Here's an idea: Cap government spending at 10 percent of GDP--less than half of Biden's proposal--and attach real consequences to surpassing it. My proposal is to enact a hard spending cap that, if surpassed, results in the president and all sitting
members of Congress losing their right to run for re-election in the next cycle.
Source: Presidential 2024 campaign press release in Daily Caller
, Jun 7, 2023
Inflation is a sure sign of a collapsing civilization
Inflation is a hidden tax that erodes the purchasing power of Americans. Joe Biden and the Democrats' reckless spending and money printing have put us on a dangerous path, with rising prices and economic uncertainty threatening the prosperity of
millions. A threat to the dollar is a threat to America. Historically, inflation is one of the surest signs of a collapsing civilization. Does this not bother the Democratic Party?