerfulness.
Click for Jill Stein on other issues.
Source: TRNN: The Real News Network 2015 interview of Jill Stein
Marco Rubio on Technology
: Nov 29, 2014 Net neutrality is government regulation of the Internet
Web companies are pressing the Federal Communications Commission for new rules that would require Internet providers to treat all online traffic equally. But Senators Cruz, Paul and Rubio are anything but neutral on net neutrality--they hate it, much
less any government regulation at all.
Companies like Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Yelp--through their Washington trade group, the Internet Association--are public backers of net neutrality.
They together have praised Obama for endorsing an approach that might subject the Internet to utility-like regulation. All three Republicans, however, rejected the president's suggestion. Rubio hammered it as "government regulation of the Internet"
that "threatens to restrict Internet growth and increase costs on Internet users." And Cruz lambasted net neutrality as "ObamaCare for the Internet" in a tweet that went viral--and drew plenty of criticism.
Marco Rubio on Technology
: Jun 19, 2012 Co-sponsored PIPA to Protect IP, but withdrew his support
Rubio risked alienating conservatives because of his cosponsorship of a bill to combat Internet piracy and preserve intellectual property, known as PIPA, short for the Protect IP Act. The legislation seemed to be just the kind of intrusive government
regulation that Rubio would naturally oppose. Wikipedia, the ubiquitous Internet encyclopedia, went black on January 18 to protest PIPA and another Internet piracy measure. Conservatives were beginning to talk about mounting primary challenges against
Republicans, including Rubio, who supported the measures.
It was too much for Rubio. The senator, smartly, took the Internet to announce that he was pulling his support for
PIPA. He made his announcement on his Facebook page. What could have been a political disaster turned into a political coup.
Nikki Haley on Principles & Values
: Apr 3, 2012 Calling me a "raghead" reinforces S.C.'s worst stereotypes
The previous day, on an Internet political talk show called Pub Politics, in which a Democrat and a Republican drink beer and talk politics, state senator Jake Knotts, a Bauer supporter, had said: "We've got a raghead in Washington.
We don't need a raghead in the state-house."
Jake Knotts is a self-described "redneck" with a reputation for...let's just say "blunt" language. As far as I was concerned, he was the poster boy for everything that is wrong with South Carolina politics.
His comments would go national. At a time when I wanted people to feel good about our state, he was an example of why we've been regarded as a bunch of uneducated, backwoods racists. That was the saddest, most regrettable thing about the
senator's bigoted remark: Jake Knotts doesn't reflect the views of most South Carolinians, but here he was, reinforcing everyone's worst stereotypes and prejudices about our state.
Joe Biden on Technology
: Nov 1, 2011 Internet is new public space; make it a force for democracy
Nearly 1/3 of humankind is online today, something we would have never thought possible 20 years ago: more than 2 billion people and counting. The Internet has become the public space of the 21st century, a sphere of activity for all kinds of activities,
open to all people of all backgrounds and all beliefs.
More than 5 billion people will connect to the Internet in the next 20 years. And most of them will live in countries and regions that are now under-represented online.
The benefits they'll derive from it are going to depend in large degree on the choices all of us today make. The Internet itself is not inherently a force for democracy or oppression, for war or for peace. Like any public square or any platform
for commerce, the Internet is neutral. But what we do there isn't neutral. It's up to us to decide whether and how we will protect it against the dangers that can occur in cyberspace while maintaining the conditions that give rise to its many benefits.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: VP's Remarks to London Cyberspace Conference
Joe Biden on Technology
: Nov 1, 2011 No exclusive government control over Internet resources
No citizen of any country should be subject to a repressive global code when they send an email or post a comment to a news article. Now, there are some who have a different view, as you all know. They seek an international legal instrument that would
lead to exclusive government control over Internet resources, institutions and content and national barriers on the free flow of information online. But this, in our view, would lead to a fragmented Internet, one that does not connect people but divides
them; a stagnant cyberspace, not an innovative one, and ultimately a less secure cyberspace with less trust among nations.
So the United States stands behind the current approach which harnesses the best of governments and private sector and civil
society to manage the technical evolution of the Internet in real time. This public-private collaboration has kept the Internet up and running all over the world.
Click for Joe Biden on other issues.
Source: VP's Remarks to London Cyberspace Conference
Donald Trump on Gun Control
: Feb 10, 2011 I am against gun control
At the Conservative Political Action Conference, Trump took issue with Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, the libertarian-thinking lawmaker who set some Internet fundraising records with his 2008 presidential bid. "Ron Paul cannot get elected, I'm sorry,"
Trump said, calling him "a good guy" who has "zero chance" of getting elected. The remark about Paul prompted some boos and screams from some in the audience, some of them Paul supporters out in force to help their candidate win
CPAC's presidential straw poll for the second year in a row.
In his CPAC speech, Trump sounded many themes popular with Republican conservatives. "I am pro-life," he said. "I am against gun control."
And in one of his biggest applause lines,
Trump vowed to end the nation's health care law: "I will fight to end Obamacare and replace it with something that makes sense for people in business and not bankrupt the country." Trump also pledged not to raise taxes if elected.
Mike Huckabee on Principles & Values
: Nov 18, 2008 TV ad "Chuck Norris Approved" became Internet phenomenon
[After receiving Chuck Norris' endorsement, we shot a TV ad]. Not only did we get the spot we came for, we used a lot of the outtake footage to create a great blooper that we unveiled on our campaign Web site. We also shot Chuck and me talking about
issues--from Iraq and immigration to faith and taxes--which we turned into 90-second vignettes that we posted on our site later in the campaign.
We called the spot "Chuck Norris Approved," because the last shot is of
Chuck throwing his fist at the camera and those three words in Hollywood Western type splashed across the screen.
We had only $60,000 to spend on Iowa TV--which we put on cable networks only, no broadcast stations. But "Chuck Norris
Approved" became an Internet phenomenon. The Drudge Report picked it up and visits to our Web site skyrocketed; we saw a big jump in contribution, and it registered over 12 million views on YouTube that first week.
Mike Huckabee on Technology
: Feb 7, 2008 Post every federal expenditure on Internet without 24 hours
We should demand transparency and accountability from our government. I would propose that every time the federal government makes any expenditure, it posts it on the Internet within 24 hours, so you can find out exactly where every dollar
of the budget goes, down to how much it costs to mow the courthouse lawn in your home town. Wouldn't that shock some people, to find out exactly how our tax money comes in, and how it goes out.
Click for Mike Huckabee on other issues.
Source: Speeches to 2008 Conservative Political Action Conference
Mike Huckabee on Technology
: Nov 25, 2007 We modernized Arkansas & made state accessible online
Over the 10 1/2 years that I was a governor, Arkansas taxes increased by one penny, but our schools improved so much that the CARET Foundation said we had done more to reform education in five years than had been done in the previous 50.
We went from a road system that was deemed the worst in the country, by Truckers Magazine, to the most improved. I changed the way to get a driver's license so that, instead of it taking seven hours, all day, it took four minutes on the Internet.
Brown University said we had done more in technology to make our state accessible online and to do more electronic services than any other state in the country.
So what we did, we modernized Arkansas. We rebuilt its education system.
The things that were done were done to make government functional. People don't hate government. They just want it to work. And that's what we did in my state, and that's what I would do as president.
Marco Rubio on Crime
: Nov 1, 2006 Collect DNA of those convicted of sexually deviant behavior
Life Without Exception for Sexual Predators
Expand the dangerous sexual felony offender law
Expand DNA collection by 2012 to include all those convicted of felony offenses and those who have exhibited a propensity for sexually deviant behavior
through commission of specified misdemeanor offenses
Enact laws to deny registered sex offenders and stalkers access to popular Internet networking sites
Increase the risk and penalties for those engaged in the business of promoting sex crimes
Afford whistleblower status to everyone who reports sex crimes, even if they were involved in the act
Increase funding for additional law enforcement resources to combat gang activities
Increase the numbers of specialized prosecutors & gang-related
law enforcement officers, and establish training programs for them to develop better methods to combat gang and hate group activity
Curb Endless Appeals by Convicted Felons
Limit the time convicted felons have to appeal their sentences
Marco Rubio on Technology
: Nov 1, 2006 Protect kids from sex predators on Facebook & MySpace
Florida's children are in danger on the Internet. The Internet poses a serious threat to Florida's children. The growing popularity of online networking sites such as Facebook & MySpace provide online predators with easy avenues to lure and victimize
Florida's children. Users of these sites create online profiles or pages disclosing their interests, likes & dislikes. Numerous sex offenders nationwide have been convicted of victimizing children they met through these sites.
To enhance child safety,
Florida will require social networking sites to set up verification systems to require parental notification and consent for minors to use these sites. The consent form should detail what data is collected from users, the disclosure practices of the site
operator, and what limits, of any, parents can place on their children's use of the site. Civil penalties will be enforced against anyone that falsifies or otherwise allows a minor access to the site without the proper parental notification and consent.
Mike Huckabee on Technology
: Nov 1, 2002 Supports Internet sales tax
Q: Should Internet sales be taxed?
A: Yes.
Q: Should Arkansas institute a state lottery?
A: No.
Q: Do you support eliminating the sales tax on food?
A: Yes.
Click for Mike Huckabee on other issues.
Source: 2002 AR Gubernatorial National Political Awareness Test
Donald Trump on Gun Control
: Jul 2, 2000 For assault weapon ban, waiting period, & background check
I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.
With today�s Internet technology we should be able to tell within 72-hours if a potential gun owner has a record.
Click for Donald Trump on other issues.
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102
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